Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 257

He raised his hands, ready to play at any time.

Two seconds later, a very European and American brown-haired girl with some freckles on her face appeared from the corner.


Lu Mingfei was shocked with a smile on his face, and the first reaction was that the girl who raised the muzzle stretched out her hand.

But because of the relationship between the two of them, it looks very like he is committing some kind of misconduct to the girl.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, before the girl shot, Lu Mingfei successfully pressed his hands on the other pair of white rabbits who were well fed.

Immediately after--


This is the corner meeting love!

Seeing the girl who was convulsing and being electrocuted to the ground, and definitely unable to get up for a while, Lu Mingfei raised his hands with a soft aftertaste, and blushed a little with a pinching gesture.

Sao Nian, who had this experience for the first time, said to himself a little embarrassed.

"This is really not my fault, I didn't expect it!"

But suddenly, Lu Mingfei seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically.

He took out his phone, looked at the barrage almost full of the screen, slapped his head, and groaned.

"Sure enough! My great fame!"

Penglai Shan Huiye: I saw it!I took a screenshot!I uploaded it!

Kato Megumi: Ah, there is a pervert.

Limru: Welcome newcomers to join my Hezhen family!Next time I go to the Elf Tavern, I will ask you!

Xiaojianjian: Young people are thin-skinned, thinking that I beep——, beep——, beep——

Vignette: This, this, this, this, this is wrong!Newcomers stop!You are still saved!

Sato Kazuma: See what we found?A young lady who was electrocuted to the ground and couldn't move, letting others do it!

Xiao Jianjian was banned for an hour.

Sato Kazuma was silenced for an hour.

Emperor Nantian: Stop it!I called the police!

Nine Dragons Bayi: However, the police can't control the Kassel Academy (comical)

Looking at the lively barrage, Lu Mingfei's heart is just like the snow in Siberia in December, which is cool.

In the face of the roaring sand sculpture group members, Lu, a rookie without human rights, Ming Fei, could not calm them down.

Cut out and look at Penglai Shan Huiye, his face was full of cherry blossoms, and his hands grabbed the high-definition picture of the pair of white rabbits of the brown-haired girl. Lu Mingfei felt that his life was gloomy.

I won’t be the same as the Lolita Control Dragon King of'Primary School Is Best.jpg' in the future, right?

In grief and anger, Lu Mingfei grabbed the gun dropped by the brown-haired girl and loaded it with a click.

The brown-haired girl who was paralyzed by the electric shock watched Lu Mingfeihao aim her gun at him inhumanly, ready to make a knife, her eyes fixed on his face.

There are not many Asians in the school, I remember your face like an old lady!



Blowing the gun smoke that did not exist at the muzzle, Lu Mingfei stepped over the senior sister's body.

He can't afford to provoke the group members, can't he vent his anger with the seniors!



With a black shot from behind, Lu Mingfei once again knocked down a senior.

Coincidentally, the weapon used by this senior was the same as the one in his hand, and Lu Mingfei also added some bullets easily.

After being in the group for nearly two months, it has already made this look like the Black Dragon Emperor, but in fact he is just a bad guy reborn.

Not to mention other things, just this physical quality can be regarded as a qualified miscellaneous soldier in Pirate World.

After a period of fighting, fewer and fewer students can move in the teaching building.

Suddenly, he saw reflections on the clock tower not far away.

Lu Mingfei hurriedly hid in the corner and quietly stuck his head out.

It was a familiar girl with burgundy hair wearing a combat uniform, holding a huge sniper rifle.


When Lu Mingfei was slightly surprised, a voice suddenly came out from the broadcast.

"Caesar, how many people are you still alive? The gunfire in the teaching building has stopped."

"Chu Zihang, I have to say, you did a good job,"

The voice of the other party also used the broadcast, showing a cold, mechanical smile.

"I have only one girl and I on my side."

"I have only one girl left, but it's a pity that she is a sniper, not suitable for sneaking.

"It won't be a draw, will it?"

Caesar chuckled lightly.At the same time, pudupudu's voice was heard from the broadcast.

"I'm unloading the bullets in my magazine. I only have one Desert Eagle. I only have 7 0.5-inch AE rounds. There will be nothing after unloading."

Caesar deliberately kept quiet, so that the sound of the bullet falling on the ground was very clear, and even slight bounces and vibrations could be heard.

After a period of silence, there was another crash on the radio.

"These are all 32 rounds of 9mm caliber ammunition in my Uzi. I threw them all on the table."

"So, now I have a hunting knife left."

"You know, I still have'cun rain'."

"See you in the parking lot."


In the teaching building, Lu Mingfei, who was holding the rifle against the wall after listening to the appointment between the two young men, shrugged:

So, this is how I strayed into other people's large-scale coercion scene?

Chapter 386 S vs. Double A (Part I) (Repair)

(Someone didn’t know the last title? The readers of Niubi told him!)

On both sides of the teaching building of the Kassel College, there is a building of a tired church and a small building that does not know what it is used for.

At this moment, the doors on both sides were opened, and two young people of the same grade as Lu Mingfei walked out of it.

One of them was wearing a dark red combat uniform, a slightly tight combat uniform, beautifully highlighting his strong figure.

He took off the mask on his face, revealing an incomparably bright blonde hair in the sun, and a handsome face carved in Greek marble.

In his hand is a half-meter long wide-blade hunting knife with a golden pattern on it.Compared with weapons, it is more like an artwork placed in a grand palace.

Opposite him, Chu Zihang in a black combat uniform carried a Japanese sword.

The knife was out of its sheath, gleaming with dazzling white light.

Caesar raised his hunting knife, and his generous blade reflected his face comparable to a movie star.

"Chu Zihang, you are stronger than I thought."

"To each other."

The scene fell into a temporary silence.

Caesar's temperament is like a lion king's, born as a leader; while Chu Zihang is extremely cold, like a piece of steel, a piece of iron.

This scene was like an ancient fierce general singled out, and the atmosphere gradually became desolate, allowing Lu Mingfei to concentrate.

Then, a crimson shadow appeared from behind him.


The dull gunfire sounded in the campus, alarming the two people in the parking lot.

At the same time, they looked at the place where the gunfire sounded, and only saw Lu Mingfei holding a rifle in a very standard squatting position.

In front of him, a girl in a dark red combat uniform showed an incredible look in her eyes.

Her chest had a brighter color than combat uniforms, and she fell weakly in the breeze.

"Sure enough, this senior sister is not good at sneaking in."

It would be interesting if there were more pigeons flying out at this time.

Lu Mingfei, who had just shot the gun, thought to himself.

However, it is obvious that Lu Mingfei's shot helped Caesar, but the expression on his face was not at all happy, and even a little angry.

It's like being violated by another lion's territory.

"who are you?"

Caesar waved the hunting knife in his hand and looked at Lu Mingfei, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

"How did you get in? The unrelated are out!"

"Don't be so excited, Senior Caesar. I didn't want to participate in Freedom Day, you got me involved."

Lu Mingfei stood up from a squatting state, smiled and lowered his head, looking down at Caesar below.

"Introduce myself, I am a freshman this year, Lu Mingfei from the same high school as Chu Zihang."

He threw the rifle in his hand aside, moved his hands, and then turned directly down from the third floor.

In the somewhat surprised expressions of Caesar, Chu Zihang, and Nono, he and the wall of the teaching building formed a 90-degree right angle, step by step, slowly walking from the wall to the ground.

With a bright smile in the direction of Nono, Lu Mingfei adjusted his clothes, turned his head and smiled at Caesar and Chu Zihang.

"By the way, my grade is S. Please advise the two seniors."

If Lu Mingfei was just a freshman, Caesar would not bother to talk to him.

However, he is currently the only S-level student at Kassel College, which is different.

"It really deserves to come from the same school as Chu Zihang. You are as annoying as him."

His ice blue eyes were beating.

"Level is just the division of blood, not everything. Don't think that you are S, you can win my A. As a senior, I can only tell you that you really think too much!"

Caesar scolded two people in one sentence, and then carrying a wide-bladed hunting knife, rushed towards Chu Zihang like a hunting lion.


Chu Zihang: (#`O′)

Obviously he is pretending to be forced, what are you doing?!Lost?

Caesar's sword is very heavy, from which we can see some of the style of Western cold weapons.(Although the author does not know how to look.)


Chu Zihang traversed the village rain and swung it when Caesar's attack was the fiercest, hitting the weak point of the knife.

The broad hunting blade and the thin Murano rain struck each other, making a crisp sound of knives.

Mura Yu's blade trembled slightly.

Chu Zihang shook the knife, and melted the trembling of the blade.

"Compared to Dikovedo of the Gattuso family, my village rain is worse in quality."

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