Looking at Marko’s still half-squinted expression, Su Mo wanted to slap it out

Just now, he was also stupid, and he would think about what gift to bring

Seeing his reaction, Marco scratched his head

“In short, Daddy won’t embarrass you little ghost,”

he said

Su Mo, “…”

In other words, he is already 22 and 23, and the title of little devil is a little subtle, right?

Although there are countless grooves in my heart that I want to vomit, there are more important things now

Following Marko, soon he came to a clearing

The pirates around have long been drunk, and the only ones left are the stronger ones, the captains of the fan team … And, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard!

Looking at the white-bearded man sitting on the chair in front of him and gulping alcohol, Su Mo smacked his lips

Whitebeard… It’s so tall, it’s all sitting here, still a lot taller than he is standing

Whitebeard didn’t notice his reaction, and under the gaze of the captains of the surrounding team, he took a large sip of wine and showed a happy expression

“Boy, Lao Tzu heard about you, very interesting ability, only with the temporary copy of the sword technique can force Bista, it seems that he has also undergone rigorous training before…”

Saying that, Whitebeard poured himself another sip of wine, “But in this sea, strict training is not enough, beauty, wealth, power, and so on, there are too many things to pursue…”

At this point, he paused, “Boy, what about your dream? ”

“Dreams?” Su Mo was stunned, he really hadn’t thought about this thing

In his previous life, he had just started working, and all he thought about all day was how to make money, and then in an instant, he came to this world, and he also had the most buggy ability in the world

Now suddenly talk to him about dreams, for a while, he doesn’t know what to do

“Confused? Whitebeard laughed, grabbed his huge palm in front of him, picked up his special wine glass and raised his head

The wine entered his throat, and he couldn’t help but squint his eyes

“If you are confused… Do you want to be my son? ”


Su Mo was stunned, the mantra of the whitebeard in the comics in his previous life actually appeared at this time!

And the first thing he listened to was to himself!

“This kind of operation is a loss.” Su Mo thought about it and hugged Whitebeard with a fist and replied

Whitebeard didn’t understand what he meant, but he thought he agreed?

He looked at Su Mo for a while, and said with a smile, “On the sea, there is nothing more free than a pirate, in the same way, a pirate is also the starting point for chasing dreams, from now on, you can carry my name, bear the name of Whitebeard, gallop in the sea, and all of us will be your backing!” ”

The captains of the surrounding fan teams also showed happy expressions at this moment

Looks…… Today is going to have a second banquet

Su Mo, “??? ”

No, he didn’t say anything yet, did he? How can it be decided without permission? He doesn’t have the habit of recognizing his father!

“Wait… Wait a minute!! ”

Hearing the voice, Whitebeard looked over suspiciously

Su Mo rubbed his arm, “When your son…?” Don’t make trouble, I’m not without a father, and, if you are so shameful, don’t you feel bad when you say it? ”

Hearing this, Whitebeard choked

The expressions of the surrounding pirates suddenly changed, especially Marco and Ace, their eyes were about to explode

Before playing, Marko had just stressed to Su Mo that he had to have a little eye color, and it turned out that this is your eye color?

Daddy’s invitation!

How many people in the world can’t wait for the number line, and actually refuse it like this?

He smoked a little,

And Ace, after hearing Su Mo’s words, couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth

Not to mention the problem of whether there is a father… He’s just officially joined Whitebeard!

Shame on what… Why didn’t he feel it?

Whitebeard also gave Su Mo this words

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and showed his signature smile

“If you don’t want to be our family, then there are more things to talk about, trespassing into our territory, beating Bista and Marko, and a lot of family members, you say, how should these be counted?”

“Gee, white-bearded big guy, I didn’t expect you to be such a stingy big guy…”

Su Mo said, stretching his shoulders gently, “About so many things… There is nothing to say, come to one, one is over, the grudge is turned into a grudge. ”

Marko was shocked

Ace was stunned

The other pirates around were also stunned

Whitebeard is also a little crying and laughing

“Boy, do you know what you’re talking about?” He asked

“You know, challenge you, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard?” Su Mo grinned

Before he was still thinking about how to deceive Whitebeard’s ability, but now it’s okay, he doesn’t need to think about it, Whitebeard took the initiative to send the ability

It’s still very comfortable to think about,

Whitebeard chuckled and shook his head, “To be honest, apart from those careful thoughts, Lao Tzu still likes you quite a lot…”

Saying that, he gulped down the wine again

“See, then do you accept it or not?” Su Mo said with a smile

“Accept, of course accept,”

Whitebeard also smiled, “Young people’s affairs should not be taken care of, where there are people, there are rules, even pirates, and Marko and Bista, I always have to help them find some ground…”

Saying that, he put down the wine glass and slowly clenched the beak knife in his palm

Marko only reacted at this time, “Su Mo, you want to copy Daddy’s ability?!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other team captains also changed

“Daddy’s ability?!”

“Shock Fruit?”

“That’s an ability that can destroy the heavens and the earth!”

Surprises came from time to time

Looking at the captain of the fan team who immediately followed me with a sentence in front of you, Su Mo was happy, “Passion between men?” Sure enough, there must be a few beautiful young ladies in a group of big men, otherwise they may bend at some point, he…”

When he came to see the plot, he felt that the Whitebeard Pirates were very basic, and now he looks at it, sure enough!

Now there are examples, in the future, when he forms a crew, he will definitely not be like this, and the young lady must be more!

Whitebeard interrupted them with a wave of his hand

Then, he slowly got up, and with his movements, the strongest spirit in the world also spread out at this moment

Just for a moment, Su Mo felt pressure

Not a defect in strength, but a shock to the heart!

A giant who looks almost seven meters can scare you to death when you stand up….


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