Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 212

"Since you are here, your old friend Bone Douluo is also here, right? You two want to challenge the Great Elder? You really don't know how high it is!"

Snake Lance also scolded angrily on the side.

"I think you guys are playing lanterns in the toilet-looking for death!"

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the sword!"

Sword Douluo, up there is a big move.

"The sword is four feet three inches long, three inches wide, and the handle is one foot two inches long. The name is: Seven Kills."

At the same time, the ninth black spirit ring on the outermost periphery of his body lit up.The Seven Kill Sword instantly turned into a giant sword, slashing towards the two.

Facing the attack of Sword Douluo, the other two Title Douluo dared not neglect.

The same titled Douluo, Sword Douluo's lethality ranks in the forefront of all titled Douluo, the two had to be careful.

However, if there were only two Title Douluos making trouble today, it would still be easy to solve.

While the three of them were fighting, Ye Nan's voice reverberated in Wuhun City.

"Hehe, look what I found? Epic props: Qian Daoliu's notebook? Let me see, what secrets did the former Pope of Wuhun Temple write in the book!"

In an instant, Qian Daoliu's expression changed drastically in Wuhun Hall.

His figure turned into a golden light, hurriedly rushed into his bedroom in the temple, opened the cabinet, and took a breath.

"Oops, my diary!"

"August 9th, Qing. Today I met a guy from the nasty Upper Three Sect, the Haotian Sect, named Tang Chen. Everyone is sixteen years old, and they are all souls. What are you shit? Is it one level higher than me? Really fight, my Seraphim is definitely not worse than your Clear Sky Hammer!"

"August 13th, Yin. I lost, I actually lost! The Seraphim from my spirit hall was actually lost to the Clear Sky Hammer? My father was very angry and punished me to lock up for seven days. He also killed Shelley. Sister Li. Sister Xuelaili has a big chest and is very comfortable to use!"

"September 18th, rain. After more than a year of hard work, I finally reached level 40. But I didn't expect that when I was capturing the spirit ring, I would meet another nasty fellow like Tang Chen! And he actually Already have a fourth spirit ring? Damn it. I admit that Qian Daoliu is one step ahead of you this time. But I Qian Daoliu is no weaker than others in my life!"

"March 22nd, sunny. Today I met a girl I like! She has long sea-blue hair like the sea, and the beautiful name of Posey. Since the first sight of her, I I fell in love with her at first sight! The damn thing is, why does she always look at Tang Chen?"

While Ye Nan was reading Qian Daoliu's diary with great affection, the Great Elder of Wuhun Hall finally rushed out of Wuhun City.

"shut up!"

With a wave of his right hand, a golden spear, like an arrow from the string, quickly shot towards Ye Nan who was holding a thick golden secretary.

Upon seeing this, Bone Douluo stretched out his right hand, and a solid white bone shield appeared in front of him.


The light spear exploded on the bone shield.Qian Daoliu's only ordinary blow made Bone Douluo groan, and he swallowed it deeply.

Looking up at Qian Daoliu, feeling a fishy smell in his mouth, Bone Douluo's expression was extremely jealous.

However, when he noticed Ye Nan and Naiyazi next to him from the corner of his eye, the fear faded and turned into pity.

No matter how strong you are, in the face of two ninety-nine-level twin martial arts spirits plus the metamorphosis that each possesses eighteen hundred thousand-year spirit rings, there will be no waves!

At the same time, many titled Douluo-level elders in the Spirit Hall, including Pope Bibi Dong, appeared together.

Compared to the expressionless elders, Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu's face with a mocking expression.

If you have a son, you must have a father.

Facing the fierce power of many Title Douluo, Ye Nan threw away the notebook in his hand, and Ye Nan looked playful.

"Why, Qian Daoliu, you can't help it? Don't worry, there is something more interesting!"

"August 18th, sunny. In the name of the Young Master of the Spirit Hall, I asked the Silver Fox elder to assassinate Tang Chen, but failed. Even a fortieth-level soul sect cannot be killed, and it is returned to the elder of the Spirit Hall. , What a waste! Posey is mine, mine!"

"September 3, rain. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I want to smash you into pieces!"

"Nayako, what do you think about these?"

In front of Ye Nan's reading comprehension, Nayazi replied stubbornly.

"I think this passage perfectly and aptly expresses the grief, loss and anger that the protagonist can't ask for his beloved, but was dismissed by his own mortal enemy. Especially the four consecutive damned and last broken corpses, It sublimated this anger."

Seeing that Ye Nan and Naiyazi, the two little ghosts, were so shameless and humiliated him in front of him, Qian Daoliu's entire face was distorted.

More than ten years!Since Xunji died, he has not been so angry!

He summoned his martial soul, a tall angel with six white wings. Two pairs of eyes looked at them indifferently, with earth-shaking killing intent glowing in them.

"No matter who comes today, I can't keep you guys!"

However, Ye Nan regarded him as nothing, his eyes continued to stare at the notebook in his hand, and said in his mouth.

"November 11th, heavy rain. Today, in order to appease the Elephant Armor Sect, who lost a lot in the duel with Clear Sky Sect, so as to obtain more cannon fodder and worship, my father arranged a marriage for me. The daughter of the elder of the Elephant Sect. Had she not looked a bit like Bo Saixi, I would never have agreed to such a lower-level sect attachment!"

"October 9th, sunny. Even if she resembles Bossie, she is not Bossie after all. But the child, roughly speaking, looks like I and Bossie gave birth."


Let Ye Nan continue, will greatly affect the relationship between Wuhundian and Elephant Sect.In addition, there are many more secret, dark and evil things in his diary, so Qian Daoliu has even the diary to destroy Ye Nan together.

"Sword of Destruction!"

The ninth red spirit ring under his feet lit up.The angel behind him raised his hands.

In the endless golden light gathering, a golden giant sword that is extremely dazzling and looks like an artifact is condensed.

This huge sword is similar in size to the Seven Kill Sword after Sword Douluo has grown, but its power is definitely not the same.


In the endless light that could destroy everything in time, the golden giant sword slashed down at Ye Nan.

This sword not only engulfed him, but also Tang San, Xiao Wu and others behind him.

Chapter 317 Niyako, Transformation

The bright lightsaber illuminates the faces of people around.

Under the Seraphim, terrible pressure fell from the sky, and even the air became heavy.

Let alone Ning Rongrong and Meng who are still under the fortieth grade, even Ning Fengzhi felt a cold suffocation under this amazing power.


At the moment when the golden giant sword was depressed, a short black and red weapon turned across the sky, blocking the huge golden sword.

Holding the cold weapon of the cosmos CQC level with both hands, Niyazi's silver hair was flying in the violent wind formed by the handover of the weapon, and she turned her head and showed a very bright smile to everyone.

"Relax! Even if you die, I will protect you. I will never let my companion be killed!"

Nayazi's warm words immediately eased the heavy atmosphere around him.

"Only you?"

Qian Daoliu let out a cold snort.

Behind him, the wings of the Wuhun Seraphim were glowing.

With the birth of this light, five more huge lightsabers, just as they were just now, formed in the sky.

Under Qiandao Liu's control, six lightsabers were aimed at Naiyazi.

The sword that was supposed to be in his hand was shot out as a consumable right now.

At this moment, Ye Nan stretched out his right hand, and the Wuhun Ruyi golden cudgel automatically jumped into his hand.


He gave an order, and the iron rod quickly grew bigger and went straight into the sky.


He brandished the wishful golden hoop and smashed them heavily on the six lightsabers, smashing them into pieces, turning them into golden light spots and dissipating in the air.

All of a sudden, the sky filled with Venus, which was really beautiful.

He changed the Ruyi Golden Cudgel back to its original shape, put it on his shoulders, and stood in front of the crowd with a thumbs up.

A mouthful of white teeth sparkling in the sun.

"It's okay! Because, I'm here!"

"No wonder it's okay!"

After being blocked by two children from attacking him in a row, especially in front of many Wuhun Hall elders, Qian Daoliu's face as Xtreme Douluo was a bit unbearable.

Under his feet, the third and eighth spirit rings lit up at the same time.The Seraphim also opened its wide white wings.

"God's punishment comes to the world!"

From the huge and above the angel, countless white feathers fell like arrows.The soul power attached to the feathers allows each of them to easily penetrate the heart of a soul king.

At the same time, Nai Yazi finally showed his bloody spirit ring.

The fifth spirit ring under her feet lit up, and countless silver hair strands condensed in front of her, clasping one layer at a time, and woven together to form a huge shield as thick as a city wall.

"Weaving the heavens and covering the seven-fold ring!!"


Glowing white wings were stuck on the silver-haired shield, easily breaking through the first layer, then the second and third layers, but were blocked by the remaining four layers.

But when he glanced at his long hair covered with feathers, Niyako curled his lips in disgust.

"Well, some of it will be washed now."

The fight between the two was fast.Until then, other people have acted.

"I can't watch it either!"

Ning Fengzhi summoned the Qibao Glazed Pagoda.This gorgeous and precious seven-story pagoda, under the injection of his soul power, began to emit a very brilliant colorful light.

"Seven treasures are transferred out of Liuli! Seven treasures are famous: first: power, second: speed, third: soul power, fourth: defense, fifth: attack, sixth: attributes, seventh: nine treasures true body!"

This colorful light shot from the top of the tower, covering the four main forces of Ye Nan, Nai Yazi, Bone Douluo and Jian Douluo.

Suddenly, Sword Douluo seemed to have taken Shiquan Dabu pills. The Snake Lance Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo who had just been suppressed by him retreated in a row, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

The remaining titled Douluo elders in the Spirit Hall met and planned to rush forward, but were blocked by Bone Douluo and Ye Nan.

Ruyi's golden cudgel swung across and hit the powerful Golden Crocodile Douluo with the Golden Crocodile King as his martial spirit, hitting him like a plane crash, hitting the ground with a bang, knocking out a big hole.

In the jealous expressions of several Wuhun Hall elders, Ye Nan stroked the golden hoop on the ground, pulling out a golden line about 100 meters long, and with a clanging sound, thirteen thousand five hundred jin of golden hoop He hit the ground hard and hit the ground for three points.

"Here one side passes!"


Naiyazi and Qiandao Liu fought against each other many times.

In other words, Naiyazi cracked Qiandao Liu's offensive time and time again.

Looking at the eighteen blood-colored spirit rings under her, Qian Daoliu's expression changed a lot, looking rather ugly.

"It's impossible for humans to have so many hundred thousand year spirit rings! Even if you can hunt down one hundred thousand year spirit beasts, your body can't bear it! You are a titled Douluo cultivated in the form of a hundred thousand year spirit beast!"

Naiyako blinked, but you didn't expect this to be seen by you.

Although I am not a human being, I am not a soul beast either.

However, it will count.

As soon as Qiandaoliu's voice fell, her face showed the panic that was seen through.

With her acting skills exploding, her eyes swept over Ye Nan, Tang San, Xiao Wu and others below, first panicked when the secret was revealed, and then worried that she would suffer the anxiety of being alienated.

In the end, this expression changed to firmness.

She turned her head, facing Ye Nan's direction, shouted in a decisive tone.

"Brother, I'm not a man!"

Hearing this, Ye Nan trembled all over, and the hand holding the golden hoop was shaking.

He raised his head and returned with a shocked, stunned, lost, and trusting look.

Is there so much drama?

Fortunately, I am not bad!

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