Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 248

"I look down on Immortal Emperor Ni Yang's collection, and said I would take it casually and give it to a junior? And also forced my magic door in the mortal world to write a secret book, if you don't write it, you will be a slave? What a big breeze!"

Du Zhongjun was very angry, but he did not lose his head.

"Hmph, that's fine, I already have a broken sky map in my hand. This time, let the guy from the fairy world be the pioneer."


"At this time, that insidious guy in the Demon Realm will definitely let me be the vanguard to find out what is the unknown powerhouse for him!"

From the immortal world, the first-level Jinxian Huayan heard that Ming Liang had no feelings at all, and was completely narrating himself as a third party.

Although he knew that he had revealed his practice, Hua Yan did not blame it.

The opponent is still useful, and anyhow it is a twelfth-level Sanxian.

Adversity is very important, so let him take the blame and make merit.

"This matter might as well wait a while. Compared to us, the rough guys in the demon world should be more anxious."


"Hmph, at this time, the eggless people from the Demon Realm and the Immortal Realm should be waiting for me to take the initiative to find the Senior Upper Realm!"

While Man Gan flew to the Palace of Qin, he faced Yu Liang and the others beside him.

"This time I did what they wanted! They only thought that the other party might be interested in the baby Niyang Immortal Emperor left behind, but they didn't expect that if the other party really came from that place, it would be natural not to take Niyang Realm in their eyes. Is it? At that time, befriending each other will be more important than getting the treasure of Emperor Niyang!"

Before long, several people flew to the front of Qin Palace.

In order to show his sincerity, Mangan entered in accordance with the rules of the mortal world.

Although I went to the palace to see that the emperor relied on the common people's communication to be a bit nonsense, but after revealing his identity as a'powerful immortal', the guards at the door quickly passed on to him.

It didn't take long for Mangan to see the person who came to pick him up.

Kuro Feather, wearing a black armor, gave a rather weird look, turning around to lead the way quite coolly.

"You are the messengers from the demon world? Please follow me to see seniors."

Mangan frowned slightly, his complexion slightly unpleasant.

A demon cultivator who has just passed the nine or nine calamities is so arrogant!

As a super monster, the Purple Eyed Bull Demon King, if in the fairy world, such a small person would be honored to even see his face!

However, when he arrived at the Qin Palace and saw the other three people, he was suddenly embarrassed.

"Unexpectedly, it was you who came to the Demon Realm this time!"

After Hua Yan spoke, he couldn't help sighing with Du Zhongjun, who had almost reached his feet.

"The Demon Realm actually let a super sacred beast into the lower realm? This handwriting is really big enough!"

Ao Feng of the Dragon clan touched his beard and said nothing.

Unexpectedly, all four of them thought of going together!

"Hua Yan, Du Zhongjun, and Ao Feng?"

Ruan Gan, who was somewhat depressed in his heart, also glanced at the two of them.

"There are only a few first-level golden immortals and demon kings of the young generation. I have heard the names of you two. Dao friends of the dragon clan are even known for a long time. Why, the always proud demon cultivator and immortal cultivator, eat this time After such a big loss, would you actually bow your head?"

"In the face of a respectable strong, what about bowing your head?"

Du Zhongjun's face was stagnant, Hua Yan replied with words without changing his face.

"You super mythical beast, don't you also take the initiative to come to the door?"

"Well, put these things aside first."

On the surface, several people are talking in silly scenes; secretly, they have been talking.

Brutal road

"You come before me, can you be sure? That one really comes from the gods?"

"What's the use of coming first? It's not like staying here and drinking this kind of broken tea, not even seeing it!"

Du Zhongjun replied angrily.

"It seems that the other party is sure that the three of us will come."

Hua Yan and Ao Feng also said

"Now, I have missed the first move and can only act by chance."

Within a stick of incense, the four reached a simple offensive and defensive alliance.

After another incense stick time, someone finally arrived late.

"How many are the messengers from the upper realm? Qin Yu is in Xia."

Qin Yu first bowed to the four of them.

"To put it straightforwardly, this time the four came here for the purpose of the broken sky map in my hand. According to the requirements of the predecessors, since I got this broken sky map, I will naturally handle it by myself."

Without giving them time to hesitate, Qin Yu said immediately next.

"So, I decided to put it up for auction, starting with a top-quality yuan spirit stone, and the one with the highest price will get it. Now start!"

The four of them looked at each other, and there was a flickering light among them.

"I have eight top-grade Yuan Lingshi!"

"I will give out nine!"

"I will give out ten!"

This already extremely fragile offensive and defensive alliance announced its breakdown less than half an hour after its establishment.

Chapter 373: Fragrant's Adversity

Ceng Ceng, the price of Po Tiantu rose rapidly, making Qin Yu smile from ear to ear.

Except for Ao Feng, Hua Yan, Du Zhongjun, and Man Gan, who seemed to be outside the first place, none of them wanted to give up.

A pair of purple eyes stared like a cow.

"Du Zhongjun! Your magic door already has a broken sky map, you want to intervene?"

Not only was there no money in his pocket, but in terms of strength, he could not beat the reckless Du Zhongjun.

Hua Yan's face is also a bit ugly.Because he brought a lot of things in the Lower Realm this time, but he only brought nine of the top-grade Yuan Lingshi.

With an unwilling expression on his face, he bowed his hand to Qin Yu.

"Friend Qin Yu, the lower realm is in a hurry this time. I don't have many top-grade soul stones in my hand. I don't know if I can use things as a mortgage?"

Qin Yu nodded.

"of course can."

If it was before, he would only need the top-grade Yuan Lingshi mainly to drive the sword fairy puppet.

But now, with Ye Nan's thick thigh, he can fill the sword fairy puppet with energy casually, and he naturally doesn't need to die like this.

Therefore, compared to the original situation, Huayan and Mangan competed more fiercely.

During this period, a divine light flashed in Ao Feng's eyes.He looked at the blushing Man Gan and Hua Yan, originally wanted to say something, but then gave up.

In the end, Man Gan's pair of purple eyes turned blood red, and with a weak advantage, he captured a broken sky map from Qin Yu's hands.


Although the blood was sore in his heart, Mangan still showed a terrifying smile after Po Tiantu received it.

This time the Demon Sovereign spent a great price to send him to the Mortal Realm. If he didn’t even get the tickets for the Realm of Adversity, he would roll back in despair, even though he was a super beast, the next fiery competitor of the Demon Sovereign. Also be severely punished!

However, although Huayan was furious, she did not despair.

The corner of his eye swept away from Ao Feng, stepped silently, and arched his hands to Qin Yu.

"In Xia Huayan! I have long admired the name of senior. After the lower realm, I realized that my subordinates actually ran into Senior Qingxiu, hoping to apologize for the predecessors face to face, I wonder if you can ask little brother Qin Yu to tell me something?"

With that, Hua Yan handed Qin Yu a high-grade fairy sword.

Qin Yu happily took this fairy sword and smiled at the four upper bound envoys.

"Senior said that if you want to see him, you can, one high-grade artifact at a time, one middle-grade artifact in one sentence, and three armors of the same type."

"In addition, he also sells tickets for the Realm of Adversity, a middle-grade artifact per person, which is outdated."

Hua Yan:...


Du Zhongjun:...

Ao Feng:...

Want a top-grade artifact when you meet?Say a word, a middle-grade artifact?Are you sure this is not a joke?

How could it be in the hands of these little golden immortals like the middle-grade artifact, something that the demon emperor and immortal emperor would hit the dog's brain when they saw it!

And the Adversity Realm ticket is worth a middle-grade artifact?If you really bought it, it would be a loss to your grandma's house!

But Qin Yu hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Senior also said that this is because you are all juniors, and you are considered cheap. If it is the Demon Emperor, the Immortal Emperor or the Demon Emperor, the price will be increased by one level."

Qin Yu's words filled the faces of the four of them with smiles, and they all bowed their hands to Qin Yu.



"Go slow!"


Do they look like a fool?This kind of "meeting ceremony" sounds like killing!

If you don't leave now, maybe this senior can't bear it, return to his old career, take hold of them, and ask people from the upper realm to pay the ransom!

On the way back, Hua Yan worked hard to use his brains.

Before separating, he took a deep breath and stopped everyone.

"We need to join forces."

In the expressions of other people being plain, mocking, or sneer, he said rationally.

"According to the information currently known, a mysterious person who doesn't know the origin of his strength, but is definitely stronger than us, has also taken a fancy to Adversity. If we don't work together, it's likely that we won't even be able to drink a mouthful of soup."

"Excluding those nonsense that may be confusing, since he dared to let the auction-breaking map called Qin Yu, there must be other ways to enter the Niang Realm. After all, we have never been to the Nine Swords Immortal Palace before. Ni Yang. Didn’t the immortal say that there was a unique thing left in it? It might be related to the Niyang Realm, maybe it is the complete map of the Niyang Realm!"

Hua Yan's analysis is well-organized, rational and orderly, and thought-provoking.

But for Hua Yan who suddenly became the protagonist, Du Zhongjun retorted uncomfortably.

"What if what Qin Yu said is true? The other party is really a big figure who came to the mortal world from the gods to play?"

Hua Yan glanced at Du Zhongjun with a mentally retarded gaze, and said before he became angry.

"Then let's resign ourselves to our fate. Such a big person, the Immortal Emperor Demon Emperor will not be much better than us."

Du Zhongjun suddenly had nothing to say.

The reality of Chi Guoguo caused the other two to follow in silence.

After tens of seconds of thinking, he said in a deep voice.

"Then what about me? Huayan, you made me pay so much to get the map, I need to compensate."

Hua Yan nodded immediately.

"Yes, I can pay half."

The stubborn face looked pretty suddenly.

After a period of negotiation, the four set up an alliance again, and after deciding to go back, they immediately assembled their staff and headed to the Central Realm!

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