Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 200


In the golden light, Zao Wou-ki turned into a giant brown bear with a height of seven meters.

The giant bear snarled at Ye Nan with a strong fishy wind, and strong spirit power fluctuations radiated from his body, causing the gravity around him to suddenly increase several times.

Before being confused by the appearance of Ye Nan and Nai Yazi, Zao Wou-ki thought they were all ordinary children.But the injury on his right hand told him that if they were really treated as children, then he would really be a big stupid bear!

In the dense forest, Tang Hao's expression was also very strange.

After six years of absence, how did his two cubs become so strong?

At the age of twelve, can a war soul saint use his martial soul real body?Douluo Continent has never existed before in the past!

However, even in the face of Wuhun's true body, Ye Nan's choice was exactly the same as before.

Raise the stick, then swing it!

The opposite Zao Wou-ki had the same reaction.

"Great King Kong Palm!"

But this time is different from just now.The powerful King Kong palm at the level of Wuhun true body is the embodiment of Zao Wou-ki's true strength.If it is slapped by this palm, even a hill will collapse.

However, it exceeded almost everyone's expectations.After Zao Wou-ki played Wu Hunzhen, it was he who was repelled!

Zao Wou-ki could easily slap a soul emperor's vigorous vajra palm, and was directly swiped back by Ye Nan with a stick.At the same time, Zao Wou-ki's figure flew back under a huge force.

"It's me!"

Before she could stand firm, Naiyazi appeared behind Zao Wou-ki again.

With an excited smile on her face, she held the handle of the crowbar with both hands, and swung it hard at Zao Wou-ki in a posture like playing a baseball.

"Watch me home run!"

In order to prevent Zao Wou-ki from beating to death, Naiyazi used Qiao Jin.

When the stick hit Zao Wuji's back, he only felt a terrible force pushing himself off the ground, and then as if being pushed by someone behind him, the whole bear rushed towards Ye Nan uncontrollably.

At this moment, Ye Nan was holding the golden hoop with one hand, tracing a beautiful and charming arc in midair, and hitting Zao Wou-ki's huge and terrifying bear with a stick.

"Brown bear fights back!"

Zhao Wujiao, who was hit by the golden hoop, flew high.Not only did Ye Nanyuan return the thrust that Nayazi had just hit, it also applied a rotating force.


In midair, Zhao Wuxiong, who couldn't control himself, stretched out a big pink tongue, drifting in the wind, leaving countless saliva.

"Hey, it's disgusting!"

Naiyazi curled his mouth quite disgustingly, but still honestly continued to raise the crowbar.

"Look at me, snake ball!"

Nayazi picked up the weapon in his hand and fought back at a forty-five degree diagonally upward at a curved angle.

Suddenly, Zao Wou-ki posed a perfectly S-shaped flying posture in the sky.The huge brown bear body and the elegant flight path are simply breathtaking!

Ye Nan: "Swing Ball!"

Naako: "Sonic Ball!"

Ye Nan: "Tiger Cannon!"

Naako: "Super high speed ball!"

Ye Nan: "There is no my profound meaning!"

Naiyazi: "Niyazi Realm!"





Everyone in the field was surprised, then horrified, and then in a dull expression, the majestic posture turned into Wu Hunzhen, the fat and ball-like Zao Wou-ki behind him, and he completely accepted the same treatment as the ball. Ye Nan and Nai Yazi played around at will.

After waiting for more than ten balls, although both of them tried their best to control the lethality of the'ball', Zao Wou-ki still fell into a severely injured coma.

In the dense forest, Flander is a bit stubborn.

He wanted to save Zao Wou-ki, but he was obviously not the opponent of these two evildoers; if he didn't save it, it didn't seem good to watch Lao Zhao being played to death like this.

But fortunately, neither Ye Nan nor Naiyazi had any intention to kill.When Zao Wou-ki passed out in a coma and quit the state of Wuhun real body, the two stopped at the same time.

After that, Ye Nan walked to Tang San, whose jaw was about to fall in surprise, and stroking his head vigorously, disrupting his hairstyle.

"Have you seen it, Xiao San! From now on, I will have fun on the Douluo Continent! If something happens, your sister and I will bear it!"

Among the people present, only Xiao Wu was surprised, but she felt completely unexpected.

joke!These two fierce men who use the hundred thousand year spirit beasts as ingredients, at least they are also titled Douluo level powerhouses!

Two Title Douluos fight one Soul Saint, isn’t that the same as the one played?

At the same time, Dai Mubai felt very lucky, looking at Ye Nan and Naiyazi with some fear.

It turns out that what he said yesterday is that the iron rod is 13500 catties.

God bless!Yesterday he actually clashed with such two strong men, so lucky that he was not killed!

"Let's go."

Looking at Zao Wuji lying on the ground, even though he had passed out of a coma, but the bruised, pig-headed face would occasionally twitch Zhao Wuji, Tang San twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Brother and sister, you have beaten the deputy dean like this, we can't continue to study in Shrek Academy, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Even the arrogant girl Ning Rongrong and Xiaosan Wuzhu Zhuqing nodded.

"I think it's more interesting to follow this brother than in Shrek Academy!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Nan's body became stiff.

Wait, isn't his intention not to disturb the name of the Shrek Seven Monsters?

What's wrong? Now, four of the Seven Monsters are going to leave?

Then play with wool!(fall)

At this time, Flanders in the dense forest felt that he would no longer be silent.

Otherwise, these four good seedlings won't be kept!


He walked out of the dense forest, placed his right hand lightly in front of his mouth, and coughed pretendingly.

"Although I am lacking in strength, in this regard, Shrek Academy is still very confident."

"Uncle, who are you?"

Look at the wretched uncle who suddenly appeared, then look at the handsome Ye Nan and the beautiful Naiyazi. As a face control, Ning Rongrong suddenly showed disgust.

Flender: Little girl, your expression is a little bit heartbreaking!

Is it my fault for not being handsome!A few decades ago, I was a handsome guy who could be popular among thousands of girls!

It can only be said that time is a pig-killing knife, what is purple, and what is soft.

He shook the cloak behind him and said solemnly with an expression that he thought was okay.

"I am the Dean of Shrek Academy, Flanders!"

Dean of Shrek Academy?

After listening to Flander's explanation, several people subconsciously glanced and fell to the ground. The deputy dean who had been beaten and didn't even know his mother, then looked up at Flander, their eyes were obviously negative. mood.


Do I really want to accept these little rascals?

Chapter Three Hurry and Kill This Heavenly Rebel (Xiu)

When it comes to the teaching of soul masters, Ye Nan feels that he is a bit worse than Flander.

But if the scope is expanded to teach students instead of just teaching Tang San to become pure soul masters, then Ye Nan said that ten Flanders together are just younger brothers!

"What a coincidence!"

Looking at Flander's face, Ye Nan suddenly felt that there was actually no need to maintain the plot.

If Tang San was really a big man who would be angry about this, then he and Nai Yazi would have already been kicked out of the copy.

"It just so happens that I also feel pretty good at teaching apprentices"

He turned to look at Flander, the golden hoop in his hand swayed up and down, making Flander's eyelids jump and flick, for fear that the stick would hit his head in the next second.

"Why don't we make a three-year agreement?"

"A three-year agreement?"

Flender moved his attention away from the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and asked Ye Nan curiously.

"What is the three-year agreement?"


Outside the chaos, Xiao Yan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot as he met the joking gazes of his friends and clenched his fists.

I knew that this rebel should be killed at that time!


In Nai Yazi's funny eyes,'I didn't expect you to be such a group leader', Ye Nan's appearance was immature, and Ye Nan, whose head was lower than Flanders, stretched out three fingers and said.

"Only three years! After three years, my students will fight against Shrek Academy students. No matter how many people you have from Shrek Academy, I will only have three of them!"

"Huh, interesting!"

A confident smile appeared on Flender's face.

Compared with strength, the entire Shrek Academy might not be enough for this little enchantress to fight with one hand.But better than teaching?

When all his decades of teaching experience have been lost to dogs!

"My Shrek Academy took over the three-year agreement!"

At the same time, Xiao Yan said to Tang San very seriously.

"Brother Tang, why don't we enter the dungeon now and kill this rebel?"

Tang San:……

After making a three-year agreement, under the gaze of Xiao Yan's cannibalism, but Ye Nan couldn't feel it, Tang San hugged Xiao Wu, and Nai Yazi was hurt by Zao Wou-ki. Powerless Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong came to their house in Soto City with Ye Nan.

Ye Nan spent a lot of money and hired a soul master from the medical department to help Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong get treatment.For the sake of gold coins, this soul master who is full of milk in every sense completed this commission with a smile on his face.

At the same time, she took out a business card full of unknown fragrance from that huge chest and handed it to Ye Nan, with a smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Little brother, if someone gets injured next time, remember to come to me!"


That night, Tang Hao paced at the door for a long time.

When he was about to leave, he turned around, but was surprised to find that Ye Nan and Naiyazi had been standing behind him all the time, but he didn't notice it!

"Xiao Nan, Xiao Ya..."

There was a complicated expression in Tang Hao's eyes.

As a Level 97 Title Douluo, he couldn't even detect the appearance of the two little guys?

Are the children of 100,000-year soul beasts and human beings so mysterious?Even the little third who is currently dragging his feet is very different from ordinary children.

Looking at Tang Hao, whose face was greatly diminished even though his clothes were not changed, Ye Nan pointed to his large house with a courtyard and smiled.

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