Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 316

Fang Hu muttered, then the old village Zheng raised his voice and glanced sideways, and immediately stopped talking.

In fact, the old village didn't understand it before.This is what Fang Zhongyong told him that he wanted to accept Ye Nan as a disciple.After all, Fang Zhongyong is not good at telling Ye Nan directly, how do you want me to be a teacher? What are the processes and what are the processes.

While eating, Fang Laocun was talking about the process of apprenticeship.

Fang Zhongyong is not a great Confucian scholar himself, and Ye Nan is only a farmer, so the process is very simple.

First of all, Fang Zhongyong would call some of his friends together. Under the witness of Muramasa and his friends, Ye Nan would Shuxiu, that is, ten pieces of dried meat to Fang Zhongyong.

Accepted Shu Xiu, and Ye Nan gave Fang Zhongyong tea.

After Fang Zhongyong drank the tea, even if he decided on the name of master and apprentice, everyone would eat another meal together.

Shaving his teeth with chicken bones, the old village is arrogant.

"So, you just have to prepare ten thicker jerky for Fatty, and then ask your wife to get him some nice clothes."

After speaking, he changed a face full of smiles and picked up Fang Nan.

"Nanny, there is sugar in Yeye, so go down to Yeye and play with grandma, okay!"

Fang Nun, who hadn't gotten the chicken fat in his mouth, nodded when he heard the word sugar.

"it is good!"

Then the old village was walking away with her daughter in her arms, and didn't mean to call Ye Nan together.

Boys can eat meat, what kind of sugar do you want to eat!

Ye Nan:...

On the other side, Fang Zhongyong is writing to his friend.

After writing two letters, he hesitated: the person he wanted to send the third letter had indeed returned home recently because it was his mother's birthday.But he wasn't sure that the other party could find time to come over and watch the ceremony.

But whether they come or not is their business.As a friend, he should write this letter.

Thinking this way, Fang Zhongyong drew a little bit of ink in the brush in his hand and wrote with a tick and a mark:

Jie Fu Tai Jian...

Chapter 475, Fang Zhongyong’s Friends (Revised)

Although he has not yet apprented this teacher, Ye Nan has been studying with Fang Zhongyong every day for the past few days.

Since he learned his lesson last time, Fang Zhongyong simply continued to teach him the Analects.While Ye Nan read the memorization once, he also explained the truth in it to him in detail.

It is worth mentioning that this world is not without punctuation marks, but it is not on the table. It is purely for ordinary people to learn easily, and it is convenient for ordinary people to understand and use when delegating official documents.No punctuation is used in communication between real scholars.

The reason will be mentioned later.

A few days after sending the letter, Fang Zhongyong received letters from three friends.

These three letters are all urgent, using a demon horse that travels three thousand miles a day.To this end, Fang Zhongyong paid enough postage for ordinary people to live for one month.

One of them said that they have been busy recently.The East China Sea Dragon Palace hosted a literary meeting and indicated that he was required to attend, but there was no time to spare, so he only attached an inkstone to the letter as a gift to Fang Zhongyong's future apprentice.

The other two people, especially the third person who surprised Fang Zhongyong, said they had time and would come to watch the ceremony before the apprenticeship on May 16.

Fang Zhongyong breathed out after reading the rash calligraphy on the letters in his hand, sometimes with silver hooks and iron paintings, sometimes erratic, and sometimes scrupulous calligraphy.

"From the literal point of view, Jie Fu's recent writing style has improved. I think it won't take long to be able to log in as a great scholar."

I also thought that I was only a talent now, and maybe only a talent in the future, even after more than ten years of time, Fang Zhongyong inevitably sighed and said with a wry smile.

"After so many years, I still can't let it go without thinking!"


Although half of the "The Analects of Confucius" rules the world, if you only read the Analects, regardless of other things, it will make people laugh.

In Fang Zhongyong's eyes, Ye Nan was too young, and many of the principles in the Analects could not be understood, and he even had a personal experience like him.So after speaking some superficial truths in the Analects, he changed to a copy of Zuo Zhuan and asked him to continue memorizing it.

This is simply the duck-filling teaching for later generations!

As the duck that was filled, Ye Nan had no choice but to open his mouth, letting Fang Zhongyong stuff all the Four Books and Five Classics, all of them into his stomach.

Regardless of what those articles say, what the author wants to clarify, in short, just memorize it.Understanding can be left behind.

This is also the tragic experience of Fang Zhongyong's friend called'Jie Fu' in his childhood.

In other words, all geniuses who have never forgotten, come here as a child.If Fang Zhongyong hadn't had an accident, he would have wanted to'enjoy' it.

This day did not stop until May 15th.

On this day, Ye Nan, as usual, followed Fang Zhongyong for a run around Fangjia Village.

"Although it is said that after passing the state examination, the provincial examination and the palace examination, you will get the initiation of cultural energy and clean the essence, so that the physique of the scholar is not lower than the warrior of the same level. But reading is a very hard thing, especially when you are old. It’s still young and the body is far from mature. So before the state test, it is necessary to ensure a healthy body."

After finishing the run, Ye Nan followed Fang Zhongyong step by step, preparing to go to his home to study as usual.

But Fang Zhongyong turned around, pinched his plump face, and smiled gently.

"Faifei, tomorrow you will formally worship me as a teacher, so you don't need to read it again today, so I'll take you one day off. Go back and take a good rest.


Although he was very unhappy to be pinched, Ye Nan's tears of joy almost shed when he heard that there was a holiday.

Modern people always pay attention to doing five rests and two rests, but he has no time to rest for twelve consecutive days, half a month, and one day!

Although he only took class one morning, he spent the afternoon playing with his sister.

Ye Nankai ran home happily, and Fang Nan just got up.

"Guo Guo!"

Seeing Ye Nan, Fang Nan, who was playing with Lin Hong again, immediately'don't want' her mother, and ran towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan quickly reached out and hugged him.

"Guo Guo!"

With a pure smile on Fang Nan's face, her big eyes were so big that she couldn't see it. She bit Ye Nan's face hard, and drooled.

Fang Hu, who was preparing for Ye Nan's apprenticeship, cast a surprised look.

"Fat, did you forget to bring something?"

Standing with Fang Nan, Ye Nan replied.

"Uncle, the teacher said that tomorrow will be an official apprenticeship, and today I will take a day off."


Fang Hu nodded and sighed uncontrollably.

"Fat, it's great that you can worship Mr. as a teacher! If your mother is still there, I will definitely be happy for you!"

As soon as he said this, he felt wrong and regretted.

Facing Lin Hong's knife-like gaze, he looked at Ye Nan with some worry, fearing that he would cry out.

But Ye Nan, who has been wise since he was a child, is certainly not a kid who would cry when his deceased mother was mentioned, but rather earnestly said.

"Therefore, I will study hard and become a scholar in the future. I will be a scholar, a scholar, a mother, a teacher, an uncle and aunt!"

Seeing that Ye Nan had such intentions, Fang Hu's eyes were red when thinking about his little sister who died at the age of 16, and Lin Hong quietly wiped his eyes.

At the same time, seeing Ye Nan saying so, Fang Nan shouted again and again, unwilling to lag behind.

"Guo Guo, Guo Guo! There are also ! The must also be admitted to the Jinshi, to win honors for mother, father and Guo Guo!"

This unscrupulous childlike face immediately made a smile on the faces of the two who were a little sad just now.

Fang Hu leaned down, hugged Fang Nan, and held it high, concealing his expression, saying in the middle of the little guy's laughter.

"It's okay if you want to study, but she is a girl, so she can't get a Jinshi!"

Upon hearing this, the little guy frowned his eyebrows and nose, and said, tilting his head.

"Can't girls be admitted to Jinshi?"

She sighed like a little adult, lowered her head to Ye Nandao.

"Hey, okay. Then you have to cheer for the nun and nun!"

Here is the family fun, on the other side, on the official road not far from Jinxi, a man is galloping.

He was dressed as a scholar dressed in a blue robes painted with yuzhu. On his head was a crown of the same cyan color, and under his crotch was a horse that could travel six thousand miles a day without having to stay for a breath. A thin layer of light blue scaly horses.

Even the shoes under his feet are blue, which shows his love for this color.

A large swath of smoke flew up under the horse's hoof.The strongman on the road around saw that this person was actually raising such a large smoke with a horse's power, and they stepped back, not taking this hard stubble as a goal.

On the other side, a middle-aged man wearing a chu-colored robe, a purple crown and black cloth shoes, who looked similar to Fang Zhongyong in age, said goodbye to his family and stepped onto an eagle demon with a wingspan of more than four meters. Fly in the direction of Jinxi.

Chapter 476 Wang Anshi's melancholy (repair)

In this world with supernatural powers, flying in the sky is not necessarily faster than running on the ground.

But the eagle demon who is successful in cultivation is indeed faster than the Jiao Ma.

However, it was not time for the incense stick, and the purple-crowned man set off from Linchuan and reached Jinxi, causing the eagle demon to fall in the wide area beside Fang Zhongyong's house.

Such a big eagle demon has already attracted the attention of the villagers.But older people can recognize that this is a familiar eagle demon.In particular, there seemed to be a person standing on him.

Fang Zhongyong also sensed the arrival of the eagle demon, standing outside the house with a smile on his face.

"Jie Fu!"

"Zhong Yong!"

The middle-aged man on the Eagle Demon jumped down, and his friends who had seen him until now could not help showing a bit of joy.

Wang Anshi skillfully hung a bag of silver money around the eagle demon's neck, and asked him to buy some mutton and pork from the villagers, and settle the three meals by himself, then took out a pill and let the eagle demon take it down.

The two of them walked into the house with their arms a little gay, Fang Zhongyong said.

"Jie Fu, I thought you were only here tomorrow, and you will come today if you don't want to."

The king of the next door, Lao Wang, named Jie Fu, and the guy named An Shi, joked with Fang Zhongyong.

"Yes, someone Wang came to you to cheat and drink."

Fang Zhongyong laughed.

"Then I certainly welcome it! I can't wait to leave you for a few months to talk every day, but I'm afraid that when the time comes, Sister Xiwen will come to the door!"


After being teased by a friend, Wang Anshi's face suddenly couldn't hold back.

He loves his wife very much, the kind he loves very much.

Don't ask, ask again, you know!

His wife Wu Xiwen was also from Jinxi, and she came from Fangjia Village, and his mother also came from Fangjia Village.Therefore, Wang Anshi is quite familiar to Fangjiacun.

After laughing for a while, Fang Zhongyong spread out his pen and ink and exchanged calligraphy with Wang Anshi.

As mentioned earlier, Wang Anshi's calligraphy is like a stream of water, without a fixed pattern, and he does it casually.

He rules when he wants to be rules, and chaos when he wants to be rules.Words burst like fire, sharp as gold, round as water, thick as soil, and lush as wood.

In the world, the only person who can write such strange calligraphy is Wang Anshi.

In contrast, Fang Zhongyong's calligraphy is much more serious and is the most popular Feibai style in the Southern Song Dynasty.Some parts are parallel like dry silk, and the strokes at the turning points are prominent, and there is an appealing sense of rhythm and rhythm.

It's like Song people's favorite and easy to sing.

But Wang Anshi was angry when he saw the words, and his brows were just frowned, as if he had been burned by fire.

Seeing him like that, Fang Zhongyong stopped writing and said amusedly.

"Why, slumped in the court again?"

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