Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 214

Watching Ye Nan's appearance and disappearance, the expressions of Bai Yasha and Halloween Queen were also very wrong.


"not good!"

The two stopped beating each other, their expressions were rather bad.

Especially Bai Yasha.

After calming down, she looked down at herself, the "masterpiece" of Alger and the Queen of Halloween, her eyes twitched: Ye Nan temporarily handed over the management of the community to her, hoping that Bai Yacha could do well.

As a result, it hadn't been a day before, and the community resident became like this ghost.

Bai Yacha felt that he had only been the administrator of the temporary community for a long time and was about to be kicked out.

At this moment, both the group and the group members who were watching the scene in the box court were silent.

"Suddenly remembered that Konoha still has some documents waiting for me to process. You guys continue, I'm leaving now."

Uchiha Madara used the file to escape, picked up the phone and hurried away.

"Vanessa is still waiting for me at home! I don't know what kind of'sex aid' she will use today? It's really exciting!"

Then, Xiao Jianjian, who was eager to survive, also left.

Immediately afterwards, the Marquis of Vauban, Hela and others also left, making the eyes of Bai Yasha in the sky shine.

Escape is shameful, but useful!

She quickly took out her mobile phone and wanted to escape to a certain group member's world.

But the problem is that no member of the group is willing to help her at the risk of offending the group leader and wanting to go, and she stomped her feet again and again with anger.

"These guys, usually one by one, the White Night King, the great god called so happy, it made us feel like we are going home, but when we need to help, we shrink completely. It's really useless!"

"That said, you are awesome?"

"of course!"

Bai Yasha said that he was awesome!

"We are the star spirits of the sun and the white night. Human beings finally test white, white, white..."

Looking back at Ye Nan, who was smiling and narrowing his eyes, Bai Yasha was like a stuck robot, repeating the white words and couldn't move.

"Say, why don't you say it?"

Ye Nan reached out and pinched Bai Yacha's face.Not only did the other party not resist, but he was not ashamed of it, instead he was proud to sell cute.

"Hey, hey (?ω?)~"

"Do you think that just selling cute is useful?"

Staring at Bai Yacha for five minutes, her face stiffened when she saw her smile, and the smile on Ye Nan's face finally disappeared.

He was expressionless, holding Bai Yasha's right hand harder and harder, causing her white and tender face to be directly pinched red.

"Dongdongdong...meeting and washing, I can't even suck."

"Do you want to have another time?"

Holding Bai Yasha's cheek, Ye Nan lifted her legs off the ground with a dark face.

"In the name of the leader of [Anonymous Demon King Alliance], I announce that I will immediately revoke the posts of the temporary manager of the White Yaksha Community and the major cadre of the community! Get out of me and start from the bottom!!!"

With that said, Ye Nan used his right hand to shake Bai Yasha into the sky.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

Following Ye Nan's strength, Bai Yasha screamed and turned into a retrograde star, disappearing from a distance.


Halloween Queen:...

Then Ye Nan turned around and pointed.


Alger, who was pointed at by him, raised his mouth, hands on his hips, insulting.

"Huh, Al-chan, super beautiful! So I won't be punished..."

Before she could utter the last word, Ye Nan had already activated the Gorgonette pendant hanging around her neck and included her.

"You close the little black house for me!"

When it came to the Queen of Halloween, she quickly persuaded and apologized to Ye Nan.

"I'm sorry, I will double the compensation for the loss I caused."

However, Ye Nan went back unceremoniously.

"What will you pay for?"

The Halloween queen suddenly froze.

Only then did she remember that she and her community, the super wealthy [Halloween Queen], had already been packaged and turned into the opponent's hand. How should we compensate for this loss?

Is it possible to use a companion?

Chapter Three-Two Bumpy Lies, The Truth About Love Drew

The Halloween queen froze for a moment, then suddenly turned her head.

"...Anyway, if I said I would lose, I would definitely lose! Anyway, I'm here and I can't get away, right?"

Ye Nan:...

Isn't this scamming like a little girl!

But in the face of such a Halloween queen, Ye Nan, who had just cheated others, didn't act as hard as he did to Bai Yasha and Argel, just silently nodded and left.

Seeing Ye Nan turned and left, the Halloween queen breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if Ye Nan keeps asking, she really doesn't know what to do!


One Piece World.

Last time at the call of Tornado, a group of people beat the navy.Kaido's pirate group of beasts, Charlotte Lingling's aunt pirate group disappeared from the sea.The position of the Four Emperors was made up by Luffy.

Due to the defeat of both the White Beard Pirate Group and the Red Hair Pirate Group, he who came later became the first of the Four Emperors. A large number of great sea pirates on the great sea route came to take refuge spontaneously.

Five old stars of the world government are furious: Karp, what did you guys do?I am a lieutenant admiral, my son is a revolutionary leader, and my grandson is the Four Pirates?Just one family is a big power that spans three levels. What exactly do you want to do?

They strongly ordered Karp to attack, just like Oak did to Roger, and arrest his grandson Luffy.

Such a big thing has happened on the sea, this big and heavy black pot, as the admiral of the Navy, the Warring States period has to recite.

He retired from the position of admiral of the navy and succeeded the former admiral Zefa as a religious officer in the recruit training camp of the navy headquarters.

In order to compete for the position of the marshal, the green pheasant and the red dog fought a battle, creating an ice and fire island that was half a volcano and half an iceberg.

In the end, the position of marshal was taken by the red dog Sakaski, and the green pheasant was separated from the navy and disappeared.

Karp disagreed with the original Akadog's concept, and coupled with the threat of the world government, the old general simply announced his retirement in a rage, and became a recruit instructor at the naval headquarters just like the Warring States period.

Anyway, neither Luffy nor Long need him to worry about, his pair of iron fists are still very tough, and the world government loves it!

Karp's hob-like deeds made Wu Lao Xing angrily denounce him for his lack of discipline and warn him, but he really couldn't do anything else!

Therefore, in the face of the admiral of the navy going out of three, the entire navy was distracted due to previous failures, the world government started a world conscription.

During the world conscription period, the navy would eliminate seniority and arrange positions directly according to the strength of the conscripts, which immediately attracted many people to join.

Just as the World Conscription was in full swing, there were more peace and Raleigh's Luffy on board, and the crew returned from Lavdrew with the crew.

Except for Raleigh, who has been there once, and Lufei, the new special big one, the other crew members are full of doubts.

"That's the truth about Lavdrew? What the world government is desperately trying to cover up?"

Since the destruction of O'Hara, the island of scholars in his hometown, Robin, who is determined to find the 100-year-old truth hidden by the world government, has got his wish this time.

Tons tons tons.

Raleigh raised his head and drank a small bottle of rum.

The old man with glasses looked slightly drunk, his mouth was full of alcohol, and he shook his head at Robin whose expression had changed.

"Little girl, at the beginning, Guangyue Mitian on our ship could also understand historical text. But despite this, even though we know the truth, it is completely meaningless!"

"As the invaders who came to our world from the stars and ruled the sea, the world government has been standing on this sea for eight hundred years. In the first hundred years, they still regarded our world as the original royal family, D such Tigers and hungry wolves. But 800 years have passed, and now it’s not a matter of concern!"

"Otherwise, the old fellow Monch D. Karp cannot become a naval hero!"

Nicole Robin was silent.

She was not an innocent scholar like the original O'Hara Island, but from the age of eight, her hometown was destroyed, her mother was killed, and she was offered a reward of 79 million Baileys, and fled for more than 20 years. Old arena.

She knows well that even if the world government is actually an invader from an alien; the dragon people always wear bubble balls, they are actually spacesuits that can survive in space; this is the case of the D family It was useless to announce the matter of the original royal family in the world.

For 800 years, traces of world government have been everywhere on the sea.Compared with the hidden past, the present is what people should grasp most.

After all, this raging continent is too unfriendly to ordinary people. Just to survive, you have to do your best to think about other things.

Luffy scratched his head when Raleigh unlocked Robin.

"Now, won't our enemy become a spaceship? And it's probably like the spaceship that Saitama-san, that super-powerful Poros is sitting on!"

"You have to go to the group and ask what method should be used to fight this kind of spacecraft."

Monkey D. Luffy: Hello, everyone!I found out that there might be a spaceship on the side of the Tianlongren!Are there any skills in the group that are suitable for flying ships?

Nantiandi: This is very simple, blow it with one punch!

Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni: This is very simple, smash it with one sword!

Nyarlatotepu: This is very simple, knock it out with one stick!

Hela: This is very simple, blast it with a spear!

Lu Fei looked at his fist, then looked at Sauron's sword and Usopp's sniper rifle, and replied.

Monkey D. Luffy: I can't do what you said!

Aleister: I provide nuclear-powered drones here.As long as the target is set, it can be bombed automatically, and nuclear pollution can also be controlled within a small range.If nuclear drones can’t work, I can also provide various services such as forbidden airfields, magic array bombing, and hiring shots to ensure high quality and low price, only one, two, three, and four shared values!

Penglai Shan Huiye: Appeared!Aleister Crowley can sell anything for money!

Monkey King: A monkey hair blows everything up!Just ninety-eight!As long as ninety-eight, take the life-saving monkey hair home!

Bai Yacha: Ah, I just messed up the matter of the group leader, then I'll join in.No matter how strong the spacecraft is, I just throw a sun down, and everything will be solved!The appearance fee is only nine-nine-nine!

Aleister: You are bidding maliciously!Disrupt the market order!

Ais Wallenstein: This kind of thing should be easy to solve if you find a group leader, right?

Dudao Tsuizi: You can't say that.If everything is required for the help of the group leader, aren't we just salted fish?Before you speak, you must work hard until you are exhausted, beat your blood, and fight for the last bit of strength!Aisi, you don't depend on others for everything, right?

Ais Wallenstein: I see.

Chapter 321 is full of confidence Sato Kazuma

Looking at the group, Luffy was carefully choosing which props or skills to buy with the help of others, Ye Nan nodded with relief.

Even if he is not there, most members of the group are still very reliable.

, the newcomer "perverted and true" joined.

Ye Nan:...

Seeing this name, the group suddenly became quiet.

After more than ten seconds, the replies in the group showed an explosive growth.

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