Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 159

"You are very good! Although you are a young lady, she is much better than those men who can't even take a punch from me!"

With that said, he still looked at the surrounding inner courtyard students with contempt, taunting them that they couldn't even compare to a little girl and a child!

Chapter Two and Thirty-nine Bear Children Need Spanking (Repair)

"This little kid..."

Under the ring, someone gritted their teeth, but there was nothing to say.

Although despised by others, the title of King of Weird Power was given by Zi Yi with one punch and one punch.

Looking at Yue'er who was a little depressed, Ye Lan smiled and patted her shoulder.

"It's okay, Yue'er. Watch me take revenge for you!"

"Another young lady?"

Zi Yi grabbed the soaring braid on the top of his head and despised the other male students below.

"Why are all the amazing young ladies now?"

Under the ring, Ye Lan shouted to Zi Yi.

"Hey boy, do you need a break?"

"No need!"

Zi Yi patted his small body, which is all ribs, pretending to be strong.

"Although the young lady was pretty good just now, I just got warm!"

Yueer: (##)

Looking at Zi Yi, who was crying loudly by Ye Lan while shouting dissatisfied, Ye Nan and Yue'er smiled with satisfaction.

If Zi Yan is here instead of Zi Yi, and he dares to be so arrogant, Ye Nan might have done it by himself!

"This is what you said!"

Ye Lan jumped and stepped onto the ring lightly.

With a wave of her cyan sleeves, a small sword flew out of it, whistling and hovering in the air.

"By the time you lose, don't say that I took advantage of you!"

"If I can't afford to lose, I'm a puppy!"

Zi Yi took a'poisonous oath', and his two short legs stomped heavily on the ground, quickly narrowing the distance with Ye Lan.

"Take me a punch!"


Under Ye Lan's control, the flying sword that Ye Nan refined casually uttered a clear cry, which turned into a cold light and shot towards Zi Yi.

Relying on his small size, Zi Yi made a deft somersault and avoided Ye Lan's attack.

Afterwards, he slapped his right palm on the ground, using this reaction force to accelerate toward Ye Lan.

"Huh, the kid is the kid."

When the distance between the two of them narrowed, the corner of Ye Lan's mouth curled up and rose into the air.

After that, she hooked her finger provocatively at Zi Yi on the ground.

"Stupid, sister I can fly!"

She had never shown that she could still fly before, and she immediately caused an exclaim.

"With Xu Yukong, a strong Dou Zong?!"

Seeing this, Inner Court Great Elder Su Qian took a breath.

At this age can become a Dou Zong, this woman is terrifying!

But the strange thing is, why didn't you feel the spatial fluctuation?

Because of the different systems, Su Qian didn't understand how Ye Lan did this.

Zi Yi didn't understand, but it didn't matter.

"Huh, Miss Sister, you are still far behind!"

From behind his thin body, a pair of purple wings of fighting spirit gradually condensed.The magnificent purple wings flew into the sky with Zi Yi with a beat.

Fighting Qi Huayi, fighting king and strong!

"King Dou?"

"The King of Brute Force is really the King of Fighters?!"

Zi Yi's sudden eruption caused an uproar among the students in the inner courtyard.They didn't expect that a child who seemed to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old would actually be a fighting king!

This strength is enough to serve as an elder in the inner court!

"Profound-level advanced fighting skills, Ziyi Tianxiang!"

With a loud shout, the shape of the grudge wings behind Zi Yi suddenly increased.

After the fighting qi increased to a certain extent, the fighting qi wings were broken, and the two wings of fighting qi broke away, turning into two huge sword qi, one left and the other rushed towards Ye Lan, squeezing her escape space.

But Ye Lan is not a vegetarian either.


With a wave of her left hand, a rectangular black iron block emerged from it.

Following Ye Lan's mind control, this iron piece quickly turned into a diamond-shaped shield faction, blocking her in front.


After the explosion, everyone was paying attention to Ye Lan in the energy of escaping fighting energy, but rarely found that the flying sword shot by Ye Lan just turned around and shot again at Zi Yi's rather fleshy little butt.

I don't know how Ye Nan cast this flying sword. Even Zi Yi was shocked at the moment when the flying sword was about to enter his body.

Behind him, his vindictive wings swung heavily, and his lower body rushed forward quickly, avoiding this flying sword dangerously and dangerously.

However, Zi Yi's vindictive armor was torn open, and even a faint crack appeared on the back of his pants.


Zi Yi's face flushed at the thought of the result of being shot by this flying sword.

Originally, he planned to release the water because the other party was a pretty young lady.But now, he doesn't care so much about Ye Lan's dislike!

From Zi Yi's seemingly thin body, a huge amount of grudge burst out suddenly.This fighting spirit was concentrated on his right fist, and most of his right arm bloomed with a rich purple brilliance.

"Intermediate level fighting skills, Tyrannical Fist!"


Behind Zi Yi, an oriental dragon with the color of amethyst appeared, encircling his right arm.

Following Zi Yi's punch, the dragon roared at Ye Lan, and slammed into her with teeth and claws.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Facing the roaring Zilong, Ye Lan waved his hand again.

She used her mental power to make a magic trick, turning the round shield into countless small black swords, and then forming a handleless broad sword that was more than two meters long and half a meter wide.

"go with!"

Under Ye Lan's control, the giant sword broke through the wind, and was swallowed by the purple dragon in the shocked expressions of the students in the inner courtyard.

Zi Yi: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Su Qian: (^^;)

Inner courtyard student: o_O???

Just when they thought Ye Lan had made a mistake, the giant sword in the dragon's belly suddenly dissipated, forming a metal storm composed of countless small swords, killing it in the Shenlong body!

Every second, a lot of purple vindictiveness is shredded by the metal storm.After a few seconds, the purple dragon couldn't even condense and formed, exploded in front of Ye Lan.


Ye Lan turned into a wall with the power of thought and stood in front of him.

This time, Zi Yi had experience.

When the explosion happened, he looked around vigilantly, for fear that something might be aimed at his little ass.

Zi Yi's judgment is correct.

Affected by the explosion of the purple fighting dragon, the small black swords scattered all over.But soon, Ye Lan connected them with mental power to form a pair of shackles, which was captured by Ziyi.

Zi Yi showed a look of'I knew this before', and the wings of fighting spirit spread out behind him, evading lightly.

But in mid-air, his body suddenly stagnated, as if he had hit something, and flew to the side crookedly.

What he hit was the wall of thought power arranged by Ye Lan.

Ye Lan continued to use metal shackles while obstructing Zi Yi with mental power.Zi Yi, who had never responded to such an attack, was finally caught after evading several times.

"I'm not convinced!"

Zi Yi, whose limbs and waist joints were all locked, had only one mouth still working hard to resist.

He protested with an unhappy expression on his little face.

"You rely on this strange weapon, not your own strength at all!"

But Ye Lan doesn't care so much.

"Hehe, who just said that if you can't afford to lose, you are a puppy?"

She tugged at Zi Yi's little face, turned part of the black metal into a board, and crackled Zi Yi's little ass as a beating.It made him scream.

Seeing this scene, many inner courtyard students, including the great elder Su Qian, who was often harmed by Ziyi's elixir, suddenly felt comfortable.

The second and fortieth chapters need to find Erha (repair)

"I'm not satisfied, I'm not satisfied!"

Even if he was beaten up, even if he was embarrassed in front of so many people, Zi Yi would yell out with that trembling childish voice:

"I'm not convinced!"

"If you don't agree, continue fighting!"

Ye Lan showed a look like a devil.


The sky-shaking thunder three rings, the torpedo king six rings, Wang Shouyi thirteen rings, and Dongtingzi thirty-six rings!

It kept ringing until Zi Yi's little butt was almost swollen to twice the size before, and he was finally convinced by the physics.

Tears of humiliation flowed from Zi Yi's strong little face, crying loudly while crying.

"Don't fight, please don't fight! I am a puppy, I am a puppy! Wang, Wang, Wang."

In the audience, watching Ye Lan is clearly an immoral scene of bullying children, but I don't know why, everyone else feels so good!

Especially those three dog barks, it can be said to be the coolest!

After Zi Yi surrendered, Great Elder Su Qian stood up from his position.

He concealed the smile from the corner of his eyes and said solemnly.

"Ahem. I declare that the champion of this Inner Court Strong Ranking Tournament is Ye Lan!"

"Huh, it's almost the same."

Hearing that Zi Yi was soft, Ye Lan let him go after Su Qian declared her victory.

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