Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 202

Ning Rongrong: =????=???? (●???●---)

Well, if I take it back now, don’t know if it’s too late?

Master of Chapter 302: What about such a big apprentice as I am?

Ye Nan asked them to run 20,000 meters, not the ordinary 20,000 meters.

He shot and sealed the spirit power of the four of them, requiring that the 20,000 meters be completely completed by the body instead of cheating by spirit power.

Ning Rongrong's expression was not so bright, but he collapsed immediately.

If it weren't for the big words she just said, it would be embarrassing to eat it later, she really wants to pick her up and not practice!


Sometimes, coincidence always happens so unexpectedly.

When the four of them were running around the city under the leadership of Ye Nan and Naiyazi, they happened to meet the students of Shrek Academy, running under the leadership of a teacher.

Although neither party used spirit power, the difference was that the three boys from Shrek Academy all carried a basket behind them, and the basket contained stones of different weights.

On Ye Nan's side, he controlled the gravity of the four people with him to achieve the effect of exercising the whole body, including the internal organs.

Among them, Tang San enjoyed the largest range of gravity, a little twice as much, and both Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing had a little twice as much.

As for Ning Rongrong-she can run the 20,000 meters is not bad, Ye Nan thinks that things like adding materials should wait a few days before proceeding.

After seeing Ye Nan, Dai Mubai showed an awkward expression, but Ye Nan raised his hand to say hello to him.

"Yeah, what a coincidence! Are you here to train too?"

"It's a coincidence!"

Dai Mubai squeezed a smile from his face in response, and at the same time was speechless.

You only made a three-year agreement with the dean yesterday. How can you greet me so enthusiastically today?

Sure enough, the brain circuit of the evildoer is different from that of ordinary people!

Behind him, looked at the exquisite and lively Niyazi, the quirky little dance, Zhu Zhuqing of the childlike giant X, and the proud young lady Ning Rongrong, four little beauties with completely different temperaments and images, the evil fire phoenix. Ma Hongjun's eyes were red.

He forcibly did not let the saliva flow out of his mouth, licked his face and leaned forward, looking around like a pair of small eyes on his fat face.

"Beauties, get to know? My spirit is the legendary fire phoenix!"

"flaming Phenix?"

Thinking about what the next hundred thousand year spirit ring should use (eat), Nai Yazi's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

"Is the Fire Phoenix delicious?"


Ma Hongjun, who thought there was a play after hearing Nayazi's reply, suddenly looked stunned.

I told you Fire Phoenix, you told me to eat?

Don't say that it is my martial soul.If it is really the legendary beast, the fire phoenix, can you really eat it?

Randomly, he shook his lower abdomen, moved forward, and a wretched smile appeared on his face.

"Fire Phoenix has nothing to eat, but Little Phoenix has it!"

Seeing Ma Hongjun actually make such a nasty move, several people, including Tang San, showed expressions of disgust.

At the same time, Dai Mubai was shocked.

bad!This fat man is in trouble!

At this moment, Nai Yazi suddenly smiled at Ma Hongjun.

In the eyes of others, this charming smile is a bit cute and playful, which makes many men feel a little itchy.

But this smile in Ma Hongjun's eyes turned into a huge evil god full of tentacles, and he turned into a fire phoenix, bound with endless tentacles.

The Cthulhu approached, his stout tentacles waved, and Ma Hongjun's face turned pale.

"Don't come over, don't come over!"


The next moment, Ma Hongjun let out a scream, SAN quickly lowered, and fainted when he rolled his eyes.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai quickly fisted and bowed to Ye Nan and Naiyazi, apologizing in a low voice.

"Sorry, Ma Hongjun is so reckless because of his martial spirit, and he didn't mean to offend the two. I am here to accompany him. I also ask the two adults to have a lot and let him go!"

The dull hair on Naiyazi's head turned.

Before coming, Ye Nan showed her the Douluo Continent, so he also knew that Ma Hongjun was full of Nazi because of the mutant Martial Spirit'Evil Fire Phoenix'.

If you don't vent it, the evil fire will flood into your brain, and then the whole person will go crazy. That's why it will be like this. At a young age, it will be like a hungry ghost in the color.

"It's just a small punishment and a big warning, don't worry, you won't die."

She waved her hand to signal Tang San and the others not to listen and continue running, and said to Dai Mubai and the teacher behind him.

"After being taught this by me, maybe his spirit will become much more honest in the future."

Ma Hongjun was conspired to faint. As a teacher of Shrek Academy, the soul emperor of the 63rd level, Li Yusong, whose spirit is a dragon-patterned stick, of course can't be regarded as missing.

But looking at Dai Mubai's reaction, it seemed that he knew each other?

"Mubai, who are they?"

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly.

"Ms. Li, they made a three-year agreement with the dean yesterday."


Li Yusong nodded slowly, and the idea of ​​retrieving the place suddenly disappeared.

joke!Even that stupid bear is about to be beaten into a dead bear. He is more than ten levels worse than others. Should he go up to deliver food?

When this happened, the morning exercise stopped immediately.Li Yusong passed out in a coma with Ma Hongjun, whose ass was still twitching from time to time, Dai Mubai and a big beard, staring at Ning Rongrong with peachy eyes, obviously fell in love with her. (Italian) Oscar is gone.


For Tang San, this was just an episode.

However, when he thought that the opponent he would face in three years was actually this kind of stuff, even Ning Rongrong absolutely didn't want to lose, so he could not help but increase his strength during training.

In Ye Nan's training schedule, the schedule is arranged like this.

The first is breakfast.One person, one bowl of porridge with Wannian soul beasts as ingredients or supplements.Morning run 20,000 meters after breakfast, enhanced gravity version.

Then there is equipment training to increase strength, plus a set of movements that can quickly strengthen the physical fitness, but will not make people become a big muscle tyrant, there are 18 poses.

Lunch is a feast of 100,000-year soul beast ingredients mixed with 10,000-year-old soul beast ingredients. In the afternoon, actual combat exercises will be conducted.Ye Nan or Nai Yazi simulated various opponents to train (beat) and practice (beat) Tang San and four.

The evening is a relaxing time, at their disposal.

After this complete training method came out, Ning Rongrong only took three days to give up.

In this regard, Ye Nan did not use any love, friendship, etc. to influence her, but directly Naiyazi went out and put in her mind "Ning Rongrong is not good to practice"-in accordance with the rules of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School Married to a rough guy like Zao Wou-ki-surrounded by strong body odor, sweat and foot odor every day.

After only half an hour, Ning Rongrong vomited while restarting training.Look at her eyes like flames burning, the effect is outstanding.


At the same time, two weeks later, Tang San's master, Master Yu Xiaogang, came to Shrek Academy.

After listening to Flander’s explanation, Yu Xiaogang almost died of anger:

I recommended my proud disciple over, but you lost it?What other three-year agreement has been made?

Shit, Flanders!

Chapter 303 Star Dou Great Forest

"Don't worry, Xiao Gang."

Flandra laughed at Yu Xiaogang who was about to run away.

"I heard your apprentice say that those two children were his elder brothers and sisters, so he let him go with them. Moreover, they now live in the city of Soto and go on a morning jog around the city every morning. I know this is Your apprentice, has been staring!"

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang's anger diminished slightly, and a sense of doubt arose.

"Little San's brother and sister? His brother and sister, didn't he say that he ran away from home when he was six and disappeared?"


Flender was startled.

"Is there still such a thing? Then I don't know! But are those two really children?"

Looking at the bitter smile on Flender's face, Yu Xiaogang wondered, there are twists and turns in it?

"what happened?"

Flanders told Zao Wou-Ki to'use the big to bully the small', and then Ye Nan and Nai Yazi told Yu Xiaogang about the matter of 'bullying the big with the small'.

He smiled bitterly.

"Brother Zhao is really miserable this time! Even if I asked for the help of the Soul Sage of the Healing System, his injury has not been fully recovered. A swollen face, the old Gao has no way to see people, and he shut himself down every day. Sulking in the room!"

Yu Xiaogang:...

"Little San's brother and sister are so strong?"

He couldn't believe the Flemish words, but he also knew that his old friends of the past few decades would not deceive him with such a lie that can be broken by a single poke.

"They and Xiao San are triplets, and they are only twelve years old this year! The two are only twelve years old, but at least they are the evildoers of Contra. Do you know what this means?"


This time it was Flanders' turn to feel strange.

"But they don't look alike at all!"

If he remembered correctly, the three of them had black hair, blue hair, and silver hair. They didn't look like triplets at all!

Listening to what Flanders said, Yu Xiaogang was even more worried!

"No, I still have to go and see!"

Flender shook his head helplessly.

"Well, then I'll go with you. They live in the western part of Soto City. The biggest house is the one that is easy to find."

However, today's words are destined to be empty.


After half a month of hard work, and with the help of the 18-style physical exercise method, referred to as the eighteenth physical exercise method, Tang San and Xiao Wu broke through the 29th-level boundary and became the 30th-level soul master.

In order to help them obtain the spirit ring, and at the same time to increase the knowledge of others, Ye Nan and Naiyazi decided to take the four small ones to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Star Dou Great Forest is not far from Soto City.Even standing on the wall and looking away, you can see the sea of ​​green trees.

In front of the Star Dou Forest, there is a small town.

In the beginning, this small town was just a few tents for the soul masters to live in.

After that, because the items related to the soul master were quite valuable, many merchants came here.

The arrival of merchants built houses here.With a house, the soul masters who come and go are also more willing to live in the house rather than in the wild.Over time, it developed into the small town it is today.

In this small town, ordinary people accounted for only half of the population, and the other half were all spirit masters.In addition, many academy sects and other forces around will choose to bring young disciples to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down soul beasts and obtain soul rings, so if you just throw a brick on the street, you may hit a senior soul master.

But like Ye Nan, there are only a group of children and no combination of adults, which is quite rare in small towns.

Because the contacts are basically the relationship of the soul master team, most hotels in the town have suites.

It was getting late, Ye Nan opened a room to rest.They sat down in the lobby and asked the waiter to bring some specialty dishes from the store.

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