Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 169

In his body, there are countless star points rising and falling, and the star points are full of all phenomena, and each star point is a world.

With countless worlds as the basis, the main god transformed himself into a concept.As long as the world is not destroyed, the Lord God will not truly die.

However, the black man is not a vegetarian.

"Unlimited Time and Space Burial!"

He raised his hands and his whole body was glowing.Countless Daoguang Master Lord God has brushed it, 36 million times in an instant.

The infinite conception of the Lord God quickly shrank after being brushed by countless white lights, turned into a glass ball, and was sent to Emperor Xiao Yan by the black man.

"Emperor Yan, leave it to you!"


Emperor Xiao Yan didn't talk much. As soon as he raised his hand, an endless fire field descended instantly, using the main god space as a magic weapon to refine.

At the same time, other spaces did not sit still.

"Three Thousand Nightmare World!"

Nightmare Space decisively released its own housekeeping skills.Countless grimace with blue faces and fangs emerged from his body.

Each of these grimace is his body, and he has the power to crush the current Ye Nan to death with a finger.

(Ye Nan:??? Author, did you make a mistake? How can the protagonist be regarded as a unit of combat power!)

Then, Huang Tiandi smiled slightly.

"He transforms time and space, he becomes free, he becomes eternal!"

Thousands of thousands of white-clothed Shi Hao rushed out of Shi Hao and flocked to the nightmare space.

I hope he can hold on for longer.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I shall suppress all enemies!"

In front of the space of reincarnation, Emperor Ye Tiandi fisted.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

This fist turned into a ten thousand Zhang Canglong, sending out an ancient roar.Around its body, endless ancient meanings diffuse, to seal everything in that distant ancient age.

"Life and death, there is no end to reincarnation!"

The space of reincarnation exudes a strange opportunity.On the one hand vitality, on the other hand destruction.

Being photographed by this force, the blue dragon in mid-air quickly became old, exhausted, and finally turned into the huge fist of Emperor Ye Tian.


This punch containing infinite mana slammed the body of the reincarnation space, knocking it all over.

Isn't this blue dragon destroyed by me? Why is it useless?

Chapter Two and Four, Thank You and Sanjiu's Adventure

Ye Nan also wanted to know this question.

But after asking the question, what he got in return was Jiuloli's loving eyes of caring for her mentally retarded apprentice.

"Stupid disciple, although the blue dragon looks very strong, it was only transformed into it after all. What is really powerful is the fist of Emperor Ye Tian!"

After watching the main god space, the reincarnation space and the nightmare space were all hit on the ground, the infinite space planned to leave without saying a word.

However, this world has been banned by City Lord Luo.Infinite space can't escape without trying everything possible.

Immediately afterwards, as Wuzu Lin moved closer, the entire space of Infinite Space trembled.

Don't come over, don't come over!!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

"Wow, there is the liver? Maybe it's the kidney? Or the stomach? Forget it, drink the bar."

Looking at the tons of wine loli beside him, Ye Nan, who had turned from a devil back to his original form, held back bitter tears for the four spaces.

But master, how did you distinguish the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney from the mosaic?


Things went well.

Under the joint hands of several big bosses, none of the four criminals in the main god space, nightmare space, reincarnation space, and infinite space escaped, and all were refined.

The big guys are also very satisfied: these spaces can be wiped out as long as the punishment for mission failure is not moved. They are very suitable for use as a training ground and a production base for batches of subordinates.

And the big black man who uttered a bad breath also came to Ye Nan.

"You are Ye Nan, right? I am Lin Feng. I heard Emperor Yan talk about you. Thanks to your help this time, I can find the main god space so quickly, and then find the other three dimensions through it. This is mine. Don’t be polite."

Lin Feng handed over a space bag made into a red envelope.At the same time, there is a dark business card with nothing but the name.

"This is my business card. You can tear it up if you have something to do. I will be in front of you soon."

"Then I'm welcome."

Ye Nan took the red envelope and business card, and then swept through the red envelope.

Suddenly, that piece of radiance was almost blinding his eyes!

At this moment, Ye Nan had only one thought: Sure enough, the master was right.This boss is really rich!


"Wind wound!!"

"Flying bone!"

"The Demon Breaker Arrow!"

"Twenty Broken Road: Illuminate the Sky Ball!"


Under the combined efforts of the four, a blue ghost with a hill as high as its head screamed and fell to the ground with blood and flames.

At the same time, there was the huge cyan club that he flung around in mid-air because he didn’t wear pants.

"Hey, it's disgusting!"

Looking at the indescribable thing, A Li's goose bumps were about to rise.

They walked well on the road, and suddenly a big blue ghost came out, saying that they would use Inuyasha, Maitreya and Qibao as food, and she, Shanhu and Sanjiu would take them back to be the wife of the village. This was unbearable on the spot!

So they worked together to turn this green ghost into a dead ghost.

In the evening, Sanjiu, who was not short of money, paid the bill, and the group stayed in a hotel from the Warring States Period.


Almost a quarter of the four soul jade fragments were pulled out from the bottomless, completely unlike the ravine of a junior high school student, Ari sighed heavily.

"It's been so long, why did the jade of the four souls collect so little? When this goes on, when can I complete it on the phone!"

"As long as you have perseverance, you can do it sooner or later."

Taking off his armor and changing into a kimono, Coral sat beside Ari, teasing the mica.

It is worth mentioning that the fries she used to tease the mica were the French fries that Sanjiu bought from a golden gate in Xia Guo yesterday.

"But how long will this take sooner or later!"

Still a junior high school student after all.A Li raced the jade of the four souls back into his clothes and wailed and rolled on the paved quilt.

"Moreover, the monsters who got the jade of the four souls are all bad and terrible! Why did the jade of the four souls appear in my body after the jade of the four souls were burned together with the kiji maiden? Am I really the reincarnation of the kikyo maiden? ?"

"You are the reincarnation of Kikyo, there is no doubt about that."

After taking a shower at home, Sanjiu returned to the hotel and said.

"Moreover, the problem is not the jade of the four souls, but the greedy hearts of the monsters. Those bad monsters, even without the jade of the four souls, will still do bad things."

Hearing Sanjiu speak, A Li rolled to her leg.

Looking at Sanjiu, who hung the earphones around her neck and listened to music while reading with a solar lamp, she reached out and touched Sanjiu's calf and exclaimed.

"Sanjiu, your skin is so good! What kind of makeup do you use?"

Then, she touched her face again and sighed.

"It's not like me. Since I came to the Warring States Period, my face is so rough because of the wind, sun and rain every day!"

Speaking of the skin, Sanjiu remembered the gene enhancer Ye Nan had used for herself.

This enhancer strengthens their bodies while making their appearance and skin soft and smooth.

Now, her physical fitness even exceeds Inuyasha.An ordinary sword slashed on her body, even the skin was difficult to pierce.

And thinking of Ye Nan, San Jiu's face turned red, and then he couldn't help but sigh.

Rich, handsome, strong, and gentle to others.If it were not for a fiancee, the group owner would be a very good love partner.

Unfortunately, she came a bit late.


Ye Nan, who returned from the main god space, certainly didn't know what San Jiu was thinking.

He just uploaded the things he got from Lin Feng to the group. Seeing the nine-figure deposit, he was overjoyed. When he laughed out loud, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

, the new member'White Night King' has joined.

White Night King: Dimensional sharing group?Which god group made this thing?Since we invited Bai Yacha, someone must come out to explain, right?

Naginari Thistle: The newcomer changes his name to his real name, and then read the group announcement.

Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni: God group?It seems that new group members are not easy!

White Night King: Dimensional sharing group that connects countless worlds?Isn't this the same as Hakatai's three-dimensional intersection parallel world view?And the administrator is God?Better than a single-digit cosmic truth-level powerhouse, the incarnation of the real world?

White Night King: Unbelievable!However, if this is true, it is really interesting!

Penglai Shan Huiye: At this time, you should call the group leader.@, what is the origin of the new members?

Nantian Emperor: The White Night King, the star who controls the sun and the white night.Simply put, it is the embodiment of the concept of the sun.

Nantian Emperor: The White Night King in his heyday is undoubtedly the second master in the group.But now, are you the Baiyasha who sheltered in Buddhism, or the unscrupulous Baiye King?

White Night King: Oh, it seems that the group owner knows us?Although a little embarrassed, we are now in the state of Bai Yasha.

White Night King: However, it is only White Yaksha, we are also very strong!

Chapter Two and Five

Emperor Nantian: I don't deny this.Even in the current state of Shirayasha, I am not necessarily the opponent in the fight.

Nyarlatotepu: So strong?Oh hoo!When the group owner said that, I was somewhat interested in Hakatai.

Bai Yacha: Ahaha, then I also welcome you to come and play with me.You know, Hakoki is a playground for God and Buddha Shura, the Star Spirit Dragon Seed!If you feel boring in the outside world, come to Hakata!

Connor Kamui: It's incredible, it's incredible.

Hermione Granger: I dare not go, I dare not go.

CC: God's playground, this kind of thing is very dangerous.

Hella: Has the White Night King changed its name?

Bai Yacha: Now we are Bai Yacha, it is better to change.

Emperor Nantian: Not bad!Even the White Night King, Magic Star, and Queen, who are as strong as one of the three problem children of Hakatai, have experienced painful defeats and have been weakened one layer after another.In the end, the magic star Argel turned into a mindless combat tool, and the White Night King took over Buddhism, incarnation of White Yaksha, and the queen also added the burden of the Celtic group of gods.

Bai Yacha: Wow wow wow wow, group owner, please raise your hands with this kind of dark history!I am also the dominant class in the Eastern District anyhow, and I've gotten back to righteousness!

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Black history, hehehe.

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