Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 217

In this high-tech palace, if Ye Nan was really interested in her body, he would have seen it hundreds of times.

Moreover, she didn't know if she should be happy or feeling a little discouraged, she hadn't seen the look in Ye Nan's eyes that she had often seen in the eyes of other men recently.

Putting aside those who didn't, Nakano Sanjiu remembered his original intention, and said to Ye Nan.

"I want to ask you to save someone"

"Save people?"

Even if Ye Nan stayed open for a hundred years, he would not feel his dry eyes.

"Are the fairy beans and magic potions in the group useless?"

Sanjiu shook his head slightly.

"The person I want to save is a bit special, and ordinary methods are useless."

"Xiandou is not a general method."

Ye Nan knew that Sanjiu had been following A Li's group recently.

According to Sanjiu's statement, he quickly lost a goal.

"Let me think about it, is it Kikyo?"

It was so simple to be guessed, Sanjiu nodded without surprise.

"Hmm. Sister Kikyo is very good to me, and Ari is also very good to me. Is there a way to save Sister Kikyo without hurting Ari?"

Chapter Three and Four

"The wish is simple."

Ye Nan said so, and San Jiu thought so.

If it is said that Sanjiu still worked hard before to reach the level of helping Ye Nan and repay his kindness for taking in and taking care of himself, now she has basically given up this idea.

Bathing in magma, walking in space, manufacturing robots like the Terminator in batches, mastering ultra-black technology-level alien spacecraft, resurrecting the dead, and being born out of nothing, Ye Nan, who can do things like this, seems to be in harmony with Sanjiu. There is no difference between the gods who cannot.

In addition to being unable to create a rock that he can't move, San Jiu felt that even if Ye Nan had a child, he couldn't do it.

Ye Nan, who has seen Inuyasha from start to finish, naturally understands the life of Kikyo.

When she was burned with the jade of the four souls, her body died; when she saw Ari, his reincarnation and Inuyasha together, Kikyo's heart died.

Later, the reason why she would make her soul dying was that apart from being seriously injured by Naraku, the bigger reason was that she didn't want to live anymore.

However, if Ye Nan takes action, Kikyo still doesn't want to live anymore--

That's okay.As long as Ye Nan disagrees, Kikyo just wants to die!

The gate of the underworld has been closed, and the road to Huangquan has been welded to death.

Want to get on and off from the concept of'alive'?Not in the next life!

After Ye Nan agreed, he and Sanjiu would just leave.

He pressed the phone, and Sanjiu disappeared into the room at the same time.

Seeing that Ye Nan was gone, La Lana ate her last mouthful of cantaloupe and hiccuped.

Then, he took out another piece of cantaloupe and gnawed quite happily.

Although I don't know why the owner wants to add the favorite setting to his source program, but this melon is really delicious!


According to the setting that did not know when it started, the dead will always miss the situation before their lives.

Whether it's the life before death, people you know, or whatever.

It is like that after the death of Kikyo, dragging a body made of clay, he always likes to find those small villages that were like Maple Village, which was lingering in the Warring States Period, to help the very poor villagers maintain their lives.

Therefore, Ye Nan followed Sanjiu to a very common mountain village.

Common houses made of wood, thatch and soil, as well as some other simple materials; common on thatched houses, used to hold down the roof, so as not to be overturned by the typhoon that often passes by Japan; common body is thin and blue complexion The villagers are suffering, but in order to survive, they still have to carry a hoe and work hard in the fields under the scorching sun.

On the mountain near the village, Ye Nan and Sanjiu found Platycodon grandiflorum carrying a basket, collecting herbs.


Seeing Sanjiu, Kikyo nodded to her calmly.

Afterwards, he asked Ye Nan behind her in a rather flat tone.

"Who is this?"

In Ye Nan's eyes, compared to the two-dimensional animation, the Platycodon grandiflorum in front of him is obviously more real and more beautiful.

She wore a standard witch costume with white upper and red, and her soft black hair was the common witch-style hair.

Her eyes are as beautiful as black pearls, her skin is astonishingly white among the yellow race, and her outstanding features can even be described as delicate.

But between her cold eyebrows, there was a melancholy that couldn't be resolved.

This is a person as the name suggests, just like a girl who looks weak but is actually strong.

The moment Ye Nan's eyes swept over, Kikyo frowned somewhat solemnly.

There seemed to be a penetrating light in the other person's eyes, as if he was about to see through.

But when she was about to frown, she was surprised to find that her body could not move!

Not only that.Even the dead soul worm that Kikyo had already controlled, like an arm, was disconnected from her.

The strong!

Just one look is controlled by others, and Kikyo intends to explode without any loss of spiritual power in the body.

But with only a slight drive, she found that the spiritual power in her body was like a pool of stagnant water, completely unable to mobilize.

Actually even the spiritual power is limited?

An unbelievable startle flashed in Kikyo's eyes.

Although she is dead, the spiritual power remaining in her body is not as good as before she was alive, but she will not be instantly held by someone without any resistance.

Sanjiu and this man who collected the jade of the four souls with Inuyasha and the others, who are they?

After finding that the bellflower was under control, Sanjiu looked at Ye Nan suspiciously.

Ye Nan explained.

"I don't think she will obey our arrangements honestly, so she just does it directly."

Hearing this, Sanjiu thought for a while and nodded gently.

It's like giving a patient anesthetic before a major operation, right?

But Ye Nan's explanation was almost unkind to Kikyo.

What are they going to do to me?

Suddenly encountering something beyond his control, even with Kikyo’s heart, he can’t help but feel a little flustered.

Because of this time, Kikyo, who was resurrected not long ago, still has obsession and resentment.

She still has things she wants to accomplish and she doesn't want to die!

At least, at least you can't die before you kill Nairo!

With this obsession, Kikyo burst out with his strongest power.

Even with the efforts of Kikyo, the sea of ​​spiritual power like stagnant water began to waver, making Ye Nan a little surprised.

But it was only a little surprised.

"do not move!"

He snorted, his words almost turned into rules, and immediately suppressed Kikyo’s restless sea of ​​spiritual power.

Then, in order to prevent the bellflower from resisting on the way, Ye Nan pointed the bellflower to faint.


Half an hour later, the bellflower, lying in the forest, woke up.

"What am I?"

She opened her eyes slowly, recalling the situation where she was knocked out before without any resistance.

But before she could think of anything else, she suddenly trembled.

"My heart is beating?"

There was a surprise in her eyes decisively, she quickly reached out and touched her thick conscience.

Feeling the shrinking powerful heart, Kikyo's breathing stopped for a while, almost suffocating himself to death.

"Heart, really beating!"

At this moment, the surprised Kikyo could not help tears in his eyes.

But she felt the liquid slipped, so she subconsciously reached out and wiped it, and then put the teardrops in front of her.

"It's tears! It's tears!"

She covered her mouth, checked her body quickly, and suppressed the exclamation of incomparable joy in her throat.

The clay man does not need breathing, body temperature, or blood.

Therefore, there is no need for tears.

This clay body seems to be telling Kikyo all the time: You are dead!You are a dead man!You should not continue to live in the world of the living!The underworld is your true home!

But now, everything is over!

She has a real body!

Ah Li, you little bitch, waiting!Inuyasha is mine!

The dead Kikyo is not qualified to fight for this relationship, but the alive can!

Chapter 325 The Consciousness of Oda Shinna

Without mentioning the true resurrection of Platycodon grandiflorum, how big a crisis it will cause for the love between Inuyasha and Ari, anyway, Sanjiu's request Ye Nan has already done.

Also, since the Sengoku period is here, let's stop by Oda Shinna.


Owari, Oda Castle.

I found Ye Nan of Oda Shina with mental power, teleported directly in front of her, and raised his hand to say hello.

"Yo Shinna, how are you doing recently? Are you still working hard to unite the Warring States Period?"

At this moment, sitting on the railing of the attic, wearing clothes covering most of his body, only showing the pale neck, Oda Shinna, who looked into the distance, was startled and almost fell.

After seeing Ye Nan clearly, she put down the hand holding the musket in her arms, her eyes filled with melancholy.

"It's Lord God."

Oda Shinna clutched his abdomen, respectfully saluted Ye Nan with a rare female attitude, and then shook his head very disappointed.

"No, I have given up on unifying the chaotic Warring States period. Human beings cannot do such a thing anyway!"

"What's wrong? This expression doesn't suit you!"

Ye Nan was a little curious.Even without Sagara Yoshiharu who helped Oda Shinna unify the neon in the original book, her character should not be so depressed.

After all, the great fool of Owari is the head iron man who will hit the south wall even if he hits the south wall.

"Did something happen?"

Oda Shinna smiled wryly.

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