Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 184

When the hammer of holy light disappeared, Meihong was no longer seen on the spot, only a white shirt and a pair of red trousers were left.

This suit is blessed by Huiye with eternal power, and will immediately return to the state one second before the destruction.

However, other than that, its defensive power is still the same as ordinary clothes, that is, it has basically no defensive ability.

Feeling the special fluctuations of the power of eternity, Seraph naturally understood that this shirt and trousers were'Fire Rat Qiu'.

He nodded in satisfaction, put the clothes into the gift card, and turned away with the six hundred men.


At the same time, Gensokyo, the world in the world.

"Hui Ye, you bitch!"

Lying on the bed, Fujiwara Meihong, who was only wearing a bra and panties, suddenly jumped out of the bed.

A raging flame ignited on her body, and she was about to vent, but suddenly realized that this place seemed to be her home.

"Hey? Σ(⊙▽⊙"a"

Fujiwara Meihong put away the flame on her body and scratched her face.

"A dream?"

Immediately afterwards, her face flushed again.

"That's not it! I don't dream of that bitch Huiye!"

Chapter 276 Wushuang Iron Fist Saint Bailian

St. Peter took the six hundred paladins to the east, and soon walked out of the bamboo forest.

After leaving the bamboo forest, his vision suddenly became clear.He looked around, and soon found a temple not far away.

"The stone bowl in front of the Buddha should be here."

When he came to the temple, he asked the paladins to wait outside and walked into it alone.

In the Daxiong Hall in the temple, he saw a female monk who was beating the wooden fish and reciting the scriptures in a smooth tone with the rhythm of the wooden fish.

A statue of Buddha was erected in front of the female monk.It is a stone bowl that is used to place the tribute to the Buddha.

"Praise my lord! I didn't expect to meet the Buddhist community here."

Recalling a lot of Buddhism's ways of doing things, St. Peter smiled and turned her back to him, the female monk who couldn't see her face.

"I would like to make a golden body for the Buddha, and beg for a stone bowl to go back to worship. I wonder if this master can cut love"

"Nan Wusan!"

Saint Bailian, with long purple hair and emerald green rosary beads on her neck, turned around and looked at Saint Peter with a little surprise.

"Strange, how come there are other people in my dream? And they are still heretics?"

Without waiting for Saint Peter to speak, Saint Bailian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is this the legendary holy war?!"

As for the fact that he could "dream" of St. Peter, St. Bailian thought that it was a "dreaming Arhat" who was pointing to himself, and he was very excited.

"This is a holy war, right? It must be a holy war, right? Is it because the Buddha saw that I was still unable to become a Buddha and started a holy war to give me a chance to be promoted to the Buddha position?

"and many more!"

As soon as things were raised to the height of'jihad', St. Peter's face changed.

Isn't he just here to borrow a bowl?If I refuse to borrow, I can also use this stone bowl used by the true Buddha to exchange it for you!

Is there a problem with this female monk's brain?

However, the Saint White Lotus, who has been immersed in the'possibility of becoming a Buddha', doesn't care much.

"Heart, yell me magic! Mommy, mommy, coax!"

She recited the scriptures in her mouth, and then slammed a fist against St. Peter's chest.

Unexpectedly, the old man who didn't expect Sheng Bailian to take the shot, was directly beaten out of the temple.

In the Paladin's uproar, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, furious.

"You are not magic at all!"

"Don't run away for the chance to become a Buddha!"

In the expression of St. Peter eating Xiang, the originally calm St. White Lotus rushed out of the temple with a wild laugh.


The Paladins subconsciously gathered the Holy Light and blocked a shield wall in front of Saint Peter.

"Break for me!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Sheng Bailian waved a pair of flesh fists and turned into a meteor phantom on the horizon, and in one instant, sixteen punches were blasted.

A golden flame was burning on her body, greatly enhancing the power of her fist.

The Wall of Holy Light was hammered by her like a TV with bad signal, flashing and flashing, so that the Paladins quickly increased the output of the Holy Light.

But in an instant, there was a blood-red flame gushing out of Saint White Lotus.

When this flame appeared, Saint White Lotus paused slightly, and then three consecutive punches, directly blasting the Wall of Saint Light.

"As long as five hundred holy knights work together, the Wall of Holy Light that can withstand a four-digit attack was actually blown up?"

After the wall of holy light shattered, many of the paladins turned pale and obviously suffered internal injuries.

Witnessing the bloody flames around Saint White Lotus, Saint Peter took a deep breath.

"Burning lives?! This is a fanatic!"

Fanatics cannot be treated with common sense.

Now, his arrival is regarded as the beginning of a holy war by the other party, and there is only one way to defeat her!

"Lord, your light shines on me!"

Saint Peter raised the cross in his hand, and a large amount of the power of the Holy Light poured out from it.It is like turning on ten two-kilowatt bulbs at the same time.

The power of the holy light rushed to the paladins behind him, and while healed their injuries, they were also strengthening their bodies.

The injury that had just appeared because of the shattering of the Wall of Holy Light was immediately healed.

Please call me Saint Peter!

"Ahahahaha! Become a Buddha, become a Buddha!"

After the wall of Holy Light shattered, Saint White Lotus, with abnormal light in her eyes, rushed towards Saint Peter again.

Her right foot stomped heavily on the ground, and the speed instantly exceeded the sound barrier, appearing in front of Saint Peter like a teleport.


She let out a laugh that would only appear until she was extremely happy, and she punched St. Peter's chest hard.

It didn't look like a Buddha at all, it was more like a monster.

If it's a Buddhist monk, I'm afraid they can't help but clear the door, right?

This time, Saint Peter, who was prepared, was immediately enveloped by a layer of holy light before Saint White Lotus fisted him.

Sheng Bailian's fist hits this holy light, just like hitting cotton, its strength is rapidly weakened.

The bloody flame on her fist was being neutralized by the Holy Light at a rapid speed.

This three-second Shield of Light is also known as Little Invincible!

Without the power of three digits, this shield cannot be broken at all, and it can only disappear automatically after its time arrives.

With these seven seconds, Saint Peter and the Paladins can do a lot.


The Paladins shouted.In the flood of holy light, it seemed as if I heard the choir singing.

The gathered holy light, layer after layer of solidification, turns into a substantial chain, binding the holy white lotus.

St. Peter unwrapped a piece of parchment with a bit of pain. An exotic divine might bloomed in front of the temple belonging to Buddhism.

Feeling this vast and grand power, the surrounding paladins showed the same zealous expression as Saint White Lotus in an instant.

Holding this parchment, a white circle of light appeared above St. Peter's head.

He seemed to be making a sentence.Read out.

"Old Testament: The Lord said, if you cannot obey me, go to the other side of the sea!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sheng Bailian's figure disappeared from the place as if it had been wiped by an eraser.

In the sight of Saint Peter and the holy knights on the pilgrimage, as recorded by Jesus, the parchment dictated by the master also turned into fly ash.

With an expression of heartache, St. Peter comforted himself while taking the stone bowl in front of the Buddha into his hands.

At least with a life-burning four-figure gangster, the price paid can be more than this "Old Testament".


In Minglian Temple, Sheng Bailian opened his eyes.

"The opportunity to become a Buddha, what a pity!"

She sighed softly and got up from the bedding.

Now that you are awake, go and recite the scriptures.


Four-winged angels encountered a special situation.

"Hey, I said that for only one hundred thousand yen, I will sell you this bead. Why, you are also a four-winged angel, with so many people under him, don't you even have one hundred thousand?"

Hakuli Reimu looked at the angel in front of her with contempt.

Don't even have a hundred thousand, still want the orb?

Want to prostitute?

Four Winged Angel: In Hakoi, everyone uses currency minted by the community, so whoever uses yen!

What will happen to the dungeon of the second and seventh chapters meeting with BOSS?

The four-winged angel Umir felt a huge insult!

As a servant of the Lord, he was scolded for'hypocritical justice!', was scolded' bloody executioner!','Birds without gender!'Wait, but it's the first time someone said it was a poor ghost!

He silently put away the paper currency with the emblem of the Old Testament group of gods, and the holy light on his body radiated outward as if he did not need money.

"You don't want community money, can you collect gold?"

The index finger of his right hand turned into a golden color, and he lightly pointed at the stone beside him.

A golden light flashed, and the stone suddenly turned into a golden color, turning into brilliant gold!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! Is this the legendary turning stone into gold?!"

Immediately, both eyes of Hakuli Reimu turned into the shape of money, staring at the piece of gold on the ground.

Seeing this, Umir, who had taken a lot of effort, showed a proud look.

This method of violating the laws of physics and turning soil and rock into gold is quite labor intensive!


"I don't want this gold!"

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