Kaguya’s chest suddenly glowed with a dazzling brilliance, it was the kunai in his arms, and even Kaguya’s clothes could not block its light.

Kaguya was shocked in his heart, and quickly took out the Ku Wu in his arms, only to see that the Ku Wu was shining brightly, and wisps of white energy lingered on it. At the same time, the dragon vein Chakra in Kaguya’s body seemed to be attracted, rushing out from the inner body and blending into the white Chakra.

The light of the supreme bitterness became brighter and brighter, and finally burst out a dazzling light, illuminating everything around it white, and even Kaguya couldn’t help but close his eyes.

When Kaguya opened her eyes again, she found herself in a strange place. The ground is devastated, and everywhere you can see large pits and deep ditches that are seven vertical and eight, and the smell of gunsmoke is everywhere, and even mixed with a trace of blood.

Kaguya floated in the air and looked around, she noticed that there were many people around her, they were dressed differently, but one thing was very unified, that is, they all wore the word “Shinobi” on their heads.

Kaguya was stunned, if she remembered correctly, this brace had only been worn during the Fourth Ninja World War. Is it now the fourth Ninja World War?

Have you returned to your original world? Kaguya was momentarily stunned.

Kaguya just wanted to ask someone around him about the situation, but they looked at the sky with a dull expression, looking at the sky with fear, not knowing what they were looking at.

And at this time, Kaguya felt that someone was tugging at her sleeve, she turned her head and found that it was a black loli, and she was holding a cat-eared loli in her arms, it was the cat demon Xiaohuan.

Kaguya just wanted to ask Xiao Huan why she was here, but saw that the black little loli stretched out her white fingers and pointed to the sky. Kaguya looked in the direction of his finger, and suddenly a foul word burst out.


I saw that I don’t know when in the sky, a huge meteorite appeared, about thousands of meters, the size of several football fields, is falling down rapidly, like Mount Tai crushing the top to smash down, rapid friction to produce air heat will have dyed the meteorite crimson.

Isn’t this a celestial shocker? Kaguya’s clear eyes froze, staring at the giant ball of rock falling from the sky.

The appearance of this kind of thing means that Uchiha or Uzumaki Nagato has been reborn in the soil, and he is likely to be on this battlefield. But Kaguya didn’t have time to think about it, and the meteorite was almost smashed in front of her.

Anyway, she was attacked as soon as she came out, and she was quite unhappy in her heart.

Raising his snow-white and flawless arm and aiming at the huge rock ball in the air, Kaguya’s eyes froze, and nine black Dao Seeking Jades appeared in his palm. The black Dao Jade slowly rotated, and then became faster and faster, so fast that it only left Dao Dao afterimages in the air, and the distance between them became closer and closer.

In the end, they fused together to become a larger Seeking Jade. Not only that, the volume of the Seeking Dao Jade suddenly expanded, like a blown balloon, becoming bigger and bigger. By the time it stopped, the Seeking Dao Jade had swelled more than a hundred times.

And Kaguya, which is in the air, has also attracted the attention of people on the ground.

“Who is that person?”

“It seems to be a girl.”

“Is she dead? Actually go to that kind of place. ”

“If you look for death yourself, there is no way.”

Terumei’s eyes widened below, looking at the graceful figure in the air, revealing a look of disbelief, if she was not mistaken…

A little under Teromi’s feet, like an off-string arrow, quickly rushed towards the position of the Heavenly Obstruction Shocking Star, and she wanted to verify it herself.

“Hey, where are you going, Aqua Shadow.” Lei Ying, who was not far away, roared loudly, wanting to grab her, but unfortunately, Zhao Meiyu’s speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed out of the distance. With the speed of Thunder Shadow, he actually caught an air.

At this time, the Dao Seeking Jade in Kaguya’s hand had swelled into a large ball with a diameter of 100 meters, exuding a terrifying momentum.

Suddenly, the black Dao Jade in Kaguya’s hand was like a black lightning, facing the huge meteorite that fell from the sky, and two large and one small spheres suddenly collided together.

This is Kaguya’s quest for jade attacks.


At the moment of collision, time seemed to stop. Immediately, a dazzling light burst out, the brightness of which could even be compared to the sun in the sky, as if it were another sun. This was followed by an earth-shattering loud noise, the sound was deafening, as if the sky was shattering.

The shock wave generated by the collision formed a series of ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading out in circles around them, destroying and decaying everywhere it passed, whether it was forests, grasslands, or mountains, all of them were ploughed into a white field. Even the white clouds in the sky were swept away, revealing the blue sky, as if it had been cleaned.

And the huge meteorite in the sky collapsed and exploded under the attack of the Dao Jade, turning into huge meteorites, and the heavenly girl fell towards the ground like scattered flowers. For a moment, thick smoke billowed out, fire burst into the sky, and dust filled the air, turning into a huge mushroom cloud.

The people underground had been stunned by this scene in front of them, and they had already fallen into despair, thinking that they would definitely die, after all, such a force could not be resisted by mortals.

And they have only now discovered that meteorites are not just one, but two, two meteorites with a diameter of hundreds of meters!

Where did I think that the peak turned around, and the two huge meteorites in the sky were actually shattered, which was simply unbelievable.

And what is even more incredible is that it was a young girl who saved them!

Who is this girl?

Looking at the explosion scene in the sky like brilliant fireworks, Kaguya slapped his hands on the non-existent dust and nodded with satisfaction. Since absorbing the Dragon Vein, her ability has improved by leaps and bounds, and she no longer needs to enter the Chakra mode of the Reincarnation Eye to freely use the Dao Seeking Jade.

Suddenly, Kaguya’s expression moved, and he turned his head to look behind her, but as soon as she turned her head, she was covered by two soft things on her face.

Author-Jun’s group: ** The update will be notified in the group as soon as possible, and please continue to support the author-kun! Thank you!

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