Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 1581: 1603. Emperor Liu Bang

   Chapter 1581 1603. Gaozu Liu Bang

  1603, Han Liu Bang

   "Chi Xiao!"

   is the greatest national treasure of the Han Empire, and even the Imperial Jade Seal inherited from the First Emperor cannot surpass it.

   Because this is the real legendary treasure of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, in the heavens and the world.

Qinglong Liu Hao, who stretched out his hand to call this thing in his hand, knew very well that the current Chixiao sword was just an ordinary mortal sword. The belief and blessing of the people naturally cannot become a treasure by itself.

   But with Qinglong Liu Hao's shot, these needs can be ignored.

   But he didn't really make this Bingchi Xiaojian very high-end, and there's no need for it.

   What it needs is more of a medium, which will concentrate the part of the Han Empire's present and future national fortunes in its body, and it will also be nurtured in Liu Bang's body, and bit by bit, it will form a prohibition that belongs to the Han Empire.

   It does not need to be innate, nor can it be innate, but it is a national weapon that Liu Bang and the Han Empire really need, and a future treasure that can grow with the Han Empire.

  The heavens and the worlds are connected, and countless heavens will collide on their own earth in the future. Even Liu Hao himself cannot predict that the Daqin Empire and the Han Dynasty will survive in the future, because they themselves are not inevitable competitions?

   At this time, a spiritual treasure that can condense the empire is extremely important.

  The National Jade Seal is a national treasure that runs through all historical dynasties. If there is no Yingzheng of the Daqin Empire, the dynasties of each historical period will be built on this foundation.

   But now, this possibility no longer exists.

   must find real sustenance for his empire.

   Liu Bang and the Han Empire are already lucky, but don't think that this sustenance is really easy to find, in fact, the difficulty is not small at all.

   It is like the Ming Dynasty. After thinking about it for a long time, Qinglong Liu Hao realized that perhaps only the "Tai Gao" promulgated by Zhu Yuanzhang was barely feasible.

   This is actually more like the thoughts of all living beings can be pinned on, and it can only be done with the heartfelt approval of the people of the dynasty.

The Chixiao Sword in Liu Bang's hand, regardless of whether the legend is a story or not, has already been recognized by the people for 400 years in the Han Empire. The possibility of imperial luck.

   It only takes a long time to do it. Obviously, if Qinglong Liu Hao does not take action today, the result will only be a prototype at most, and it will not play much role.

  It is no better than the Chuanguo Jade Seal, the Chuanguo Jade Seal. No matter it is any dynasty, it has been blessed with imperial power again and again. Even in the modern world, the descendants of Yan and Huang think that it is a national treasure, the most special one.

   After Qinglong Liu Hao refined the Chixiao Sword, he found that it had a little more effect.

Below, in the northwest of the Han Empire, within an army of hundreds of thousands, a streamer of light roared from the land of Sichuan and Shu, and it showed its true face above the army in an instant. 'also.

   This is a kind of correlation, just like the emperor of the Qin Dynasty conferred the title of civil servants and military generals, because the Chixiao sword has become the magic weapon of the Han Empire, which makes the Han Empire derive subsidiary treasures.

The Dianjiantai came out because of Han Xin. Now Han Xin is being placed by Liu Bang in the northwest to control the country. Its appearance also means Liu Bang's approval. Without Liu Bang's nod, the Dianjiantai originally in Sichuan and Shu could not be. Speeding across space, it became another tiger rune in Han Xin's hands.

In Chang'an City, Liu Bang was stroking the Chixiao Sword at this time, and when it flew away suddenly, it knew that Liu Hao was coming, and also knew that Liu Hao was not summoned to him, so he was reluctant to come forward. Likewise, he knew better that it must be Liu Hao. The recognition of his current career is what helps.

As soon as    started, Liu Bang knew that Chixiao Sword had more changes, and he was not only excited about these, because even if Liu Bang was in a world without this Bing Chixiao Fortune Sword in his hand, the Han Empire he built was as stable as Mount Tai.

   The real reason for his joy is because if he steps into the heavens, those worlds in the heavens that are equally divided into the Han Empire, it would be difficult not to recognize him as an ancestor.

   This clearly gave Liu Bang the opportunity to unify all the Han Empires that might step into the heavens in the future.

   Liu Bang, who is familiar with history, how could he not know the achievements of his future descendants?

In particular, Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, even thought about whether he could control it. The name of Emperor Qin and Han Wu can be passed down through the ages. It is not a joke. Such an emperor has long been ruthless to the extreme. How can you care if you are separated from the world? Ancestors?

Well now, with this treasure of luck representing the Han Empire in his hand, there is a basis for unity, and it is necessary to benefit, then the ancestors' theory is a good step. He believes that with the wisdom of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, This is bound to be thoroughly analyzed. It is nothing more than making some compromises. Liu Bang really doesn't care.

   He is no longer that ancient man, and the heights that his eyes can see are naturally incomparable. If in the future, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, is more suitable than himself to lead all the empires of the Han Dynasty, he will not mind abdicating and letting the virtuous at all.

   He understood that even if he abdicated, his identity as the emperor of the Han Dynasty was still placed there, and the identity of the founding emperor of the Han Empire was enough for him to share the required luck.

   After visiting so many heavens, how could Liu Bang not understand that cultivation is the foundation?

   To put it bluntly, how far the Han Empire can go in the future and how long it can last is not how powerful the Han Empire is, but what level of immortals and gods can worry about with the best combat power of the Han Empire.

   It is as if Liu Bang now gave Prime Minister Zhang Liang 100% trust, and allowed Zhang Liang to 'doodle' and experiment on the Han Empire that he established, just because of trust?

   How is that possible?

  As a monarch, Liu Bang considered more than these. Zhang Liang's identity was what Liu Bang wanted to win over.

   In the prehistoric world, isn't that Zhang Daoling's ancestor Zhang Liang?

  How much has the Tao of the Celestial Master spread out in the heavens and the world?

   In the future, can these become the help of his Han Empire?

   Could he not know that Zhang Liang never thought about his former residence as the prime minister of the Han Empire?

   Zhang Liang, who has also visited many heavens, is still willing to tie himself to the Han Empire now?

   Liu Bang thought about it, how could he not know that Zhang Liang would probably go away with his seal in the future?

  After all the people have learned and verified, they will eventually pursue the "Way of Immortals and Gods".

   He Liu Bang's inner obsession with this still can't be eliminated?

   He himself doesn't know how long he can last on the throne of the Emperor of the Han Empire. It is acceptable for a thousand years and eight hundred years. Once it is too long, no matter how delicious the fruit is, it will be boring.

  All the worlds, in the final analysis, it is the fist that has the final say, whoever has the highest strength really has the right to speak.

   As if he didn't care just now, it's a matter of fact that he ordered Taiwan to follow Han Xin, even if Han Xin really had his back, so what?

   Wasn't he able to kill it easily?

  Compared to the gangster in history, today's Liu Bang is too generous. He no longer needs to rely on 'all kinds of promises' to get his life, and what he gives is also a real benefit.

   His original historical queen group, the Lu Pheasant family, is no more than a little now, and even accepting Xiao He is enough to suppress it.

   He established the imperial power of the Han Empire, and he did not need to make any emphasis at all. Even if all the power was released, it was only a matter of one sentence.

  In that case, why should he worry?

  Sometimes reality is so interesting, the more Liu Bang doesn't care about these, the more he makes his civil servants and generals respect him from the bottom of their hearts, the more he thinks that Liu Bang is the Optimus Prime of the entire Han Empire.

   Not only did the civil servants and generals feel that they could give full play to their talents, but the people all over the world recognized him thousands of times better than the historical records he read.

   What's he not satisfied with?

   Since the establishment of the entire Han Empire, no one has persuaded Liu Bang to set up a prince, which is the best proof.

   It's not just that people in the world think that Liu Bang can live longer and longer, but that they don't want to change to another emperor. They are so willing to maintain the current situation that they all wish for an emperor like Liu Bang.

  The night began to replace the shift, and the lights in the entire Chang'an city were still like daytime. This is that the solar street lights have been spread out. This kind of light is not only limited to Chang'an. It can be said that most cities in the Han Empire have not spared even the frontiers.

  For a while, even Qinglong Liu Hao was a little dazed when he saw it. The curfew, which was inevitable in the feudal era, has now disappeared in the Han Empire established by Liu Bang, and replaced by a bustling night market.

   The appearance of urban management officers who spanned more than two thousand years in the Han Empire made Qinglong Liu Hao a little dumbfounded, but he also had to admit that this trick was very effective.

   He could see at a glance that the cities dotted with lights were covered with large and small formations, either simply prohibiting flying, or just to protect the citizens of these cities and suppress every entrant to break out a war.

  These formations, obsessed with Liu Hao, did not teach Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, and they must have learned from them after long-term exploration. Many of them have many loopholes, but compared to the current Han Empire, they are already "miracles".

   He saw the majestic building complex of the Han Academy of Sciences in Chang'an City, which is second only to the palace where Liu Bang lived in the entire Han Empire. It can be seen that both Liu Bang and Zhang Liang are full of expectations for this.

   Don't think that the Academy of Sciences of the Han Empire is only for the study of science. Which of the many exercises that are now spread among the people of the Han Empire is not from it?

Anyone in    not only has a brain, but also has not fallen behind in his practice.

  Qinglong Liu Hao felt that even in the industry of his own Earth Dragon Kingdom, there is no such perfect combination of practice and science as the Han Empire.

   just stared at it for a moment, Qinglong Liu Hao saw that several alloy materials were created, and began to test again and again, followed by countless recorders, and recorded the test process in detail.

   These recorded data will soon be passed to the next program, that is, how to maximize the utilization of these new alloy materials and where to use them best.

   And these are all hand-synthesized by practicing scientists. These people's understanding of any metal is far beyond that of many researchers in the modern world.

   Don't underestimate that they are just pure experimental alloys. Their control over their own fire is clearly accurate to two decimal places.

  Qinglong Liu Hao even felt that even Xiao Huohuo, who was Douba, had to give a thumbs up in front of them and sing "Okay".

   He didn’t know whether this development model was the most suitable for the heavens and the worlds where the spiritual energy was revived, but he had to admit that this was definitely an unprecedented road, and it was also the essential reason why the Han Empire was able to directly cross the age of steam and fuel oil.

   He also knows that such a model has many disadvantages, such as the possibility of a talent gap.

   But he had to praise Liu Bang and Zhang Liang for their decisiveness. They directly abandoned an entire generation, that is, today's adults.

   For these adults, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang just taught them literacy, put more energy into elite training, and placed their greatest hope on the next generation, which is why they spread the education of the Han Empire to all children.

   They also have the capital to do this. They have opened up such a vast land. The Han Empire now has such a small population that one person can’t wait to split it into two. Even if more and more machines begin to replace human power, it is very stretched.

The development of countless lands and the output of huge amounts of food are the foundation of the Han Empire. More and more people enter the practice, forcing them to do this, because every practitioner has an amazing food intake. In order to gain a real foothold in the heavens, they must be this cruel.

In other eras, this kind of practice has long been outraged and monstrous, but here, every commoner is still happy, because compared with the previous life, it is just a little tired, they have seen the satisfaction now, see to the happiness of their next generation in the future.

   It is also because of this that the enthusiasm that erupted from the entire Han Empire is enough to ignite the planet, and it is also possible to make the current Han Empire turn upside down.

   Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that when Liu Bang and Zhang Liang were walking through the heavens, the enormous pressure in their hearts caused them to dare not stop for even a minute of rest.

   Their success is inevitable, and in another ten years, perhaps even some of the modern world will have to bow their heads compared to Liu Bang's Han Empire.

   He suddenly thought of the world of Zongwu, and of what happened to Zhu Yuanzhang's Ming Empire.

   Then, Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head again. With the support of the Dragon Kingdom and even the Yanhuang Alliance, after so many years, it is probably no different from the modern world, right?

   That Zhu Yuanzhang was the emperor who regarded the people the most in history. Such an unparalleled emperor would be happy to see that his people were in sharp contrast with other worlds?

   (end of this chapter)

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