“Ji, mascot?” Kobra was stunned, tears and snot in the corners of his eyes still overflowed from time to time, looking quite joyful

“Yes, mascot, otherwise what do you think I would do to Vivi?” Su Mo shrugged and said, “I’m not the kind of pervert on the sea who likes loli, it’s safe for Vivi to follow me, right?” ”

God is so safe!

It’s not safe for your godkiller’s name!

Kobra almost didn’t mention it with a breath, and looking at Su Mo, he fell silent again

Su Mo thought for a while, and said lightly, “Or what I just said, Alabastan will belong to me in the future, you continue to be your king, as for Weiwei…”

He glanced at the girl, “Whatever, I’m not in the mood to see you guys like this…”

Hearing Su Mo’s words, Kobra was stunned for a while without reacting

Alabastan or the God Slayer?

Then he, the king….

Looking at Kobra’s expression, Su Mo added, “The vassal country, just like the big man of the New World who draws the territory, you are still the king, whatever decision or policy you want is up to you, pay me a certain amount of Bailey every year, and I will protect your country from pirates…”

“?!!” Kobra was shocked, “You can actually read minds?!” ”

“Nope.” Su Mo shook his head, “I just think you might think so…”

Kobra, “…”

Well, he did think so

But that’s inevitable, right?

Don’t talk about him, it is estimated that the idea of changing a king at any time is the same!

Seeing Kobra stunned, Su Mo shrugged funny, and left without looking back

The joke just now was a bit big, and this king estimated that he would have to slow down for a while

But the matter of Alabastan is settled, and then immediately, it is time to consider going to the empty island

If the empty island is empty, Anilu should have been ruled at this point in time, the thunder fruit, the main text of history….

Speaking of which, the text of the history of the empty island records the whereabouts of the ancient weapon “Sea King”, right?

It’s subtle….

Aquaman’s ability Su Mo has been copied, it stands to reason that he is now Aquaman, and then, Robin will interpret it, and then expose his identity as “Aquaman”?!!

Wait a minute!

His identity as the sea king seems to have been exposed, just when he went to the Nine Snake Daughter Island…

Just thinking about it, Vivi suddenly chased after her

“What for? Your daddy doesn’t want you anymore? Su Mo looked at the blue loli and asked with a curious look

“It’s not!” Wei Wei snorted lightly and frowned, “Father usually hurts me the most, how can he not want me?” “、

“Really?” Su Mo glanced at the little loli, thought about it, and he suddenly turned around, “Then I’ll go back and threaten him again…”


Wei Wei almost didn’t spew out in one breath, “I’ll go with you, you are not allowed to threaten your father anymore!” ”

“Huh?” Su Mo was stunned, “What did you just say?” ”

“I…!” Looking at Su Mo’s expression, Wei Wei took a deep breath, “Don’t you want a mascot?” I’ll go with you, my father is a good king, you can’t threaten him anymore…”

“???” Su Mo is a little strange, and now he doesn’t threaten anyone, why is this loli still this reaction?

Seeing that he was puzzled, Wei Wei pouted, “It’s my father’s decision…”

Saying that, Vivi squinted her eyes and said in a Kobra tone, “Since Alabastan has already belonged to the god killer, we must also show our sincerity, stay here and see nothing, in order for you to smoothly ascend the throne in the future and better manage Alabastan, it is not bad to go out and meet the world now…”

Su Mo, “…”

Then, he didn’t speak, just looked at Vivi quietly

He looked at him a little square, “It’s really my father who told me…”

Su Mo was silent, just that Kobra would say such a thing? Whether others believe it or not, he doesn’t believe it anyway

At least…… Normal people wouldn’t allow their daughter to be a mascot, would they?

Seeing that he didn’t believe it, Wei Wei thought about it, and suddenly shrugged generously, and didn’t care anymore

“Anyway, that’s what my father told me, you can do it if you want it or not, I’ll go back and tell my father that the god killer rejected our kindness…”

After that, she turned around and walked towards the palace without looking back, just like Su Mo’s action just now

Seeing this, Su Mo was a little happy

With a slight step, the figure instantly appeared in front of Wei Wei, and in the surprised gaze of the big loli, he stretched out his hand and directly lifted the big loli

“Yes, why not? I’ll tell you, the mascot is a group pet position, and you Alabastan have made a lot of money…” he laughed

Wei Wei was shocked for a while, subconsciously, she wanted to struggle, but as soon as the idea came out, Su Mo put her down

“??” Vivi is a little strange, didn’t she say the position of the group pet? This is not hugging?

Under her doubtful gaze, Su Mo touched her chin and looked at the big loli for a while

“Go back and get ready, and leave for the empty island tomorrow.”

Vivi, “??? ”

Su Mo said with a smile, “The first half of the great route is basically completed, the rest is to wait for the Nine Snake Ship to be built, and then let’s go to the Four Emperors…”

“Four Emperors?!”

“Hmm.” Su Mo nodded, “The navy, pirates, the relationship between the Four Emperors and the Seven Wuhai Kobra told you, right?” Just those four people. ”


Hearing this, Big Lori’s expression directly became nervous, “Why are we…”

“Because it’s boring.” Su Mo shook his head and said, “There are only a few who can fight in the first half of the great route, and I don’t know where to live, how boring it is to stay here, so the people of the new world can fight, ah yes, and the Draco people in the Holy Land are also good, although most of them are not tolerant, but the reputation brush is simply not wanted…”

Vivi, “…”

She suddenly felt that her future was confused!

Kill Draco once, this guy actually wants to kill a second time?!!

Aren’t you afraid that the world government will send troops to encircle and suppress?

After thinking for a long time, I suddenly felt a little like crying and found that this guy really didn’t seem to be afraid, otherwise he wouldn’t have killed the first time before….



At night, Su Mo stood by the window of the room that Alabastan Kobra had arranged for him

Looking at the natural weather where the yellow sand is raging and the wind is raging not far away, he thinks it is quite interesting, in his previous life, he had the opportunity to see this kind of natural style?

It’s hard to imagine that there would be a country here

His heart moved slightly, and his figure instantly appeared outside the room

The wind was still raging, and it hurt a little on my face

At this moment, a familiar subtle cooling sensation came….


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