Looking at the eagle eyes who held the sword again in front of him and had a serious expression, Su Mole was happy,

This is right, if Hawkeye has not taken the sword, he is really embarrassed to directly grab the black knife,

After all, it is a small partner that people have used for many years, and maybe it may even be a black knife carefully practiced by others, and it is too cheap to grab it directly,

“Ready, infinite superimposed past, I don’t know what the island will become after a sword.”

Hearing Su Mo say this, Hawkeye shrugged and couldn’t deny it,

Su Mo smiled, and then turned to the Warring States not far away and reminded, “Warring States, everyone below the strength of the Admiral withdraws, and next, the entire island may become a battlefield.” ”

With a shout, he didn’t care if the Warring States could hear it, and silently began to superimpose Hawkeye’s sword art in his heart,

Infinite superposition, this conceptual level of ability he has never dared to use, because just copying is strong enough, at best, three or five times or even ten times the superposition is enough, there is no need to superimpose it madly,

Only just now, when facing the aunt’s momentum to brush the prestige, he temporarily superimposed ~ a hundred times the power of the white beard,

For a hundredfold, or even a thousand times infinite superposition, to be honest, Su Mo has been a little afraid to use it since he gained the ability, for fear of accidentally destroying this world,

With chaotic energy, he didn’t panic, he didn’t have to wander for a while, and then come after finding a new world, but if the rest of this world, the world itself was destroyed, where should these people go?

All that awaits them is death!

Not to mention the navy and pirates, how many civilians should there be in this world?

How many hundred million? Billions? Or tens of billions?

Kill 10,000 fleas you still have to hesitate, let alone kill so many people,

Therefore, the ability of high-multiple superposition Su Mo has always used very little, but now, in order to fool Hawkeye and get the big sword, he can only superimpose it upward,

As his thoughts slowly flowed, the breath on Su Mo’s body began to climb,

Double, triple, five, ten…

After a long time, when the ability was superimposed to a hundred times, Su Mo exhaled,

Looking at Hawkeye, he slowly clenched the giant sword in his hand,

Just a small movement, but Hawkeye was shocked, and his expression became uncontrollably excited,

“Sword intent…!!! Is this the ultimate in my swordsmanship? He said excitedly,

Su Mo did not reply to him,

After the ability is superimposed a hundred times, he himself changes the most,

In his eyes, the whole world is no longer the world, the whole reality, has become no longer realistic, and where the vision reaches, except for the simple “sword”, there is no other, even the existence with eagle eyes, at this moment has become illusory,

It seems to exist, and it does not exist,

Hawkeye is also aware of this,

In his eyes, Su Mo had completely got rid of swordsmanship and entered a more mysterious world, which he couldn’t reach now!


Even he couldn’t reach this realm in his life, but, this was his sword! His kendo!

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, “God killer… By the way, that’s it, only in this way can the sword wound after defeat be meaningful!!! ”

Speaking of the last word, Hawkeye almost roared out,

At the same time, with the sound, his figure blurred –

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, I don’t know if it was because of the change in the realm or something else, at this moment, he was a little silent,

Hawkeye’s movements seemed to be slowed down hundreds of times in his eyes, and every move, every style, and even every trace of energy generated by muscle movement was reflected in his eyes,

This feels, like Hawkeye’s instant, the entire personal data is scanned by the computer, analyzed thoroughly, and returned to Su Mo’s eyes,

This is the effect of superimposing the ability a hundred times, in the eyes of outsiders, Hawkeye’s movements are still fast and terrifying, but in Su Mo’s eyes, Hawkeye is now completely invisible!

“The world’s number one swordsman? Hehe. “The ghost makes the god worse, Su Mo said this sentence,

Then in the next instant, all around his body, sword qi flew one after another!

The sword qi swirled, sometimes stabbed, sometimes chopped, sometimes cut… One move and one style, seemingly ordinary and slow, but it contains the power of terrifying destruction!

Suddenly, a fresh breeze blew, and Su Mo’s eyes changed,

It is no longer the usual playful and casual expression, but a cold look that sees through the essence of the world!

Holding the sword in his right hand, he swung it seemingly randomly, but it directly caused the world to change color,

·0 Ask for flowers0····

Around the island, the sea is silent,

The originally rushing sea has become calm again,

Not far away, feeling the atmosphere in the battlefield, the eyes of the Warring States were bursting,

“This guy… Sword God?! ”

At this moment, only this sentence remained in his mind,

Not only him, but around him, the faces of Lieutenant General Karp and Tsuru are also not good,

Copy and superimpose, Su Mo’s ability originally thought that there might be some weakness, but at this moment, this idea was like a joke,

Not to mention other abilities, just now Su Mo’s sword technique, they will definitely not be able to deal with it!

Thinking that there was actually a ridiculous idea of catching Su Mo before, several people couldn’t help but be silent,

…………. 0

Some people are silent, but it does not mean that everyone will be silent, such as red dogs …

Looking at Su Mo’s figure, he opened his mouth wide, revealing disbelief, “How… Possible?!!? ”

He looked at the palm of his hand, and then looked at Su Mo’s figure, unconsciously, he actually gave birth to a fearful thought!

Are you kidding!?

He is an admiral, an existence in the name of justice on his shoulders, how can there be such emotions ?!

Just when he was surprised, Su Mo’s side, he suddenly moved.

After a hundred times superimposed, his speed is terrifying!

With his steps, between the entire heaven and earth, it seemed as if some invisible pressure was crushing down from the head, making the air sticky!

Everyone’s eyes widened in shock,

Correct…… In sight, there is nothing!

Even the figure of Hawkeye disappeared at this moment!

“Disappeared, disappeared?”

“How is that possible?”

“I… Even I can’t see anything…” Warring States trembled, word by word,

At the moment when his words fell, a strange sword qi suddenly rippled from the void.

The sword qi was like a wave of water, spreading out to a huge area, and in a short moment, it wrapped everyone on Cake Island——


In an instant, the surrounding space became hazy, and after a short silence, a violent explosion exploded on Cake Island!

… Five…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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