Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 536.

Higurashi Shrine

Kiryuu War Rabbit's hands flew up quickly on the laptop.

Finally the display revealed an image.

"This is?!"

Kiryu Battle Rabbit looked in surprise at the giant monster in the picture that was over fifty meters long.

The fur on his head cocked up.

A species not seen before alas!

But the next moment his hair had fallen down.

The others found it very interesting that someone could actually manipulate hair these days.

"How's it going?"

Kiryu Battle Rabbit was a little hesitant: "The origin was found, but-"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with that?" Reverse sixteen nights came up.

"He looks like he's heading towards us."

Higurashi Govi said looking at the satellite red dot in the upper right corner, but when she finished she froze there.


"Us here?"

Ten Thousandth Dragon I opened my mouth wide and pointed incredulously at the ground.


Higurashi Kusama looked at a few people in confusion.

What? What did they just say?


Far away from the mountains where the city of Higurashi Shrine is located.

Several planes crashed into the barren earth, their wings finding fire and dark smoke rising.

Fortunately, there was no hay in the area, and the burning fires weren't too big.

Conference room.


The military magnate smashed the phone in his hand directly after seeing this scene.

Ranting angrily, he said, "Call up the guys at Round Valley and tell me who set up the monster skin so hard? And our missiles hit it with just a spark?"

All: "------"

Who was it that said it was just a bigger pet before?

While everyone was silent, a soldier came in from outside.

"Report, there is a discovery."

"Say!" Tribe spoke up hastily.

"We made a prediction with Gorzan's walking route and found that there is a shrine called Higurashi on the way."

The soldier himself looked oddly pale as he said that.

Inuyasha could be said to have been his childhood as well, but he had always thought it was from the anime, but he never thought there was actually a shrine named Higurashi in reality.

In other words, why hadn't he ever heard of it? Or else definitely go worship.

"Higurashi Shrine - does it say!"

Triple's pupils snapped shut.

"Quick, cut the satellite feed over!"

The others were confused, but they were also focused on the display.

"What are you thinking, Prime Minister."

One person next to him asked looking at the pensive triple.

"Did you watch the video of the last Ryuukuni?"

Everyone's face turned ugly as soon as Mifune said that.

"Prime Minister you mean the video that hacked into our satellite for national broadcast?"

"Do you guys really think that video is fake?"

The words were stark.

False, is it really false?

Ask yourself, there are no modifications, it's as if it came out live.

They all knew it was real, but they couldn't believe it.

Because once it was, then everything in the world was about to be completely turned upside down.

"Now that even the Higurashi Shrine has come out, you guys should almost recognize it. Ryuukuni, did not lie to us!"

Triple sighed and said.

Just as he finished the sentence, he felt as if he was wasted.

How could he dare to believe it when others did?

Unfortunately, disbelief aside, that's just the way it is!

All the council members looked at each other.

"Come on, let's go talk to them, maybe the future of the island is in their hands."

The others were silent, but chose to follow the triple, even the Minister of Defense did the same.

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