Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 312

Therefore, Kanon thought that this kid could not only become his secret weapon, he might be able to gradually develop into his confidant and further master the power of the Sea Fighter!

Be the boss, pay attention to both kindness and power, a bunch of sweet dates.

While teaching Rimuru, Kanon also showed his strength.

"Limru, look!"

Garon pointed to the sky and waved his hand.

The small universe in his body burst out with blue rays of light representing the ocean, and a terrible force erupted from his right arm that didn't look sturdy, all the way up.

In this process, tens of thousands of meters of sea water was cut open, and all marine creatures that unfortunately encountered this force were cut into two parts.

From Limru's point of view, Kanon's palm cut out a long and narrow inverted V shape, extending directly from the bottom of the North Atlantic Sea Dragon General Hall to the sea.

"So strong!"

This time, Limru was really sighing.

If he wanted to separate the sea that was tens of thousands of meters deep, he could actually do it even when he opened a big one.But if you want to be as relaxed as Kanon, without even breathing, it won't work.

"This is the power of the small universe!"

Seeing Rimuru's worshiping eyes, Kanon was like this: <(︶)>

"If you want to explode the power of the small universe, you need to undergo severe training! Look carefully!"

He took a horse stance and stood in front of a large rock more than ten meters high on one side. At a slow speed like an ordinary person, he raised his hips, tucked his abdomen, twisted his waist, waved his arms, and punched!


His punch was not fancy, and he slammed directly on the boulder.

Without hearing any sound, this seabed rock suddenly collapsed into countless small fragments.

Kanon turned his head and revealed to Lim.

"Did you see it clearly? You can try it yourself if you see it clearly."

"See it clearly!"

Limlu nodded, posing in the same posture as Garon just now, standing next to another sea rock.

Over there, Garon continued.

"Very good. Just follow the posture I was just now, punching 10,000 punches every day! Whenever you can punch, just what...what?!"

Before he finished speaking, Limru took a deep breath, then lifted his hips, tucked his abdomen, twisted his waist, swing his arms, and punched!


With a resounding sound like a hammer hitting a rock, several huge cracks appeared in the big rock in front of Limru, and then it fell apart.

Kanon's eyes stared out.

This little guy doesn't seem to be an ordinary person!

He found out that the other party's water affinity was 99%, so he hurriedly brought it over.

As the No.1 Sea Fighter, Kalong has reason to think that ordinary people, no matter what his status, are not as noble as Sea Fighters.

But now he realized that the situation seemed a bit wrong?

Kanon became wary.

The small universe in him gradually rose up, which brought great pressure to Limru.

Limru: (;°°)

He barely forced an awkward smile on his face.

"I'm just a passing slime!"

call out!

In the next moment, Kanon flicked his fingers.A sky-blue radiance ran across the sea, and when Limru didn't even react, it penetrated its thigh.

However, there was no blood flowing out of Limlu's wound, but a small round hole was exposed, and there was still blue unknown liquid overflowing.

Moreover, the wound healed quickly on its own.

Kanon: (o#) o

Limru: (,,#?Д?)

Kanon feels deceived!

"Galaxy starburst!"

As the younger brother of the Gemini Golden Saint Seiya, Kanon would certainly do the same thing as the candidate for the Gemini Golden Saint Seiya.

Although knowing that he might not be able to fight, Limru did not sit still.

"Big Space Blade!"

This is a gift from the storm dragon Verudra, plus his insight into the laws of space after joining the group, and a combined big move.

Originally, he intended to use this move as a killer for other demon kings, but now he was forced out by Garon.

Space and light are both representatives of extreme speed.

The soaring blue light and the huge green space blade clash in the deep sea, triggering a terrible explosion.

The large space blade exploded, exploding dozens of space cracks in the deep sea, shredding and swallowing a large amount of sea water and the power of the galaxy starburst.

However, under the blessing of scale clothing and the small universe, the power of the galaxy starburst continues to flow.

The vast blue energy light was abruptly increased, the rate of impact surpassed the rate of space cracks swallowing, and the bright brilliance instantly penetrated Limru's body.

"Oh, I'm going to die."

Limru's eyes gradually dimmed, and his whole body's cells were quickly destroyed by the galaxy starburst, turning into bubbles and disappearing in the sea.

Limulusang's Sea Fighter career and dungeon career, the first day ended.

It’s really gratifying, Coca-Cola (laughs)


Compared with the tragic Rimuru, life in Iori An is very comfortable.

In addition to fighting with a group of underworld fighters every day, he can freely control the rest of the time.

Since the Underworld Warriors don't have to worry about death as long as they don't destroy their souls, the duel between them is really going to die. If you don't kill your opponent, you won't stop.

After countless battles of life and death, their strength has naturally improved quickly.

Fortunately, Iori, who can freely control the blood of madness, is very comfortable with this kind of strength improvement method and enjoys it.

The forty-sixth chapter "pick up" the mad demon Nantian Emperor

The Golden Saint Seiya held it in Ye Nan's hands for an hour, but the Sea Fighter was not good enough.

First of all, there are twelve golden saints, ten online. On average, everyone can chat with Ye Nan for two minutes and fight for one minute, and then Ye Nan will watch the scenery for another two minutes.

There are seven sea fighters.Although distributed in the seven oceans, Ye Nan will teleport!

Secondly, the strength of the sea fighter is not as good as the golden saint.

When the saint clothing is selected, the saints will let the alternate saints fight a fight, choose the best inherited saint, and become the saint guarding Athena.

However, the scale clothing of the Sea Fighter was chosen by the scale clothing himself, and then he practiced relying on the inheritance of the scale clothing.

In other words, each of the Golden Saints was shot with real swords and guns, while most of the Sea Fighters were related parties, with only strong power and little combat experience.

In the end, the reason why the Sea Fighters are so popular is that they can get the protection of Poseidon's small universe in the sea.Just as Athena can protect the Saint Seiya standing on the earth, Hades can protect the Underworld Warrior in the underworld.

But the problem is that this Poseidon fell asleep because of Garon, unable to provide the blessing of the small universe.Where Ye Nan went, it was really a seafood fighter with a punch, including Jialong.

Worried about causing some kind of change, Ye Nan accelerated his speed.

Therefore, he didn't even know that Limru had already knelt on Garon's hands.

"This time the'sky is three feet high' action, the word is fast."

The avatar who had solved the sanctuary came to Yuki Rito and Sato Kazuma, and said to them like this.


Yuki Lidou thoughtfully.

"The leader of the group means that when you meet your opponent, you will fight quickly, and use your full strength like a lion fighting a rabbit. Don't give the enemy a chance to comeback?"

"Do not."

Ye Nan shook his head.

"I mean, as long as you grab the item fast enough, it doesn't matter if you are expelled from the dungeon later. Anyway, the item is already in hand!"

Sato Kazuma: v (???)

Yucheng Lidou: (;)

"Speaking of which, Li Dou, are you really planning to participate in this Galaxy Challenge?"

Ye Nan's eyes swept across the bronze saints on the field.

"Except for Athena, the others are not enough for you to play Turtle Qigong, right?"

"But it's feelings!"

Yuki Lidou sighed and turned away.

"After truly becoming the alternate for the King of the Galaxy, I feel more unhappy. What tens of thousands of meters long space warship, the best chef in the galaxy, the wine that even the gods can pour, the best food in the entire universe. All of this It's better than half a year ago when I lay at home and drank the bottle of Coke with Lala, Meigan, Mengmeng, Nana, Golden Darkness, Celino, and Mikado."

"The life of the King of the Galaxy is not happy at all!"

Sato Kazuma: o (′^) o

Ye Nan: (^)


After defeating all the sea fighters, Ye Nan's clone stepped into the sleeping temple of Poseidon.

Thousands of years ago, Poseidon and Athena had conflicts over territorial issues, and a war broke out.But compared to the hatred between Athena and Hades, the two can at best be regarded as displeased with each other.

It was Garon who was really dissatisfied with Athena, and he was also the one who started the war between Sea Fighter and Saint Seiya.

But now, both sides are already on the street, and of course they won't fight in the future.

All this must be thanked by Mr. Ye Nan for his contribution to world peace!(Applause applause)

Julian Solo, this is the name of the child possessed by Poseidon.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the Solo family had the blood of Poseidon.So for thousands of years, Poseidon has always chosen the Solo children to possess him.

Thirteen years ago, Garon touched Poseidon's trident and awakened his soul, but his strength was not fully restored.

In order to restore his strength, Poseidon chose to continue to sleep.Now, even though she is wearing a golden costume, it is Julian Solo himself who operates this body.

A young man of good nature.

Although it was the Sea God Temple, the surrounding sea water was shielded by the barrier.

When he saw Ye Nan, what rose in Julian's heart was not vigilance, but doubt.

"Who are you? How could you appear here? Are you a victim?"

This... I am embarrassed to start!

Ye Nan hesitated for a while, about three seconds.

Then, he took out the precious jade from his own space equipment as an easy way, and even the immortal drink would make him drunk, and gently tossed it over.

"Try it."

"what is this?"

Julian curiously reached out and took the jade pot.As the son of the sea king, the richest man in the Mediterranean, he saw the preciousness of this pot at a glance.

"This is a legend that even gods can be drunk. I want to see if it is true this time."

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