The huge scarlet tailed beast jade in the air exuded a terrifying momentum, and just its huge size made people awe.

Suddenly, the tailed beast jade shot towards Kaguya like a cannonball, and the super high speed set off a monstrous wave of qi, forming a huge tornado, and the place it passed was suddenly shattered.

The ninjas of the ninja alliance army fell into despair, just now it was only one percent of the tailed beast jade, which had razed the town not far away, and now such a large tailed beast jade, wouldn’t it be certain to die. Not only ordinary ninjas, but even the five shadows have a solemn demeanor, and the higher the strength, the more people can feel the horror of this energy.

For some reason, the silver-haired girl who looked very young in front of them made a glimmer of hope rise in their hearts. Although their reason told them that it was impossible for this girl to be stopped, after all, the current tailed beast jade was nearly a hundred times larger than just now.

The corners of Kaguya’s mouth turned up slightly, raised his head, looked at the attacking tailed beast jade, a smile appeared on his face, and said, “Is that all?” Not enough to see! ”

As soon as the words fell, a pale cyan ball of light appeared in Kaguya’s palm, which was the unique seeking jade of the reincarnation eye. Seeking Dao Jade suddenly shot out a golden light, straight up into the clouds and through the clouds and fog, as if it was a golden long sword,

Kaguya held the golden longsword in his hand, and with a wave of his arm, a sword aura ran through Changhong and shot out towards the tailed beast jade. The tailed beast jade was immediately shot through by this golden ray.

“Golden Wheel Rebirth Explosion”


A dazzling light burst out in the sky, and even the sun in the sky was eclipsed. Then a deafening loud noise resounded in the sky, the earth shook, and the river flowed backwards. Everything around was turned into powder by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and for a moment thick smoke billowed into the sky, and the air was filled with dust.

Fortunately, Gokage and the ninja in charge of defense had already prepared their defenses in advance, and although this explosion was violent, it did not cause too many casualties.

When people came out from behind the bunker, they were stunned by what they saw.

I saw that everything around had disappeared, leaving only a large crater with a diameter of a kilometer and a depth of about 100 meters, like it was left after a meteorite impact, and there was a burnt smell everywhere.

What shocked them even more was that the silver-haired girl floating in the air was unscathed, while the opposite ten tails were actually split in half from the middle! The incision was smooth and flat, as if it had been cut by some sharp blade, which was incredible.

For a while, the battlefield fell into a silence, and people opened their mouths one after another, staring blankly at the position of the silver-haired girl in the distance. The huge coalition army looked so weak in front of these few people that they could only be used as cannon fodder, and even cannon fodder.

Just when everyone thought it was all over, there was a sudden change on the battlefield.

The ten tails, which had been cut in half, suddenly squirmed, and the wounds were connected together, and in a wisp of white smoke, they healed instantly. Ten Tails stood up, and a roar resounded through the sky.

“It’s noisy!” A trace of impatience flashed in Kaguya’s clear eyes, and he raised his snow-white arm, and a huge chakra gathered above his fist and burst out suddenly.

“Eighty God Air Strike!”

Countless translucent fists appeared in the sky, densely packed and faint, and slammed into the body of the ten tails. The roar of the ten tails suddenly stopped, followed by a continuous muffled sound.

The Ten Tails had almost no resistance under the attack of the Eighty Gods Air Strike, and the huge body trembled like a sieve after a few blows of countless fists.

Finally, after a heavy muffled sound, the ten tails were shot up and fell heavily to the ground, setting off a large cloud of dust in the air.

Is she still human…

People on the battlefield broke out in a cold sweat.

Kaguya on the battlefield was in full swing, but she didn’t relax, because this was the beginning, and the real battle was later.

Sure enough, after the dust cleared, the ten tails on the ground had disappeared, as if the world had evaporated. And where the ten tails disappeared, a white crystal clear bead appeared floating quietly in the air.

Kaguya’s eyes froze, and his face became serious, if he guessed correctly, this should be…

There was a “gab” on the white bead, revealing a crack, and then the crack became more and more, bigger and bigger, and finally with a bang, the white bead completely exploded, and white fragments splashed everywhere.

A figure appeared in front of the people, his body was pale, there were six hook jades on his chest, nine hook jades on his back, holding a scepter in his hand, and around his body, there were nine black seeking jade. His whole body exudes an intimidating momentum.

He turned out to be not Uchiha Obito, but Uchiha Madara and also a ten-tailed human pillar force.

Kaguya’s brows frowned slightly, and he looked at the Uchiha belt soil that had turned into two in the distance, and now there was no sound. In the Golden Wheel Rebirth Explosion just now, he was instantly slashed, and even Shenwei came out uselessly. And at the moment before he died, he actually used the Outer Path Reincarnation Innate Technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara. In the original work, he was not so simply resurrected by Uchiha, but was forced by Kuro.

It seems that due to Kaguya’s appearance, Obito’s fate has also changed.

Uchiha took the opportunity to absorb the tailed beast and turned into a ten-tailed human pillar force. Not only that, Uchiha Obito’s reincarnation eye has also arrived in his hand, plus another reincarnation eye, he now has two reincarnation eyes, which can already be said to be complete.

Kaguya looked at Uchiha with the earth’s corpse, sighing, he actually died like this, how to say that he is also a small boss level figure, was actually exploded by one of her golden wheel reincarnations.

“Is this the power of the Six Dao Immortals?” Uchiha clenched his fists, only to feel a surge of power gushing out of his body, giving him an incomparably powerful feeling.

“It’s not.”

A chuckle came from a distance, and Uchiha raised his head and looked at the silver-haired girl in the distance.

“You’re still far behind,” Kaguya’s mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled slightly, “If you think you’re strong now, it only means that you’re too weak.” ”

“Then let you try the power of the Six Dao Immortals!” Uchiha snorted and clenched his fists, a hint of excitement in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha’s figure flashed, like a white lightning, rushing towards Kaguya, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of her.

The speed was so fast that even the people watching the battle on the battlefield could not see clearly, and could only see a figure.

The palm of his hand was already aimed at Kaguya’s chest, and black seeking jade pierced through the hole in his palm, turning into a black spear and stabbing towards Kaguya.

Seeing that the black spear was about to pierce Kaguya’s heart, a black ball appeared on her left chest, just blocking the path of the spear.

With a “bang”, the black spear was ejected, and Uchiha couldn’t help but fly out upside down.

“What?!” Uchiha was flabbergasted!

Kaguya blinked his clear eyes and smiled slightly, “Do you think you have a Dao Jade?” ”

Author: In the new January, please support more! If the results at the beginning of the month are good, the results of the book are generally good, and if the beginning of the month is not good, it will be very bad.

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