And just as Susanoo pressed Ron to fight, Amaterasu’s body manipulated Yuhihama Yui’s body to the world.

After coming to the ghostly world, she noticed the fluctuations of the battle, and then Amaterasu-sama rushed over, and when she arrived at the scene, she saw the scene of Susanoo smashing Ron into the ground with a fist and then the ground directly uplifted and the center collapsed directly, and she laughed with satisfaction when she saw this scene.

“It seems that there is no need for the Mourning family to make a move, and the god killer is dead.” She nodded and said.

Susanoo sensed Amaterasu’s breath, and then his movements subconsciously paused, and then the opportunity for this pause was seized by Ron, and after seizing it, Ron forced himself to endure the pain in his body and read aloud the blood that kept pouring up from his throat.

“By the skill of my words and spirits, let the justice of the world manifest, these incantations are powerful and eloquent, swords of wisdom that beckon victory!”

The solemn words resounded through the void, and then the golden light spread out from Ron’s body in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a large golden world of 100 meters, and the sky and earth in the golden world were filled with endless golden swords, which was the space of golden swords.

After coming to such a space, Ron breathed a sigh of relief, to be honest, he was really blindsided just now.

But that’s just a thing of the past, Ron doesn’t want to think back to that time now, although only a few seconds have passed, but the painful thing is to make him drift away like the wind, and to think about it again can only add to the sadness, and now the scales of victory have fallen towards him.

“Susanoo, your real name is Sujinuzun, your biological father is Izanagi, Izanagi’s nose was transformed, and he should have been the god of the sea, but you abandoned this priesthood and went to Takamagahara, your character is sometimes brutal and sometimes brave, you hid in the name of Takamagahara, you were driven out of Takamagahara, but when you came out, you encountered the Yagi Great Serpent that endangered the world, so you were called the hero of the dragon slayer, your prestige was praised, your notoriety was spread, and your knowledge was known to me!”

“Knowledge turns into power, and power makes the golden sword appear!”

With a loud sound, Ron pulled out the golden greatsword that slowly rose in front of him, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Susanoo: “Today, you will be attacked by me, and you have nowhere to escape under the power of the golden sword, so agree with your fate of failure, Suzhan Woo Zun!!! ”

Susanoo’s face was very ugly, and this sudden crisis feeling had already made his heart tremble.

Amaterasu really didn’t come at the right time, let him relax a little of the beating of Ron, and this was the slightest opportunity to be seized by Ron, this opportunity was seized by Ron, the original victory was handed over like this, and now this sense of crisis will not deceive, as if he is going to be killed in the next moment.

“Die!” Ron snorted angrily.

Then the golden sword hanging in the sky directly turned the tip of the sword and aimed at Susanoo, and the long sword on the ground also completely floated and fell behind Ron, also using the tip of the sword against Susanoo, and then the double golden sword in Ron’s hand slashed down at Susanoo’s location, and then the sky and the golden sword behind him roared, turning into a golden long dragon and rushing towards Susanoo, and the long dragon was all composed of golden longswords, forming a huge storm of blades.

The terrifying power swept in all directions, and in this golden space, Susanoo had no room to dodge at all, and could only watch this golden dragon rushing towards him.

Seeing that it was about to be directly devoured by this long dragon.

But at this time, the golden space suddenly shook, outside the golden space a round of golden sun is hitting up, the rumbling sound made Ron startled, did not expect that the golden sword space can actually be attacked from the outside, but this is still too naïve to save Susanoo, the golden sword space may really be broken by someone with external force, but it is obvious that even if you want to do it, it is not so easy, the sun outside has not yet broken this space with a blow.

So Ron could kill Susanoo countless times before then.

“Die!” He snorted angrily again.

The roar of the stegosaurus was even louder, causing Susanoo to come back from the attack from outside, originally thinking that he could escape, but it seems that he can’t do it now, and if he wants to escape, he must survive this attack.

“The old man is a god of steel! It’s a dragon slayer hero! How can you die under such a yellow-mouthed child as you! Susanoo roared.

Then he was overwhelmed by the golden stegosaurus.

The golden stegosaurus kept roaring, and the Susanoo who was drowning inside kept struggling, the golden light kept flashing on his body, that was his immortal steel golden body, but the golden sword dragon that roared around him was aimed at his weakness, the reason why the power of the golden sword used knowledge as a driving force is to find people’s weaknesses from knowledge, and now the stegosaurus formed by the golden sword is constantly attacking the weakness of Susanoo, so the golden light on Susanoo’s body is constantly dimming.

Finally reached a boundary, it shattered with a bang.

Then the stegosaurus was directly spread on Susanoo’s body, and endless sword qi drilled into Susanoo’s body, and through Susanoo’s flaws attacked Susanoo’s body to destroy Susanoo’s vital soul, and finally Susanoo’s vitality was destroyed in a huge explosion.


The golden longsword returned to its place, the ground and sky were once again covered by the longsword, and Susanoo in place was turning into light.

Then Susanoo’s gaze fell on Ron’s body: “This time the old man is careless, but next time it will not be so simple, next time the old man will not give you the slightest chance, next time you will definitely die in the hands of the old man, wait, God killer!” ”

“You come and die once, I know everything about you, and the enemy I defeat will never be able to defeat me again!” Ron said indifferently.

Susanoo was noncommittal, and then turned into a light and disappeared.

At this time, the power of the golden sword had also been exerted, and the golden space was slowly disappearing.

But now is not the time to relax, the power that killed Susanoo and the spell are flowing into his body, but he is not immersed in it, the sun that hit the outer wall of the golden space just now has the breath of the god of disobedience, Susanoo is mostly looking for a helper, and it is also an unknown helper, this unknown helper His golden sword is useless, although it can let Erica live Liliana to teach it, but they are now lying on the ground, and they don’t have the strength to come over.

So now Ron can only face this strange god alone.

In the gap between the disappearance of the golden space, Ron once again read the words and spirits: “The blue-faced fangs are my true appearance, the wandering soul wild ghost is my servant, I swim in the ocean of souls, I am the master of souls, and all souls must be used by me!” ”

With a boom in the sky, a huge whirlpool appeared above the sky, and a huge power that could absorb souls came from inside.


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