Just as Moriah was self-doubting, Law walked in,

Looking at Su Mo on the high platform not far away, he was silent for a few seconds and asked, “What happened?” ”

Moriah threw him a look of your own,

Roton was even more strange,

The gaze was slightly condensed, Su Mo’s figure slowly cleared, and then, Su Mo’s side…

“Drought Jack !?!” Luo was directly shocked, Drought Jack, this guy is actually in Dressrosa?

As if guessing his reaction, Moriah said a little sadly, “… Came to help Joke, but I don’t need him now. ”

Saying that, Moria took a deep breath and calmed down his complicated mood, “Just now… One trick to kill Drought Jack in seconds, do you know? Even Aunt Kaido couldn’t do it in person, but just now in front of my eyes, the god killer was like this-” He stretched out his hand and made a downward pressing gesture, “–As soon as he pressed, the drought was lost, and it directly changed from the fruit form to the human form…”


Hearing this, Luo was stunned for a while, and then, he looked at Su Mo, and then looked at Jack beside Su Mo for a while, and after determining that it was really Drought Jack 257, he couldn’t help but gasp,

“Killer, the power of the God Killer is actually so strong?!” He was surprised,

Moriah nodded with a sad look, “… I have confidence in beating Kaido, but Lord God Killer always feels very dangerous…”

Luo, “…”

This sentence, he didn’t know how to refute at all,

To be fair, Su Mo has not shown malice towards him until now, but looking at Jack who passed out, unconsciously, his mood will always be a little complicated,

And there are upcoming competitions… He doesn’t think he can win, moreover, the competition is definitely not as simple as Su Mo said, the most important thing is that he doesn’t know why Su Mo held the competition, watch the excitement?

So idle?

Just thinking about it, Su Mo’s figure suddenly appeared not far in front of him,

Looking at Luo and Moria, he shook his hand to relieve the discomfort of the elephant’s trunk just throwing over, although it didn’t hurt and didn’t cause any harm, but such a big thing was thrown over, I always felt uncomfortable,

Suddenly, he chuckled and looked at Moria, “… See clearly, Moriah? “(baff)

“Uh…” Moria was stunned, and quickly nodded, “See clearly, Lord God Killer.” ”

Su Mo smiled and nodded, “That’s okay.” ”

“In a while, when the arena stage is repaired, you and Luo will also go up, as well as Doflamingo and the other gladiators in the arena, and hundreds of people will come to the melee.” He said

Moria, “??? ”

Luo, “??? ”

A few hundred people scuffle? Let them go up

Luo frowned and asked curiously, “Let’s go fight the gladiators?” Why? ”

As soon as these words came out, Moriah was also surprised to see it,

In the gaze of the two, Su Mo raised his eyebrows, “Because look.” ”

Saying that, he moved his shoulders, “Gladiator, arena… Although it is not as good as Gundam, it is also a kind of man’s romance, in fact, I originally wanted to play, but your strength is too weak, I can kill them all together, so…”

He looked at Law and Moria, “… Come to a show, whether it’s fruit ability, physical skill, or secret domineering, come to a scuffle between hundreds of people, and when I have a good time, the heads of Doflamingo and Kaido will be given to you. ”

As soon as the words fell, Luo and Moriah’s breathing became heavier at the same time,

Kaido and Doflamingo’s head!!

If you put this on someone else and say that they definitely don’t believe it, even if the Warring States and Karp come at the same time, it won’t work, but Su Mo is different!

Two punches to solve Bigmom…

Kaido, the strength position is the same as the aunt, but also the four emperors, although he has the title of the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but in fact, the real strength and the aunt are only between Bozhong, maybe stronger, or weaker, regardless of the strength, the two are definitely the same!

Doesn’t that mean that Kaido can be easily solved? Not to mention a Doflamingo who even Drought Jack might not be able to beat!

In other words, they themselves, not to mention Jack, Doflamingo may not be able to solve it, but now, there is an opportunity in front of them!

As long as Su Mo is happy, his years of hatred may be reported!

This temptation cannot be experienced by people who have not experienced despair and grief.

But there’s a catch… What should I do if this guy Su Mo backtracks?

When you have played enough and solved them easily, what should you do then?

As soon as the two thought of this, Su Mo came at the right time and said, “Do you have any picks?” ”

“Don’t waste time, I just want to watch the game, when the game is over, your long-cherished wish for many years can be over, hurry up and finish the game, I have to prepare Kaido, there is no time to spend with you.”

Hearing this, Luo and Moria looked at each other, took a deep breath and nodded, turned and walked towards the arena,

The corners of Su Mo’s mouth raised slightly, thinking about it, he clapped his hands and called Doflamingo over,

Doflamingo was stunned, and then nodded slightly, “Master? ”

Su Mo quickly rubbed his arm, “Don’t, just call the boss in the future, don’t call the master.” ”

The old men who are more than three meters old respectfully call him the master, this feeling is simple,

With a dry cough, he said quickly, “Did you hear that just now?” Hold a competition, you also participate, by the way, pick a few that you think are similar in strength to also participate, okay go. ”

Doflamingo was silent for a while, frowning and asking, “Can people from the family also participate?” ”

“Whatever.” Su Motou said without looking back,

“Yes.” Doflamingo nodded, then turned and left,

Su Mo didn’t know what he was thinking, but it didn’t matter,

The subconscious has changed, not afraid of Doflamingo’s betrayal, and even if it betrays, the big deal is to punch the past,

What he cares more about now is the game in this arena for a while!

I have only seen it in TV series in my previous life, but I can see it real, and it is still a competition with fantasy colors, Devil Fruit ability, domineering, physical skills, and I have a sense of expectation when I think about it for a while!

However, there is one thing he forgot to say just now, it is better to splash blood as little as possible, and kill… Although there are basically few good people here, but there are more people killed, there will always be a little smell of blood on their bodies, and he doesn’t want to see this kind of eighteen forbidden pictures,

Just look at the fighting…

Considering this, he sent another message to Doflamingo, and finally slowly walked to the audience, picked a seat and sat down,


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