Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 261

But this time, he was full after only a few kilos?

Alu's gaze at Demon Emperor Meat became more eager, and turned his head to Ye Nandao.

"Lord Nan, I hope you can trade some ingredients of this level with me. This is my life's request!"

Chapter 39 The Stars Holding the Moon

"Of course it can be exchanged."

Ye Nan said that he has many such things.After eating, the Great Sage would be so bad that it was so bad that the soles of the feet were puss, and there were many monsters with sores on their heads.

"But I don't want to share value, but a variety of delicious ingredients and dishes. I think this should not be a problem for everyone in the chef dimension sharing group, right?"

"It's reasonable to exchange food for precious ingredients!"

Steel baton Xie Lu nodded vigorously and squeezed in front of Ye Nan.

"This group owner, don't know if you have an old face in your hands? It's better to be more than two thousand years old."


Ye Nan reached out and turned over and took out a fist-sized dough.

"I know that in the hands of an excellent Baian chef, the older the noodles can make the more delicious dishes. This is the old noodles I have obtained from a family chef who has continued to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period to the present. . At the cost of it, I hope you can do your best to cook me some delicious dishes."

"Haha, wrap it on me!"

Gangbang Jielu washed his hands with pure water, and took the old face carefully, with a smile in his eyes, face, and even hair.

"Swear by my steel rod, the dishes I make will never disappoint you!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Nan used some ingredients to make a lot of dishes with Alu, Liu Subaru, and even the beloved Master Abbe.Both sides take what they need, and they are all happy.

Soon after, Nagiri Erina, Shieiji, Kobayashi Gentiana, Dojima Gin, Shaper, and Kohei Joichiro all came to Totsuki.

The two sides found a conference room, sat down on both sides of the column, and began to discuss the New Oriental-Yuanyue Exchange Meeting.


As the winner of "Freedom Day", Lu Mingfei received a lot of attention after he was announced as an S-level freshman by the principal through his mobile phone on the spot.

Although there was an agreement to cheat by using "Yanling", the seniors later learned that Lu Mingfei used the language to defeat the joint efforts of Caesar and Chu Zihang who also used the language. This dissatisfaction was partially transformed. Become surprised and shocked.

Although Chu Zihang did not actually use Yan Ling.

Moreover, through the influence of the sand sculpture group of friends in the dimensional sharing group, and with the added strength and self-confidence temperament, Lu Mingfei is not as handsome as Caesar and Chu Zihang as brutal and inhumane, but he is also a younger brother-type sunshine boy. .

Therefore, just from the dormitory section, Lu Mingfei actually received several phone numbers with lip prints from senior sisters, and expressed his welcome to use the special permission of Freedom Day on himself.

Are foreign girls so proactive?

For the first time invisible confession by several girls in a row, Lu Mingfei was ecstatic and even walked a little.

The rippling and joyful smile on his face made Fingel a little bit look down.

"I said, Junior Brother, wake up!"

He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Lu Mingfei, grabbed his attention, and then patted his shoulder earnestly.

"The school girls who greet you are all well-known socialites in the college. Even if you don't use the permission of Freedom Day, but simply want to spend a happy time with them, they are happy."

"That's OK?"

But after Lu Mingfei listened, not only did he not feel depressed, but he was happier instead.

"It's really open abroad! But I like it!"

Fingel: □

In the evening, Lu Mingfei’s dormitory was exposed-provided by Fingel, who did not want to be named, at a discounted price of 25 US dollars-both he and Fingel's dormitory door was full of people, both men and women. .

These student sisters, among them the freshmen who were the same as Lu Mingfei, did not speak, and just looked at him directly.Even if Lu Mingfei goes out to go to the toilet, he has to go to the pit and use the door instead of the urinal.

Otherwise he is afraid that many people feel inferior!(Serious face)

However, just when Lu Mingfei washed his hands and prepared to go back to the dormitory, these people suddenly retreated to the sides and gave way.

From the end of the road, came a white girl with brown hair, blue eyes and a bulging figure.

Under the gaze of everyone, she walked up to Lu Mingfei openly, and looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile.

Lu Mingfei looked blank.

He looked at each other carefully, and confirmed that he had never seen such a beautiful white girl in his previous eighteen years of declining career.

Otherwise he must remember.

"Miss sister, who are you?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

In 2012, Miss Sister appeared for the first time.Hearing Lu Mingfei calling herself that way, the white lady's sister showed a smile on her face, and then she deliberately made a resentful look, and she put an orchid finger like a drama in her hand.

"Why, don't you admit it after eating it clean?"

Lu Mingfei waved his hand quickly with a dazed expression.

"It's not me! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

As a result, the young lady grabbed Lu Mingfei's hands and put it on her protruding chest, her face flushed.

"Can't you remember now?!"

Lu Mingfei: (●'ω`●)


Seeing this scene, some people whistled, some people booed, some people exclaimed, and the scene became hot.

"How courageous!"


"Come on, Sarah! Get this S grade!"

In the softness, Lu Mingfei blinked.

Wait a minute, this touch, this shape...

"It's you!"

Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered, isn't this the young lady who met the Raiden Karmapa around the corner!

"I remembered."

With so many people watching, Sarah couldn't stand it, and quickly put Lu Mingfei's hand down.

Amidst the roar, she stepped forward with great momentum and provoked Lu Mingfei's chin.

"Then little brother, be my boyfriend?"

"Promise her, promise her!"

"Oh! Ooh!"

"School brother, such a beautiful girlfriend has taken the initiative to send it to the door, what are you waiting for!"

In the expectations of everyone, Lu Mingfei gradually recovered.

"Thank you for your love."

He admired the courage of this young lady, but no, he couldn't agree.

"I'm sorry, there is another girl waiting for me. You will find someone more suitable."

Lu Mingfei thought of the girl in the memory fantasy.

We are all little monsters, and we will be wiped out by Ultraman sooner or later, so we can only keep warm.

Little monster, now you must be lonely, lonely, and cold all by yourself?Don't worry, I'll be with you right away!

In fact, sometimes Ultraman can't beat the monster.So, let this little monster of me become a big monster to protect you!

"Well, it seems I am late."

After looking at Lu Mingfei a few times carefully and confirming that the brilliance in his eyes was not deceiving, Sarah shrugged.

Then, she pushed Lu Mingfei to the wall and dealt with Lu Mingfei viciously.

"However, don't let me find out that you have used the special permission of Freedom Day! Otherwise, senior sister, I am very careful!"

Chapter 392 S-Level Support

Back in the dormitory, Lu Mingfei saw Fingel giving himself a thumbs up.

"That's right, brother, I met someone confessed to you on the first day, you have the demeanor of my brother!"

Lu Mingfei: Convex

After giving Fingel an international gesture, Lu Mingfei took out his cell phone and dialed Professor Guderian's number.

"Hey, Mingfei? What do you call me at this point? Did you forget something?"

Professor Guderian played a fluent Beijing movie, which made Lu Mingfei feel a little out of play.

"Professor, do you have the principal's phone number? I have something to tell the principal."

"The principal's phone number?"

Professor Guderian was silent for a moment, as if hiding in a corner from somewhere, whispering to Lu Mingfei.

"According to the regulations, it is generally not possible to give the phone number of the student principal. But you are S-level, the one. So I make an exception and tell you that you should not tell others."

"Thank you Professor! I will definitely not talk nonsense!"

Lu Mingfei quickly thanked him and wrote down the number.

After reporting a series of numbers, Professor Guderian breathed a sigh of relief as if he had done something serious, and asked Lu Mingfei.

"Ming Fei, can you ask me by the way, what can you do with the principal?"

"It's nothing."

Lu Mingfei grabbed himself and put it on the table with a student card of 100,000 U.S. dollars, and gently stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

"I just want to take a few days off and go to the Three Gorges."


"Three Gorges?"

Principal Angers, who heard the place name from Lu Mingfei, was more surprised than receiving a call from Lu Mingfei.

He didn't think that Lu Mingfei just wanted to travel when he gave the place name.

Think about what Professor Mans Rondstedt did recently in the Three Gorges with the children of the Executive Department. Angers pinched off his cigar.

"Including me, this is a top secret that only single-digit personnel know. Although you are an S-level, you are only a student. Many secrets of the school are not open to you, so you shouldn't know this. Lu Mingfei, I'm very curious, how did you know about this?"

"Of course I have my own channel, Principal Angers."

Here Lu Mingfei said with a smile.

"It's also an S grade anyway. If it's really a waste material who doesn't understand anything, it would be too embarrassing for you to judge me as an S grade."

"Haha, Lu Mingfei, I have to say, you really surprised me!"

Angers has always been suspicious of no use, no doubt about employing.Since he had placed a bet on Lu Mingfei, he would definitely believe him.

"Well, I will immediately let the helicopter of the executive department take you to the Three Gorges, but don't let me down."

"of course not."

Lu Mingfei's first half sentence was still in Chinese, and then he uttered dragon language.

"When I return to the day of the world, all adversaries shall die."

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