Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 181


Then, a huge wound appeared on the chest of the three-headed dragon.The blood-stained knife was stained with the resentment and wailing of the teenagers, causing the three-headed dragon to make its first cry so far.

After the first blow, there is the second and third blow.

In a mere second, the three-headed dragon suffered two hundred more injuries.At the same time, hundreds of double-headed dragons of the Godhead level also appeared on the ground, which doubled the pressure on Shandora and Reverse Sixteen Nights.

Facing so many two-headed dragons, Saitama felt that he should be more serious.

A faint golden light flashed on his body, and the outline of the six reincarnation fists began to be recalled in his mind.

"Continuous hard punches!"

In the face of hundreds of double-headed dragons, his attack has already brought about six rounds of reincarnation punches.A demon turned into red blood loomed behind Saitama.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

With only one face, two-headed dragons have been beaten into two-headed dragon sauce continuously, and the limelight has completely overwhelmed Shandora, who is the ruler of the northern district.

Nyarlattotip: Wow!The deity was beaten so miserably!This speed, unless it becomes the main body, otherwise the deity really can't handle it!

Nantiandi: I can no longer see Jack's movements.But since he has fallen to the devil, he will start to close the Internet cafe.

Winnett: Well, I still don't think this is great!In order to deal with the Halloween Queen alone, it hurt so many innocent people, it is too much!

Illya: I also agree with the opinions of Sister Winnett!If you really want to deal with the Halloween Queen, can't she face it?Why should it spread to other people?Isn't it something bad people can do to invade the world?

Emperor Nantian: It doesn't matter, we are already in control.Although the scene looks terrifying, no one will die.

Xiaojianjian: That's right!Moreover, Marvel's most beloved superhero is also present!Don't worry!

Limru: emmmm.I didn't think so.But if you were Wade, I suddenly couldn't worry about it!

Little Bird Tour Liuhua: Sister Yi!When I went to Beijing here, an onmyoji named Am Pei Qingming came back from hell to the world!He is so difficult, even the clone of the Great Sage has exhausted its mana and disappeared.I smashed his body many times, but he couldn't die!

Cona Kamui: It's incredible, it's incredible.

Monkey King: Then give it to my grandson!It is also a personal thing to be able to exhaust the mana of my old grandson's clone.

Little Bird Tour Liuhua: Wait, no need.He just said that his body could not completely leave hell and went back.He also brought a lot of monsters to hell.

Toxic Island: So, what on earth did he come to the world for?Take a stroll as nostalgia?

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua: No matter it, since he is gone, it proves to be the victory of my evil king!Starting today, I am the new master of ghosts!


Just as Jack fought desperately with the three-headed dragon at the expense of burning Lingge, a person who shouldn't be here walked through the wall formed by the tornado and came into the field.



Jack was taken aback, and his expression immediately panicked.

"Run, run!"

It is precisely because of this that he revealed a trace of flaws.


Naiyako, who turned into a three-headed dragon, made a declaration of victory.

"Simulated Star Creation·Virtual Star Tai Sui!"

A small black ball appeared in his white claws.

This is the thing at the bottom of the Xinghai Dragon King, which can seal the strongest species other than the pure blood dragon species.


Jack could not stop the expansion of a powerful suction that surpassed the space.


Vera also realized that it was precisely because of her appearance that Jack fell into this situation and immediately fell into incomparable self-blame.

"Vera, run with Aixia!"

Leaving the last sentence, Jack was sealed by the'simulated star map'.

Without a word, Vera pulled the crying Aixia's figure for a moment, and used the spatial gift of the realm door to escape.

Facing the three-headed dragon, she had no chance of winning at all.The only way is to ask the upper community of [Will o "wisp], the Halloween queen of [Queen Halloween].

This is what Ye Nan wants her to do.

Chapter 272—Eating Me and Righteous Back Stabbing (Revision)

Among the children with three major problems in Hakata, Alger is notoriously reckless and can't do things with the brain.

She had the happiest life when she was still the devil, and at the same time, she had the worst end.

The second is Baiyasha, who was once a super second disease, and wanted to shroud the entire world in the'white night' so that the sun would never set.

Then, Goddess Alpha and Omega shot herself personally, smashing her lingua and suppressing her in the [Thousand Eyes] headquarters located at the 69th outer gate.

After a series of labor reforms, Bai Yacha wanted to establish his own [Thousand Eyes] branch in the double-digit outer door, but suffered a second defeat.

'Tiandong said' thus ended.

The failed Bai Yacha had no choice but to settle at the three-digit outer door.

The third problem child is the Queen of Halloween.

To say that she is a problem child is not because of her wanton behavior.But once the Queen of Halloween wants to do something, it will do it anyway.

For example, when she heard that the wheat of the Greek gods was delicious, she would use the "host authority" to start a gift game, but the purpose was only for some wheat that can be bought with money, which made many people laugh and cry.

Of course, because she is strong enough, this kind of character can be called a queen; if she is weak, that is the level of a female fool.

Sometimes, the queen will play with other people's lives for her own pleasure.

At the same time, what she dislikes most is being deceived by others.

"Betrayed my trust, Jack."

At the headquarters of'Queen Halloween', after listening to Vera's account, the queen of Halloween wrinkled her golden eyebrows, and a pair of rosy eyes revealed unpleasant colors.


"No need to say more."

She reached out her hand to stop Vera's words, and pulled her clothes unhappily.

"Although it is a disobedient dog, it depends on the owner to fight the dog. At the beginning, I accepted him for the sake of St. Peter. I didn't expect that he would fall into the devil again after only a hundred years. Am I seeing the wrong person?"

The queen stood up from her throne and indifferently ordered Skaha.

"Skaha, summon the Knights of the Round Table! Let's go there for a while, it's absolutely evil that can make millions of gods avoid it!"


The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in the Hakata World, Skaha with long black hair braided and emerald green eyes, takes the order of the Queen of Halloween.


The boundary wall between the 399-Nine-Nine Outer Gate and the Four-nine-Nine-Nine Outer Gate, where the Fire Dragon Birth Festival is held.

After Vera escaped, the three-headed dragon in Nayazi's incarnation stopped and silently waited for the arrival of the Queen of Halloween and the possible Saint Peter.

Finding that the three-headed dragon did not seem to have the intention to kill them all, everyone slowly united under the organization of Bai Yasha.

"No, no way."

As the hope of the whole village, Bai Yasha shook his head.

"The surrounding space is suppressed, and there is no way to escape with the gift of space."


"Damn it!"

"My God, what should I do!"

Many representatives of the community sighed with disappointment.

Someone looked at Sandora with a malicious look-if it weren't for [Salamanda] to hold the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, this would not happen at all!

However, because I had contact with the demon king before and knew that a demon king would come, [Salamanda] arranged heavy soldiers at the festival.

This has also led to some communities who want to anger [Salamanda], and they dare not speak at all at this time.

As the representative of [Anonymous], Saitama, who showed the power to kill five digits in seconds, was also invited to the conference table.

He touched his a little hungry stomach, felt that it seemed not good to ask what to eat for lunch, and said.

"How much food is there? Is it enough?"

A representative of the community replied respectfully.

"Because of the festival, many commercial communities have prepared a large amount of food for sale, and there are still a lot of food reserves. There is no need to worry about food in a short time."

Also sitting in front of the conference table, Nihui Sixteen Nights, looked around with concern: But at this time, Lord Heaven and Lord Demon in the community were not there!

Or is it that the three-headed dragon is so strong that even the Demon King Alliance is unwilling to compete?

The storm that surrounded them was suddenly torn apart by the dazzling light.

In the sky, the rather heavy clouds were torn apart by sharp sword-like eyes. At the same time, Nyako, who had been on standby for the past few days, woke up most of his attention on the clone playing video games.

"There is another strong man!"

The three-headed dragon turned its eyes like red jewels, and looked intently at the Halloween Queen who commanded the Knights of the Round Table and stood in front of everyone.

"Halloween Queen? Really a big figure in Hakoi!"

"You are the absolute evil of Zoroastrianism, Az Dakaha? Hand over my people!"

Even if facing the same three-figure demon, the Halloween Queen is also instigating.

With her strength, she doesn't need to show a good face to the enemy.

"Huh, it's the same temper as the rumor."

Naiyako let out a slight chuckle, choose to meet and open up!

"Overlord's light wheel!"

She was very upset with the voice of the Queen of Halloween. She was the strongest gift of the Searing Element from the beginning.

This extremely hot red beam of light can melt the mountains and evaporate the sea in an instant, and the wide range of attacks encompasses everyone in the Knights of the Round Table.

In this regard, the Halloween Queen's response is also very simple.

She threw out a sun sovereignty, and confronted the strongest gift in the searing system with the super high temperature of the star.

"Ha, you are finally here!"

With a smile, Bai Yasha opened the fan in his hand and stood beside the Halloween queen.

"After that Cangyan Devil left, I guessed you would come. Help me buy some time, I'll go back to the upper level to get back the lingua!"

"Hmph, Bai Yasha. Facing the savior, didn't you even have a word of thanks?"

Faced with the Bai Yasha that she had always wanted to defeat, the Queen of Halloween didn't have a good face at all, and her tone was rather cold.

"If I knew you were here, I wouldn't come at all!"

"It's still this bad temper, you."

Regarding the anti-water later, there was originally a shameless Bai Yasha who looked at the proud face of the Halloween queen and immediately threw it out of the clouds.

Ah yes!Such a sister must be well tuned~teach~

Let her understand the hardships of life, let her accept the severe beating of society!

"If you are so good, just solve it quickly!"

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