Looking at Su Mo’s expression, Robin was a little confused

Hammered Klockdar?

Although I can understand it, where is this dialect? No, this tone is too big, right?

Hammered Klockdar?

That is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, one of the world’s top strength waves, now say hammer hammer?

She was a little suspicious of her ears, and she was afraid that she didn’t hear it wrong just now….

But the historical text… She looked at Su Mo and showed a serious expression

“Do you know the whereabouts of the text of history?”

Su Mo nodded, “You know, there is a piece of Fishman Island, there is also a piece of the funeral hall of Alabastan, and there is also a golden town of Gaya Island, ah yes, the inside of the whale tree of the Zou Whale Forest and the hands of the aunt, it’s easy to find…”

Robin, “…”

God is very easy to find!

How many of those places could she go?

Not to mention the legendary Golden Country and the Zou Whale… That aunt, one of the four emperors of the sea, that place is where she can go?

I’m afraid it’s not a younger brother

Su Mo had an interested expression

In the text of history, he knows more than Klockdar, even if there are doubts and doubts, I don’t believe that you are not moved

Under his gaze, Robin slowly raised his head and looked at him with a sad look for a while

“You’re a fool, aren’t you?” Robin said

Su Mo, “…”

Robin let out a long sigh and explained slowly, “First of all, you can recognize me at a glance… To be honest, I’m surprised by this, but are you a fool? Why should I trust you?

History text that kind of thing… For so many years, I have only found a piece, you say there is? And that kind of place… Can I go?

I’m afraid I’ll be arrested before I even reach the New World…”

Robin said such a long paragraph, Su Mo was stunned

But he understood

Don’t believe, weak strength, can’t look … It’s as simple as that


But after thinking about it for a long time, Su Mo felt that there was no good way to solve Robin’s problem

After all, he is now alone, neither famous nor prestigious, does not believe … He can’t help it

“Well, it makes sense, I don’t even know how to refute it.”

After saying this, he pulled out another smile, “So, where is Klockdar?” ”

“Are you still looking for him?” Robin frowned, then took a deep breath, his expression gradually relaxed, “You can go to die, anyway, it has nothing to do with me…”

Saying that, she pointed to the island not far away, “Over there, the headquarters of the navy, Malinfodor, is now holding a meeting of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, and Klockdar is there. ”

“Marienfodore?” Su Mo touched his chin, “That’s why you’re here, afraid of being recognized by the navy?” ”

Robin snorted coldly, did not reply, and directly turned around and left

Looking at Robin who slowly left, Su Mo smiled

Then, his arms slammed into force, and the cyan immortal bird flame suddenly burst into flames

“Navy headquarters, huh? If you know where it is…”

After chanting, his body squatted slightly, and then instantly appeared in front of Robin

“Don’t go yet… When I solve Klockdar, you will be my man, and it will depend on you to go to Daughters Island…”

In a word, Robin felt that his emotions were a little broken

Not moving, but angry ….

This one called Su Mo, does he have a pit in his brain?

The headquarters of the Navy all want to break in? Forget it, why don’t you pull her?

She has not seen the text of history, now go to the headquarters of the Navy, looking for death?

“You… Aaaaaaa!!!!a ”

Before she finished speaking, she couldn’t help but exclaim

“What are you going to do?!!?”

In addition to the undisguised shock, there was a hint of depression

“Take you to the headquarters of the Navy…” said Su Moman nonchalantly

It was not easy to find a crew member who satisfied him in all aspects, of course, he had to take it with him, otherwise … What if I run away? Who will he cry to then?

“Sit tight, I am also the first time to take people in the form of an immortal bird, and you will be dangerous if you accidentally fall into the sea.”

Saying that, he shook his wings, and the whole person turned into an immortal bird, carrying Robin on his back and rushing towards the sky

Well…… That’s why Robin just screamed

But Su Mo is actually quite speechless, isn’t it just carrying a person? As for being so surprised?

If it wasn’t for the helplessness, he didn’t want to do it himself

No, you have to make the whole ship as soon as possible, otherwise every time you change places, you either take someone else’s boat or fly by yourself, how tired is that?

If you want him alone, it’s actually nothing, it’s nothing more than a little trouble, but the pirate world is so big, the climate of the new world is changeable, he himself does not know the direction, the navigator is sure to want, then the ship, then the ship repairer, cook, archer…

There are so many people, God will only think of carrying them!

When you leave the Chambord Islands, you must find a way to get a boat!

Thinking so in his heart, Su Mo instantly increased his speed

And on his back, Robin was already stunned at the moment

Immortal birds, huh? The ability that Su Mo is using now is an immortal bird, right?

Not to mention why the flame is not hot… This ability is Marko, the captain of the first team under Whitebeard, right?

Who on the sea doesn’t know that Marko is an immortal bird?

But what did she see now?

Su Mo is also an immortal bird?!

As far as she knows, the Devil Fruit can only eat one per person, and once eaten, the ability it has will follow the person who takes it for a lifetime, and now Su Mo actually has the ability of flame and immortal bird at the same time?!

That’s pretty weird, isn’t it?

After being surprised for a while, she slowly came back to her senses, and then her mind unconsciously began to wonder if there was any phantom beast ability about flame and immortality

However, before she could think of it, the headquarters of the Navy had arrived

Looking at the majestic Marinferdo below him, Robin suddenly felt a pang of despair


That was the only thought left in her mind right now

On the contrary, Su Mo, looking at the standing building under him, couldn’t help but show a happy expression

Naval headquarters, home to one of the most powerful forces in the pirate world, a symbol of justice and order, and a guardian of peace, can be regarded as seen!

As soon as his heart moved, his figure suddenly turned into an adult, and at the same time, Robin’s figure slipped down and was hugged by him

“Ready,” he said

“Huh?” Robin was stunned, and just about to ask what to prepare, she was speechless

Without the blessing of the immortal bird’s ability, she and Su Mo fell directly down

And directly below, is where the port of the headquarters of the Navy is located….


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