Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 266

Caesar's face was ugly, and Lu Mingfei didn't expect Lu Mingfei to give him so much face.

But Lu Mingfei did not stop.

"Do you think dragon slaying is a team game? Your subordinates help you detect, assist, and encourage you, and then you can finally kill a stupid dragon and go home to marry the princess?"

Lu Mingfei's mocking voice grew louder and louder, and even the band by the hall stopped playing.

"Wrong! Wrong! Slaying dragons is a fight! What is needed is not some people, but one person! The one! A person who can kill dragons one-on-one!"

"If it's a game, your teammates can only help you get rid of 10% of the Dragon King's blood, and the remaining 90% must be done by you alone! No family, no subordinates, you and your body length Ten meters and weighing dozens of tons of intelligent creatures are locked in a cage. How many seconds do you think you can survive?"

Caesar's face was green.

At the same time, not only Caesar, but also others.In Lu Mingfei's ridicule, all of them were filled with anger.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your prom, Caesar Gattuso."

Lu Mingfei took the napkin and wiped his mouth, and put it aside gracefully.

Then, turned and walked towards the door.

"In fact, you don't need to care about what I just said. I can do things like Tulong. You and your subordinates will be responsible for dancing happily."

Chapter 398 Invasion

On the way back to the dormitory from the Amber Pavilion, Fingel looked at him with a rather excited look as if he had met Lu Mingfei for the first time.

"Damn, brother, you were so handsome just now! Caesar and the entire student union didn't dare to say a word. If someone recorded it and put it on the Internet, you would definitely be hot!"

"If someone really recorded it and posted it on the Internet, I'm afraid Caesar and the students will come to me desperately."

When the light of the Amber Pavilion gradually dimmed behind him, Lu Mingfei stuck his tongue out, looking scared.

"After eating so many things from others, I even scolded others. Such a depraved character, why don't you run away if you pretend to force them?!"

"I'm really afraid they didn't agree with each other, so I took out dozens of words and smashed them on my face. Then I would be dead!"

"Don't worry, brother."

Looking at Lu Mingfei, whom he was familiar with, with a fading look on his face, Fingel patted him on the shoulder.

"It's impossible to have a night watchman."

"Night watchman?"

Lu Mingfei was taken aback.

Didn’t Caesar use the spirit of words on the day of freedom day?He thought the world he was in was a parallel world like Illiya!

Fingel thought that Lu Mingfei didn't know what a night watchman was, and explained.

"The night watchman is the gatekeeper of Kassel and the last line of defense for our mixed species. His voice is open 24 hours a day, and within his range, all mixed species with blood lower than him cannot Use utterance spirit."

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

"But on the day of Freedom Day, Caesar clearly used the spirit of words."

"is it?"

Fingel also showed a blank expression and shook his head.

"I do not know then."

But then, his eyes suddenly condensed under the long bangs.

"Moreover, I heard that you seemed to use Yan Ling that day?"

"I've said it many times, it's not a word spirit, it's a super power!"

Lu Mingfei stretched out his right hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger.


Between snapping his fingers, a blue electric light flashed, bringing up a faint gleam.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei and Fingel's cell phones sounded at the same time.

Fingel raised his head, speechless.

"I said, brother, it is against school rules to use the language spirit in school! We were caught, right?"

Lu Mingfei twitched the corner of his mouth.

"No? I don't know!"

But when the two took out their phones, they saw the same text message——

Norma: Someone invaded.


Lu Mingfei slapped his thigh with chagrin.

These two days pretending to be too high, he actually forgot about this!

Dragon invasion!

Old Tang!

Norton, the king of bronze and fire!


Lu Mingfei sighed heavily.

Reality is not a novel.

The memory of a few years will be washed away in an instant when it is washed by the memory of thousands of years.

As long as he remembers who he is, the old Tang he knew will be wiped out immediately, and he will be replaced by the king of bronze and fire, Norton!

Norton, who blames Constantine most, is also Norton who loves Constantine.

Among the twins, the dragon king whose personality is closest to the black dragon king Nidhogg!

Thinking of this, he quickly typed in the group.

Lu Mingfei: @.Old Tang is here!I want to keep Lao Tang’s personality. I don’t know if the group leader can do it.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Since you don't plan to kill, then seal it.Anyway, the dragons have a long life.Norton, Constantine, Xia Mi, etc., all sealed for decades.When Lu Mingfei is enough for you in the future, you can unblock them.

Motoyanagi Yamamoto: This is also a way.

Lu Mingfei: @.Is there a way for the chairman?

Aleister: I have a way, do you have money?

Lu Mingfei: (?Д?′)!!

Aleister: You seem to have only a few thousand shared values ​​in your hands, right?Although I can provide loan services, but with the loss of rewards, it will be seven out of five!

Lu Mingfei: o (╥﹏╥) o

Vignette: Huh?Since Mr. Aleister is willing to help, then Lu Mingfei will go directly to Mr. Aleister's world and bring the things over.

Aleister: No, I tried.When a skill or item is uploaded to a shared value and then downloaded by a group member, it may be like going through customs and be branded as "legal".But if it is given privately, due to the relationship between various laws and physical coefficients between the two worlds, certain changes will occur.Mere strength does not matter, but the stronger and more sophisticated the exchange, the more likely problems will arise.

Little Bird You Liuhua: But the evil king that my sister gave me is really okay (o/o)

Aleister: The Evil King's true eyes are still not at the level of'powerful'.Moreover, Lord Nyarlatotepu has considered this problem when making the "Evil King True Eye", and try to use universal magic.

Nantiandi: No problem, leave this to me!If I use mental power, I can wash my hands and my brain, and I will surely erase all Norton’s memories and return you to a stupid old Tang.

Lu Mingfei: This...actually, I want Old Tang to keep Norton’s memory, but still dominate the personality of Old Tang (????ω????)?

Emperor Nantian: Sorry, goodbye!

Lu Mingfei: QAQ

Xiaojianjian: I'll come, I'll come!I can use the Infinite Gloves to go to your place and snap my fingers. I wish to follow what Lu Mingfei said, but no after-sales service is provided.

Lu Mingfei: Mr. Earth is already very pitiful, please don't come!

Nyarlattotip: If it is brainwashing, I can actually help too.

Nine Dragons Bayi: Cthulhu brainwashing?I shivered after thinking about it.

CC: trembling +1

Ilia: Shivering +2

South Bird: Trembling +3

Toxic Island Sakiko: Shivering +4

Goblin Slayer: Shivering +5

Pikachu: At this moment, a handsome group member passed by and interrupted the repeater!

Kinomoto Sakura: Shivering +99

Kinomoto Sakura: Oh, I was interrupted!

Lu Mingfei: Please stop playing!I am in a hurry here!Old Tang has invaded into Kassel College!

Emperor Nantian: Don't talk, just agree!

Lu Mingfei: Oh oh oh!I know you will not give up on me!

Lu Mingfei quickly exited the chat interface and clicked agree.

Then Ye Nan appeared abruptly in the shadow behind him.

However, just a second after Ye Nan appeared, Fingel immediately turned his head.

He screamed, but his body was subconsciously prepared for defense.

"Fuck me, buddy, who are you! This night is scary and scary!"

"Aren't you scared to death?"

Ye Nan stunned Fingel when he spoke.His face showed the painful expression of choking after eating.

Then, he turned his head to Lu Mingfei who came over in surprise.

"What are you going to do tonight? Do you want to make a big news? Or simply change back to your original form, forcefully suppress Norton, and announce the return of the king?"

Chapter 39 Hermione Granger and Harry Potter

"Just spare me this!"

Lu Mingfei shook his head quickly.

"I just want to fix these messy things, and then go find the little monsters to stay and fly. I still owe her a wedding!"

Having said that, Lu Mingfei also showed a smile of Xing (licking) Fu (dog).

Seeing Lu Mingfei look like this, Ye Nan shook his head and sighed.

"Gouzi, you have changed! When you first joined the group, you were obviously not like this!"

Lu Mingfei: (?ˉ?ˉ?)

Ye Nan snapped his fingers, and a young man in a navy blue combat uniform suddenly appeared in front of the three with a dazed expression.


He just uttered a word, and Ye Nan snapped his fingers again, and another person who was waiting high, was brought back from Bronze City by Lu Mingfei himself. Constantine's ossuary was stolen from the most closely guarded alchemy room.

In the next moment, countless light spots converged, wrapping Norton and Constantine's osseous bottle into two light cocoons.

After that, the light cocoon became smaller naturally, and turned into two colored glass beads that looked like two dollars each on a roadside stall, which was strung together by Ye Nan and turned into a bracelet and flew in front of Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei took the bracelet and put a set on his left hand, the size was just right.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Nan looked at Fingel again.The opponent's eyes suddenly became blank.

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