In the noise of the pirates, Su Mo was not in a hurry, and walked slowly on the sea alone,

From time to time, there are pirates around him, but no one dares to approach, even the sea route in front of him, no pirate dares to pass,

And this creates a very weird picture.

On Cake Island, where Aunt just fell, there are still dirt and rocks falling from time to time, but no one ~ cares,

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the place in front of them at this moment, Su Mo-,

Every time they moved, their hearts seemed to beat once, and the other pirates around them who came to attack, they didn’t care much,

Suddenly, a pirate stood up,

“Flee!! Those who don’t want to die will all escape!!! ”

As soon as the voice came out, the other pirates on Cake Island reacted and began to run for their lives one by one!

In normal times, they would never have such an idea, after all, this is Cake Island! One of the Four Emperors, bigmom territory! Who is crazy and would dare to make trouble here?!

But now, looking at the figure slowly walking in front of them, they all wish they had more legs!

One punch to fly bigmom.The second punch directly hit the kneeling Katakuri, what else does this Nima hit?!!

How can there be people of such terrifying strength in the world?!

While holding this horrific idea, they began to scatter in all directions!

No matter how strong the god killer is, it is impossible to stop all of them in an instant, right? And his target is still Breen, as long as he escapes in front of Bryn!

Just thinking about it, a golden light suddenly crossed the sea!


The speed of golden light exceeds the limit of vision, and at this moment, no one can react! The next second –


Golden light burst!!!

After a short silence, a deafening explosion sounded directly in the sky!

Wherever the golden light went, everything was annihilated into ashes.

Seeing this, Su Mo blew his finger, “A hundred times superimposed yellow ape, understand?” ”

The sound was not loud, and it was not even visible at all in the noisy shouts around it, but at this moment, everyone on Cake Island heard it,

A hundredfold superimposed yellow ape ??

The strength of the general is superimposed a hundred times ??


You know, the general is the highest combat power of the Navy, and the strength is definitely the strongest in the world!

A hundredfold superposition … Not to mention the superposition, even if it is a hundred generals, they are finished today!

Everyone’s expressions couldn’t help but distort,

The ability of the yellow ape, in the new world, everyone who has seen it a little knows that the shining fruit, the attack is powerful and not to mention, the most important thing is extremely fast!

In the pirate world, the yellow ape wants to escape. No one can stop it!

This phrase already speaks for itself, and a hundredfold superposition … How terrifying should speed be?

They were a little afraid to think about it… For sure, there is no escape, is it true that all of them are going to die today?

As soon as this idea came to mind, a roar of anger to the extreme sounded!

“Kill! God! He who!!! The old lady slaughtered you!!!! ”

As soon as the voice fell, a bloated and fat figure suddenly rose up, and then, taking a deep breath, flames and thunder directly resounded in the world!

Seeing this scene, Su Mole was happy, “Isn’t it enough to scrap an arm? Still want to come looking for death? ”

Hearing this, on Cake Island, Auntie’s face was even more distorted, “Suffer death!!! The old lady is the king of this world! ”

The roar ended, bigmom’s feet moved, and the figure appeared directly in front of Su Mo,

The speed was fast, but the entire right arm had disappeared, the only remaining left fist was clenched, and the power of flame and thunder was all over it-

“Death !!!”

The giant fist has not yet fallen, and the strong wind pressure has already made the surrounding pirates unstable!

A pirate was directly shocked, “Such a strong pressure, this feeling… Bigmom died? ”

The other pirate was a little disdainful, “Desperately? Is it useful in front of Boss Su Mo? I forgot that just now, Boss Su Mo just punched the bigmom and flew away”

“It’s also… But I went first! Catch Brin, Lord Su Mo will definitely reward me!! ”



The pirates who were startled at the beginning around are not nervous at this time, bigmom four emperors? As long as our boss punches, it is still important to make a contribution.

·0 Ask for flowers…

For a time, the pirates around Su Mo were faster, and they rushed to Cake Island one by one,

And Su Mo, just put on a helpless posture of accumulating power, at the same time, above the right fist, the cover of the halo brush of the shock fruit——

“If it weren’t for your ability to remain useful, I would really like to kill you… bigmom”

The sound falls, the fist is waved!

Tenfold superimposed… Aeroseismic !!!

Under the gaze of everyone on Cake Island, the fists of the two collided again!


A soft sound, accompanied by a familiar scream,

The image of BigMom is like an unloaded cannonball flying upside down.

It fell to the ground with a loud noise, splashing a large cloud of smoke.

……. 0


At this moment, the people of Cake Island no longer knew how to speak,

Their originally invincible mother, the first attack was knocked off and the right arm was scrapped, and the second attack was knocked away again, this time, the left arm will also be scrapped?

Once upon a time, the Four Emperors were so weak?

As soon as they thought of this, they were shocked, it was definitely not that the four emperors were weak, but in front of them, this man named God Killer was too strong!

Alone, single-handedly … No, even with a burden, trespassed into the naval headquarters, after making a big fuss, under the siege of the Warring States Karp’s older generation and the Navy’s highest combat power Yellow Ape General, he could easily say nothing, and even destroyed the holy land Mary Joa in the naval headquarters!

How powerful is this?

What did they think before, they actually held an attitude of contempt for the god killer?

“It’s over, God Killer… There is actually such a strong person in the world, even if it was Roger who was once at his peak, his strength is far from comparable, right? ”

“…… I’m dreaming, right? ”

“Yes! We are dreaming! Godkillers don’t exist at all!! It’s all fake! Hahaha…”

Under extreme pressure, people on Cake Island soon went crazy,

Under the gaze of other people who could barely stay awake, Su Mo blew his fist and said with a smile, “I don’t care if it’s fake or not, my goal today is only Brin, ten minutes, brought to me intact, I will retire.” ”

… Every…_

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