Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 221

As the best third-generation disciple of the interpretation, he used to consult with several elders at the level of Luo Jinxian for advice.

But that was already hundreds of years ago.

Since the Twelve Golden Immortals were sent to the top of Sanhua for the Three Nights, some of them were cast in Buddhism, and he entered the heavenly court again, there has been little contact with each other.

Now, facing the pressure of Da Luo Jinxian once again, Yang Jian does not retreat but advances!

"I thought it was just to capture an ordinary demon monkey who committed a mess, but unexpectedly I could meet a real big Luo Jinxian!"

"How could a Daluo Jinxian who is only a few hundred years old not be invited by the Pan Tao Society, and he actually became Bimawen before? Could it be that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were blind together?"

"Break for me!!!"

The sky eyes on Yang Jian's forehead shot out a sky full of silver light, and the mana in the body was blessed on the three-pointed two-edged sword.

Amid his anger, the three-pointed and two-edged sword appeared on the three-pointed two-edged sword with three dragons with teeth and claws.Behind these three dragons, there is a silver gleam that shines like three thousand stars, rushing towards the golden light like moths to the fire.


The three dragons looked up to the sky and uttered unyielding screams, and there were even a large number of black space cracks around their bodies, which shocked people.

However, this is not very useful for Luan.

Under the golden light, the silver light melted quickly like ice and snow.

The three dragons protected by Yinhui were also penetrated instantly, torn apart by the golden light like a blazing sun.

Afterwards, this light cast its momentum unabated, and hit the prepared Yang Jian, throwing his body for hundreds of miles, disappearing into the distant sky like a meteor.

"the host!"

"Holy King!"

Roaring Tianqu and Meishan Six Sages chased them in exclamation.

Monkey King shook the big red cloak behind him, pointed his right finger to the sky, and laughed.

"Lao Jade Emperor! Do any other tricks! My grandson is waiting here!"

Chapter Three and Three

When everyone discovered that Monkey King was actually a great Luo Jin fairy, things changed.

Da Luo Jinxian is a pivotal figure in the entire Three Realms.And Monkey King can be a mere acquired body, and become a big Luo in a few hundred years, that is the first time since the land has been opened up!

Especially the Bodhi ancestor who is a clone of a saint.It was also dumbfounded when he discovered that his cheap apprentice had actually become a big Luo Jinxian.

The last piece of sky-filling stone left by the Nuwa Empress is too talented, right?More than many innate gods and demons!

Could it be said that Empress Nuwa watched so many of us bully a monkey, and she couldn't see it, so she secretly helped?

If I knew that, I shouldn't frame it in Journey to the West. Now it's too late to regret!

At this time, the Jade Emperor was also scolding in his heart.

Is Buddhism deliberately messing with him?Although it is impossible for a big Luo Jinxian to shake the rule of the heavenly court, Buddhism did not say that this monkey is a big Luo Jinxian!Otherwise, it is impossible to send Monkey King to raise a horse!

It's good now, the entire Three Realms knew that Heavenly Court had no knowledge of people, and sent a big Luo Jinxian to be Ma Wen.

Moreover, as the Da Luo Jinxian in the Heavenly Court system, he didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the Queen Mother's Flat Peach Club?

In this way, many big Luo Jinxians outside the system will have opinions on Heavenly Court!

As the Lord of the Three Realms, he has lost his face greatly!

In order not to be more embarrassed, the Jade Emperor asked the heavenly soldiers to retreat one after another.

Seeing the heavenly court bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, Monkey King sneered even more.

He raised his hand and pointed, and a golden light turned into a banner of'Qi Tian', which was ninety-nine eighty-one feet high and visible from hundreds of miles away.

Standing between the heaven and the earth, Monkey King poured mana into his throat, and his voice spread millions of miles.

"Today, my Monkey King, Monkey King, established a demon court in Huaguo Mountain, calling myself the Qitian Demon King! Anyone who is predestined, no matter people, gods, demons, or demons, can come and vote, and I will accept them together! No doubt!"

As a result, the world shook and all parties reacted violently.

The faces of the Heavenly Jade Emperor and others changed drastically after Buddhism Tathagata came.Such as Jiutian Yingyuan, the thunder of Puhua Tianzun Wenzhong, the god of wealth and wealth Zhao Gongming, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit of Kan Gong Doumu, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit of the Fire Palace, the God of the Three Girls, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao, etc. are even more excited.

In Biyou Palace, the young Taoist laughed with his palms and said, "My Dao is not alone." In Nuwa Palace, Nuwa has memories in her eyes. With a simple stroke, she beckons the demon flag to fly over by herself, and she scrutinizes it carefully. .

In the Eight Views Palace, the Taishang Laojun's eyes opened and closed, his alchemy movement paused slightly, and then he continued; in the deepest part of Lingshan, two Buddhist saints look at me and I look at you, all of them have a look of astonishment.

Isn't Monkey King's declaration a reprint of the original "Teaching but no class"?


At the same time, Monkey King's live studio.

Emperor Nantian: Great Sage!Dasheng mighty and domineering!

Penglai Shan Huiye: What monkey brother?Now I want to call Qitian Demon Emperor!

Bai Yacha: Oh, if you were in the box court, Monkey King could have such courage, and it wouldn't be the same.

Nyarlatotepu: I smell the big news!Do things, do things, do things!

Aleister: The world of the Qitian Demon Emperor is very strong, and it may be difficult to establish a Demon Court.

Emperor Nantian: That's for sure!Especially although it is said that the demon court is established, it actually means to re-establish the teaching!In the eyes of other sages, the reason why Brother Monkey can become a big Luo Jinxian so quickly must be helped by a sage.With these words, it is almost a real hammer that the leader of the world standing behind Brother Monkey!

Nyarlatotepu: It was the Master of Heaven who had confidently used the "Four Saints and Unbreakable" in the Battle of Conferred Gods, who was beaten by his two brothers and outsiders?

Emperor Nantian: ...that's him.At the beginning, Jiejiao gathered almost half of the practitioners of the predecessor, and it was the greatest power under the Taoist ancestors. Among them, they were mixed and always offended people.However, the Master Tongtian felt that his Zhuxian Sword formation was so powerful that his two brothers would definitely stand by his side, so no one was afraid except Dao Ancestor.So he was stunned by everyone except for the teaching, and the wave crashed directly.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: So, now that the Qitian Demon Emperor wants to set up a demon court, what he is facing is the enemy of the Cultivation?Why are they all enemies in the world?

Emperor Nantian: That's it.

Monkey King: You said something like this earlier!Why didn't you say it earlier?My old Sun Li Yaoting was completely attributable to the fact that many demon races did not practice the exercises and wanted to give them a way to rise, and I didn't know that there was such a terrible thing before that!One pick the whole world?Master Tongtian is afraid that he is not a super secondary disease!

Nantian Emperor: ('?︵?`) I thought Brother Monkey, you did it on purpose. You want to fight the sky and the world.

Monkey King: There is also a limit to the head iron!What kind of image am I in your eyes!After so much, even a monkey will grow up!Put these aside first, you can calculate it for me. Starting from my black-bellied master, which enemies I will face in the future!

Nantiandi: This, let me see.First of all, Buddhism is sure.The two true saints, Tathagata and Randeng are quasi saints, and Maitreya is the Golden Immortal of Da Luo.Then there is the heaven, where the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are both quasi-sages.

Emperor Nantian: Then there is the Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town, who is also a quasi-sage.He has a good friend named Hongyun, who was killed by the demon king and demon master of the demon court.Great Sage, if you set up a demon court, the possibility of him coming to trouble you is 50-50.

Monkey King: Is the righteous brother who worshipped me as a righteous brother?My old grandson is strange. Since he is a quasi-sage, why would he be a golden immortal or a hunk?And how did I, a golden immortal, overthrow the ginseng fruit tree as the innate spiritual root?

Nantiandi: So I have a doubt.Although your body is a sky-filling stone, the soul may be the remnants of the ancient red cloud.Otherwise, Zhen Yuanzi could not have set up such a big game, and even bowed to you, just to stand in the Buddhism team.

Monkey King: Who can tell this kind of things from ancient times!My grandson would not place hope in this ambiguous world.Are there any more?

Emperor Nantian: There is also Kunpeng, the demon master of the North Sea.Brother Hou, you have established the Demon Court, then as a quasi-sage born in ancient times, where should the name of the Ancient Heaven Court Demon Master's Mansion go?There are also some demon races left over from the ancient times. It is very likely that you can't understand Monkey Brother, a newly promoted Daluo Jinxian, and dare to set up a demon court, and you will definitely be black in the dark.

Monkey King: In other words, what I have to face are two saints, five or six quasi saints, and the same number of Da Luo Jinxian like my grandson?

Emperor Nantian: Probably.There are some others that are not, but they are all trivial compared to these forces.

Monkey King: Good!So my grandson can rest assured!

Emperor Nantian: Brother Monkey is worthy of Brother Monkey, and he doesn't bow his head when facing a saint!Monkey King has no faults and no faults in his life!awesome!great!

Monkey King: What are you saying?What I mean is that this kind of god opponent I will definitely not be able to beat by myself. Brothers and sisters in the group, please help my grandson!

Emperor Nantian: (°°)

Penglai Mountain Huiye: =ω=hold, hold

Bai Yasha: (??) The smile gradually distorted

Xiaoqianqian: Hahahahahaha!The owner of the group is like choosing clothes for an hour to go on a date, and only two hours later did you find the little spider who was letting pigeons go. You think too much!Ahahahaha!!

Xiao Jianjian was silenced for twenty-four hours.

Chapter 331 Construction is harder than destruction

Ye Nan was stunned by Ye Nan, and the group members had no fluctuations in their hearts, and they even wanted to laugh.

However, how many people scold "dog owner" or "authority dog" on the screen, it's another story.

Moreover, after the Great Sage asked for help, Daozu who was a noble administrator jumped out.

Daozu: Heaven has permanence, Hongjun impermanence!This time you want to build a demon court, you can only choose one member of the group as a helper at most, too much!

Monkey King: Why?There are so many super god opponents, how do two people fight?Take your life to fight?!

Daozu: If I say no, it won't work!Moreover, after being ordained, the saints are forbidden to walk freely on the four continents!Before, who told you to be inconsistent with the demon court?It’s been less than a thousand years since I’ve been taught, and even my scalp is numb when you’re so handsome.

Monkey King: (oΔo)

Monkey King: If I can come back again, I will choose... the leader!I choose the host as a helper!

Nyarlattotip: Huh?In terms of strength, I seem to be stronger, right?

Bai Yacha: Cough cough, even if I risk being muttered by the group leader!My life as Bai Yacha is not weaker than others!

Monkey King: If it was Naiyazi, you, the head of the evil god, would come to help, and the sage would call the door directly the next day, my grandson would not be surprised!As for you, Shiroyasha, the sun attribute is too strong and it is quite easy to be targeted.For example, Houyi's sun-seeking bow, sun-shooting arrow and so on.

Bai Yacha: Well, I can't refute it.Before, I often encountered gifts for the attributes of the sun...

Nyarlatotepu: ≥▽≤Hey, people are not so popular either!

Monkey King: _

Nantiandi: Brother Monkey, I think you can do it alone, come on (?°?°?)??

Monkey King: _

Emperor Nantian: (o?ω?o)

Monkey King: ○?Д′?○

Monkey King: If it's just like making a noise in the Heavenly Palace, it would be nothing more than shaking the earth with an iron rod.But I really can't do things like establishing power and establishing order!As long as the group owner helped me in this event, after the fierce battle, if my grandson frowned, Sun Wukong wrote the three words upside down!

Emperor Nantian: Since the Great Sage said so, it would be too much for me to refuse.Come on, let us have a big trouble and turn these three worlds upside down!

Daozu: You guys are going to fart!The world turned upside down in front of me, the world turned upside down, clearly didn't see me in my eyes!Believe it or not, I close the door and let the saint!Now these people are always going against the sky to kill the sky, and the way of heaven also wants face, okay?Heaven does not have human rights!


For the ordinary little demon, of course, he doesn't know the old things about the cut-off teaching thousands of years ago.

When they heard that Monkey King established himself as the Qitian Demon Emperor and formed the Demon Court, most of them thought this way:

Fuck, Qi Tian Demon Emperor is so awesome!Where is Huaguo Mountain, I want to go!

A group of monsters, big and small, greeted their friends and greeted their friends. Along the way, countless flowers, flowers and grass were trampled across, and they rushed towards Huaguo Mountain from all directions in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

At first glance, the momentum is vast and boundless, and it will soon gather millions of people.

But in fact, these little monsters are not as powerful as the 100,000 heavenly soldiers who were overthrown by the great sage and a monkey.

They urinate and urinate everywhere, advocate blood food, some monsters are even eaten by their companions, and many human villages have been slaughtered on the road, and there is no order at all.

If such a group of mobs enter the Huaguo Mountain, I am afraid that it will not be long before the blessed earth and the sky become a mess.

This is not the original intention of Monkey King to establish the Demon Court.

As a result, as the great saint of the monster race, he sang red face, accommodating all spirits such as demons and immortals; as the human race, he sang white face and set strict rules.

Thus, in the triumphant look of the big brother of the Three Realms, another Da Luo Jinxian level aura bloomed in the Huaguo Mountain.

The golden light rose into the sky, covering the entire Huaguo Mountain.Mountains, trees, flowers, grass, lakes, clouds, etc. are all dyed golden.

After that, Ye Nan's voice was half as small as Dongsheng Shenzhou could hear.

"My name is Nantian Emperor! I am the emperor of the Huaguoshan Demon Court of Dongsheng Shenzhou Aolai Country! Today, the six demon courts are established here! May those who respect the six demon courts come to the demon court!"

"Article one, kill the troublemaker!"

"The second one, kill anyone who kills for no reason!"

"Article three, kill the demon court colleagues for no reason, kill!"

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