Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 146

However, Ye Nan's motivation for thought is like a flood that destroys the world, rushing all the lights and swords to pieces.

The seven ancestor kings were shocked, and Ye Nan specially arranged them in a row in the form of upside-down green onions, head down and feet up, just like turnips, planting seven big pits outside the Yaochi.

This caused everyone in Yaochi to jump and shake.

The ancestors of the ancient tribes were saints, and each tribe didn't have much.

Today, the seven ancestor kings Qizhi, but Ye Nan was neatly inserted into the earth, it was tantamount to throwing the faces of these ancient tribes into the mud and stepping on them again. The consequences were more serious than killing them.

But beyond many people's expectations.After these ancestor kings pulled themselves out of the soil, they didn't have any attacks, but turned and left Yaochi.

This makes some people feel relieved, but some people look more serious.

If these ancestors can't even talk about the scene, there must be a bigger plan!


At this moment, secretly, several people are talking.

"are you sure?"

"I'm sure. The seven combined attacks, even the peak saint can't resist it, will turn into a rain of blood in an instant. The human race can easily break this blow, at least it is the peak saint king, even the great saint! "

"Great Sage..."

Someone has a headache.

Isn't it that the human race has few saints?How come a great saint suddenly appeared now?

"Report it. It seems that I have to ask those people to shoot in advance."


After that, the ancestors of the ancients still came every day.

Sometimes two or three, sometimes four or five, putting increasing pressure on the human race.

Right now, the hope of the human race is Ye Nan who still can't see the depth.Once he fell, the morale of the human race would at least drop by more than half.

At the same time, many human forces contacted Ye Nan.

They were just like they had said it. The Ji family sent the Void Jingdao Palace scroll, the Jiang family sent the Hengyu Jing fourth-level scroll, and the Yaochi Holy Land sent the Western Emperor Jinghua tornado.

Even Ye Fan gritted his teeth and ventured to pass the Ji Zi Mi and Dou Zi Mi in the Nine Secrets to Ye Nan, hoping to help him.

At the same time, there is another task.

Task: Promote peace talks between the adult race and the ten thousand races, with a contribution rate of at least 20%.(10/100)

Reward: Five kinds of secret methods, human prestige (respect).

Looking at the new task, Ye Nan was very satisfied.

Not bad.The 80,000 shared value spent, this time it was back!

These days, since the ancients did not act as monsters, Ye Nan continued to teach Saitama, Yuki Rito, and Ai Si to learn.

With the help of the huge aura in the sacred place of Yaochi, and various spirit fruit spirits, the three of them finally started the Taoist scriptures and opened up a sea of ​​suffering.

In just an instant, Yuki Rigou felt that her Qi had increased by 5%, and she could continue to strengthen as she practiced.

Ai Si also has a way to become stronger until he reaches the black level.

But the sea of ​​bitterness that Saitama opened up turned out to be bright.

The waves surging in the sea of ​​bitterness and blood surging to the sky, as if a crimson cloud rose above his head, he had never thought that it was another human sacrament, which stunned everyone.

Especially the ancients.A Human Eucharist was a headache for them before, but now another one appears?

In particular, Ye Nan brought a descendant of the Fighting Saint Queen a few days ago, people can't help but look forward to what physique will be next from him?

A few days later, the big man who can really determine the attitude of the ancients came.

But compared to the ancestors who were afraid that others would not know him, this is a very ordinary old ancient clan.He was wearing shabby clothes, just like an old countryman, walking from a distance with a smile, one step was several kilometers.

"I have seen Great Sage Hun Tuo!!"

But where he walked, countless ancient tribes went up to the ancestor king, and down to the ordinary creatures to worship, shouting the great saint.

"Okay, you are all fine."

This unassuming great sage raised his hand to greet everyone. After seeing Ye Nan, his seemingly cloudy eyes flashed, and he walked straight towards him.

This makes many human races nervous.

But when he got closer, Great Sage Hun Tuo sighed.

"Friends, now that you are here, why don't you go first, and instead bully the juniors here?"

Under the gaze of countless lights, Ye Nan finally got up.

His expression is extremely cold, like a vast and invisible dark universe.For the first time, his body released the shocking weather that belonged to the immortal king, and the blood around his body was like an ocean, covering the entire sky of Jade Lake.

In front of the horrified ancient creatures, he was extremely tough and confronted the Great Sacred Path.

"Are you going to stand up for them? Well, go to a battle outside the territory! The victory is determined, and life and death are divided!"

Chapter 220 The title mother who was persuaded by the author to ask for a salary increase (repair)

Frustrated by Ye Nan's lack of face, the smile on Great Sage Hun Tuo's face became stiff.

Is it such an arrogant little brother?

Don't even look at him now as a good old man. In the past, Great Sage Hun Tuo was also a powerhouse who ran across the races, and had only lost his career to one person.

That is the strongest in the line of fighting sacred apes, the last ancient emperor in the Primordial Era, fighting sage emperor.

Although at that time, he was knocked down by the fighting holy emperor with one punch, but he also got a'good' evaluation.

Great Sage Hun Tuo felt the breath of Ye Nan's body.There is no doubt that this is a Human Race Great Sage whose combat power is at its peak.

However, being slapped unceremoniously, an obscure killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he threatened him maliciously.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant. You must know that in this world, the Great Sage is not an absolute strong. You must know, just past the easy break!"

"Of course I know."

Ye Nan sneered. He stretched his hand over the ancient mines of the early days, the ruins of the gods, the undead mountain, and the sea of ​​reincarnation.

"Your ancients do have the strongest ones, but will they take action for this? Only a few ancient imperial soldiers will come here! Didn't your ancients bring ancient imperial soldiers nearby? Go and borrow one, we A war outside the territory!"

After being provoked twice in a row, the good-tempered Great Sage Huotuo finally got angry.

He raised a pair of dragon-shaped eyebrows in anger, and the long hair behind his head was suspended and scattered like gravity, and also released his own great pressure.

Two terrifying auras collided with each other over Yaochi, and even the sky was torn with countless holes.

The holy master of Jade Lake controls the West Emperor Pagoda, and chaotic energy hangs down from the top of the tower to protect the Jade Lake.

However, there are still many people whose minds are photographed by the collision between the Great Sage, their faces are pale, and they are crumbling under the pressure of the two.

"Do you not bring Ji Dao imperial soldiers? Since you insist on fighting, then fight!"

As soon as Great Sage Hun Tuo finished speaking, Ye Nan said blankly.

"I brought a treasure that can compete with the ultimate weapon. That's why you want to borrow it quickly, lest others say I bully you!"

Huntuo Great Sage: (°°)

Even the Jidao weapon was brought, and this matter was destined to be impossible.

Great Sage Hun Tuo flew away with a black face, and soon returned with a golden mace.

"The golden mace of the ancient golden emperor?"

Ye Nan glanced at the ancient emperor soldier of the golden race and took the initiative to fly to the outside world.

At the same time, a layer of pitch black color, no traces of artificial carving, as if a naturally formed armor appeared on his body, it was the top treasure black light armor.

It turned out to be an armor-type emperor soldier?

Seeing this, many people have weird looks on their faces.

There are many types of extreme weapons.For example, the Emperor Sword, Jiuli Tu, Wushi Bell, Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar, Golden Mace, Five-Colored Heavenly Sword, Wanlong Bell, Human Emperor Seal, Dragon Black Gold Ding and so on.

But it is quite rare to make armor.

First, this is because armor requires a lot more materials than weapons, and it is difficult to find enough materials for refining.

Secondly, the weapon of the extreme path also symbolizes the Dao of the Great Emperor or the Ancient Emperor.The sword is the gentleman of the soldiers, the sword is the overlord of the soldiers, the bell master controls the changes, and Yin can suppress the luck.But no matter what it represents, every kind of Emperor Dao's army has extremely powerful lethality.

A handy weapon has a geometrical shape for the increase in attack power.

And he made his extreme weapons into armor instead of weapons, and would rather give up attack and choose defense. How scared of death was that unknown emperor?!

A faint smile came from where the ancient creatures were, and the human race bowed their heads in shame.

How could such a great emperor exist in history?!

If you are so afraid of death, how did the other party become the emperor?!

Of course, at this time, Ye Nan didn't know the misunderstanding of the people below because of the black light armor.

His original intention was that the power of the black light armor in this world should be equivalent to that of the ultimate weapon, so just saying that does not mean that the black light armor is the ultimate weapon.

But in this world, apart from the great emperor, the only weapons that can stand against the extreme weapons, it is difficult for others to misunderstand.

Outside the territories, there is a dark cosmic starry sky.Often used as a battlefield for the great sage and above.

Among all kinds of broken meteorites, occasionally a few bloodstains can be seen, or some fragments of remnants that have lost their essence after a long period of time.

Ye Nan stood in the dark cosmic starry sky.On the opposite side, Great Sage Huntuo was illuminated by the golden divine light emitted by his golden mace.

It is different from the ordinary ancients who laughed at the armored weapons.As the party concerned, the Great Sage Hun Tuo had a solemn expression and heightened his vigilance.

Because the golden mace told him that this unknown black armor is not an extreme weapon, because it does not have the spirit of an extreme weapon like it.

However, the material of the black armor is unknown, and the casting method is completely different from that of Jidao weapon. It can't tell what kind of armor it is.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Great Sage Hun Tuo didn't intend to attack first, Ye Nan took the lead.

"Kong Yan!"

Ye Nan drove the secret method, raised his right arm, and hit the Great Sage Hun Tuo with a flat punch, but his power instantly increased by 6,561 times.

In the countless secrets of devouring the world, even if it is an ordinary peak of immortality, under the full strength, it can achieve a power increase of more than three thousand times!

Ye Nan's punch is just a small test, wanting to see what kind of strength the Great Sage Hun Tuo can exert after mastering the golden mace.

However, this punch was just an appetizer to Ye Nan, but it was very different in the eyes of Great Sage Hun Tuo.

Under this punch, the space around him was distorted.The cracks in the pitch-black space swallowed his standing, actively pushing him towards Ye Nan's fist

Great Sage Hun Tuo raised his golden mace without hesitation and slammed it into Ye Nan's right fist.


Following the infusion of the vast and strong mana from the Great Sage, the golden mace shook and gradually recovered.

The golden light flourishes in the dark universe, and the power of the emperor's way blooms,

However, Ye Nan turned a blind eye, still punching him up.

Actually defend the imperial soldiers with fists?


Before Great Sage Hun Tuo had time to be surprised, Ye Nan was repelled by the golden mace.

It was just a handover, the flesh and blood on his right palm exploded, the smaller half of his palm disappeared in the explosion, and the white stubble was clearly visible.

However, the injury is limited to this.

And soon, the flesh and blood that Ye Nan should have been flying in the cosmic starry sky turned into flames and reattached to his wounds, repairing them in an instant.

Looking at his harmless right hand, Ye Nan sneered with disdain.

"This is the ancient imperial soldier? But so!"

Kong Yan line's'flaming body' secret technique, he has cultivated to the highest level among the red flame body, silver flame body, and golden flame body.At that moment, he didn't even lose one ten-thousandth of the divine body, and quickly replenished it from the universe.

joke.Ye Nan was carefully taught by six big men for a while.Although hardly defending the emperor may be taught to be a human being, it is still very easy to beat the emperor who is just holding the emperor's soldier.

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