“The God Killer has come to this country, what should we do?”

Ron had an ordinary day, but the country’s magical societies didn’t think so.

Although Ron said in his previous conversations with Erica and Liliana that he was not yet a king, this kind of thing is only his own understanding, and there is no market for his understanding in others, because the powerful strength of the god killer will make people call him king because of fear, after all, no matter which world fist is mostly true.

So the insiders of this country are also afraid of Ron, the god killer.

Neon country originally did not have god killers, and there were still hidden gods in the seclusion in the ghost world of their country, the god of non-obedience can shelter this country from being invaded by other gods of non-obedience, and the god of non-obedience who lives in seclusion in the ghost world will not move to come out and give orders, in other words, they live very dashingly, do not worry about the danger brought by the god of disobedience, and do not have to worry about someone pressing them on the head, of course, this kind of thing is dashing.

But now that Ron was here, a godkiller was crushing on their heads like a mountain.

God killers and gods who do not follow are natural mortal enemies, this kind of thing is known by knowledgeable people, so the neon country has never publicized the seclusion of the gods of disobedience in their country, because if this matter is exposed, there will definitely be god killers coming to this country to fight the gods who do not obey, so the neon country is all muffled to make a fortune, and because there are no god killers in the country and no other god killers love it, so this matter has been concealed, But now Ron, the god killer, has come to this country in a grand manner, so the reclusive gods in the country may be discovered sometime, so this is a big thing!

So now these people are a little panicked.

“Can you let him know that the imperial husband is different from other disobedient gods and let him ignore this matter?” Someone brought up the matter.

After all, in the original work, they fooled Kusanagi Godo like this, so that Kusanagi Godo ignored the existence of the royal husband, and also gave them white workers to be born into death, anyway, they were completely fooled and couldn’t find the north, but even so, that Kusanagi Godo is still as happy as a glutton, anyway, it’s just a brainless guy who suddenly gained strength.

However, it is true that the Kusanagi Guardian Hall is fooled, so this method is still deceived, so it is normal to propose this method now.

But obviously things are not that simple, because not everyone is the character of Kusanagi Godo, and they have never seen Kusanagi Godo, and they have never done this kind of thing before, so they have no experience, if this kind of thing is really done, it is too dangerous and too unstable, maybe it will be rebounded by Ron, the god killer, and then they must not be able to eat and go, so this method is too dangerous, so many people quickly shake their heads and deny it.

But if they let Ron, the god killer, press on their heads like this, they were a little unwilling, and finally decided to test it first.

Then the matter was settled.


Ron naturally didn’t know what these guys thought, but even if he did, he wouldn’t care, because he didn’t think it mattered at all.

He is not an idiot or a high-ranking person who claims to be an elite, so as long as these guys do not do too much, he will not care much, after all, he is still an ordinary person’s mentality, of course, if those people do too much, he will not just forget it, after all, he is an ordinary person with great power.

Ordinary people are angry and jump off the wall, more fierce than those who seem fierce on the surface, so you must not provoke ordinary people.

If you don’t get it right, he will kill your whole family.

A few days later in the morning.

Lying on the bed, Ron opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling dazed for a moment, then opened his eyes and got up.

Then sat for a while, then got up and opened the door and came out, after coming out, I heard the sound of the kitchen, and glanced over there and saw that Liliana was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, Ron was not so surprised by this situation, after all, he would see such a scene almost every day, after all, Liliana was the only one who could cook among the three people, so Liliana became a cook, and in order to let Ron get up and eat, so he generally cooked on Ron’s side.

“Good morning.” Ron nodded.

Liliana also saw Ron, and then quickly nodded and said, “King! Good morning! ”

Ron nodded flatly, he was immune to the title of Wang, so after nodding, he went directly into the bathroom to wash, and when he finished washing, breakfast had been served on the table, and Erica didn’t know when she had come over here, and now she was looking at herself with Liliana.

“Good morning.” Ron nodded towards Erica.

Erica also smiled and said: “Wang, good morning.” ”

Then the three people sat down to eat, everyone did not speak during the meal, after eating, Liliana and Erica went to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and after cleaning up, Liliana took out a huge bento box, which contained the lunch lunch of the three of them at noon today.

“Okay, let’s go to school.” Ron nodded.

The two girls followed out, and then just went out to the girl who had just gone out on the opposite side.

Long hair fluttering wearing a noon high school uniform, face cold and chest flat, who this girl Ron knows, to be honest, when he lived here, Ron did not expect to meet this girl here, although he knew that this girl lived outside, and the place was also a relatively high-end apartment, but he never thought that he casually found a place away from the school where the apartment door was opposite the door of a girl’s residence, but it was an unexpected surprise.

By the way, I haven’t said the girl’s name for so long.

Yukino under the snow.

This is the name of this girl, the heroine of Harumono, this work.

“Good morning.” Erica smiled and greeted Yukinoshita Yukino.

Although Liliana didn’t smile, she also nodded: “Good morning.” ”

Then there was Ron: “Good morning. ”

“Good morning.” Yukinoshita Yukino nodded back.

Then the four of them walked directly towards the elevator without speaking, then took the elevator down the apartment building together, and then went towards the school together.


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