Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 318

Some children have been waiting for a long time, then raised their heads and asked their father.

"Daddy, why isn't Mr. coming?"

"Mr. should be bathing and changing clothes at this time, so please concentrate."

The unshaven man said with a longing face.

"I heard that scholars have to do this every time they do big things."

(Fang Zhongyong who is brushing his teeth:???)

It is different from Fang Zhongyong who needs to wash manually.Wang Anshi's body was stunned, mobilizing the moisture and rusticity in the five elements to clean up the dust on his body, and then with a strange wind, swept away the smell of wine all night.

So he was able to change his clothes, Shi Shiran walked into the bamboo house, waiting for Fang Zhongyong, today's protagonist to appear.

"Judge Wang!"

"Judge Wang!"

When they saw Wang Anshi, many villagers in Fangjia Village saluted him.

Wang Anshi's mother Wu is from Fangjia Village, as is his wife.There are not many Wu surnames in Fangjia Village.To be more serious, his wife is still his cousin.

Therefore, the young villagers of Fangjia Village all knew Wang Anshi.

"Stone, Amo, Daniel..."

Wang Anshi also smiled and corresponded with his childhood playmates.Everyone who is called by his nickname has a kind of honour from the heart-look, how old judge Wang is now, he still remembers himself!

But among the crowd, there was one person wearing Tsing Yi, wearing a blue crown and walking on blue boots, standing out from the crowd.When Wang Anshi saw him, his eyes lit up.

"Judge Wang."

The man shook his hand at Wang Anshi, his tone of voice was not much respectful, just a so-so salute.

Wang Anshi didn't care, he walked closer and smiled.

"Presumably your Excellency is the famous young scholar Kong Que! I often hear Zhong Yong mention you."

Kong Que raised his eyebrows, and his big sleeves were folded, showing a frenzied demeanor.

"Since the well-known Wang Jiefu directly calls me Kong Que, instead of my character, I think he really heard of me from Zhong Yong."

"If you say when you meet,'You must be Confucius who is lonely and plagued by evil', then I will turn my face with you."

Kong Que, whose name is Zi but, is surnamed Kong. He is a descendant of Confucius, and he is also a direct descendant of the Confucian family in Qufu.

One of his most famous things was that after he was admitted to the Juren, he encountered a monster in a small county on his way to the Song Dynasty.

At that time, if he only cared about himself, he would definitely be able to run away.

However, Kong Que did not retreat but instead advanced. He used the bodyguards and Confucian calligraphy given to him by the Confucian family. He lost all his tattoos and shattered Wen Gong. He killed the great demon for a life of nine deaths. , Reduced to ordinary people.

Kong Que's move made the Da Song officials at the time praised.Even if Kong Weiwei had gone to cultivate, he still named him a'green scholar'.

But according to Kong Que's words, he did it for granted.Not to mention being a descendant of Kong Sheng, even if it is an ordinary Juren, many people will make the same choice as him, which is not commendable.

Therefore, someone mentioned this in front of him in the future, and sighed that his cultivation was exhausted, so he was anxious!

In his opinion, it is very worthwhile to exchange one body for the people of one county.

Who is this guy?Dare to talk to Wang Anshi like this?

Ye Nan looked at Kong Que strangely.There is no such person in the message left to him by the deity.

If it is an ordinary person who is arrogant and arrogant, Wang Anshi, who was originally an outstanding figure in the Song Dynasty, will tell him what is called your arrogance, but I can be ten times more arrogant than you!

But what stood in front of him was a descendant of the standard Kong Sheng who was doing his best and almost killed himself. The slight edges and corners were naturally tolerable.

During the conversation between the two, Fang Zhongyong finally walked in from the back room Shi Shiran.

His expression is indifferent and elegant, his hands are naturally behind him, and he can't see the hangover from last night at all.

Fang Zhongyong sits in the middle of the hall with the eight sutras. On both sides are Wang Anshi, Kong Que, and then the old village Zheng of Fangjia Village, and Ye Nan’s guardian. The limbs are a little uncoordinated, and they look even worse than Ye Nan. Fang Hu who is nervous.

As the host, Lao Cunzheng's old but powerful voice resounded through the bamboo house.

"Teacher gift!"

Seeing Ye Nan, who was struggling to step forward, all ten sticks on his back, each with three-finger thick meat strips, Fang Zhongyong's eyes twitched--this meat strip is too thick, right?How long will it take him to finish eating!

Wang Anshi and Kong Que also smiled, but they didn't expect the apprenticeship prepared by this little guy at home to be so sincere.

According to ancient rituals, Fang Zhongyong must finish these ten meat strips.In the next half of the year, I am afraid that it will be indispensable on the other party's table.

Putting the meat strips from Ye Nan on the plate next to him, Lao Cun was taking a look at his stupid son: Look at what you do!You will look good after I go back!

Fang Hu is inexplicable: Isn't this piece of meat thick? Isn't the old man satisfied?I still want to add more, but I am afraid that the fat will not move!

"Master Tea!"

Ye Nan bowed to Fang Zhongyong for three times, then took a pot of tea from the plate brought by the old village nearby and handed it upward to Fang Zhongyong.

"Teacher, please drink tea!"


Fang Zhongyong nodded solemnly, took the cup of tea and drank it, and then said slowly.

"Today you enter my door, there are three teachings and three rules to follow."

"Three Religions, First Religion, Respect Teachers and Dao!"

"The second teaching, benevolence, filial piety and justice!"

"The third religion, loyal to the emperor and serve the country!"

"Three rules, first rule: Three provinces every day!"

"The second rule, you can't smash your eyebrows and bow your waist to do the powerful!"

"The third rule, think twice before you act!"

These three rules and three teachings are what Fang Zhongyong has gained over the past 30 years.After speaking, his eyes were watching Ye Nan closely, and he couldn't tolerate any jokes.

"Have you remembered everything?"

"The disciple remembered!"

Ye Nan nodded heavily.

"it is good!"

Fang Zhongyong got up from the stool and raised Ye Nan with a smile.

"Today, you are our disciple Fang Zhongyong!"

Immediately afterwards, a series of congratulations sounded around.

"Congratulations sir!"

"Congratulations sir!"

"Congratulations to Zhong Yong for winning the best!"

Kong Que took out a jade ring from his sleeve and handed it to Ye Nan.

"This is my personal belongings when I was young, with a hint of Confucianism in it, and I will give it to you when I wear it on the body of the little demon."

Ye Nan looked up at Fang Zhongyong.Fang Zhongyong stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, said.

"I haven't thanked you Uncle Kong."

"Gift from Uncle Nan Xie Kong!"

Ye Nan took this Yuhuan.He was so young that he couldn't hang around his waist, so he went around a few times and wrapped it around his arms.

Then, Wang Anshi also sent a gift.

"This is a red sandalwood sheep in small letters. I bought it in Baofang in Tokyo (referring to the capital of the Song Dynasty). I originally planned to collect it myself, but now I gave it to you."

Green sandalwood, among the countless tree species in the world, is the most compatible with the literary spirit, and has always been the favorite of scholars.This small pen is worth a thousand dollars.

Without waiting for Fang Zhongyong this time, Ye Nan respectfully stretched out his hands and took the sheep's hair, which was as thick as an adult pinky.

"Nan thanked Uncle Wang!"

The fourth and seventh chapters have sharpened a sword in ten years, but Frost Blade has not tried

Since Ye Nan's apprenticeship with Fang Zhongyong, spring has passed through autumn, winter has passed through summer solstice, and ten years have passed in a flash.

Fang Zhongyong, who is 47 years old this year, has mild frost on his temples.

But the fifteen-year-old Ye Nan is still mellow.Although this seems to be a symbol of wealth in this era, it still makes him distressed.

"A hundred sit-ups a day, a hundred push-ups, and then running for ten kilometers, it's too much use! Fat can be reduced, what should I do with this muscle!"


During today's dinner, Fang Zhongyong sharpened his chopsticks, looked at Ye Nan, who was already only half a head lower than him, and exclaimed.

"Since you worshipped me as a teacher, and passed the boy test in the same year, a song called "Mo Mei" was three feet tall. The poem came out of Mingzhou, and it was shook for a while. It was hailed as the'No. 1 Prodigy of Song Dynasty'. But six years ago I Persuading you to try, you said to postpone it for a few more years, three years ago I persuaded you to try, you said you were not ready yet."

"There are three days left, and the registration for the official test is due. This year, the test, solution, and provincial test will be the same age. I wonder if you are ready?"

"Teacher is in no hurry."

Seeing Fang Zhongyong's anxious appearance about pushing himself out of the imperial examination, Ye Nan couldn't laugh or cry.

"In the past ten years, students have read a lot of books and are finally ready. Although I can't guarantee the ternary and ranking, they must be on the list!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Ye Nan actually agreed, Fang Zhongyong stood up excitedly and shouted to the outside.

"Achang, prepare the horse. Naner, follow me to the county office to sign up!"

Seeing Fang Zhongyong's excitement, Ye Nan hurriedly pulled him down and persuaded him.

"Teacher, teacher, finish the meal first, then there is no rush to go!"


A Chang's full name is Fang Chang, one round older than Ye Nan.After he was almost drunk and had an accident ten years ago, Fang Zhongyong hired him as a servant in Fangjiacun.But washing and cooking, farming and arable land, they still do things by themselves.

Sitting with Fang Zhongyong in the crunchy bullock cart with extremely bad shock absorption system, Ye Nan smiled at Fang Chang who was driving.

"Brother Achang, I'm bothering you this time."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Fang Chang shook his head quickly.

Although in terms of seniority, he is Ye Nan's cousin.But in fact, Ye Nan is Fang Zhongyong's disciple.The distinction between master and servant, his father had said to his ear several times from the beginning.

When Fang Zhongyong signed up for Ye Nan, even the magistrate of Jinxi was shaken.

The words of the first prodigy of the Great Song Dynasty were not made by Ye Nan, but by the officials.

The child prodigy has been dormant for ten years since the boy trial.Now, are you finally planning to leave?

The county magistrate vigorously praised Ye Nan, saying that he must be on the list, even Xie Yuan is not difficult, and said that if you have any difficulties, you can come to him, and send Fang Zhongyong and Ye Nan away from the county office.

Then, the news was passed quickly from the prefect.

Soon, Fuzhou first, and then the whole Jiangnanxi Road knew that this'first prodigy of the Song Dynasty' was finally about to start his own imperial examination.


At the same time, Bianliang City.

Wang Anshi, who had quarreled with others just now, returned home with a black face.

Seeing Wang Anshi's expression, his son Wang Yu knew what was going on, and he immediately followed the rules, avoiding being taken care of by his dad in a bad mood.

At this moment, there was an eagle cry outside the door.

Wang Anshi walked out the door, and soon he was walking and reading with a letter, the ugly expression on his face disappeared and a smile gradually appeared.

"This little guy, are you finally going to enter the venue now?"

Wang Anshi put away the letter and smiled at his son who was eating.

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