“Salvatoreqing fought with the god of non-obedience, and although he was victorious, the god of non-obedience fled.” Erica brings the news.

Ron blinked, “Escaped? ”

Erica smiled bitterly and nodded: “It was an escape, and at the last moment it directly turned into a sandstorm and fled into the ground, which Salvatoreqing himself said.” ”

“This way.” Ron nodded.

Then he didn’t care about this matter: “Run away, run away, Tony that guy probably won’t be so good at giving up, now you should chase it, right?” ”

“I did chase it.” Erica nodded.

Ron shrugged: “Then let him chase, it has nothing to do with us.” ”

Erica nodded, and then stopped talking about it.

Summer vacation in neon country is not so long in **, because ** only two vacations neon to take three vacations, but even this time is very long, of course, Ron is nothing about this, he will not be bored to stay at home for a year, but Erica and Liliana don’t think so, the first seven or eight days of the two people at home are still nothing, but when they get to the back, they feel that something is wrong, and they really don’t want to stay in the house any longer.

“Wang, let’s go out for a stroll.” Erica, who finally couldn’t help it, said to Ron.

Ron, who was lying on the sofa blowing the air conditioner and looking at the tablet, looked up at her when he heard this: “How?” Why did you suddenly think about going out to play? ”

Erica smiled bitterly and said: “Because it’s boring, I see these scenery every day at home, and the things I do are the same every day, if I don’t go out and look at other scenery, Lili and I will have a mental weakness!” ”

“Is it such an exaggeration?” Ron laughed.

Erica nodded: “Of course there is such an exaggeration, people are social animals!” ”

When she said this, she glanced at Ron again: “To be honest, I and Lili are surprised that Wang You can stay at home for so long.” ”

“Is it? It’s no big deal. Ron shook his head.

This is really not a big deal, he has never felt that there is anything to say about this matter, but he is naturally used to this matter, and there is not a trace of technical content in it, so he can’t understand Erica’s surprise.

“Maybe it’s not a big deal for you, Wang, but not for us!” Erica smiled wryly again.

At this time, Liliana also walked over, the look on her face was similar to Erica’s, it was obvious that Erica was not lying, both of them were about to commit cautious debilitation, looking at these two people Ron shook his head helplessly: “Okay, if you want to go out to play, go out and play, and I have never restricted your freedom, have I?” ”

Erica shook her head: “Won’t the king go together?” ”

“Not interested?” Ron shook his head.

He didn’t know where Erica and Liliana were going at all, what if they were going shopping? So don’t suffer!

“We’re going to the pool, it’s so hot, so let’s go too!” Erica continued.

Liliana also nodded: “You will have a headache when you are empty, and you will also have a headache after being at home for a long time, so Wang will also go with us.” ”

To the pool?

Ron was a little moved, because he had never been to the pool, although he had seen the pool in his last life, but he had never entered it, because at that time the talent was not good and there was no money and no confidence and inferiority, he really couldn’t make up his mind to go to that kind of public, so he had never been, but now the situation is different, now he is already a god killer, the most noble person in the world, and his figure is not good, and his confidence is almost luxuriant.

So now that he is not inferior, he wants to go to the swimming pool that he wanted to go to in his previous life but never visited.

“Then let’s go!” Ron nodded.

Erica and Liliana smiled and nodded, and then the matter was settled.


In addition to the door, the three people also happened to see Yukino go out.

“Huh?” Yukinoshita glanced at the three of them, focusing on Ron, because this was the first time Ron had gone out since the last picnic.

Ron also saw her, and then said with a smile: “Under the snow, do you want to go out?” ”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded: “That’s right, go to the pool.” ”

“Oh?” Ron’s eyes lit up.

Then he smiled and said, “We are also going to the pool, so let’s go together.” ”

“You’re going to the pool too?” Yukino was curious.

Ron shrugged: “Yes, Erica and Lily are both bored at home, so they want to go out and play, and they are going to the pool, and I have never been to the pool place, so I plan to go with the past, but I didn’t expect you to go under the snow!” ”

“I was invited by Hihama-san.” Yukinoshita Yukino said.

Ron smiled, “That’s just right, isn’t it?” It’s fun for everyone to play together! ”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded: “Then so be it.” ”

So the three people became four people, and then soon only met Yubihama Yui wearing cool clothes on the side of the road, Yubihama Yui looked a little surprised after seeing a few people who came over, but soon laughed and greeted: “Oh hello! Ron, you’re here too! ”

“We happen to be going to the pool too, aren’t you welcome?” Erica asked with a smile.

Yubihama Yui quickly shook his head: “Of course not!” Let’s have fun together! Originally, I wanted to invite you, but you have always been at home, and Ron also said about the Idle Council before, I thought you were busy, so I didn’t invite you! ”

“Is that so? In fact, we are all panicking! Erica said with a smile.

Yubihama Yui also laughed: “Then let’s go and play together!” ”

So four people became five, and the group took the car to the swimming pool.

After entering the swimming pool, it was covered by a sea of people, and after seeing this scene, Ron’s face turned dark: “Let’s go back!” ”

So the other girls were speechless.

This is coming, and before you go in, you said that you are leaving, what’s going on?

“There are too many people, it’s not fun.” Ron shook his head and said.

He dislikes crowded places very much, which reminds him of the New Year or when he went out on holiday in his previous life, when there were crowds of people everywhere, and going out to play was completely looking for guilt, so he disliked the crowded place very much, and now this swimming pool is such a place.

“Don’t worry, there are a lot of rides in it, not just the pool, so the pool won’t be so crowded.” Yubihama Yui shook his head and said with a smile.

Yukishita Yukino, Erica, and Liliana all nodded, seeing that the four girls said so, so in the end, Ron also nodded reluctantly: “Since you all said so, let’s go over and take a look.” ”

Then five people walked into the big venue.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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