Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 283

The juice of the apple pulp overflows, and it is incredibly sweet.

At the same time, after swallowing, the pulp and juice of the apple quickly turned into a suffocating air, and entered his dantian, adding a burst of spiritual power.

"Senior, what is this?"

Eating the apple, Chen Ang asked Ye Nan curiously.

Ye Nan smiled.

"It's not a precious thing, it's just the third-generation golden apple transplanted by Hercules. It just matured some time ago, and a friend of mine gave me some."

Chen Ang: (o;)

The fourth and fourth chapters, director Kazuma Sato (part 1)

Golden apple?Was it the one that caused Hera, the goddess of the Olympian system, Athena, the goddess of war, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and even the Trojan War?

Chen Ang suddenly felt the weight of the apple he bitten in his hand.

Then he took another bite.

Delicious, so delicious!

"If you like, take some back, you can't buy it outside."

Ye Nan's motivation flashed, and the three golden apples left in the fruit plate were stuffed into Chen Ang's pocket.

"You, the number one master of Xia Country, what can I do if you come to see me?"

"In front of seniors, I don't dare to call myself Xia Guo's number one master."

Chen Ang waved his hands repeatedly.

If he thought that Ye Nan was a high school student before, then he now believes that Ye Nan must also be a certain mythical creature, possessing, seizing, or reincarnating in this high school student.

Obviously he is not so awesome as a rebirth!

But then again, since the other party is unwilling to reveal his true identity, then everyone will see through it.Otherwise, the old monster of this level will become angry from embarrassment. Wouldn't he sing "Cool"?

"It's like this."

Chen Ang, who has received three golden apples, has a more enthusiastic smile on his face.

"After this period of hard work, the domestic environment has gradually stabilized. Even if there are occasional frictions between monsters, humans, immortals, Buddhas, and Tao, they can be controlled within a certain range. Therefore, the state has decided to establish a public school in every city. The county has set up training schools to guide children to practice."

"Originally, the honorary principal country wanted me to do it. But I think you are more qualified."

"Cultivation school?"

Ye Nan suddenly thought of the situation in the swallowing sky, and couldn't help but nod.

"Indeed. Compared with carefully selected and fate-conscious sects, schools are more able to popularize cultivation, and it is less likely to miss good seedlings."

"How about this."

After all, it is his own world.Ye Nan thought for a while and said to Chen Ang.

"I took the title of honorary principal, but there is no need for meetings and other situations that require attendance. These three practice exercises are for you."

He flipped his right hand, and his divine power immediately condensed three exercises and flew in front of Chen Ang.

"These three exercises, one is for cultivating the cosmic force, the other is for cultivating immortals, and the other is a practice that is closer to advanced martial arts. All three have their own strengths, and in the end they can all be pointed directly. Dadao. After learning these exercises, telling me the principal does not count as me taking advantage."

Holding these three exercises, Chen Ang was delighted.

Sure enough, this time came right!

Before, he judged from Ye Nan's various maintenance of Ye Lan and subsequent practices, there was an 80% chance that Ye Nan was not taken away, but a powerful reincarnated and inherited this life. 'Ye Nan' has a certain character and memory.

Such a high probability is enough for him to take a risk for the country.

Without presumptuously flipping these three exercises, Chen Ang directly accepted them and thanked Ye Nan.

"I am here on behalf of the country, on behalf of the countless people of Xia Guo, and thank the predecessors for their contributions!"

"It's not so exaggerated."

Ye Nan, a million-year-old fox, did not move because of Chen Ang's words.

He picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip.

Chen Ang got up with wintry.

"Senior, I have a meeting later, so I won't stay longer. Regarding the principal, please pay attention to the latest news."

"Good. Alan, see off the guests."


The attendant who had been standing by the side as if invisible came out.

She held a plastic bag in her hand and asked Chen Ang to put the golden apple in, and then hand the bag to the other party.


"Really, it's just that there are more'good female friends'. What am I doing?"

In the world of "Blessings for a Beautiful World", Sato Kazuma watched the group members who were having a good time chatting, but he couldn't join the group angrily tossing his mobile phone on the table, but accidentally hit the bell on the table calling the secretary.

Jingle Bell!

After the crisp bell rang, there was a knock on the door soon.

Sato Kazuma didn't put himself on the table and put his feet down, lazily facing the door.

"Please come in."


"Kazuma, what do you want me to do?"

With long aqua-blue hair, even though she was wearing an OL uniform, she couldn't hide the mentally retarded aura on her body. Akua, who signed a slave contract with a pervert, opened the door carelessly.


Hearing this name, Sato Kazuma frowned immediately.

"How many times have you said, what do you want to call me outside? You only have beans for dinner tonight!"

"Wow, no!"

Upon hearing this, the mentally retarded goddess instantly turned into the orz pose.

She rushed over and hugged Hezhen's thigh, crying.

"Boss, I was eating Pacman yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday. If this continues, I will become a Pac-man! For the sake of my hard work every day, please give me some meat!"

"You dare to say it!"

At the mention of this, Sato Kazuma gets angry.

In line with the slogan of'secretaries at work, secretary at work', he put Akuya in the position of secretary, and specially made several (emphasis) skirts for her.

As a result, I did not expect that once this Akua had her own office, she would sleep on the table every day, not doing business at all!

And after breaking through the bottom line, this mental retardation is still plausible-"I will not do this kind of thing! Obviously I only need to be responsible for being and really doing it!"

In the presence of Huihui and Dakenis, this goddess of mental retardation was really not ashamed when she said this!

Just when Sato Kazuma was about to knock on Akua, suddenly a very healing mature older sister's voice came from outside the door.

"Emmm, did I come at the wrong time?"

That was the owner of a succubus shop in Axel who was'unspeakable' and'secrets only spread among men', Erich.

"of course not."

Sato and Shinichi slapped Akua on the face and asked her to roll back to her secretary room to sleep, and then asked Erich impatiently.

"Manager Alixi, how is the sales of the small movie crystal"

"Unexpectedly not bad."

Speaking of sales, Elysie voted Sato Kazuma a bunch of autumn spinach with great affection.

"I didn't expect that Boss Sato could have such a weird idea. If you were our guest, I might have to do it myself to satisfy."

Although it's a succubus, she is also a capitalist!The kind that likes to make money!

This charming smile immediately gave Sato some thoughts about raising his head, which made Sato Kazushima overwhelmed.

Worthy of being the manager of the legendary succubus shop, but the smile is so terrible!

To talk about the characteristics of neon, of course it is a small movie!

When Sato Kazuma heard about this shop from a male adventurer who didn't want to be named, and knew that the succubus was only responsible for performing illusions for the guests, and not doing it with real swords, he immediately found a business opportunity!

He wants to pay tribute to countless predecessors and make small movies!

The fourth and fifth chapters, director Kazuma Sato (part 2)

Who really is Sato?

The standard Heisei death house, the family squatted in the Nite family!

Don't underestimate the knowledge of a Nite tribe about various teachers!

With the experience of all the teachers of "De and Yi Shuangxin", when Sato Kazuma proposed this novel product and said that it could increase the income of the succubus shop and also be used as a promotion, Erich immediately agreed.

Although as a magic item, the magic crystal that can store one round of illusion is very expensive, but it can be recycled and is not limited to a super treasure!

Almost on the day it was put on the shelves, under the favorable conditions of '50% discount' and'full refund within three days', all adventurers with extra money bought one and tried it back!

Then it was out of control and swept Axel directly!

This time, what Erich deliberately reported to Sato Kazuma was not Axel's sales, but Sato Kazuma's total sales of this crystal to all parts of the country using his own channel!

But this can only make a few dollars.The method of making illusion crystals is not difficult, and the world is not only Axel with succubus.Some shy female magicians, even male magicians, are not incapable of constructing illusions that make people blush and heartbeat.

Therefore, after opening the situation with a small movie, Sato Kazuma started to prepare something that can really make money-a big movie!

To be precise, it is to make movies that have been popular in other worlds, have numerous box office, and endure, into different world versions and then sell them!

Even the experience of some members of the group can be made into a movie!

This is an extremely genius idea, even Sato Kazuma almost broke himself!

To this end, he also received technical support from the director of the academy city, the great magician Aleister, and crafted an illusion crystal that could hold up to three hours.

But it is also very expensive.

This also shattered Sato's desire to let everyone use the illusion crystal, and had to switch to a fixed-point theater mode.

Nantiandi: I think this is fine.And being responsible for the work of group members is an excellent quality that a good group owner needs.I have decided, in order to make my first movie with you, I will give it up!I will be the leading actor!

Sato Kazuma: Σ⊙▽⊙”a

Bai Yacha: Ah damn it!So fun... not right!How can there be no me for something that can help group members?It's decided, the heroine is me!

Sato Kazuma: (ΩДΩ)

Marquis of Vauban: Ahem.Speaking of movies, in addition to the hero and the heroine, the villain is also essential.My experience as a villain of the Marquis Vauban for more than two hundred years may come in handy here.

Uchiha Madara: Actually, I am not without the villain experience.

Sato Kazuma: W (_) W

Rimuru: As a movie, there must be monsters, right?I can mimic many monsters?Brother Hezhen, the wizard tavern here is about to launch a new service called "Welcome Back to Heroes"!

Sato Kazuma: (ˉ﹃ˉ)

Xiaojianjian: Speaking of movies, it is impossible for me to be the most popular superhero in the Marvel Universe.Add me, no matter the decent villains passers-by, even women are not impossible!

Ilya: Well, acting in a movie seems to be very interesting.Can I play together?

Little Birds Tour Liuhua: True Eyes of the Evil King!True eyes of the evil king!This is the best moment for the true eyes of the evil king to penetrate love and justice and extend the power of noble darkness to another world!

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