Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 148

At this point, Wan Longling still wanted to escape, but Ye Nan was thrown into the black light directly.

Under his control, the black light armor turned into a solution and sealed it into a square cage, completely suppressing Wanlongling.

Seeing this, the ancestors of another race were frightened and shouted again and again.

"Quick, take back the ancient emperor soldier!"

The Great Sage of the Golden Clan was also stunned, but his speed was not slow, he immediately took his golden mace into the depths of the clan, for fear that he would also be snatched by Ye Nan.

The ancient tribe, who had just been arrogant, suddenly turned into a tortoise with a shrunken head, without saying a word.

Only the area around the pity Yaochi was affected by the Jidao Emperor.Mountains and rivers shattered, the earth cracked, countless creatures perished and devastated.

But the human race's counterattack is not over yet.

From the west of Yaochi came a sage king with white clothes fluttering and a face of youth, but with long hair like snow.

That was the god king of the Jiang family five thousand years ago, and Jiang Taixu, who claimed to be the number one attacker in five thousand years.

At the beginning, in order to help Ye Fan, he worked hard, almost exhausted his body's resources, and the lamp was gone.

Today, he was reborn from the ashes, lived a second life, and stepped forward directly across more than a dozen small realms.

He stepped on the sunset glow to offer a sacred furnace that was as red as blood, Jiang Jia Hengyu furnace.

The divine phoenix Heming carved on the furnace, the endless red clouds evaporate, bursting into the sky.

At the same time, an emperor's might rise from the Jade Pool.

It was an old prince of the Xia Dynasty wearing a dragon robe.He holds the Sword of the Emperor in his hand, and what he exudes is undoubtedly the breath of a saint.

The four imperial prestige belonging to the human race enveloped the entire northern region, and countless ancient creatures shivered.

At the same time, countless human beings knelt down with emotions and tears streaming down their faces.

"It's Emperor Wu Shi!"

"The Great Emperor Wu Shi has manifested himself!"

When Ye Nan returned to the Yaochi with Wan Longling, his murderous eyes swept across every ancient king present like a blade, making them cold as if they were falling into an ice cellar, for fear of being killed by the opponent.

Even the ancient emperor who had waited out from the Blood Phoenix Mountain and the Huolin Cave, the Archaic tribe with ancient emperor soldiers did not dare to speak.

At this moment, the scene changed from the ancients oppressing the human races to the humans oppressing the ancients.

One day later, two new ancient great sages came to Yaochi.

Those are the two great sages from Blood Phoenix Mountain and Huolin Cave.They were all smiles, and half of them were not malicious, and they negotiated with Humans very friendly.

At the same time, a sick old man was helped by Xia Jiuyou, a young girl Tianjiao who had tried to refine Ye Fan into a holy blood pill.

Seeing him, the two ancient great sages were shocked and at the same time awe.

Actually another human saint?!

Chapter 223 Ransom

Seeing Gai Jiuyou, the two great sages of the ancient tribe were frustrated.

Do humans like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers so much?

Our ancient clan took out three ancient imperial soldiers, and you would throw out four imperial soldiers plus one magic weapon of the Wushi Great Emperor, and another black armor that people can't understand at all but can be used to suppress the ancient imperial soldiers. .

We have two new great sages here, and the human race does not know where one came from, and there is still a great sage aura looming in the dark.

Did you say that your human race is so awesome?!Why didn't you say it earlier?Why didn't you say it earlier?!

Next, the peace talks proceeded fairly smoothly.

The basic situation is that the human race said that in the future, the saints can't make moves at will.

Ancient: "Good, good."

The Terran said that after the ancient clan was broken, it could obtain a territory with a radius of a million miles as territory, but it would have to wait for the upper Terran to move.

Ancients: "Go and go."

The Human Race stated that the battle between the juniors belongs to the juniors, and people with more than two major realms are not allowed to take action.

Ancient: "Yes, you can."

After being severely beaten, the ancients became quite talkative.

Afterwards, the peace talks of 10,000 ethnic groups ended successfully here.At the banquet, the great saints exchanged cups.

When the wine was in full swing, the Great Sage of Huolin Cave raised a glass to Ye Nan and laughed.

"The Wanlong clan in Wanlong's Nest wants to redeem their emperor soldiers, so they also ask the Nantian Emperor to do it for convenience."

Generally speaking, only the quasi-emperor can claim the title.A great sage peak like Ye Nan cannot use the word emperor.

However, the other party was empty-handed to accept the ancient emperor soldiers, and no one dared to talk about it.

At the moment when the Great Sage of Huolin Cave opened his mouth, the original lively scene in Jade Lake suddenly calmed down.

All the ancestor kings and human saints turned their heads and looked at Ye Nan.

Facing everyone's eyes, Ye Nan put down his wine glass and smiled.

"Okay, no problem."

Before the happy Huo Lin Cave Great Sage spoke, Ye Nan continued.

"My requirements are not high. I want the full volume of the "Dragon Emperor Sutra" of Wanlongchao, which can be used to cast imperial soldiers. It has the same material as Daojie gold and dragon pattern black gold. Ten sacred medicines for three thousand years, fifty medicine kings for five hundred years, and a million catties of gods."

Hearing this price, the face of the Great Sage of Huolin Cave was all green.

This is not demanding?

He smiled bitterly at Ye Nandao.

"Can you accommodate one or two?"

"Tongrong? You mean, the ancient emperor soldiers in Wanlong's Nest are not worth the price?"

Ye Nan smiled, holding up the black light that turned into a square prison.

Under his control, the appearance of the black light gradually faded until it became transparent, revealing the Wanlong Bell that exudes luminous purple light.

"Okay, Yi Qianjin Yuan, I will sell you this Wanlong Bell."

"Dare not, not dare!"

Ye Nan's words scared the Great Sage Huolindong shook his head repeatedly, and secretly cursed this Human Race Great Sage for being too darkhearted!

If he dared to buy the ancient emperor soldiers from Wanlong's Nest with a thousand catties today, tomorrow Wanlong's Nest will be immortal with Huolin Cave!

Seeing that the Great Sage of Huolin Cave was about to return without success, the Great Sage of Blood Phoenix Mountain hurriedly finished the battle.

"One thousand catties is a joke of course. But the price set by the Emperor Nantian is really high. Wanlong's Nest has been self-proclaimed for millions of years, and now it is really unable to pay!"

"If you don't have any money, you want to return to Wanlongling? Then I advise everyone in Wanlong's Nest to wash and sleep! Everything is in your dreams."

Ye Nan ridiculed a few words, then sneered.

"It's okay if you don't want to pay the ransom. Isn't there still an old quasi-emperor sitting in Wanlong's nest? Wanlong's nest can't pay, you can let him grab it!"

He charged into the sky with a murderous intent, his tyrannical blood ascending to the sky like a red dragon, his eyes glaring at the two ancient great sages.

"If this old dragon is slaughtered, only then can the ten thousand races know that the name of my Southern Heavenly Emperor cannot be obtained casually!"

After listening to Ye Nan's words, the two great saints were silent.

They were not surprised that Ye Nan was tough, and they wouldn't blow the head of Great Sage Hun Tuo when they were not tough.

The strange thing to them is, why did Ye Nan know that there is still an old quasi emperor in Wanlong's nest?This matter is logically the absolute secret of Wanlong's Nest, anyone who knows it can count it with one hand.

Moreover, he plans to slaughter the opponent?To the great sage to kill the emperor?

It's like a snail saying that he wants to run faster than a tortoise, making people laugh to death.

However, judging from what he did before, this Nantian Emperor was obviously not such a person.

Thinking about it this way, it's terrifying!

The two great sages went back to discuss with Wanlongchao instead.

At this point, Ye Nan thought that this copy would end here, but that was not the case.

That being the case, Ye Nan comprehended Dou Zi Mi and Ji Zi Mi while instructing Saitama, Ai Si, and Yuki Rido to practice.

Even though Yuki Lidou stepped into the practice, his main thought was still on Qi.Even if the mana is cultivated, it quickly turns into Qi.

Ai Si lives in a different world like the West, and has no knowledge of Eastern Taoism and laws.Recently, she has been holding a lot of Taoist books and chewing, she has become a literary girl.

Only Saitama has the fastest entry.Because of the ancient Eucharist, he only needs to pile up mana hard, and Ye Nan didn't expect him to learn any exquisite Taoism, but asked Ye Fan to teach Saitama six reincarnation fists.

Although he was wondering why Ye Nan didn't teach Saitama six reincarnation fists himself, Ye Fan did not refuse either.

When getting along with Ye Fan, Duan De and others, Ye Nan didn't put on the air of a great saint.Gradually, several people were able to communicate with him normally, so that they would not salute as soon as they meet.

"I propose that you can hang the Wanlong Bell on the door of the pit, and you can listen to it every time you go to the hut."

At the banquet, after talking about his proposal, Duan Deyang was triumphant, shaking his head and shaking his head, but Ye Nan slapped him with a black face.

Now, Wan Longling was suppressed in his black light armor.If Wanlong Bell is hung in front of the Maokeng gate, his black light armor can't be worn?

Seeing Duan De being beaten into the air, Ye Fan and the Black Emperor who came afterwards burst into laughter.

Afterwards, Ji Ziyue made a pretty good suggestion.

"I think Nantian Emperor, you can hold an'Ancient Imperial Soldiers' exhibition meeting to exhibit ancient Imperial Soldiers in the big cities of various human races."

The crescent-like eyes of Ji's Little Moon gleamed.

"The ancient emperor's weapons were displayed as trophies in the Terran tour. Wanlong's Nest will definitely not sit still and will come soon."

Ye Nan thought for a while and readily agreed.

After the news came out, the people from Wanlong's Nest arrived within two days.

Wanlonghuang's daughter, Zilongnu, came to Yaochi in person as a representative of Wanlong's Nest.

She expressed her apologies to Ye Nan, and said,'Wan Long Ling was not borrowed by her','The Dao Slayer King who dared to borrow Wan Long Ling has been killed by her', and hoped that the Emperor Nan Tian could forgive me. he.

A certain ghost is not important, what is important is the compensation brought by the Purple Dragon Girl.

Although not as much as Ye Nan said at the time, there were also three hundred catties of Shenshen Zijin, two Wannian magical medicines, six thousand-year sacred medicines, and five hundred-year medicine king 37.A million catties of God's source is enough.

Finally, Zilongnu also presented the "Dragon Emperor Sutra".

"Dragon Emperor Sutra" is the practice practice of Wanlong's Nest and is not suitable for humans.In addition, there is no attacking technique in the "Dragon Emperor Sutra" sent by the Purple Dragon Girl, which minimizes the negative impact.

After receiving the ransom, Ye Nan did not embarrass a junior, so he returned Wan Longling to her.

Mainly because he didn't trigger the task and he couldn't take Wan Longling with him, it might as well get some ransom.

These indemnities from Wanlong's Nest, including the "Dragon Emperor Jing", can all bring out a copy.

Chapter 224 Communication between Juniors

(Adding more to Luo Xiaojin’s ten thousand rewards)

After taking back Wan Long Ling, Zi Long Nu was obviously relieved.

Immediately afterwards, an old dragon wearing a purple suit with a six-inch dragon horn on his head and a human body with an old face walked out from behind her.

He looked at Ye Nan blankly, arching his hand in a perfunctory manner.

"Old man Ganlun! Great sage of the human race, I will wait a long time for the birth of the ten thousand races. If the land changes drastically today, the laws are different. It is not convenient for you and me to take action. Why don't you let the juniors communicate and learn from each other?"

After all, this old dragon's body was gradually filled with a great holy breath.

Immediately afterwards, he said with a black face.

"In addition, there is no quasi-emperor in our clan. How did the Nantian emperor know that there is a quasi-emperor in my Wanlong Nest?"

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