“This is the total martial arts.” Ron muttered.

Standing at the school gate, he looked around and realized that the layout was similar to the scene seen in the anime, and then he got up and walked in.

No one cast a good look at him, and no one pointed at him, because there was nothing special about his appearance, and his appearance was similar to that of a neon man, so he walked into the school safely along the flow of people, and then followed the flow of people to his second-grade F class.

Obviously, this class was also chosen by himself, after all, the name of this class carries his bad taste.

“It’s impossible, but it’s nostalgia!” Ron smiled inwardly.

However, he still has expectations in his heart, although he knows that “God Killer” and “Spring Things” are not worldview works, but what if? What if the world of spring things really messes into this world? So before coming to this school, Ron didn’t go to check whether there was Jing Cute in this school, whether there was Yukino, whether there were any other familiar people in this school, he just didn’t want the results to be revealed so quickly, he came to this school with the expectation of just in case.

Then he met his homeroom teacher, and then he fell silent.

Because his homeroom teacher is a female teacher in a white coat, with long flowing hair, proud figure, delicate face, and looks familiar and strange.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Shizune Hiratsuka!” The female teacher in the white coat said.

Ron: “…”

Well, what to say?

“Haha.” Ron laughed expressionlessly.

Hiratsuka looked at him twice, and then asked curiously, “What are you laughing at?” ”

“…… It’s nothing. Ron was still expressionless.

Hiratsuka Shizune threw the hair on her shoulders: “Forget it, come with me to class, it just so happens that the first class is my class.” ”

Then Ron followed Hiratsuka out of the office.

Ron looked a little stunned, although he had expectations in his heart before coming here, but to be honest, he thought it was impossible in his heart, after all, the world view is different, the era of the appearance of the god killer is zero years, the time when the spring thing appears is a few years, and the author between the two is different, and the combination of what is different is an inexplicable thing, so Ron is looking forward to it but he doesn’t believe it in his heart.

As a result, Shizune Hiratsuka came out and hit him in the face.

“It’s really together.” Ron muttered inwardly.

He muttered these things in the back, and Hiratsuka Jing in front was also muttering in his heart, she was muttering about the international students behind her, the international student Hiratsuka Shizune had seen it, because there is an international class in the school of Sowu High School, and the people in the international class are either people with good grades in their own countries or people with good grades from abroad, so foreign students are basically studying in the international class, but Ron, the international student, is enrolled in the ordinary class, which is the first time that Sowu High School has accepted students in the ordinary class for so many years.

And this person still looked like a ghost when he saw himself for the first time, and the haha he read after that also made people very concerned, anyway, he was a very strange guy.

The two people came to the classroom, Hiratsuka Shizuka went first, and after entering, the classroom was quiet, and then Ron heard Hiratsuka Shizuki’s voice: “Today we have an international student from the Celestial Empire in our class, and the name is two words, Ron!” Everyone, welcome! Come on in! ”

Ron pushed the classroom away and walked in, and then he noticed that many people’s eyes fell on him.

His eyes looked around the classroom, and the eyes of the people in the classroom really fell on him, and he also saw many familiar and strange people, strange because these guys changed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional people, familiar because after all, they are all people in the drama, so they will be familiar and strange.

“Hi everyone, I’m Ron.” Ron nodded and said.

Then he stopped talking.

This kind of self-introduction is so brief that everyone in the classroom is a little unresponsive.

People in this country pay attention to how the image of the first meeting is left, so the self-introduction of the first meeting is very important, anyone in the self-introduction is eager to say all their personality and so on, so that they can find their own kind of huddle to warm, so everyone introduces themselves when saying a lot of words, but Ron only has a short sentence, except for his own name and said nothing, this kind of self-introduction is very strange to others, So now everyone in the classroom watched Ron fall silent, but Hiratsuka was not silent because she was the teacher.

And she didn’t understand the difference like the other students in the classroom, so she opened her mouth to remind Ron: “Is there nothing else to introduce?” Self-introduction is an important part of everyone’s understanding of you, so talk about your strengths and preferences as long as possible, so that everyone can get to know you well, and then find like-minded friends, so let’s talk about other things carefully. ”

Ron pondered for a moment, then spoke, “I like anime light novels. ”

Shizune Hiratsuka: “…”

This kid is finished.

Although the neon country is a big country in the animation industry, but the people of this country have a disgusted attitude towards anime, thinking that otaku are some social residues that do not want to make progress and will only waste food, adults are this attitude of course affects the attitude of young people, although there are indeed many young people who like anime, but they never dare to expose this interest, because once exposed, they will be excluded, So when Ron said he liked anime Light Novels, no one in the school would be friends with him.

It is absolutely excluded and then left alone.

Because no one will let the misunderstanding that they are also otaku, fall on themselves.

Sure enough, the students below became whispering and pointed at Ron.

Hiratsuka Shizuka immediately sighed helplessly when she saw this, she knew that Ron would say such a self-introduction, she shouldn’t have encouraged Ron to say something just now, at least the first time when he didn’t add it, the image that Ron gave was just a little difficult to get along with, but after supplementing, the image that Ron gave people was absolutely not to be friends with him.

“Go over there and sit down.” Shizuki Hiratsuka gestured to the empty seat in the classroom and asked Ron to sit down.

Ron nodded, and then walked towards the location, the students he saw on the road all looked at him with vague eyes, and even a few had mocking smiles on their faces, which made Ron feel very funny, and then the corners of his mouth showed an unconcealed smile.

“Interesting.” He muttered to himself, certainly not hiding his voice.

Then the classroom became smelly of falling needles.


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