[Riyo Futaba]: Einstein? That great physical scientist?

[Takamaki Apricot]: It seems to be a woman.

[Osamu Dazai]: Einstein of sexual transformation, interesting!

(The Thunder Mech has strong firepower and destroys a large number of Avalanche Beasts.)

Einstein said that this is a new type of weapon specially prepared for this operation, but unfortunately, it seems that the enemy will break when touched, and it will not last long.

Another woman’s voice named Tesla came out of the picture, calling Einstein the head of the chicken’s nest, telling her not to play tricks, and questioning whether she had a battle plan.

Einstein asked Tesla to relax her nerves, saying that her plan to deal with such an enemy has always been unplanned.

[Ikun]: It’s you, and not planning is the best plan.

[Demon King]: This deck is really strong, it has withstood such a fierce bombardment, and there is no damage at all,

[Gray Plain Sorrow]: Tesla… Also a girl? Shouldn’t the world’s famous scientists be all motherly?

[Funny]: That’s hilarious.

(The mecha force was very strong and overwhelming, quickly crushing the enemy forces and quickly occupying the perimeter of the airport.)

Tesla comes to the ground and makes peace with Infinity Tower.

Through long-range communication, Einstein said that she would control the mecha unit to provide fire support, let Limitless Tower Himeko quickly occupy the airport control tower, assist Tesla in the intrusion control system, and disintegrate the defense of the airport.

Limitless Tajiko enters the enemy army alone, slashing and chopping, unparalleled in the battlefield, and killing a group of enemies.

In the end, a bunch of strange-shaped sub-god machines appeared, besieging the immeasurable tower Himeko.

“What the hell is this.” Tesla exclaimed.

Infinite Tower Jizi slashed with a sword, bursting a bunch of sub-god machines.

Immediately after that, another humanoid sub-god machine holding two swords appeared.

“This is, tactical mech? No…… It’s not the same as Titan. Einstein’s voice came.

Infinite Tower Himeko said while slashing at the sub-god machine: “I thought that the humanoid mecha was your patent for anti-entropy.”

“Applying for a patent is a good proposition.” Einstein said: “When we are out of danger, I will think about it, but for now, let’s find a way to solve the enemy in front of me.” [

Flag Standing Sata]: Isn’t this flag erected?

[Joel Forger]: Himeko is too busy and rushes to kill alone in the battlefield.

[Kewpie]: Inverse entropy….

(After a fight, Limitless Ta Hime slashes the humanoid mech.)

But more mechs appeared, besieging Infinity Tower Himeko.

At this moment, the shelling came, annihilating all those mechs.

Infinite Tower Himeko looked up at the sky, “Ha, is it finally here, Hyperion.” ”

I saw a huge warship coming in the sky.

[Willy Yang]: That battleship is also called Hyperion?

Jim Renaud: Hyperion… Is this a coincidence?

(With the support of the Hyperion, Infinity Tower’s path was much smoother, and she soon reached the interior of the conning tower.)

She killed a group of mechs guarding here, came to the console, and said to Tesla: “It seems that this is the control room, handed over to you, Tesla… Doctor?

“Hmph, a bunch of old antiques, give me 5 minutes, no, 2 minutes is enough.” Tesla said.

“Can you hurry up again?”

Limitless Tower’s Himeko asked Tesla that those guys outside didn’t have as much patience as her Himeko.

“Find a way to hold me up.” Tesla spoke, and suddenly she seemed to think of something, “By the way, throw away the watermelon knife, you should use a weapon that is more suitable for insecticide.”

She informed Infinity that the operating system had switched to auxiliary mode, telling her to let go and make a big fuss.

Flying a bulky mech, Infinity Tower’s fire blasted a group of incoming enemies, and

soon Tesla easily completed the invasion.

And inside the mecha, the immeasurable tower Himeko suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

“It’s not the time to be abominable.” She looked at the bright red blood on her palm, a little unwilling, “Time… Not much?

[Melon seller]: This is the first time I’ve seen such a big watermelon knife, and if I had been stabbed by this knife, I’m afraid it would be gone now.

[Tom (cat)]: Insecticidal weapons are more outrageous, mecha insecticidal?

[Kyosuke Takasaka]: What’s the situation, Himeko’s state looks very bad.

[Funny]: Hey… The last teacher is old and in poor health, and this teacher seems to be terminally ill.

[Captain Qin]: Originally, my physical condition was not good, and there was only one person on the front line, which was really too dangerous.

[Estelle]: Ji… Himeko….

(After the mission is completed, Limitless Tarakiko informs Teresa that the defenses have been lifted, but Kiana, who has been captured, has not been found.)

Teresa said that the two doctors of reverse entropy have hacked into the airport’s system to look for clues.

She asked Himeko to see if the two doctors had found anything, and by the way, she asked Bronia about it.

Limitless Towers approached Tesla and asked, “Is there a catch, Dr. Tesla?”

Tesla said impatiently: “Don’t bother me, engineers need a quiet working environment.”

“Well, it seems that I didn’t come at the right time.”

[Demon King]: No, you came at the right time.

Nanako: How does this Tesla feel very fierce.

[Ikun]: It’s distressing, can you not be fierce Himeko, her life is running out of time.

(Limitless Tarjiko found Einstein again, and she asked, “Dr. Einstein, aren’t you going to help Tesla?”)

“Hacking is her specialty, and Dr. Tesla doesn’t like to be disturbed, so I’d better take a break.” Einstein replied.

“Then why don’t you come out of the mech.” Limitless Tower Himeko looked at the mecha in front of him and asked.

“Hmm… Or is it more comfortable here, there is space in the cockpit, and soft cushions, I also put a Xiaoice box here, do you want something to drink? ”

Ahhh… Thank you, but you can’t relax when you’re at war. Limitless Himeko rejected Einstein’s kindness.

[Extrajudicial maniac Li Si]: Tesla is a hacker, but it’s okay.

[Dirty Demon King]: Don’t care about this, everyone has become a girl.

[Ikun]: Einstein, it’s worthy of you, people are fighting, you are directly health here.

(Limitless Tarakiko found Bud Yi again, and she asked about Bronia.)

“The operation went well and I have regained consciousness.”

Bud Yi explained the current situation, Bronia is resting in the infirmary, and her body is still weak and cannot participate in the battle.

“Major Himeko, I have one thing I want to ask you before the battle begins.” Bud Yi asks to lift the bomb planted on her heart.

“Understood, I’ll tell Teresa.”

[Esda]: The heart was bombed? This is also too much.

[Funny]: Now when I mention the major, I think of that devil-like fat man.

(It wasn’t long before Tesla finally found intelligence.)

Just a few hours ago, a spacecraft drove into the Helheim laboratory at headquarters.

Teresa knew it wasn’t a good place, and they had to hurry.

“This is not far from the laboratory, do you want to break in?” Limitless Himeko asked.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple, the Holheim laboratory has a huge barrier, and it is difficult to forcibly break through in a short time with our firepower.”

Teresa decided to shut down the large Honkai furnace in the area in order to cut off the energy source of the barrier.

Infinite Tower Himeko took the initiative to ask for help, Teresa was very worried about her, once the other party’s reinforcements arrived, Infinite Tower Hime would be surrounded.

“Don’t worry, I’m a former member of the Valkyrie Stormtroopers, and it’s my old skill to break out of the encirclement.” )

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