Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 1230: 1239. Styx ancestor

  Chapter 1230 1239. Styx Patriarch

  1239, Ancestor Styx

  Zhuolong happily took his seat again.

  He knew that at the beginning, he gave night and day to the underworld, and his original intention was only to gain a little merit for himself, so as to offset the damage caused by the dragon clan in the time of the ancient times and wash away his own karma.

  Even so far, most of him think so in his heart;

  But today Li Mingda saluted him, let him understand that all this he has done is not only a merit, but also a responsibility.

  This change of mentality has brought extraordinary effects. For example, Turbid Dragon discovered that he was already an inseparable part of the underworld. For the first time, he truly put aside his identity as a dragon and regarded himself as a part of the underworld.

  Baihu Liu Hao feels that this may be the real reason why Li Mingda is here today.

  The authentic appearance, if Houtu Empress has no idea, it is absolutely impossible.

  But if you want to say that everything like Houtu Niangniang Xue Hongjun is in control, it is obviously unrealistic. It is not Houtu Niangniang's character, nor does it conform to the Houtu Niangniang's heart.

   Therefore, how to make the most of these high-level monks in the underworld is the idea of ​​Houtu Empress, and it is also the reason why she sent her only disciple, Li Mingda, to come today.

Perhaps there is the meaning of supporting Baihu Liu Hao, the newly arrived Emperor Fengdu, but it is not much, and more is telling the coming powerful monks, the Lord of the tunnels will always be watching in the future. them.

Don’t think that Houtu Niangniang’s follow-up attention is a trivial matter. Right now, it determines the ownership of the first authentic saint. Later, even if this time there is no competition for the position of this authentic saint, as long as it is established in the heart of Houtu Niangniang. It’s a great impression, isn’t there many possibilities for preaching in the future?

  Since Houtu Niangniang decided to stand in front of the platform, is the prehistoric tunnel or Houtu Niangniang decided in one word?

  It's like Hongjun convened a meeting of saints and directly announced that Yin and Shang had been conferred the gods. A few days ago, he directly announced the resumption of the gods. Which gave the saints a chance to refute?

  This is the real decision maker. In other words, even in the position of a saint, Houtu Niangniang also has great decision-making power. Once Houtu Niangniang looks down upon him, that is the real end.

  For this reason, Zhuolong will be happier than anything else when he receives Li Mingda's courtesy.

  This is like a prince who has done a lot of political achievements in the local area, and suddenly realized that everything he did was seen by the big boss and he was very satisfied. Can he be unhappy?

  Does this mean that a promotion and salary increase are in sight? Even if it is not the first choice, it must be ranked high, right?

  While Zhuolong was excited in his heart, he was also a little nervous. He realized that compared with other competitors, he also seems to have a big disadvantage, that is, the issue of identity;

If it weren’t for Li Mingda’s “etiquette” today, he had never regarded himself as a member of the underworld. The first thing he thought about was his identity as the dragon clan, and his inner desire was more to eliminate the sins committed by the dragon clan as soon as possible, so that the dragon clan would be eliminated. Return to the ancient majesty.

  This is simply a question of position. If you don’t change your position, this time the position of an authentic saint is nothing to think about.

  It’s just that these can’t be decided in a short while. The ancestor dragon of the prehistoric dragon family suppressed the East Sea Sea Eye with his own body. Some time ago, he passed down his own ancestor dragon. How can the information revealed by the dragon be unknown?

  That was basically telling him that the turbid dragon, the tribulation of the ancestor dragon, wants to join the world, there is almost no possibility, large and small things of the dragon clan, he can only count on the turbid dragon.

  If he also abandons the dragons at this time, then the dragons will be really difficult. Once they appear in the prehistoric, maybe they have to be reduced to others' mounts like before, and let the prehistoric monks bully, anyone can despise it.

  But the position of a saint is right in front of him, how can he really let go of his heart?

This is a typical dilemma. Zhuolong sighed inwardly, and realized that he swept over the minister beside him, shook his head slightly in his heart, and then cast his gaze on Baihu Liu Hao. It was only now that he discovered that Baihu Liu Hao's whole body was entangled with the "Holy Will", which was given to him. It feels like a saint can be proclaimed anytime, anywhere.

This observation once made Zhuolong think that the position of this saint was mostly determined. For a time, he felt that Li Mingda's etiquette to him was more like a comfort, telling him that this time, even if it fails, you are the dragon underworld.' Sun and Moon', we can't just quit.

  But after that, Zhuolong rejected his idea again.

  He doesn’t think that Houtu Empress will sit on the matter of the default decision. It doesn’t make any sense at all. If this is a default decision, why not notify the predecessor?

  Don’t you see that those saints are also enthusiastic about it?

  Since it’s not, then it’s Houtu Empress who is really reminding him, as he thinks about it, if he keeps holding his identity as a dragon clan, will he really be impartial after he proves the saint of reincarnation in the future?

  Different from others, he Zhuolong is one of the second ancestors of the dragon clan, and the ancestor dragon is not born, he is the head of the Daili clan. It is a matter of heaven and earth to seek welfare for the dragon clan.

   Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly in his heart, and then he was a little gloating. He has this level of distress, why don’t his competitors?

  Don’t talk about other people, it’s Taiyi who saved the bitter Tianzun. Will Houtu Empress allow herself to be the first saint to subdue to the primitive? Would he be willing to be the first saint to see Yuanshi Tianzun still behave in a proper manner?

  Isn’t this clearly telling all beings that the authentic saints are subordinate to the heavenly saints?

  Houtu Niangniang, no matter how good her temper is, she cannot allow her, but her face will fall by then. In Honghuang, if there is no face, everything will be lost.

  Taiyi saves the suffering Tianzun like this, so is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva like this?

   Even the ancestor of Styx in the sea of ​​blood, is not as embarrassed as his turbid dragon?

  If the ancestor of Styx is a member of Blood Sea Puta, as the ancestor and creator of the Shura clan, he is even more uncomfortable than his turbid dragon, right?

  He may be able to abandon the position of the dragon clan, anyway the dragon clan loses him and there is still an ancestor dragon, but what about the Shura clan? The founder is not saying that changes can be changed.

  He was in a mess, but when he heard the steps outside the hall, he turned his head subconsciously and looked at him. Who was the ancestor of the Styx that he had missed in his heart?

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect the ancestor of Styx to come, I am lucky too!"

   "The emperor summoned, the sea of ​​blood is originally a region of the underworld, how can the old ways not come? Today it is chattering!"

  "Where! Friends of Styx, please sit down!"

  The arrival of the ancestor of Styx, Baihu Liu Hao was really surprised. He thought that this guy deliberately avoided himself, but he didn't think that he was just avoiding himself to take over for a period of time;

  Or other people deliberately did it, even if they avoided it, they would pay attention to the changes in the underworld all the time, otherwise they would be able to do it earlier and faster than others if they were invited by courtesy?

However, the ancestors of Minghe can come, which also shows that they are very face-saving. In the hall, the only person who sits above him is the white tiger Liu Hao. From a certain perspective, it is equivalent to admitting that the white tiger Liu Haofeng will dominate the blood sea in the future. fact.

  For the last Emperor Fengdu, this was simply impossible.

  As everyone knows, it is the ancestor of Styx who has been paying attention, and he is even more sure that the white tiger Liu Hao Xiu base has already surpassed himself.

  This is just the incarnation of Liu Hao with three corpses. Doesn’t it mean that Liu Hao’s cultivation is even more terrifying? The avatars are entangled with holy intentions, what about the deity?

  Even if the white tiger Liu Hao failed to win the first place this time, it seems to be nothing to others. In the future, even if the deity of Liu Hao relies on himself, he will probably be a righteous saint, right?

   Such an opponent, if his ancestor Styx respects a little, Liu Hao will prove in the future, once he remembers what happened today, don’t he say that he will give him ancestors a big cause and effect?

  For this, he also understands that today he must take a step forward, and he also knows that the prehistoric underworld is really different from the past, and that the nominal leader of Emperor Fengdu will be more veritable in the future.

  Today he gave face, Bai Hu Liu Hao must also recognize it, not to mention whether he will be partial to the blood in the future, and will not deliberately suppress it. This is enough.

  It’s not unreasonable for the ancestors of Styx to think so. The monks at the highest level in the primordial realm know that Liu Hao is the founder of the Baijiazhi Dao and the ‘Taoist’ of the New Dao.

To use an easy-to-understand analogy, Liu Hao, compared with other great abilities, has been recognized by the predecessor, and the bottleneck that is tightly bound to his person appears too loose on Liu Hao, and he naturally has it. Advantages that other powers do not have.

If an opponent like    can't make a fatal blow, he must endure it.

  Otherwise, facing such an outsider who snatches the cake, why are so many saints turning a blind eye?

On the other side, Baihu Liu Hao is also thinking about the ancestors of the Styx River. In the entire prehistoric state, whether it is Tathagata or Haotian, or even Zhenyuanzi, etc., if you have the ability, you can kill it. It is nothing more than paying some price to offset some luck.

  But the ancestor of Styx is completely different. This is the guy who completely connects his own destiny to the sea of ​​blood. To describe it in one sentence, it is ‘the sea of ​​blood does not dry, and the sea of ​​blood does not die’.

Can the sea of ​​blood really evaporate cleanly?

  Yes, but no one really dares to do it, even a saint dare not try it lightly.

  You must know that the sea of ​​blood is the place where the filthy things of the entire prehistoric world converge, and everything that is filthy will only gather in the sea of ​​blood in the end.

  Once there is an accident in the sea of ​​blood, let alone other things, the filthy things produced by the prehistoric world are likely to have nowhere to go. Then this karma, even a saint, can't guarantee that he will not be pulled down by the backlash of the predominant world.

  In other words, under the saint, the safest is the ancestor of the river.

  As far as this hole card is in hand, the ancestor of Styx is almost the same as the saint, the only thing missing is influence.

  It's like Buddhism wants to build the ‘Tianlong Babu’, but doesn’t it just dare to dig on the edge of the sea of ​​blood? The one caught was one, and for countless years, only then did we get what we needed.

  The biggest proof that Buddhism is so powerful that it dare not offend the ancestor of Styx River lightly.

  Look at "Journey to the West", Kui Niu, the mount that connects with the **** of the gods, is inevitable in the end. Although he didn't dare to kill, he was also arrested. But what about Kui Niu's wife Raksha Nu?

  Even in the end, the Rakshasa girl is still herself, as if the gods and Buddhas in the sky have forgotten her cleanly, and no one takes her.

  Isn’t this Xitian, Heaven, and you don’t want to touch the blood sea line?

  This ancestor of Styx, no matter how courteous it is.

   Just like now, Baihu Liu Hao steamed tea and served it to Jiangchen, Zhuolong, and the ancestors of the Styx. It could only be Li Mingda, and his disciple Kuchiki Rukia was arranged to serve on the side of the five ghost emperors.

  This is the face of Tianda, which is better than the ancestor of Styx. When accepting the tea served by Li Mingda, he was also flattered and felt that he had more face.

At the same time, the ancestor Styx told the White Tiger Liu Hao that he was able to instruct Houtu Empress’s only personal disciple to serve tea, and many thoughts flashed in his heart. There may be a hint of admiration in this, and he knew that Houtu Empress directly admired Baihu. Liu Hao must have many reasons for taking over as Emperor Fengdu.

  He couldn't fully understand the reasons for these reasons, but it did not prevent him from knowing that the white tiger Liu Hao in front of him was definitely more important than he thought.

"When I first set foot in the predicament, I was taken care of by the Houtu Empress. By chance, I obtained this'Enlightenment Tea' from the Pangu Temple. There is not much left of this first batch of tea. You have the fate today, you may wish to taste it. Something!"

  Baihu Liu Hao’s remarks shocked the hearts of all the people present. Did they have a lot of contact with Houtu Niangniang the first time they came to Honghuang? Not only did I get in touch, but I also received a reward from Houtu Empress, a reward directly from the Pangu Temple!

  What's so great about this?

  They could not guess the reason, they could only suppress their inner shock, and took a sip when Baihu Liu Haoyao offered tea;

  After this one bite, no matter how many distracting thoughts were just now, this moment was also cleared away, leaving only the endless joy that I first stepped into the road, as if the avenues of the heavens were right in front of my eyes.

This feeling is like countless years, flashing all the memories of my own cultivation one by one, not only reviewing the past, but also learning the new, picking up the forests of people who have been inadvertently left during the past practice of the Tao, and making the foundation of one's own avenue even more. Steadfast.

  It seems to be countless years, but in fact it was only a moment, when the tea in the mouth was completely in the abdomen, they woke up from the trance of ‘enlightenment’, and their eyes were full of unfinished intentions;

  I saw that there was still a lot of tea in the cup in my hand, and no matter what else, I quickly took another sip, and the feeling of "enlightenment" returned immediately.

One mouthful after another, no one thought about other things. Everyone was worried about whether he would sip too much. Seeing the tea in the cup gradually bottomed out, his heart was extremely entangled, but after the next sip of tea, no matter what So many distracting thoughts have been washed away, and this is repeated over and over again.

When I drank the last sip, I woke up from the "Enlightenment" again and saw that there was no tea in the cup. I couldn't talk to others with endless annoyance. I could only cast my expectant eyes on Liu Hao, the white tiger above, and take both eyes. Among them are full of questions: Can I add tea?

  (End of this chapter)

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