Su Mo’s words made Hancock stunned for a while,

Participate in the war, but you have to go as a Qibukai, and the battle process can only be watched and cannot shoot?

What’s the difference between that and not going to war?


Her identity as Nanabukai… If she participated in the war, she should be regarded as from the navy, and Su Mo actually wanted to be an enemy of her?!!

Thinking of this, Hancock was shocked, “Su Mo, I…”

As if guessing what Han Cook meant, Su Mo shook his head with a smile, “Han Cook, can you contact the Warring States?” ”

“Huh?” Han Cook was stunned, and his good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly, “Although the concubine body has made a deal with the navy, the navy cannot be close to the Nine Snakes, but with the identity of the concubine body Qiwu Hai, it is not difficult to contact the Warring States.” ”

“Then please.” Su Mo said,

“But…” Hancock hesitated, “if we start a war with the Four Emperors, shouldn’t we minimize the enemy?” If we take the initiative to contact the Warring States, won’t our situation be more dangerous? Face 10 to half the world at the same time, even if you…”

The words are not finished here, but the meaning has been expressed obviously,

Su Mo shrugged his shoulders without care, “It’s okay, the more people come, the better, originally our purpose was to make things bigger, and the whole world that was best troubled was inseparable.” ”

Saying that, he sat back in his seat, looked around, and said slowly, “My ability is to copy and superimpose, from this point of view, we will not lose, so defeat is impossible, and the navy wants me to challenge the four emperors, and what needs a little attention is the other four emperors and the world government,

Naturally, the world government does not need to say that after killing so many Draco, the people of the Holy Land have been thinking all day about how I died, and there cannot be fewer enemies in ambush in the shadows, so I didn’t plan to let you participate in this battle from the beginning, and obediently waited for your men to come back on the floating island…”

Hearing this, Hancock blushed a little, but his expression was still solemn,

“Su Mo, the Four Emperors… It’s not as simple as you think! ”

As far as she knows, the reason why the Four Emperors are called the Four Emperors, and they have been dominating the sea for so many years, the background of their subordinates is absolutely terrifying! Whether it is Whitebeard or Auntie, it is definitely not something that one or two armies can solve!

Even the navy can only temporarily avoid the edge when facing such a problem as the four emperors, not to mention that the navy and the world government want to kill Su Mo, and the danger level is absolutely purgatory boss level!

“No, the concubine is still not at ease! Of course, the combat power of 4,000 horses is high, but you also said that loyalty is not guaranteed, in case the world government and navy propose a pardon for crimes, and the horse temporarily defects, at that time, you will face half the world, and you will be alone! It’s too dangerous! Concubines are not allowed…

Before Han Cook finished speaking, Su Mo waved his hand and interrupted, although he had crossed the fact by himself, he still couldn’t help but want to sigh, sure enough, this is a truth,

If nothing else, the situation that Hancock is analyzing now is not something that can be done by simply dreaming! But this worry is really unnecessary…

He patted Han Cook’s shoulder and said with a smile, “That’s why you join the war, if they temporarily defect, I will superimpose Whitebeard’s ability to punch it out, the kind of ability that can destroy the sky and the earth, the range is not easy to control, in case it affects you will be troublesome,

And the four emperors, hehe… Believe me, no matter how many hole cards they have, how many foundations, they have no effect in the face of absolute strength, my ability, but infinite superposition…”

Is Auntie strong?

Having dominated the sea for so many years, no one can shake her position, this already speaks for itself, but she has a limit …

No matter how strong Aunt is, her gaze is limited to this world, in her eyes, the only people who can be called strong are the world government, navy, and other four emperors, naturally, the largest attack he has ever seen is not more than this range,

For Su Mo, the ability to copy and superimpose is always stronger than you, which has ensured that no matter what enemy he encounters, he will not be defeated in the first place!

Secondly, he also copied so many abilities, Whitebeard, Sengoku, Karp and other world-line strength aside, slightly weaker, Marko, Ace, Jinping, etc.,

An ordinary fire fist may be useless to scare at Auntie, but what about stacking ten times? What about a hundredfold? Even…… A thousand times more ??

What’s more, this is just a fire fist, to send the Great Yan Emperor? Even…… Air earthquake, big Buddha shockwave?

The ability to stack infinitely, really think it’s a joke?

To be honest, as long as Su Mo thinks now, the power of the air earthquake is infinitely superimposed in the past, and a single face can kill bigmom to slag, if it were not for the sake of brushing the world’s reputation, he would not be too lazy to engage in so many moths…

“But…” Hancock was still a little hesitant, he was right to say that, but he should still worry,

“Don’t worry, if this world can kill me, then my ability will be blind.” Su Mo smiled, his right hand was empty, and a cloud of chaotic energy condensed,

Copy and superimpose, these two abilities are already invincible, and he still has chaos, after the superposition of 897 abilities, the flame can still be a simple flame, but mixed with chaotic energy, the effect can be completely different, so what he should consider is not to deal with the aunt what is dangerous, but how to brush the reputation of this world,

Destroying the Holy Land, killing so many Draco, the third star map is only half solved, it is not easy to solve the fourth map…

But I can’t use it for the time being.

Just thinking about it, Robin suddenly spoke, “That is to say, after the war begins, we stay on the floating island, the navy, the four emperors, and the world government are all solved by you, what about Han Cook?” What about the purpose of letting her participate in the war as Nanabukai? ”

As soon as these words came out, Han Cook was also stunned, just thinking about how to worry about Su Mo, this point was negligent,

She looked at Su Mo, undeniable,

Su Mo shrugged and explained, “Leave the relationship clear with us, stay with the god killer, the position of the Seven Martial Seas will be gone, and the situation of the Nine Snakes will be dangerous.” ”

Hearing this, Hancock frowned, “Clear the relationship? ”

“Yes, I will borrow your identity of the Seven Wuhai to talk to the Warring States later, if the navy thinks that the Nine Snakes and the God Killer have united…” Su Mo touched his chin, “I don’t care, but there are so many people in the Nine Snakes, I can’t involve everyone together…”


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