And Isseiha’s words also made Yubihama’s expression embarrassed.

Erica and Liliana are similar here, and Ron couldn’t help but laugh out loud, a color feather in the original book of the eight faces exuding the unique charm of a little girl, but there is no doubt that it is a little green, there is no way to compare with Yukishita Yukino’s sister Yukishita Yono, sometimes the words will not seem so dripping, subconsciously will say the truth, now she will say her own truth, after saying it she also feels embarrassed, Just look at her now flushed face and want to find a crack to drill into.

And after hearing Ron’s laughter, the red on her face turned even redder.

“Your emotions are not up, you should have smiled playfully when you said that sentence just now, then everyone will not think that you don’t know the height of the sky, but will only think that you are cute!” Ron said with a smile.

Yi Shi Yu’s face turned red and white and red, and then Ron smiled and continued: “I know what a little girl like you is thinking in her heart, it is nothing more than prestige, becoming an executive committee member is indeed a very prestigious thing, everyone in the class must obey your orders, you can also go to the student union to meet to decide the next direction of the class, but since ancient times, rights and responsibilities are mutually existing, and people who only want rights and do not want responsibilities cannot last, Your mindset has to be transformed! ”

The look on Yi Shi Yu’s face was hot, and after a long time, he nodded and said, “I know.” ”

Seeing this, Ron smiled again: “Sorry, I know that what you just said was not intentional, so now you can laugh!” ”

Yi Shi Yu was about to cry, how could he laugh!

In fact, as Ron said before, when she said the words “what if she was laughed at”, she wanted to smile playfully, but at that time, I don’t know how my mind suddenly went into a trance, so the playful smile did not laugh, so the words that came out were so dry and emotionless would only make people think that she was not ashamed, and when she came back to her senses, she found that everything was grim, the words had gone out of her mouth, and others saw that their wooden pipes had changed, Think you’re a person who doesn’t take responsibility.

She really wanted to cry, because she really wasn’t that kind of person.

She really just wanted to take a joke, how did she know that her attention suddenly went into a trance at the critical moment.

“Okay, Isshiki-san, you go ahead.” Yukinoshita Yukino heard the meaning of Ron’s words, it was to excuse Ichiki Yuki, or it was really just an unintentional fact to say that before reminding them of Ichishita, but no matter what, Yukinoshita Yukino planned to give Ichishiba another chance, which was to give Ron face.

“Saiyu-chan! Say it quickly! Yubihama Yui said.

The stiff atmosphere in the room didn’t know when it disappeared, and Isshiki breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he took a deep breath and said: “I just want to be perfect, a few days ago the senior patrol said that it was very good for me to become the head of the student union, originally I didn’t think about this matter, but after being reminded by the senior patrol, I had an idea in my heart, just like the senior Ron said, the majestic life, so I plan to become the president of the student council, but it is not so easy to become the president of the student council, you must have a good resume, so this committee is my opportunity, I also want to become the chairman, But I’m not sure, so I want you to help me! ”

She said all her plans, this time without hiding the slightest, and did not play any tricks.

She is a little afraid of playing tricks in front of these guys, who knows when she has a mental shake and a moth that she doesn’t want to make out, and to be honest, she really wants to be the president of the student council, the reason why she didn’t say it before was just because she didn’t know if she could be a student, if she said with great fanfare that she wanted to be the president of the student council and finally didn’t become a student council president, then she would be blind, maybe someone in the school would point fingers at her, she didn’t want this, But now, after what happened just now, she didn’t plan to hide it.

As Ron said, if you want rights, you have to take responsibility, and if you dare not bear responsibility, what rights do you want?

So she said all of her plans.

Several people in the room heard her words, and then they were temporarily silent, but Ron gave her a thumbs up and said, “Good! Be ambitious! ”

Then he sighed again: “I also wanted to be the president of the student council when I was in the school I was studying, but I didn’t enter the student council because I found it difficult before that and then gave up, so I admire those who have goals and do it!” ”

Yi Shi Yu’s face turned red: “I’m not that powerful!” ”

She is indeed not so powerful, and she also thought before that she could be the president of the student council, and she never thought of taking advantage of the bright side, and when she came, she didn’t think about being the chairman of the executive committee, she just wanted to do a good job of her accusation as an executive member, but after the above things, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind, decided to fight to be the chairman, which is not only in charge of the affairs of her own class, the affairs of all classes in the school are within her control, You must know that this position has always been the president of the student union in the past, and this year because the student council president is going to go to school, so it was let out, in other words, this position is a copy of the student union, if you can do this position well, you must definitely take advantage of the candidate for the student council president, as long as you don’t mess around, then the position of student council president is stable.

So now she says she’s going to be chairman.

She has to try to do this well and increase her chips to become the president of the student council, but to be honest, she is not so confident, so now she still looks a little nervous, for fear that Yukinoshita Yukino refuses her request to let her do it alone, then it may become a laughing stock, because she has never done this kind of thing, she has no experience in coordinating others or something, and she doesn’t know where to start, so she really needs someone to teach her, in her opinion, Yukino is good.

Because this was said by the senior patrol, who said that if it weren’t for Yukinoshita Yukino not wanting to be the president of the student council, he would have been the president of the student council a long time ago.

Yukinoshita Yukino must have something outstanding to be respected by the current student council president, so this time Isseiha really wants Yukinoshita Yukino’s help.


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