Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 246

Although Qin Yu was anxious to know about Li'er and Uncle Lan, he didn't ask directly, but took a few days.

In the past few days, Ye Nan asked Qin Yu for some exercises.Although Qin Yu wondered why this senior would want this kind of cultivation method that should be low-level in the opponent's eyes, he provided a lot of methods for cultivating immortals, demons or demons.

A few days later, his brothers Hei Yu and Hou Fei also came to the Qin Palace.It was a joy to meet the brothers.

"Senior, this is my second brother Kuroba, and the third brother is waiting for fees!"

Looking at the indifferent black-clothed youth beside Qin Yu, and the green-armored youth with a smirk on his face, they were smiling at the Qin Dynasty imperial garden with Yue'er, who was admiring flowers.

"Mutated super sacred beast Dark Electric Dapeng, and super sacred beast Fire-Eyed Water Ape? Yes, very good."

"Dark Power Roc and Fire Eyed Water Ape?"

Qin Yu had a meal first, and then a little excited.

"Does the senior know the life experience of Xiao Hei and Fei Fei?"

Ye Nan nodded gently.

"Know a little."

Suddenly, Kuroba and Hou Fei became excited.

"Really, senior, do you really know my life experience?"

Houfei clenched his fists, and his heart beat twice.

"When I was young, I followed Uncle Lan and Sister Li'er. Although I know I was picked up, I don't know who my parents are!"

Although he is doing well now, even the Nine and Nine Tribulations, wouldn't it be better to know his life experience!

Kuroba nodded again and again.

As a black eagle of unknown race, he has been living with Qin Yu ever since he remembered.The years when the two were in Yunwu Mountain Villa, leaning against the hot springs to watch the stars, are his best memories.

"Okay. Now that I met, I will even talk to you about Jiang Lan and Jiang Li."

Ye Nan took Yue'er's waist and sat down on the chair next to him casually.

"Sit, sit all."

After Qin Yu, Hei Yu, and Hou Fei were all seated, facing their big piercing eyes, Ye Nan stroked the plot and spoke.

"Let’s talk about the matter from the beginning. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years ago, Jiang Lan just became the god king. At that time, he had a lover named Zuo Qiumei, the god king of life..."

"Uncle Lan's lover?"

Ye Nan just got up, Waiting couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is a big gossip!

I really didn't expect that Uncle Lan, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would actually have a lover!

But then, Qin Yu and Hei Yu frowned and scolded Hou Fei.


"Stupid monkey!"

Qin Yu stood up, folded his hand to Ye Nan, and said with a wry smile.

"Fei Fei hasn't been restrained since he was a child, and he's straightforward, and he can say whatever he thinks of. It's really rude, senior."

"It's ok."

Ye Nan's big belly raised his hand and asked Qin Yu to sit down.In my heart, he said: This is the effect!666 shouted to me!

"At the time, during the Tianzun battle, because of Jiang Lan's hesitation, Zuo Qiumei was killed by his brother, Jiang Li's father, Jiang Fan, the holy emperor of the North Pole..."


This time, it was Qin Yu's turn to exclaim again and jumped directly from the stool.

Without mentioning what Tianzun War is, let's say that Uncle Lan's lover was actually killed by Lier's father?Then why is Uncle Lan still so close to Li'er?!

Then, he greeted the eyes of Hei Yu and Hou Fei.

You are also rude!

Qin Yu sat back with a smile.

"However, with her brother and family on one side, and her lover on the other, Zuo Qiumei understood Jiang Lan's hesitation and pain, and did not blame him. As she died, she put her perception of the law of life in two tears. One of them was given to Jiang Li, who was often brought by Jiang Lan to play with her, and the other was rushed into the cracks of time and space to be reserved for those who are destined.

Speaking of this, Ye Nan deliberately emphasized the words'destined person' and gave Qin Yu a glance.


He looked startled, and blurted out a certain guess.

"Is it my meteor tears?!"


Ye Nan showed his appreciative gaze that'ru Zi can teach'.

"This is also why Uncle Lan and Li'er look at you differently. Because you are the destined person of Zuo Qiumei, the king of life!"

"No wonder!"

Hou Fei suddenly realized.

"It's not that no one entered the place where Uncle Lan lived by mistake, but they were all sent out after being cured by sister Li'er. Brother was the first to be left behind!"

Qin Yu was overjoyed.Not for the insight of the king of life, but unexpectedly, the fate between himself and Li'er was originally set when he was young!

"The place where Jiang Lan and Jiang Li are located is called the God Realm. Ascend from your mortal realm to the Fairy, Demon, and Demon Realm. Go through the three stages of Heavenly Immortal, Golden Fairy, and Profound Fairy. In the God Realm, there are four realms of God, God, God King, and God."

"In the realm of the gods, Li'er is the daughter of the eight holy emperors of the North Pole. Each holy emperor is a divine king, and is one of the best, with a respectable status."

"In addition, no matter which upper deity is, as long as she gets a drop of meteor tears in her body, it is almost certain that she can become a god king. Therefore, since Jiang Li got the meteor tears, he has been pursued by many mad bees and butterflies."

"All of her will come here with Uncle Lan, in fact, to avoid those suitors, to try to be quiet. But she didn't expect that she would meet her own destiny in such a small place."

Facing Ye Nan's playful gaze, Qin Yu's face was rarely flushed, making Hei Yu and Fei Fei smile.

Ye Nan continued.

"The Celestial War is a battle between the gods and kings for the Celestial Device. As long as you obtain the Celestial Device and comprehend the rules, you can become the Celestial Lord. The winner of the last Celestial Celestial War is your father. , The super sacred beast, the fire-eyed water ape, now the Xiaoyao Tianzun of the gods!

Waiting fee: O__O"

"What are you talking about?!"

Chapter 37: Secret (drama) Xin (transparent)

"What are you talking about?"

He who was still laughing at Qin Yu just now, suddenly realized that his own father seemed to be a great man, and waiting for the fee at this time was stunned.

He said with a dumbfounded look.

"My father is Xiaoyao Tianzun of the God Realm? Tianzun who is stronger than Uncle Lan as God King?!"

"Not bad."

Ye Nan put a small flower next to Yue'er's ear, and said in her delicate laugh.

"At the beginning, your father deliberately sent you to Jiang Lan not long after you were born before being adopted by him. He has been following you all these years.

Hou Fei blinked, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

His eyes were reddened, his fists were clenched, and he choked, forcibly calming his body with demon power, seriously, he asked Ye Nan who had escaped before.

"Then senior, do you know why father sent me to Uncle Lan?"

I didn't know before.Now that he knows that his father is Tianzun, why should he be sent away?

"Should be afraid of your accident."

Under the comfort of Qin Yu and Hei Yu, Kan Waitei gradually calmed down, Ye Nan said.

"Although your father is Tianzun, as a latecomer and a power contender, he was severely suppressed by Lei Ping Tianzun in the God Realm. If you let him know that there is a son like you, I am afraid that you will be treated as the weakness of Xiaoyao Tianzun and exhausted. My mind comes to you."

"The God Realm is not a peaceful world either. The aboriginal forces of the God Realm headed by the Eight Great Sacred Emperors and the Ascendant forces headed by the Sea of ​​Ascension are fighting against each other. Originally, the God Realm had only two gods. It is that Lei Chi Tianzun is biased towards the aboriginal people and severely suppresses the forces of ascendants."

"It wasn't until Houfei your father became the Celestial Lord that the situation of the Ascendant's forces became slightly better, but the good was limited."

"For example, when an ascended person arrives in the realm of the gods, he must first be a miner under the eight great holy emperors, mining for thousands of years, and then be exiled to various dangerous areas in the realm of the gods. In this process, he was originally doing his own masterpiece. The fairy emperor demon emperor of Fu has become like a slave. It is no wonder that those who ascend deeply hate the aborigines."

Ye Nan's secrets of the God Realm made the three of them stunned.Naako and Shiroyasha, who had a nap under the sun, and Yue'er in his arms were also aroused by curiosity.

Qin Yu's mouth was a bit bitter.

He is only now in the tribulation period of the mortal world, and he does not know how far away from the upper gods of the gods, but he did not expect that he will already have a group of enemies as the upper gods.

No wonder Uncle Lan said that it is possible to be with Li'er only at the deepest part of the Central Realm.If he can't even ascend to the God Realm, what kind of love can he talk about!

Qin Yu and Hou Fei's things were mentioned, and the rest of Hei Yu looked at Ye Nan eagerly.

Ye Nan looked at him, blinked, and suddenly touched his throat, said.

"Oh, after talking for so long, my mouth is a little thirsty!"


In an instant, the black feather turned into a black light and disappeared in the imperial garden.

A few seconds later, he carried a jar of fine wine and a jade wine glass, filled the glass with wine, and sent it to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan took the glass with satisfaction and drank it in one go.Qin Yu, dumbfounded, ordered the maid on the side to bring some fresh fruits and pastries.

Chewing on the sugar cake that Yue'er personally fed, Ye Nan chewed slowly for several minutes in the helpless eyes of the three, before he let out a sigh of relief.

"The young people nowadays are impatient! Okay, since I have eaten yours and drank yours, then my old man will continue."

Hei Yu fixed his expression, and worked with Qin Yu Hou Fei as a curious baby.

"Decades ago, in the demon world of the fairy, demon and demon world, there were two super divine beasts, both of which were the seventh-level demon emperors, competing for the position of the Peng Demon Emperor. One of them was named Zong Yan, a super divine beast, Golden Winged Roc , And the other is named Fang Chong, who is the super sacred beast King of Dark Electric Peng."

Hearing this, Kuroba's figure shook, and even his breathing became short.

"In terms of strength alone, the Dark Dendron King is better than the Golden Winged Roc Bird. But at that time, the Dark Dawn King fell in love with an eagle woman and married him. When the eagle woman gave birth, Zong Yan Suddenly, he not only killed the woman, but also seriously injured Fang Chong."

Kuroba clenched his fist, a red light flashed in his eyes, revealing a stinging killing intent.

"At the last moment, Fang Chong desperately opened a space channel between the fairy world and the mortal world, threw his newly born child in, and then was killed by Zong Yan. With this, Zong Yan obtained the Peng Demon Emperor Bit."

"So, this kid is me?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Kuroba said it in a positive tone.

Ye Nan said before that he is the super mutant sacred beast Dark Dian Peng King, and the truth is already clear.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the imperial garden became silent.


After a while, Qin Yu chuckled and said to Hei Yu and Hou Fei.

"Xiao Hei, monkey. I didn't expect our enemies to be stronger than one! This is really exciting! I can't wait to survive the nine or nine calamities!"

"Brother, yes!"

Inspired by Qin Yu, Houfei laughed.

"No matter what Thunder Punishment Heavenly Sovereign or Thunderstorm Heavenly Sovereign! One day, I will use my stick to beat him into a full head of Heavenly Sovereign!"

"Huh, bragging."

Heiyu snorted coldly, and was always waiting for the fee.But the tone returned to the former calm.

As the protagonists, the three of them have very good temperaments. They were not scared by Ye Nan's narrative at all, but they aroused fighting spirit even more.

Seeing the three full of love, Ye Nan frowned frivolously, and then he heard something softly.



At this moment, in the Qin Palace, Qin Zheng is handling government affairs.

Suddenly, nearly twenty figures appeared in front of him.

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