Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 167

While concealing his body, Ye Nan quickly approached in the direction of the battle and found Illidan and Tichondrius, who was stepping on the ground by him, whose power was continuously absorbed by the skull of Gul'dan.

There was green blood in his mouth, and one of his bat-like wings was broken, and he was using his last strength to curse Illidan.

"Ilidan, Lord Archimonde will avenge me!"

"But you can't see that scene anymore."

After all, Illidan increased his absorption of demon power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In just a few seconds, Tichondrius was sucked into a corpse by Illidan in the wailing of pain.The power of the demons in the Skull of Gul'dan has also increased a lot.

Illidan, who was rescued from the prison by his dream lover, and gained great power at the moment can be described as complacent.

At this moment, Ye Nan used his mental power to affect Illidan's thinking quietly and seemingly by coincidence, and walked out of the dark.

"You finally came out, human? I've found you a long time ago."

Illidan looked as though the situation was under control, and the demon wings lightly flapped behind him.

Around him, from time to time, a green fel flame appeared.

"I saw it all."

Ye Nan raised his head and looked eagerly at Gul'dan's skull held by Illidan.

"It's a genius idea to use the power of the devil to deal with the devil!"

Ye Nan's flattery gave Illidan a triumphant smile again.

He has just gained new power and just needs a test product.

So he landed in front of Ye Nan and looked at him condescendingly with a body of nearly three meters.

"Do you want this power?"

"of course!"

Ye Nan nodded heavily.

"Power is innocent, and the problem is those who gain power! I am willing to follow in your footsteps and use the power of the devil to inflict heavy damage on those damn demons!"


Facing Ye Nan's'belief', Illidan raised the head of Gul'dan with satisfaction.

"Then, accept this power!"

Chapter 251 I suck, I suck, I suck

Emperor Nantian opened the live broadcast room.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: First!The front row sells melon seeds, peanuts, and drinks!

Nyarlattotip: Second!Where is this place?The group owner seems to be accepting the power of others?

Xiaojianjian: The front row!Wow, who is this guy in rags?Look at this bat wing, is it a mutant Batman?

Nine Dragons Bayi: The host’s live room has just been opened for a few seconds, right?What hand speed are the ones in front...

Although Ye Nan did not speak after receiving the demon power'given' by Illidan, he successfully typed on the phone with mental power.

Emperor Nantian: The guy in front of me is Illidan, a night elf who uses the power of the devil and transforms himself into a demon to fight against the devil.I was about to borrow a bit of his demon power, and then mixed with the demon leader Archimonde.

The demon hunter is the existence of hunting demons with demon power.

After killing the demon, it can also absorb the evil energy from the opponent to strengthen itself.

And now, in Azeroth, when it comes to the most powerful demon, it's not Archimonde!

Ye Nan felt that if he swallowed Archimonde, how could he be considered an advanced reincarnation?

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Illidan?You told me that this guy who can't even buy clothes, is like a wandering demon, is actually the egg manager?Where is his orange weapon?Where is his orange ring?What about all kinds of epic purple equipment?

Limru: Emmmm, shouldn't it be in front of Miss Kaguya, the equipment Illidan can explode is the master...

Penglai Shan Huiye: Of course. jpg!What is the use of an egg boss who cannot explode equipment?The function of the total egg is to provide a pair of Azzinoth war blades!Group owner, please collect a pair!

Nyarlatotep: The Warblade of Azzinoth?It sounds very interesting, can the group owner help me also get a copy?

Emperor Nantian: After I eat Archimonde, I will see if I can snatch them from the egg chief.Then I will upload it to the group, you can download it yourself.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Secretly chatting with the group members, on the surface, Ye Nan showed an extremely painful expression.

In Illidan's speculation, at this time, the dark green evil energy should be corroding Ye Nan's body.Starting from the skin, it invades muscles, bones, blood and internal organs step by step.

It's like being corroded by sulfuric acid, slowly being assimilated by the power of this evil energy in endless pain.

This process was quite cruel, and even the most powerful warrior could not bear the pain that reached the soul.

Accompanied by Ye Nan's scream, his body slowly turned pale, and cuticles grew in some joints.

A pair of newborn bat wings broke through his clothes, sticking out from behind.A pair of curved, jet-black demon horns thrust into the top.

Ye Nan's nails became narrow and sharp, and the green evil energy full of his body overflowed from his body, condensing one after another seemingly evil runes on his skin.

At the same time, Ye Nan's body became strong as if it was full of air.Originally dressed as a thin, fleshy body undressed, she is transforming into a big bodybuilder.

After a few minutes, the conversion continued.But Illidan found that he lost a lot of demon power?

Seeing that his voice was hoarse and his whole body was trembling, Ye Nan seemed to be about to be unable to withstand the power of the devil, he calmed down and prepared to wait a little longer.

This time, another few minutes passed.

Under Ye Nan's influence, Illidan, who wanted to interrupt the grant of demon power several times, but gave up, felt only half of the demon power remaining in the skull of Gul'dan, and finally his face changed wildly.

He quickly took back the skull of Gul'dan in pain.Feeling the power of the devil in Ye Nan's body, his face was extremely dark.

"This is, power?"

Ye Nan punched the big tree that was hugged by several people next to him, and his arm was nearly twice as thick, and he pierced the tree trunk with a relaxed bang.

Then, the evil energy flowed out of his hand, corroding the trunk into a big hole the size of his waist.

Ye Nan's face showed the color of gaining powerful strength, but he was contemptuous in his heart.

This is too weak, right?What can this evil do!

Seeing Ye Nan's successful transformation, even though Illidan still felt distressed for his efforts, his face showed satisfaction.

"Ho ho ho!"

Under the influence of Ye Nan, he flapped his wings and lifted into the air with a jealous smile on his face.

Have you seen it, Tyrande, brother!It turns out that my method is correct!

Only the power of the devil can fight the devil!

"Now, go hunt down those demons who have fallen into the dark!"


Facing Illidan's leaving figure, Ye Nan slowly bowed his head respectfully.


If Sargeras is the emperor of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden is the prime minister of Sargeras, and Archimonde is the general of the Burning Legion.

Originally, the general was the fist, and the prime minister was the brain.Archimonde acted according to Kil'jaeden's plan.

However, when he felt the power of the World Tree, especially under the World Tree, that originated from the Well of Eternity, he decisively put the plan aside.

Now he only knows that if he absorbs this power, he will become stronger than Kil'jaeden, even comparable to Sargeras!

Under this temptation, he took the officers across the oceans and came to Kalimdor.During the period, all obstacles were resolved without a hassle.

But today, he encountered a very interesting little bug.

It was a bastard demon he had never seen before, and would never remember it even if he had seen it.At this moment, the other party is standing behind him.A beam of fel energy connected the two, desperately absorbing his power.

Archimonde didn't know how this little guy lurked in his palace, and didn't want to care.Anyway, there is a huge disparity in strength between the two, so you don't need to care at all.

But at this moment, Archimonde, who originally wanted to crush him with a finger, suddenly aroused an evil taste.

Since you want to suck, then I will let you suck enough!

He showed a cruel and funny smile, which increased the fel output in his body.Suddenly, a thicker beam of fel energy blasted on the strange demon, and the infinite demon power gathered in the demon.

"Ah ah ah!!!"

In Archimonde's sneer, the demon's body couldn't contain so much power of the devil, and it was expanding rapidly like a balloon.

So Archimonde sat on his throne in his spare time, ready to wait for him to explode because he couldn't bear such a huge force.

But he waited left and right, waited right and left.Seeing that the demon had swelled into a ball, it never exploded.

When Archimonde felt a little impatient and planned to end this boring behavior, he was horrified to find that he had lost control of his own power and could not stop!

"no no!!!"

With an unbelievable wailing, Archimonde's body quickly lost its vitality.

How could he not think that such a rubbish bastard demon, that small body could contain all his power?!

Chapter 252 The World's Number One Demon Hunter

Nyarlatotep: Ah, it was sucked dry.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Shocked!A certain group owner actually did such a thing in the live broadcast!

Xiaoqianjian: Don't watch it, kids!The president of the needle eye!

Xiao Jianjian was silenced for thirty minutes.

Emperor Nantian: Isn't it just to absorb Archimonde's power?So many scenes one by one!Do you want Mr. Dan's double knife?

Penglai Mountain Huiye: The master of Wencheng Wude, eternal and immortal, dominate the rivers and lakes!

Nyarlatotepu: The world is mighty, the mana is boundless!

Illya: Since joining the group, every time I can realize that the adult world is really real.


Beastwalker squad.

Once Archimonde died, their main task immediately changed.

[A major change in the plot has been detected, and the system is being adjusted...]

[The adjustment is completed, the main task is changed.

[Main task four, destroy the remnants of the Burning Legion.

Meow meow meow?

On Nidalee's head, a pair of leopard ears appeared, and his head was full of question marks.

The main quest just now resisted the attack of the Burning Legion, why suddenly it became an extermination of the remnants?

Confused, she could only turn to the only person who knew the scene.


"Captain, I don't know what the situation is?"

Marshall also shook his head blankly.

"It is clearly not the case in historical records."

"The difference between the plot and the actual situation is normal, and we all understand the butterfly effect."

There was a trace of speculation in Serena's eyes, a trace of shock, a trace of incredible, and a trace of madness.

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