Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 272

"Severus, is there anything similar to Miss Granger in the legacy you got?"

"Are you kidding me? There is no clue about what the little wizard is showing now."

Snape looked at Dumbledore coldly.He hates that the other party knows everything, but still has to stupidly ask others what they think.

"The only thing we know is that for an eleven-year-old wizard to master the ability to fight against giants, it must be rigorous training and a certain kind of'trial'. The terrible degree of the wizard family with the trial ground, Deng Blido, you know better than me. Little witch from Muggle? What a ridiculous judgment! The Ministry of Magic is really getting more and more useless now!"

After all, Hogwarts has a trial site that can help the little wizard grow quickly, and there is more than one.

"After all, it's a hidden family, it's normal to be able to hide the information from the inspectors of the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore was very tolerant.After all, the Minister of Magic, pays attention to peace, is good at whitewashing peace, Fudge, who is'the wizarding world is still peaceful today', but he personally sent him to that position.

"Minerva, next I hope you can pay more attention to Miss Granger, and it is best to make more friends. Maybe her family doesn't care whether Miss Granger is happy, but we can't."


But Dumbledore might be disappointed.

When Hermione, with a little pride, fought the professors against the troll family very objectively, and after she helped out, the little wizards around her suddenly dispersed.

That's a monster!Even if the adult wizard meets, the first reaction is "Phantom Transformation" instead of the 3X-level magical creature that "that enemy is worth fighting"!

What kind of prank-level spells like'Incisor Teeth Contest Stick' and'Left and Right Separation' can be effective against trolls?You think you are an Auror with a strengthening wand!

The "real" performance of the little wizards made Hermione angry.

She muttered wildly in her heart, "This is a copy, it's not worth being angry; this is a copy, it's not worth being angry...", while throwing away the others, taking some food, and walking straight to her dormitory.

The little witch swears in her heart: Since you are unkind, don't blame me for unrighteousness!

Based on your stuff, Gryffindor is not worthy to win the Academy Cup!

Let's wait and see!

At this time, the little witch had no idea, she was inexplicably referred to as a member of the'Hidden Family'.

After entering November, the weather became very cold, with ice and snow often falling.The mountains around Hogwarts are always surrounded by fog, and they are covered in gray and snow.

Hallie found that the surface of the Black Lake was as cold and hard as hardened steel.Even in the lounge, it is rare to see aquatic life activities.

Every morning, there is frost and condensation on the ground, and many little wizards who wake up late and rush to class will slip and fall accidentally.

Chapter 408 Heirs of Slytherin (Repair)

Today is another potion class. The little wizards take out the same magic material from the material cabinet next to each other in pairs, handle them as written in the book, and then throw them into the cauldron.

During this process, the groups of little wizards who were placed next to Neville had to pay attention to Neville's situation all the time as they worked hard to accomplish their tasks.

In front of Neville, who has the title of'Potion Time Bomb', they prepared to escape immediately if something was wrong.

This can be said to be risking his life to go to potions class!

However, Snape wouldn't care so much.He who had put Gryffindor together on purpose, he immediately showed a devilish smile (Ron thought) when he saw this, and pointed at Seamus behind Neville.

"Mr. Seamore, do you always look at what Neville does? You forget to peel your own viper gall and throw it directly into the cauldron! Gryffindor deducts one point!"



Seamus said nothing, poured out the contents of the cauldron and started again.

Since the start of the Potions class, Gryffindor freshmen have discovered that Snape always likes to deduct Gryffindor points.

Obviously the same thing happened to the Slytherin students, but he always ignored it.

Over time, and the seniors seem to be the same, the little lions have become used to it.It would surprise them if Snape didn't deduct Gryffindor points for a class.

On the other side, Neville flushed because of embarrassment.

His mind has become a mass of paste, and he even forgot to remove the caterpillar in his hand, and he was about to throw it into the cauldron.

Seeing that a less unexpected accident was about to happen, at this moment, a small hand wearing a dragon leather glove suddenly stretched out and stopped Neville.

That was Hermione who happened to be in the same group with Neville this time.

"Neville, your caterpillar hasn't gone hair yet."

Hermione took the caterpillar in Neville's hand, not as scared as the little girl.

She skillfully flicked the caterpillar and placed it on the table in front of her, and the hair remover in her hand danced with the brush, removing the hair from the caterpillar in a few seconds.

"Thank you."

A disaster was avoided, no points were deducted, no need to be scolded by Snape, Neville breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Hermione very gratefully.

Seeing Hermione's skillful techniques, he had an expression of envy in his eyes.

With Neville's'help', Hermione, who was supposed to be the first to complete the potion, fell behind this time.

She was about to wait for the crucible to cool down completely, and when the powder inside was completely precipitated, Snape's voice sounded behind her.

"Miss Halle is the first one to finish, Slytherin plus very!"

Hearing this voice, Hermione turned her head in surprise.

In the small glass bottle in front of Hallie, the white powder in the small white bottle looked very similar to the finished product described in the book. It was a good product that could be sold in the store.

She remembers that Halle should have no talent for potions?

Is it possible that after changing from a male to a female, Halle is not only ingenious, but also as delicate as a girl?

From this, Hermione quickly thought of what the group owner once said, the strange man named Oriental Undefeated...female?

Anyway, it's that strange man!

Thinking about Harry wearing a bright red dress, wearing a rose on his head, holding a fine needle, and lowering his head as gay embroidered in the gay, Hermione shuddered.

This is really terrible!


While Hermione was studying hard and improving every day, Halle's level was also improving by leaps and bounds under Grandpa's guidance.

Responsive room.

"Flaming flames!"

There was a firm look in Halle's eyes, and the wand drew a semicircle in the air like a conductor of a symphony orchestra.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, a soaring flame shot from the wand.The blazing high temperature immediately turned the responsive room into a stove, and the wooden dummy that was hit by Hallie was even more crackling and burning.

The flame sprayed for nearly half a minute before it gradually went out.Halle put down her wand, gasping for breath.

The flame just now not only increased the temperature, but also burned a lot of oxygen.Coupled with the massive consumption of magic power, the little witch has a little difficulty breathing.

"not bad!"

The ring on Halle's hand shimmered.

"Although the Fire Curse is just a basic element spell, based on your level of magic power, this kind of power is barely up to the standard. Next, you need to work hard on the shape of the flame to enhance your magic control ability."


Hallie nodded slightly, her little green eyes blinking excitedly.

She grabbed the milk bottle on the side, raised her head and started to ton – you need to drink more milk to grow taller!

"But I'll talk about this later."

The grandfather in the ring continued.

"It's winter now, and the time is right. You follow my instructions to go to my secret room at Hogwarts and find my pet Bagna. A thousand years have passed, and I don't know if it recognizes me or not. ."

"A thousand years?"

Hallie stretched out her little pink tongue, licked the milk stains around her mouth, and exclaimed in a low voice.

"A thousand years, Grandpa Slytherin, is your pet still alive?"

"Of course it's still alive! That's a basilisk with a dangerous level of 4X, second only to dragons and unicorns!"

Slytherin said that not all cats and dogs can be treated as pets by him.

"Nevertheless, we haven't seen it for a thousand years after all, and I am now in a state of soul. In winter, the cold blood will hinder its ability to move. If there is a case, it can also provide me with some help to apparate you. time."

In a thousand years, Hogwarts carried out several renovations.Halle followed a little magic power provided by Salazar Slytherin, all the way to an abandoned female toilet.


So Grandpa Slytherin is actually a pervert?Am I already impure?

Slytherin flushed at the thought in Halle's head.

"What a pervert! This must be the bastard of Gryffindor! He is the only one who can be so boring to transform my secret room entrance into a women's toilet!"

Slytherin said in Halle's mind after a fire on Gryffindor, who had also been dead for an unknown period of time.

"Follow me to learn:'Open'!"

Obviously Harry knew the meaning of the Slytherin pronunciation, but what he heard was a hissing like a snake.

Hallie opened her mouth against the serpentine decoration on the water pipe, hissing like Slytherin.

"turn on!"

Hearing Snake-Lao accent, the snake-shaped decoration seemed to suddenly come alive.

It turned its head and glanced at Hallie, emitting a dazzling white light, and then began to spin quickly.

Then, the pool began to move, revealing a very large water pipe, the diameter of which is large enough for a person to drill in.

But just when Hallie was about to enter--


Chapter 409, Little Witch, Big Basilisk

Looking at the entrance to the wide-open chamber, Hermione looked at Hallie again, a little bit confused about what the plot of the runaway was going to do.

Why is the secret room that will appear in the second part of the book open now?

Could it be her butterfly effect that caused Hallie to use snake tongue in the bathroom by mistake?

Fortunately, she wants to get close to the little snake inside and turn it into her own pet.


At this moment, Halle seemed to be caught for doing bad things, her whole body as stiff as a cat, and the hairs on her back stood up.

Looking at her timid and fearful look, the Slytherin who was lodged in the ring was speechless.

"It's nothing more than a Muggle-born kid. Halle, let me take over your body and send her everything!"

"That's not good?"

Hallie said dryly in her mind.

"Everyone is classmate..."

"It's just a forgettable. At my level, it's hard to cause danger."

Slytherin didn't care.

Although he didn't like the little wizards who were born in Muggle very much, because he always informed the informants before, it was these people who wanted to return to Muggle society.

However, even if the pure-blooded wizard who appeared here now, he would suggest this to Hallie.

This is for the safety of his closed disciple.

Hallie thought for a second, and rejected Slytherin's suggestion.

"No way, won't I become a bad person? Anyway, Hermione shouldn't know where this leads. I'll just be perfunctory."

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