Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 232

"Yes, Lelouch."

CC has beautiful long green hair, which is tied into a double ponytail hairstyle this time.Following her own actions, she flickered on the left and right sides of her body.

"Compared to our tiny world, the other world is obviously infinitely larger. That's why I will change my desire."


In a six-figure community venue called "Sword Hall", Aisi holds Senbonzakura and salutes each other with swordsmen who are also holding rapiers on the opposite side.

The next moment, the swords in the hands of the two turned into phantoms at the same time, making countless clear clashes in mid-air.

[Sword Hall] Outside, Vignette, Gabriel, Raphael, Sataniya, and Kato Megumi, Little Bird Tour Rokka, Hermione Granger form a small group, and they are everywhere following the girls’ preferences Hang out.

Yucheng Lidou was hugged by Mengmeng with her left hand, Lala with her right hand, and Nana, who was still holding her chest with her hands and her mouth bulging, felt very unhappy.

In the face of such beautiful three sisters, many passers-by cast envy and hatred on him.

However, compared with before, the current Yuki Rido can already feel the wonderful and indescribable touch on his arms as usual.

At the same time, in the venue, you can also see the active figures of Kasugabe Yao and Jiuyuan Asuka.

No. 2333 Outer Gate, Astronomy Tower, the highest point of [Anonymous·Devil Alliance] station.

After receiving the group members, Ye Nan was so annoyed to receive other communities, and Bai Yacha, who also wanted to go out to play, took Yue'er to the top floor of the Astronomy Tower.

"Yue'er, look! This is all the world I laid for you!"

Yue'er was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly glanced at Ye Nan speechlessly.

"Brother Nan, although this TV series does not exist in our world, I have watched it in other worlds."

"Huh? Ahem."

Ye Nan coughed a little awkwardly, but unexpectedly at this time, Yue'er held his waist and gently pressed his head to Ye Nan's chest.

"However, I like it very much."

Then, screams came from all over the celebration.

"Ah, my old grandson's fiery eyes!"

"Ah, my titanium dog eyes!"

"Hiccup~ This dog food is really full, no, this lemon is so sour!"

Chapter 349 Grand Wedding (repair)

At 8 o'clock the next morning, the large-scale wedding ceremony named "Tiandi Gets Married" officially began.

In the sky, the sun is just right.Countless huge red curtains inlaid with gems and agates fell.Beside the curtain, there are more cherished flowers of various colors, scattered with countless floral fragrances, making the entire festival venue appear to be full of fragrance.

In several corners of the wedding venue, sixteen singers who were invited by [Anonymous Demon King League] were singing happily.

This time, they can get a lot of money, can they be happy?

In the sky, Ye Nan, whose eyes are traced with silver patterns, stands on one side, standing on one end; Concubine Yan, who appeared in bright red dress, is holding the tortoiseshell crown on her head, wearing a red hijab, and her eyes with gold patterns. At the other end.

On the big day, Yue'er nervously held her mother's hand, her heart beating like a deer, very excited.

Noting her daughter’s emotions, Concubine Yan gently touched her hand, and said with emotion: I didn’t expect that, I thought I would be trapped in the Yin Yang Family Formation for a lifetime, but I could still watch Yue’er get married. !

Below the sky, countless big, small, human-shaped, dragon-shaped, and beast-shaped heads are waiting to watch this luxurious Chinese wedding.

A few minutes later, Bai Yasha was sure in his heart, and said in a loud voice.

"It's good time!"

As soon as her voice fell, countless magpies flew from the sky.

You put these magpies on me, and I put you on you to build a magpie bridge before Ye Nan and Yue'er.

Bang, bang, bang.

With the sound of her heartbeat, Yue'er took Concubine Yan's hand and moved forward slowly and firmly, and met Ye Nan in the middle of Queqiao.

Concubine Yan handed Yue'er's hand to Ye Nan, her eyes reddened.

"Treat her well."

"I will."

Ye Nan took Yue'er's hand and nodded.

At this moment, Yue'er's hands were slightly cool.

Ye Nan took her hand and walked along the magpie bridge that stretched all the way to the high platform.

In the middle of the high platform, the three Qis of Fu, Lu, and Shou from the Great Holy Ponder of the Monkey King formed a big Chinese character.

As Ye Nan moved, the singing voices of the singers began to change.

On both sides of the high platform, golden bells exuding a little bit of aura rang crisply, and drums rang.

In mid-air, the orchestra invited from the two-digit community [Taoism] played with various instruments such as chimes, shengse, and pipa, hidden in the clouds.

In the solemn and solemn music, according to the ancient rituals given by Daozu, worshiping the heaven and the earth, worshiping all spirits, worshiping the will of the universe, etc., Ye Nan and Yueer completed one by one according to the narrative of Bai Yacha. .

Looking at this unprecedented wedding ceremony, the audience was extremely quiet.

"Li Cheng!"

At the end, when Bai Yasha announced the end of the ceremony, thousands of golden lotus flowers fell from the sky.

Eight and a half of these golden lotus fell on Ye Nan and Yue'er, Bancheng gave Bai Yacha, and the remaining 10% was evenly divided among the people present.

"Heaven's Golden Lotus!"

The participants of [Taoism] and [Buddhism] took a breath.

This level of mana golden lotus is not a saint.

However, because of being too powerful, like God, the saint is not accepted by Hakata.

Therefore, this must be performed by beings more advanced than saints.

"So, is the will of heaven and universe?"

[Buddhism] and [Taoism] look at me on your behalf, I look at you, and at the same time decide to strengthen the connection with [Anonymous Demon King Alliance].

In the venue, anyone who came across the golden lotus, the magic power of the golden lotus change as a blessing, immediately melted into the body.

Soon, there were many exclamations from the field.

"My old wound is healed!"

"My strength has improved!"

"The scar on my face is gone!"

Many visitors were excited because of this surprise, and their eyes were even more intense when they looked at the high platform.

Only some big guys want to cry without tears: The scar on my body is a man's medal, a soldier's proof!How to say nothing is gone!


At the end of the wedding, Ye Nan and Yue'er, who had changed their clothes, sat at the front of the platform, the best place to watch.

After completing the ritual perfectly, Bai Yasha, who had relaxed a lot, also smiled, stepping on a white cloud and flying into the sky.

"Think you have endless brave men, please come forward!

"Those who think they have supreme wisdom, please come forward!"

The two words that Bai Yacha said with a smirk were really making trouble!

The group of Greek gods, Apollo and Athena stepped forward.

For the Taoist gods, Shen Gongbao, who just wanted to move forward, was blocked back and replaced with Yunzhongzi.

Buddhism, Di Shitian flew into the sky with a confident smile.

Seeing these pioneers, some people who had planned to step forward immediately stopped.

Are you kidding me?Playing against those three-digit, four-digit gods?It’s not like looking for abuse!

If you could use Lord God as your opponent, Nihui Ikuya would be very excited to think about it.

But the problem is that this festival is held in his own home, and he cannot participate.


After some fierce competition, in the end, Di Shitian won the final victory.

After Ye Nan handed over the prize to him, the festival that would last for a whole month even officially started.

At night, Ye Nan and Yue'er slept in the same room for the first time.

Yue'er's slap-sized face was pink.

She swallowed gently, and she was mentally prepared for what she should do next.

Holding Yue'er, Ye Nan touched her forehead with his chin and said with emotion.

"Yue'er, this day has finally come!"


Shrunk in Ye Nan's arms, Yue'er was already too ashamed, and could only make a nasal sound.

Loosing the arms around her baby Yue'er, Ye Nan smiled smirkly as she watched her lowering her head vigorously, not daring to look at him.

"Yue'er, shall we sleep?"

Month: o (*////▽////*) q

—————— Indescribable dividing line——————

"Cut, isn't it?"

Outside the door, Baiyasha, Nyallatotepu, Penglai Shan Huiye, who were full of food, exhausted everything, and there was no way to figure out what happened inside without Ye Nan discovering it. .

"It's all gone!"

Bai Yacha curled his lips very disappointed, and cursed at Ye Nan in his heart.

It's really stingy, it won't be so good if you listen to the corner!


This month, Yue'er completely put aside Qin's affairs and went on vacation with Ye Nan wholeheartedly.

They sometimes pretend to be ordinary people and experience life in the copy.Yue'er personally cooks dishes for Ye Nan.

Sometimes, there is a sudden interest to end the life of ordinary people and experience the life of a big star.

During this time, Ye Nan has been a general, a businessman, a singer, and an actor, and Yue'er is the same.

The two played happily for a month, and left everything in the group aside, which made many members of the group envious.

Especially Monkey King.In the days when Ye Nan was away, Huaguoshan Demon Court and Beihai Demon Court branch were all grabbed by him, and he was tired of vomiting.

Chapter Three and Five: Attack on Luffy (Repair)

After playing happily for a month, Yue'er let go of Ye Nan quite contented, and continued to be her own Qin II.

Different from the previous ones, Yue'er's left hand and Ye Nan's right hand both wore a ring and swore sovereignty to each other.

If you input mana into Yue'er's ring, you can see Ye Nan's image; if you input mana into Ye Nan's ring, you can see Yue'er's image.

When the month was over and when he returned home, Ye Nan greeted Ye Lan's extremely resentful look.

"Brother, don't you love me anymore?"

She hugged Lallana, who was the same enemy, and stared at Ye Nan'viciously'.

"You took your sister-in-law out to play, but you didn't take me!"

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