Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 157

The second and third chapters will teach and teach, become an old driver in one year

Although Ye Lan's super powers are very good, Yue'er also has the psychological control of lv5.But in front of the real strong, these are just trails.

Not to mention other things, such as the little bird Yu Liuhua that Nyarlatotepu made casually, Ye Lan was not an opponent in real fight.

Under the pressure of Ye Nan's eyes, Ye Lan, who possessed superpowers, chose to cultivate the cosmic force and become a spiritual master like Ye Nan, while Yue'er chose to practice the mysterious world of fantasy wind.

As for Fen Jue, emmmm, they immediately lost interest when they heard that this exercise requires countless flames to upgrade many times.

Don’t have a simpler way of cultivation, why choose a complicated one?


Although Ye Lan and Yue'er were forced to start cultivating, Ye Nan was not a devil after all, and he still had time to rest every day.

Usually after lunch at noon, or on Saturday and Sunday, Ye Nan would ride the male Amethyst Winged Lion King, and Ye Lan and Yue'er would ride on the female Amethyst Winged Lion King, leaving behind their clothes in various places in the Warcraft Forest. Footprint.

After more than half a month, after visiting the Forest of Warcraft, they went to the next place.

Gama Empire, Snake Man Tribe, Izumo Empire, Fallen Goose Empire...

In more than a year, the three of them have traveled almost all the great empires in the northwest corner of the Douqi Continent, and they have seen many beautiful scenes and unique customs in various places.

Counting the time, the Xiao Family's Bar Mitzvah is almost here.Ye Nan returned to Wutan City, intending to see the changes in the'protagonist' Xiao Ning over the past year.

Later, he decided to take Yue'er and Ye Lan into Canaan College to see them.

In this regard, Yue'er, who had never gone to school, said it was very novel, but Ye Lan, who finally got rid of the hell of going to school, complained.

"Going to school again? Brother, we are all in another world, can we stop going to school?"

"It's not that you need to endorse the exam. The courses at Canaan College are easy."

Ye Nan placed one hand on Ye Lan's head and gently stroked it left and right to suppress it.

"Furthermore, this is just for you to experience the academy life in this world. After a few months of experience, we feel bored and we will go to the true core of the Douqi Continent, Zhongzhou."


Seeing Yue'er's curious gaze, Ye Lan narrowed his mouth and nodded.


Utan City, Xiao Family.

"Strength of fighting, Jiudan!"

Following the elder's amazement, Xiao Ning squeezed his fist hard as he looked at the shining five big characters on the test stone, and the extremely confident smile that appeared a few years ago reappeared.

Below, many young disciples of the Xiao family sighed.

"Cousin Xiao Ning is so amazing! In one year, he has been promoted for six consecutive stages!"

"Cousin Xiao Ning's talent is back, and it's even more powerful than before!"

As Xiao Ning's father, Xiao Shan was always in tears.Xiao Yu's expression was equally excited.

Her genius brother is back again!

But just when he stepped down, Xiao Ning staggered and almost rolled off the stage.

Ye Nan, who stood with Ye Lan and Yue'er, shook his head speechlessly.

This Xiao Ning's body is so weak!His face was pale, his steps were vain, and he seemed to be over-indulgent.

As the saying goes, thirty is like a wolf.This Han Feng is with Xiao Ning every day, inhaling grievances and fighting.Xiao Ning is not even a contender now. If it weren't for Han Feng's pity, Xiao Ning would be sucked up directly by her!

Not only Ye Nan, but many people who came here, especially the men, found Xiao Ning's strangeness, with a strange look on his face.

This seems to be the coming-of-age ceremony of the Xiao family, right?This genius Xiao Ning looks like this, I'm afraid it's not that I don't know how long ago he was already'adult'!

Among them, Xiaoshan is particularly strange.

He obviously didn't arrange a maid for Ning'er, nor did he see Ning'er enter and exit the fireworks venue. He just worked hard in the room every day to practice?

Isn't it because Ning'er hides in the room every day to generate electricity while she is cultivating endlessly?

This can't work!

Xiao Shan looked worried.

It seems that the three-year appointment with Nalantao made Ning'er too much pressure.

Lu Xun once said that instead of breaking out in silence, he will pervert in silence.

It seems that he, as a father, should also care about his son's "sexual" blessing!

However, what Xiao Shan didn't know was that with Han Feng every night, Xiao Ning's sex life could be exciting!

Because Han Feng is a soul body, they have unlocked many poses.Xiao Ning also succeeded from the beginning of a young boy, into an old driver who can make drifting moves with one foot on the accelerator.


Canaan College, a famous university in the mainland of vindictiveness.Because of the relationship with Falling Heart Flame, which has the alias "Cultivation Accelerator", many Central State forces will send their disciples to learn.

Canaan College is divided into outer court and inner court.The outer court is an ordinary disciple, while the inner court is an outstanding disciple.Only disciples in the inner courtyard are eligible to enjoy the training benefits of Falling Heart Flame.

The disciples of the outer court must enter the top 50 in the inner court selection competition to be eligible to enter the inner court.

Recently, Hu Gan, the vice-president of the Foreign Hospital, turned his head pale because of his granddaughter Hu Jia.

His granddaughter Hujia has a big breast and fair skin, and is also ranked in the outer courtyard.Logically speaking, there should be many suitors.

The problem is that his granddaughter doesn't like men at all!

After only two years in the outer courtyard, Hu Jia’s girlfriends have changed two, and it seems that they are still trying to delay two.Had it not been for Hugan's son and daughter-in-law who both died in a battle, he would really wish to send Hujiasai back and let them be born again!

Today, just as Hu Gan once again reprimanded Hu Jia for this kind of problem, Hu Jia'humbly apologized' and'resolutely not change', a dull voice with unquestionable majesty sounded behind them.

"You are Hu Gan? My sister and fiancee want to go to the inner courtyard to practice, you can arrange it."

In that tone, it was like asking the secretary to pour himself a glass of boiling water.

Hearing this voice, Hu Qian turned his head with a nasty face, looked at Ye Nan who suddenly appeared in his office, and his heart became angry.

who are you?Ask me to arrange it and I will arrange it?

And Hu Jia, who noticed Ye Lan and Yue'er, had even straightened eyes.

These two people are so beautiful.

Not only the skin is fair and shiny, but the frontal brow lines also have their own characteristics.One cute and lively.Two features with almost no flaws made her Hu Jia feel ashamed!

In her life, she had never seen such a beautiful girl!

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Hu Jia licked her rosy lips and said to the two.

"Hey two beauties, are you interested in getting to know each other?"

As soon as her voice fell, Ye Nan turned his head.Unexpectedly by the people present, he stretched out his hand and hit Hu Jia in the right eye.


Hu Jia, who was beaten, let out a painful cry, with a panda eye on his face.

She covered her eyes and looked at Ye Nan in disbelief.

"You hit me? I'm so beautiful, so you can hit me?!"

"Since you dare to speak, then naturally you must be prepared to be beaten."

Ye Nan spoke coldly.

He said that if Hu Jia was a man, she would have been destroyed by humanity now!

Seeing his most beloved granddaughter took a punch, Hu Gan was even more angry.

Hit my granddaughter in front of me?Is this your attitude when asking for help?

Don't I want face!

Chapter Two Thirty Seven Surprise

Soon, there was a ding-ding, popping, popping sound from Hugan’s office.

Half an hour later, just like Hu Jia, with a panda eye, Hu Gan, whose old waist was about to be broken by a hammer, smiled and sent Ye Nan out as a gift.

"Oh, my lumbar disc..."

Hu Qian shook his head while hammering his old waist.

"Where is this strong man? I'm so young and slap me so easily. Isn't it an old monster who is pretending to be tender? No, I have to contact the great elder!"

"Well, it hurts, it hurts... Really, I'm a big beauty anyway, don't you know Lianxiangxiyu?"

On the side, Hu Jia, who was crying for pain, also showed an idiotic expression.

"However, those two beauties are really beautiful!"

Hu Gan, who stood behind Hu Jia, had a black line on his face.

He understood, his granddaughter was completely hopeless!

Why don't you seize the time to have another one while his old bone is still strong?


Ye Lan asked Ye Nan strangely as soon as he left Hugan's office.

"Brother, why don't we enter the village quietly like we did in the Xiao family, and don't want to shoot, but enter the door with fanfare? By the way, the Falling Heart of Canaan College has no effect on us? We are not practicing at all. It's vindictive!"

"A college life that is not magnificent, is that still a college life? Then you are the protagonists of Canaan Academy!"

Ye Nan smiled at his sister and fiancee.

"After entering the inner courtyard, you are not allowed to use any skills other than the current practice. Lanlan's mental power must also be controlled at the level of the first-level planetary star. After more than a year of practice, I always want to see how effective it is. ."

Facing Ye Nan's "reason", Ye Lan was dumbfounded and complained.

"Brother, how can you cheat sister like this? You just watch the excitement, right?"


Yue'er didn't have any comments, and she chuckled from the side.These are all novel experiences for her anyway.

After more than a year of growth, Yue'er's height has risen a lot, and her body shape has gradually changed from a loli to a girl.

The only thing that made her feel a little unhappy was that her poached egg did not grow into a small bun.

However, considering the situation of Concubine Yan, Yue'er must have a lot to do in this regard.

With the two of them, Ye Nan teleported to the inner courtyard with the letter of introduction given by Hu Gan.

Here, the great elder of the inner courtyard, Su Qian, had just read the news sent by Hu Qian in a special way, and found that Ye Nan had arrived.

Can expand the space channel so easily, at least it is the strongest person!

It's just that Su Qian of Samsung Douzong didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly bowed to Ye Nan.

"Your Excellency is willing to entrust my sister and fiancée to my Canaan College, thank you for your trust! Your arrival really makes our Canaan College shine!"

"Where, the elder is polite."

Ye Nan bowed his hand to Su Qian very politely.

"My sister-in-law and my wife are stubborn. I'm used to being spoiled at home, but I'm not willing to let them leave. So I also plan to live in Canaan College. It's a nuisance.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, the smile on Su Qian's face stagnated.

He has been the elder of the inner courtyard for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen someone bring his brother or fiance to school.

Moreover, where is such a big venerable person as you, if they make a mistake, did he think he didn't see it?


"Hey, have you heard? The Zizhu Courtyard in the southeast corner has newly accommodated three people."

The inner courtyard is not big, and there are only a thousand students in total, so the news spread very quickly.

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