Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 301

Human beings with guardian spirits are called soul-senders.The guardian spirits are divided into five types: human spirits, beast spirits, immortal spirits, magic spirits, and god spirits.

Except for Shen Wu Ling the strongest, the other Wu Ling are basically at the same level, but they have their own emphasis on ability.

The strength of the Ji Lingren is divided into eight levels according to the number of spiritual powers: waiting to live, black rope, co-calling, shouting, scorching hot, scorching hot, and infinite.

Among them, anyone who is strong enough to be unable to be restricted by the spiritual realm, that is, can run across the spiritual realm, is called Wujian.

The spiritual power between every two levels is at least twenty times different.Therefore, even if the spirit sender of the same level, there may be a situation where the strength gap is too large and the spike will be killed.

But as a martial god body, because of the relationship with many guardian spirits, every time a guardian spirit is awakened, spiritual power will increase sharply.Therefore, the Wushen body is not suitable for testing in this way.

However, the Wushen body is recognized to be stronger than the ordinary spirit senders except for the Shenwu Ling, and it is still ten times stronger than that.

"How can so many powerful people come to Raksha Street? You lied to me!"

Master Cao didn't believe it.This force is enough to destroy the spiritual realm, how can it be worthy of his Raksha Street?

Cao Xuanliang nodded again and again.

In their Luocha Street, a locust tree is more precious.But in the entire spiritual realm, there are four such trees, how can it not be targeted by the whole world?

But the Dudao Maizi, who has watched'Fanju', said that sometimes, the facts are not transferred by human will.

"Everyone has his own destiny, and God is destined. Some people are born kings, while others fall into the grass. This sentence, to the head of Cao Da, who has inherited Cao Weiwu's body, should have more understanding than I."

The poison island girl was spoiled and very happy, even his eyes smiled like crescent moons, and he felt a little thrill of the group leader being in the group.

"This is a chessboard that has changed. But unfortunately, because of your father's reasons, because of your mother's reasons, and your own reason as Cao Weiwu's body, two of them are comparable to the spiritual realm in terms of advanced combat power. The organization is looking at you. They want to use Raksha Street as the first piece to open the game."

Cao Yanbing was a little bit convinced, seeing how the Dudao Maizi said so seriously.

He knew that his father and mother were very mysterious, and it seemed that they were not just ordinary soul-savers and spiritists, but also knew a lot of secrets in the spiritual world.

If it was because of his parents, who had been missing for ten years, that Raksha Street was spotted by countless people, he would not be surprised at all.

"Then why did you come to help me?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Cao Yanbing pointed at the core of the problem at the poison island maiden.

"You will never be those so-called'righteous men' running around all day just to maintain world peace, right?"

Toxic Island Girl: ()

Being ridiculed, not happy!

But when you think about it, it seems to be.Is she the kind of savior who will show kindness and come all the way to help?

It’s almost the same for group members!

After the thoughts were over, there was no such thing as Ye Nan's "I want to participate in any plot" plot, and he simply nodded.

"You are right. Apart from maintaining world peace, I really have no reason to help you."

Anyway, her clothes and luggage were all placed in the ring worn on the index finger. She waved to Cao Xuanliang and gave him a warm smile like a big sister.

"Xiao Liang, thank you for your care these days. I'm going to continue traveling. Let's just leave it alone."

"Oh, goodbye, sister poison island."

Cao Yanbing didn't say a word, and Xia Ling was just a melon-eater who didn't understand the situation.

Cao Xuanliang sighed when the poison island girl really left Raksha Street.

"Brother, sister poison island is gone."


Cao Yanbing nodded heavily.

"The big benefactor is gone, next time I want to earn tens of thousands of yuan at a time, I don't know when it is!"

"Is it a question of money now?"

Xia Ling rolled her eyes madly.

"According to what she said, there will be a strong villain coming to Rakshasa Street soon, right? Can you ever beat it?!"

"How do you know this kind of thing if you haven't played it before?"

Cao Yanbing despised Xia Ling, as if saying,'Why don't you even know this kind of thing'.

"And how about Raksha Street, what does it have to do with you? You hurry up to eat the roots of the Linghuai twig, wait for seven or forty-nine days, and leave after you can summon your guardian spirit. I am from Raksha Street. The soul of the town. The matter on Raksha Street has nothing to do with you."

Reprimanded by Cao Yanbing, Xia Ling ran out the door angrily.

She took off a branch of the locust tree, chewed hard, and stared at Cao Yanbing viciously.It's like eating his bones.

Cao Xuanliang sighed with a heavy heart, seeing his brother getting angry with two big beauties in a very short time.

"Brother, you won't find a girlfriend in this way."

Cao Yanbing: (⊙﹏⊙)?


Ilia: Well, Sister Poison Island was here to help him, but he was treated with such a bad voice. It's really a conscience!

Aleister: Intellectually, I can understand his approach; but emotionally, I decided to put him on my blacklist.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sajukuni: The old man's sword seems to have been out of its sheath for a long time!

Hela: I will grant him an equal death!

Hei Zhen: Burn him to death!

Dudao Maizi: Well, it’s not good to kill.Just hit him until he doesn't even know his mother.

The trembling tornado: We promise not to actively use Saitama!But this situation is not in the scope of the promise!

Nantiandi: Saitama seems to be my disciple, right?_

Kato Megumi: This kind of man is an orphan.

Nan Xiaoniao: If you are kindly treated like this, even I will be angry!

Zhang Jiao: We have all the guardian spirits of Wei, Shu and Wu. I wonder if there is my guardian spirit?

Monkey King: There is also my!In my case, is it a fairy martial spirit, a beast martial spirit or a god martial spirit?

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: No matter what kind of martial spirit, the great sage will become a dead spirit when he goes down with a stick. There is no comparison!

Monkey King: Good point!(ω)

The fourth and fifth chapters scolded the small, and came the old

Changing to other group members may be just a slapstick.However, after Yamamoto Moto Ryusuke Shigekuni spoke, he went to Raksha Street in person along the tourist route of Toxic Island.

He doesn't care about the protagonist or not.He only knew that his closed disciple had been bullied, so of course he, the master, had to support others!

On the land of a great eastern country, Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke found the gap between the real world and the spiritual world, stepped out of it, and felt.

"Does the boundary between the different world and the spirit world overlap? No wonder the girl didn't react."

On the edge of Raksha Street, there are scattered evil spirits.

They are ignorant and confused.Under normal circumstances, the first thought when seeing an ordinary soul is to rush to eat the other person.

When Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni stepped into the surroundings, many eyes immediately caught him.


A black Mediterranean hair stands as sharp as an axe, and his eyes look like a sharp blade.Motoyanagi Yamamoto, wearing a black swordsman uniform, swept sharply at the place where the monsters were, releasing a faint wave of killing intent.

It was just a long-distance eye contact, and the surrounding evil spirits were immediately frightened by the killing intent, and they retreated and dared not show their heads.

At the same time, the momentum of Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni was also unabashed.


On the top of the mountain, Cao Yanbing, who was training Xia Ling, seemed to feel something, and looked up in the direction of Yamamoto Motoyanagi.

"Why are so many people coming to Raksha Street recently?"

He tilted his head and said in his heart:

Isn't it the enemy that the poison island girl said is coming?

"Xu Chu, let's go!"

As soon as his voice fell, a huge crimson figure emerged behind Cao Yanbing.

"Yes, Lord!"


Coincidentally, Mr. Yamamoto is not the only uninvited guest today.

After he had just walked into Raksha Street, he hadn't walked long before, suddenly a wave of spiritual power came from behind him.

He looked back and saw that it was a head over ten feet high. It was different from a normal spider. It could stand upright like a bird. Nine eyes of different sizes fixed on Yamamoto Motoyanagi Suke Shigekuni. People can even faint when they see it.


More than ten meters away, Motoyanagi Yamamoto raised his brow slightly, and his right hand moved slightly unnoticeably.

For an instant, the mountain spider couldn't even make a scream, and was chopped in half silently.

The scarlet flame burned from the wound it had cut open, and quickly burned it to ashes.

Hiding in the dark, the elder brother Helkamp of the Ninth Knight of the Kingdom Organization looked at the mountain spider he had specially found, and was killed instantly?

Behind him was a dozen combat robots that were infused with the power of the evil spirits of the Kingdom Organization to make them as small soldiers. A face that was shaped like a killer was twisted into a Jojo, angrily said.

"Who is this guy? How could he suddenly appear on Raksha Street?"

Then, the answering voice rang in his ears.

"The old man Motoyanagi Yamamoto is just an insignificant swordsman."


When someone who was just a few hundred meters away suddenly touched his back, Helkamp's hair was almost exploded.

He jumped forward in horror and at the same time summoned his guardian spirit——



A huge, three-headed dog with long teeth as sharp as a knife and claws as sharp as a broken blade appeared from behind Helkamp and stood in front of Motoyanagi Yamamoto.

This three-headed hell dog looks mighty, and the actual combat effectiveness is not bad.

However, compared with Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni, that level is far worse.

"Chihuahua dog."

With one move, Mr. Yamamoto started the live broadcast with his left hand, a short body, and then punched out his right hand, hitting the middle head of the three-headed dog severely.

"The world of martial arts comes from the rising dragon!"




What are the benefits of a three-headed dog?Give it to him...

The advantage of the three-headed dog is that although one of the heads was beaten with gold stars in the eyes, the chin hits the upper jaw, and the teeth are all broken, the other two heads can still scream with breath.

But then, the old man Yamamoto punched again, knocking out the three heads of the three-headed dog in hell.

Emperor Nantian: Dog boxing?

Xiaojianjian: Fighting a dog?

Xiao Feng:...

Carrying three hell dogs shook, Motoyanagi Yamamoto gave it a close-up with his mobile phone.

"This thing seems to be a soul state, can it be eaten?"

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