“That,” Kaguya didn’t know how to speak, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, “Actually, I have been hiding something from you, I…”

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Terumi reached out and put her hand on Kaguya’s shoulder and smiled slightly.


Everyone’s gaze fell on Kaguya’s face, but there didn’t seem to be much surprise on his face. Only the cat-eared loli looked at the people around her in confusion, as if she didn’t quite understand what they were saying.

“You…” Kaguya looked at them a little surprised, suddenly not knowing what to say.

“We have already guessed,” Xi Yan on the side also pretended to be angry, “You didn’t tell us in advance about such an important matter.” ”

“Mother, are you really leaving?” Hei Jue Loli bit her lips, her face was full of grievances, her big eyes were filled with tears, and she said reluctantly, “Can’t you stay?” ”

“I’m sorry, I can’t stay here because there are things I have to do,” Kaguya’s face was full of apologies, and then he said, “But I promise I’ll be back, and it will be soon.” ”

“What is the important thing, you have to be in such a hurry, if possible, we can also help you.” Terumi said anxiously, “Although our strength may not be as good as yours, we can help to some extent…”

“You go,” Xiao Nan, who was on the side, suddenly spoke, with a slight smile on his face, “Remember to come back early…”

“How can this be,” Terumi said dissatisfied to Xiaonan, “Don’t you want to be with her?” ”

“Nothing,” Konan, shaking his head, said, “Although I don’t know where Kaguya is going or what to do, it must be something important, and I don’t want her to have anything to worry about.” Moreover, I know that Kaguya will definitely come back as agreed, right? ”

Xiao Nan said, squinting at Kaguya and smiling, his clear and bright eyes seemed to be able to see through people’s hearts.

“Well, I’ll definitely be back,” Kaguya nodded solemnly and said seriously, “And it will be soon, I promise.” ”

“What,” Terumi skimmed the corners of her mouth and said dissatisfiedly, “Don’t you all keep it?” It’s like I’m the only bad guy. ”

“Because we believe in our sister.” Hinata gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand, and a bright smile bloomed on her face.

“Sometimes simple thinking is also a kind of happiness.” Terumi said with a helpless smile, and then opened her arms.

Kaguya’s face was stunned, not knowing why.

“Fool, you’re leaving, don’t you come and hug?” Terumi blinked and said.

Kaguya hurriedly walked over, stretched out his white arms, and hugged Terumi tightly.

The corners of Zhao Meiyu’s mouth turned up slightly, and her watery eyes stared at the silver-haired girl in front of her, with a spoiled look on her face.

I don’t know why, when I first saw her at the pier of the country of water, I saw this beautiful and weak silver-haired girl, and I felt very close, like a friend who had known each other for a long time, as if it was a bond of fate, and the fate of the two was like an invisible silk thread, and they have been intertwined since then.

Is this destiny?

Just when Zhaomei was still immersed in her own emotion, she suddenly felt that something was not quite right in her arms, and when she looked down, she saw that the silver-haired girl’s face was facing hers, and she kept rubbing her cheeks back and forth, and there was an expression of enjoyment on her face.

Terumi’s eyelids jumped a few times, the green tendons on his forehead bulged, and he stretched out his hand and squeezed Kaguya’s cheek.

“It hurts.”

“Hey, when is it, take advantage,” Terumi said angrily, rubbing Kaguya’s face vigorously with both hands, as if he still felt uneasy, “Please pay attention to the occasion!” ”

“Got it.” Kaguya, whose pretty face was already crumpled, said vaguely.

The oppressive atmosphere for a while was much relieved.

However, happy times always pass quickly, just like the summer vacation in elementary school, the more reluctant you are, the faster time will pass. And Kaguya frolicked with the women, chatted for a while, and the time gradually came.

It was time for her to leave.

The soothing atmosphere just now suddenly sank again, everyone was silent with each other, as if they didn’t know what to say, and there was only a faint parting sadness in the air.

Black Loli’s nose twitched a few times, her clear eyes were red, and she looked sad. And the same is true of those around you. Kaguya had an urge to stay, but she knew it was pointless and she had to leave here at the end of the day.

“I’m leaving.”

Kaguya was ruthless and turned away, not looking at them again, she was afraid that after watching it, she would be tempted to stay.

“Be sure to come back!”

“We are waiting for you!”

Listening to the voice coming from behind, Kaguya didn’t say anything more, just nodded gently.

Suddenly, her body emitted a holy white light, which lingered around her like silk, as if a fresh breeze was blowing, soft and quiet.

The white light became brighter and brighter, and finally disappeared after a flash, and with it, there was the beautiful silver-haired girl.

Everyone stood for a long time, looking at the place where Kaguya left silently, and a sorrow lingered in their hearts for a long time.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

“Okay, Kaguya is gone, let’s go back,” a beautiful smile bloomed on Terumi’s face, her crooked eyes like a crescent moon, “If she finds us like this, she may still be stealing fun somewhere.” ”

“Well, go back.” Xiao Nan also said softly, looking up at the cloudy sky, “It may rain in a while.” ”

“By the way, let’s open a dango shop, right?” Terumei, who was walking, suddenly spoke.

“Okay, okay, I like to eat dumplings the most!” When the cat-eared loli heard the dango, her eyes lit up. She was childlike, and she seemed to be dumb and didn’t know what was going on, and she looked ignorant, as if she didn’t understand what Kaguya’s departure meant.

“How did you think of opening a dango shop?” Xi Yan blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

“Isn’t that guy the most fond of eating dumplings, as long as we make the best dumplings, that guy will definitely come back and eat them.” Terumi smiled brightly.

“But… Do you make dango? ”



Everyone left one after another, only one person remained in place, and the golden horses swayed with the wind.

“Mother-sama…” Kuro Jue Lori looked at the place where Kaguya left, tears still remained on her flawless face, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, “No matter where you are, I will definitely find you.” ”

And at this time, the cat-eared loli who was held by Xiaonan’s hand suddenly turned her head and glanced at the black loli standing in the distance, the corners of her mouth turned up, revealing an imperceptible smile…

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