Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 263

Mans walked to the bow and stared at Lu Mingfei hard.

"If Norton had run out, the news would have exploded long ago!"

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes to the professor.

"Dragon Kings are not monsters that start destroying cities in the movie! They are intelligent creatures just like humans, who know how to learn and think. They have not seen the sky for hundreds of years, and suddenly entered a modern society, and they still have to learn languages. , Playing games on mobile computers!"

After hearing Lu Mingfei's words, everyone was silent, turning their heads to look at Professor Mans.

Professor Mans squeezed the railing on the deck and thought for nearly a minute.

"...What you said is very possible."

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Professor Mans's reason told him that Lu Mingfei's statement was basically correct.

If Norton, the Dragon King, has really left here, it means that a timed nuclear bomb has sneaked into human society, and it will explode at some point.

Really annoying powerlessness.They hurriedly hurried, but they still did not catch up!

Professor Mans was thinking about how to report to the principal when he went back, but he quickly turned his attention to the name Lu Mingfei mentioned.

"Then what is Constantine? Not all dragons can make snakes afraid."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Mingfei uttered a secret that currently few people know.

"All dragon kings are twins. In this lonely world, they share strength, leaning against each other, supporting each other, and feeling deep."

But the sharing of power also represents the decline of power.When there is only one Twin Dragon King left, their strength will be greatly enhanced.

The twin dragon king is also willing to be swallowed by another twin, but their feelings make them refuse to do such a thing.

"Constantine is Norton's younger brother, and shares the existence of the throne with him. The King of Bronze and Fire not only refers to bronze and fire, but also means the existence of two dragon kings. Or brothers, sisters, or siblings, Or brothers and sisters. Every group of Dragon Kings is like that."

Chapter 394: Baidi City and Dragon Slaying

"Originally we thought that a dragon king with one name represents one, but in fact they are twins? The difficulty is not as simple as one plus one equals two!"

When I thought of the two dragon kings that I had to deal with every time in the future, Mance's head grew bigger.

Should it be said that fortunately they have not met the Dragon King before?

"Does the principal know about this?"

Seeing Lu Mingfei shook his head, Mans was silent for a moment and sighed heavily.

"It seems that our S-level support really gave us a big surprise!"

He gave Lu Mingfei a stern look, and returned to the cabin to report this important secret to the principal using a satellite phone.

"Since you know so clearly, then you are responsible for the next actions. Isn't it just throwing the pot? It seems like no one can do it!"

Others: Σ⊙▽⊙”a

Lu Mingfei: ╮╯▽╰╭

"I'll come if I come."

Lu Mingfei shook the big bowl in his hand, letting it slowly spin in mid-air in front of the Latin beauty Selma, and she steadily caught it.

Subsequently, Lu Mingfei raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the ground.

"Start for Lao Tzu!!!"


He stepped heavily on the mud at the bottom of the river.Among other things, the silt splashed more than three feet high, and Lu Mingfei who flew had all his pants.

If the silt is not yellow but black, then Lu Mingfei can't really tell.

However, everyone waited for nearly a minute and nothing happened.

Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji, look at me, I look at you, and finally look at Lu Mingfei together, a big question mark seems to pop up from their heads.

Is this over?It shouldn't be!

At this time, Lu Mingfei was also crying secretly in his heart.

To pull this bronze city out of the soil in good condition, the computing power required is too high!He has the computing power available to one party, but it takes so long?

At this moment, the correspondent who had been on the ship ran out anxiously.

"Professor, the Three Gorges Rescue Center sent us a telegram saying that there was an earthquake..."

As if to confirm what he said, the surrounding earth began to vibrate uncomfortably.

As if an invisible giant axe fell from the sky, with a click, it cut a huge crack on the ground with river water beside it.

The surrounding rocks were trembling violently, and even the vortex created by Lu Mingfei was a bit unstable, making everyone horrified.

When photographed in a big wave tens of meters high, without mentioning the water pressure, the impact alone is enough to arrange them into meatloaf!

However, this earthquake is like joking with everyone.When the huge crack approached the ground emptied by Lu Mingfei, it stopped strangely.

Then, there was a loud bang!


It seems that there is a mighty power that changes the world and the earth is brewing underground.In an earthquake that was several times stronger than the previous one, a slightly mottled but majestic bronze city grew out of the ground at a speed of three meters per second!

"You told me it was caused by an earthquake in nature?"

Looking at the rising Bronze City, Professor Mans stared at the hapless correspondent with a grim look.

"Is your brain disabled or me?"

An unknown executive member:...

This is obviously the pot of the Three Gorges Rescue Center!Blame me?

When the bronze mountain was fully surfaced, it was more than sixty meters high, almost level with the water.


Looking at the bronze city named'Bai Di' in front of him, Professor Mans shed a cold sweat on his forehead.

"In more than two thousand years ago, such a bronze city was built. It is truly the king of bronze, the king of fire or the king of ash, the dragon king Norton, the first generation of noble dragons, and was created by the black king Nidhogg The greatest dragon prince that has been directly reproduced!"

When Professor Mans sighed for this, Lu Mingfei walked in front of this bronze city.

As if sensing his arrival, a large piece of bronze rust fell.A raised bronze face appeared from the wall with burning wood in his mouth.

This is a weird picture.This face was obviously distorted and pained by the flames, but he refused to loosen his teeth clenching the wood.

Looking at this face, Lu Mingfei sang the most standard dragon text.


Received the supreme command, if it is Norton Benlong, it is okay.

The bronze face as an alchemy creation simply cannot resist this order from the highest lineage.


As if it was an illusion, everyone could see that the painful expression on that bronze face became more intense.

He bit the firewood and opened his big mouth, revealing two rows of extremely sharp bronze teeth and an entrance more than two meters high.

"Want to go in?"

Looking at the entrance and seeing so many miracles, Selma, who was already a little confused at the moment, asked Professor Mans.

"Of course... wait and see."

Professor Mans was just about to nod his head, but saw Lu Mingfei reach out and press down on the walls of this bronze city.

Then, the bronze city began to tremble violently.


Bang bang bang!!



As if squeezing the soil with iron blocks, the bronze city quickly began to deform under an invisible pressure.

This bronze city is getting short in a rapid, fantastical, and devastating way.

"what are you doing?"

Professor Mans shouted angrily.He couldn't understand why Lu Mingfei wanted to destroy the city.

This city was probably built by the King of Bronze and Fire himself, which has high research value.What's more, there is still a dragon king inside!

However, silently, a huge black shadow rushed out of the city.

He was as fast as lightning, using a thick tail to control his balance, then opened his big yellow mouth and bit Lu Mingfei down.

This bite seems to be about to swallow Lu Mingfei!


Everyone who saw this figure uttered uncontrollable exclamations!

Some people even knelt down with their legs weakened.

But Lu Mingfei is definitely not such a person.

He raised his head, his eyes did not turn into golden color, but revealed a majesty far more terrifying than other golden pupils.

"Kneel down!"

"woo woo woo woo!!"

In an instant, the dragon posing for a lore, let out a pitiful whimper like a dog, and his body was forced to kneel in front of Lu Mingfei.

His two strong claws, thicker than Lu Mingfei's waist, were visibly broken by the sudden kneeling and turned into a twisted shape.

With a length of fifteen meters and a weight of more than fifty tons, it caused great damage to itself at this moment.


"I'm sorry, Samson. Whether it's a man or a dragon, it's actually correct."

Under the silent gaze of countless people, Lu Mingfei stared at the cruel Long Servant Samson, but at this moment he showed fear and pleading amber eyes.

Only for a moment, he stretched out his right hand with a complex expression and pressed it on its cold, slippery, and desperate head.

"But, in this war between humans and dragons, I stand on the human side!"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!

Chapter 39 Dragon Language Examination

From the time they entered Kassel College, students were taught everything about dragons.

All the courses of Kassel Academy revolve around one thing-slaying dragons.

However, it was the first time that I saw an adult dragon, except for a young dragon that was locked in formalin and was the size of a cat at the beginning of school.

"And thanks to the S-level blessing. Apart from the roasted brain, the body of this dragon is still intact. The only question is how do we make this 15 meters long and weigh 50 tons, and it must not be seen by ordinary people. The specimens of the disease will be transported back to the college."

On the phone, Professor Mans said to the principal with a little pain.

"It's rare to come across a complete specimen. You can't simply cut it into pieces, right?"

"We can..."

But on the other side of the phone, as soon as the principal spoke, he heard Professor Mans' exclamation.

"Wait a minute! What did our S-class do? Where did I put such a big dragon? Where did such a big dragon go?!"

"All the fuss."

Lu Mingfei glanced at the professor far away.

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