How many Draco dies?

That’s a real question for Robin

She hasn’t been to the Holy Land, who knows how much Draco will die?

And then again… Is the focus actually here?

Robin looked at Su Mo’s expression and gradually twitched

“God, Draco’s words, probably, may die a lot, right? After all, it’s Whitebeard’s ability…”

“In this way…” Su Mo touched his chin, “If you can die a lot, there will be a reason for the Nine Snakes to go down here…”

Robin, “…”

Then she wondered, “Go to the Nine Snakes… Does it have anything to do with Draco? ”

Su Mo snorted, “A little, but it’s not important, the point is where are we now?” ”

Saying that, he looked around and said a little embarrassed, “I was looking for a place to stay just now, and I don’t know where this is, the new world or the first half of the great route…?” ”

If the first half of the great route is over, just find an island to rest a little, and then find the right direction to go directly to Nine Snakes, but if it is a new world, then you have to go to Fishman Island again

How to say, Robin also used the historical text to fool over, and went to Fishman Island to interpret the historical text of the Sea Forest

But if you think about it, Su Mo is quite happy

All other pirates go out to sea from the first half of the Great Voyage, and then go all the way towards the ultimate goal, Ralph Drew, which means that he walks in the opposite direction towards the first half

Robin also looked around, showing a thoughtful expression

After so many years of escaping, she has been to many places, this small island… Looks inexplicably familiar?

Suddenly, Robin seemed to think of something, and said with a serious face, “By the way, do we have a ship?” ”

Su Mo looked at her, and then silently looked at the sky, “No.” ”

Robin, “…”

There are no boats … Would it be useful even if she recognized the island?

Isn’t it still stuck here and can’t get out?

No, in fact, it can also fly, but Su Mo’s speed and ability to lead people … She really didn’t dare to compliment!

“There are no ships, so what do we have now?” Robin continued to ask

“A captain, an archaeologist.”

Robin, “…”

So, this pirate group is now only the two of them?

She had a little headache,

When she was wandering and fleeing before, she usually relied on deception and betrayal of others, and took other people’s ships, when did she think about sailing and ships, and then these are not what the captain should prepare?

Now what does that mean? Dumped her head?

Looking at Robin’s expression, Su Mo also felt quite embarrassed, so after thinking about it, he dug in his pocket for a while, and finally took out a small box

“We still have this, Marko’s stupid bird gave it, I heard that it can be worth more than a billion yuan, and the start-up capital should be enough…”

“But there are not necessarily shipbuilders here,” Robin said speechlessly, “and even if there are ships, we don’t have navigators, the course is uncertain, and it is dangerous to travel directly on the sea.” ”

Su Mo, “…”

There’s nothing he can do

Navigator, he has several reservations, but one in the New World and one in the East Sea, no matter which one is far away from him, it is not possible for the time being

Robin was also speechless for a while, and the atmosphere was awkward for a long time before she couldn’t help but speak, “The route is not in a hurry, let’s determine the specific location first, as for the Nine Snakes… Look at fate, the voyage of the New World is not something that any navigator can do…”

Su Mo looked at Robin, hmm-huh nodded, “It makes sense, then how to determine the location?” ”

For him, an alien tourist, One Piece’s map really doesn’t understand at all, and this situation can only rely on Robin

Hearing this, Robin just let out a long sigh, turned around and walked towards the island not far


“Come with me, I seem to have been here …”

“Hmm.” Su Mo nodded

That’s very comfortable,

If he were alone, he would definitely be able to run around aimlessly, and now with Robin, there is no need to worry about cooking in the direction of the route!

Well…… Although it is not comparable to when I was on the Jinping ship, I am satisfied!

Thinking so, he couldn’t help but ask, “By the way, Robin, can you cook?” ”

Robin looked back and thought for a moment with a puzzled look, “It will be a little… Although it is not as good as a professional chef, it is not poisonous and can be eaten…”

Hearing this, Su Mo was slightly stunned

Then the corners of his mouth twitched wildly

Not poisonous, can eat, this Nima… Brilliant enough!

Speechless looked at Robin for a while, Su Mo returned to his senses, thought about it, and asked again, “Then what will we eat later?” ”

Robin glanced at him and said lightly, “I’m hungry, let’s find the right direction first…”

After so many years of fleeing, she is still very good at starvation, and now she has no heart to eat, she has just experienced so many things, God eats in!

And Su Mo, after hearing this, the whole person was speechless again

Hungry… He felt that he must have come to a fake pirate world, and he had never seen a traverser eating and starving!

Just thinking about it, Robin suddenly turned around and asked, “By the way, what about your abilities?” What is it exactly? ”

Su Mo smacked his lips, “Copy, superimpose.” ”

“So, you’ve ever copied Whitebeard’s abilities?”

Su Mo nodded and shook his head again, “Not only him, but also Marko, Bista, the basic copy of the stronger ability on the Whitebeard ship, ah yes, and just now, Sengoku, Karp, Yellow Ape, several Qiwu Sea… The ability has basically been copied by me…”

“!!!” Robin was shocked, even if the ability to copy Whitebeard was forgotten, even the abilities of Sengoku and Karp just now were copied?

“Whatever, can you copy it casually?” She was surprised

“It’s not…” Su Mo shook his head, “There are prerequisites for copying ability, you must first make a move on me, otherwise the ability cannot be copied, but there is no limit to superposition, if I want, all the abilities obtained can be superimposed infinitely…”


Hearing this, Robin couldn’t help but gasp!

Shot copy, infinite overlay… What is she talking about? Monsters?

“Uh… What, my ability is flowers and fruits, which can bloom…” She thought for a while, and said with a twitching expression, “I think we should find out before going to sea… But no need now, huh,



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