After entering the wooden house, a light greeted him, Kaguya couldn’t help but block it with his hand, closed his eyes, and after a while to get used to it, he slowly opened his eyes.

Kaguya, who opened his eyes, was stunned and looked around, he didn’t expect that there was a hole in this wooden house, don’t look at it looks small outside, but the space in the wooden house is surprisingly large, about the size of several football fields. It looks like it should be some kind of spatial spell, or something like an enchantment.

And what greeted Kaguya’s eyes was a white ball of light, which floated abruptly in midair, floating slightly, emitting a soft white light, like a silk strand lingering around the white ball.

Standing in place for a long time, Kaguya did not breathe a slight sigh of relief until he was sure that there was no danger, and walked towards the white ball of light. In an unknown space, it’s always right to be careful.

Kaguya walked upright, walked in style, came to the white ball of light, blinked his big clear eyes, and looked at the white ball in front of him curiously.

This ball of light gave her a strange feeling, although it looked like an energy body made of energy, it gave people a feeling of vitality. How to say, it’s like being alive.

Kaguya couldn’t help but stretch out his white arm and stretched out towards the white ball in front of him. The white ball of light is very soft to the touch, like a ball of marshmallows, fluttering lightly.

At this moment, a metallic voice sounded in Kaguya’s mind.

“Congratulations on completing the mission, as a reward for completing the mission, you can exchange your points for different items and functions…”

Saying that, a large projection screen appeared in front of Kaguya, on which dense text appeared, and there were illustrated explanations next to it. From recovery items such as potions and potions, to some perverted abilities, such as being able to manipulate time at will, manipulate space at will, rewrite history at will, etc., but as soon as you look at the countless zeros behind, Kaguya directly skipped it.

Looking closely, Kaguya’s eyes began to sour, and he didn’t find anything particularly good. Either the ability is too chicken for her to look at, or the points needed to redeem it are too much, and with Kaguya’s current ability, she can’t afford it at all.

Moreover, Kaguya also has one more urgent need to do, that is, to restore her male body, which is what she wants most. Although she has been a woman for many years, she still has a man’s heart, mainly – she wants to soak up girls!

It’s sad to think about it, it’s been thirty years, she hasn’t opened meat, and she’s still a chick. In Naruto, he finally got the girl, but he left immediately, not giving Kaguya the slightest chance at all.

But if you want to restore your identity, you need 1,000 points, which I don’t know how long it will take to accumulate to achieve, but it is certainly not something that can be made up for a while. Kaguya thought that there was no good ability now anyway, Kaguya simply kept it for the time being, and see what other good things there were later.

Just as Kaguya was about to close, suddenly her eyes lit up and she found an inconspicuous message in a corner.

Go back to the original real world for a month and consume 10 points.

Kaguya’s face was stunned, and his fingers stopped unconsciously.

The original world…

Although she has been in the world of Naruto for more than ten years, she still has not forgotten the world she was in. After all, no matter how good the world of Hokage is, no matter how much she is in it, she feels unreal, and she always has a feeling of dreaming.

Even if she had a large number of friends later, had a lot of confidants, and had her own small nest, she once thought that she might live like this.

But the system prompt to complete the task still forced Kaguya out of this feeling. She realized then that she didn’t belong there, that she was just a passing guest, and that wasn’t where she had been living. This made her feel a deep sense of loneliness in her heart, like a poisonous snake entrenched in her heart.

And now in Kaguya’s heart, there is an inexplicable impulse that can hardly be suppressed, that is, she wants to go back and go back to see how the place where she used to live is now.

Kaguya herself is not a nostalgic person, but since experiencing so many things in the world of Naruto, she feels very tired, not physical, more psychological.

In the world of Naruto, she carries a lot of things and endures a lot. It was a world full of killing |, a place full of battles and blood, she was tensing her nerves all the time, not daring to have the slightest slack, and over time, it was inevitable that a lot of negative emotions would occur.

She went back this time, not only to go back and see the place where she used to live, but also to be able to completely relax, she was tired of killing | all day.

Snow-white and flawless fingers, he lightly clicked that option.

“Are you sure?”


A golden light poured down from the sky, lingering on Kaguya’s body like silk, wrapping her heavily, warm as if she was soaking in a hot spring, and unconsciously relaxed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, gray, gradually pressed down, wet and cold water vapor permeated the air, and the breeze blew, bringing a trace of coolness. It was still early, but it was already evening.

The streets are lit up, and the neon lights are gradually lit up, colorful and colorful. The streets are full of traffic and people are hurrying. Perhaps because the heavy rain is coming, people unconsciously quicken their pace, and the noise gradually fades away.

“According to this station, earlier today, a civil aviation passenger plane flying from the demon capital to the imperial capital broke down, two of the four engines failed and caught fire, the wreckage of the engine fell from the wing, hitting the landing gear located in the belly of the fuselage, so that the passenger plane could not land, now the situation is very critical, now connect the reporter of this station to give you a detailed introduction…”

Kaguya stood quietly, tilting his head and looking at the big screen in the square, silent for a while. The deafening sound of the square dancing aunt in the square was clear to her ears, but she had a feeling of being like a world away.

Author: Sorry, I was originally written a little ill-considered, and I always felt a little abrupt, so I deliberately deleted the original chapter and wrote a new chapter. I’m so sorry. We ask for your understanding.

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