(Please collect flowers!!!! )

Things are in order.

This was a thought in the minds of Shaye Gongxin and Ganji Dongma, who had left Ron’s apartment.

Especially for Saya Gongxin, she is the next head of the Saya Palace family who controls all the magical forces in this country, the interests of the magic side are her interests, the danger of the magic side is her danger, it can be said that every move on the magic side will involve her, and now there is no doubt that the danger of the magic side is coming, which will undoubtedly move her interests, so the look on her face is very solemn now, she wants to find a perfect way to solve this problem, but no matter how she thinks, she didn’t come up with this method.

No matter how you look at this matter, there is no way, and it will definitely cause an uproar in the country after that.

Shaye Gongxin brought back what happened here, and then as she expected, it caused turmoil on the entire magic side, and many people were panicked, but there are still some guys who can’t see the sign, think that bowing his head like a little fart undermines his majesty, don’t think that there are few such people, on the contrary, there are many such people, and people in high positions are certainly not idiots, but after being in high positions for a long time, they will be corrupted by their own rights, thinking that they are unique in heaven and earth, There was no need to be afraid of anyone, and Ron, the godkiller, was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old child, and it was really insulting to these people to bow their heads to Ron, who was not yet the age of their own children.

So there are really many people clamoring that they don’t need to be afraid of Ron, just see what Ron is going to do, they are not afraid of a little fart like Ron.

For this type of person, Shaye Gongxin really hated it after hearing about it, these guys can’t see the situation clearly after now, and they are still clamoring that Ron won’t take them, these guys’ brains must be blocked by fat intestines full of heads, do they think that Ron, the god killer, is really a good man and a woman? Because Ron really didn’t dare to take these guys from them? These guys’ behavior is completely looking for death! And it will also affect these people!

“Those bastards!” Shaye Gongxin scolded with a dark face.

But those guys are nominally her elders, in the neon country is very serious, although she is the next head of the Saya Palace family, but still can’t do anything to these old guys, if you say your own opinion, these guys will definitely scold themselves for not knowing the elder and young respects and humility only know nonsense, so they have no way to make these old guys recognize reality, so she only has to scold here now.

At this time, the next head of the Seiaki-in family, Keina Seiaki-in, went to see her imperial husband, Susanoo.

Keina Qingqiuin is the strongest sword witch in the contemporary Neon, and is also the user of the artifact Tiancong Cloud Sword, the legend of Tiancong Cloud Sword is the long sword drawn from the tail of the Yagi Great Snake after Susanoo killed the Yagi Great Snake, so the Tencong Cloud Sword is Susanoo’s, and now the user of the Tencong Cloud Sword is Kiyoakiin Huina, that is because the Tencong Cloud Sword was given to Keina by Susanoo, in other words, Keina Seiakiin is the spokesperson of Susanoo.

Now Keiaki-in Ena came to see Susanoo in order to tell Susanoo Ron’s words.

“Grandpa.” After seeing the bearded Susanoo with a beard, he politely asked for peace, and sitting in front of Susanoo is no different from everyone’s lady, although she is indeed everyone’s girl.

Susanoo looked at her, and then laughed: “It’s Huina, is there something to find this old man of mine?” ”

“Grandpa is not an old man.” Qingqiuyuan Huina smiled sweetly.

Susanoo laughed, then waved his hand and said, “Okay! Compliment the old man, don’t say anything, just say what is the matter with the old man! ”

Qingqiuyuan Huina’s expression became solemn, and then she nodded and said, “Grandpa, it’s about the king of killing gods!” ”

Susanoo narrowed his glasses, and then motioned for Keina to continue, and Keina nodded: “King Ron knows about grandfather’s seclusion here, and also knows that grandpa summoned things that are not from before, so she asked grandpa to give him an explanation!” ”

Susanoo fell silent, and then burst out laughing.

His laughter was very heroic, but Kiyoaki-in Keina heard the ridicule from this laughter, and then Seiaki-in Keina had a foreboding in her heart, but on the surface she did not show it, but showed a sweet smile with Susanoo’s smile.

“Want the old man to give him instructions? I don’t know how thick the sky is! ”

Susanoo, who was laughing and laughing, snorted coldly as Keina expected after hearing his laughter: “Do you know why the old man lives in seclusion?” The old man lives in seclusion because the old man has defeated the invincible hand in the world, and the god killers in the world have a great reputation, but all of them are local chickens and dogs! ”

Keiaki-in Keina didn’t speak, but she didn’t think much of what Susanoo said.

Susanoo has been in seclusion for decades, but when he didn’t come to seclusion, he never heard of which god killer died at his hands, after he went into seclusion, other god killers still lived well, and from time to time he killed a few gods who did not follow, and now the number of god killers has reached an unprecedented seven, the division of god killers is getting bigger and bigger, the existence of Susanoo has been forgotten, which scenery is powerful is completely clear.

Therefore, in the eyes of Keiaki-in Keina, Susanoo’s words are completely gold on his face.

The seclusion may also be crushed back.

However, these things are only thought about in the heart, of course, Qingqiu Yuan Huina will not say it.

Susanoo naturally didn’t know what was going on in Keina’s mind, and after sneering twice, Susanoo continued: “The old man is invincible in the world, and the little hairy boy still wants the old man to give him explanations?” Go back and tell him to let him be obedient to the old man, otherwise he will blame the old man for coming out of the mountains to make him look good! ”

Qingqiuyuan Huina nodded with a smile: “Grandpa’s words, I will definitely bring it.” ”

Susanoo nodded: “Okay, just bring the old man’s words to him, if he dares to call you again, come to the old man, the old man wants to see how his jin two are!” ”

“I see, Grandpa.” Qingqiuyuan Huina nodded, and then took her leave and left here.

After leaving here, she sighed helplessly, Susanoo this guy really thought that he was invincible, doing things is completely unscrupulous, the last time did not get it directly from the without the slightest care, the result was thousands of deaths and injuries, and this time he went to see him he did not mention this matter at all, obviously did not take this matter to heart at all, this time his own words he also chose hard steel, did not think about the life and death of these people at all.

Sure enough, being with the god of disobedience is completely plotting with the tiger, and once something happens, it is always yourself and others who suffer!


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