Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 321

Huang Tingjian: (┰*)

I drink without talking.

When Huang Tingjian's fellow villager saw him drinking in silence, he seemed to be a little unhappy because others praised Ye Naner, so he said with a smile.

"Although there is not the first prodigy of the Song Dynasty, Lu Zhi is also a great talent who can write poetry at the age of five! In the future, he may not be worse than Ye Shentong when he reads and writes essays!"

Huang Tingjian: I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

He glanced at that fellow villager, feeling helpless: I'm sorry, it's rare to see Shengqian Juren in ten years.As long as it does not fall, the lowest achievement is Hanlin.

And Brother Ye, the fifteen-year-old Shengqianjuren, will almost certainly become a great scholar, and it is not impossible to even attack the semi-sage!

So I, Huang Tingjian, really want to bow down!

When the literary meeting was over, Huang Tingjian returned to the inn and began to recite Xunzi’s "Encourage Learning" aloud.

"The gentleman said: I can't learn..."

Ye Nan, who stopped to practice sword next door, was eating dinner: Did Huang brother get any stimulation?

Chapter 486. Brother 482, the opening of the test, the poem becomes a town (repair)

For more than two months, Ye Nan was practicing swords in the room silently, and sometimes discussed poems with Huang Tingjian.

After persisting for a while, Huang Tingjian changed his strategy when he saw that Ye Nan was not studying. He read very loudly every day so that Ye Nan could also hear clearly. In the afternoon, he came to Ye Nan with his newly written poems.

Don't say it yet.In the past two months, Huang Tingjian felt that he had really improved, and he was a bit better in the interpretation of the test and the subsequent provincial and palace tests.

More than seventy days passed in a flash.In a blink of an eye, today is the beginning of the solution test.

Early in the morning, when the sky was not even bright, Ye Nan and Huang Tingjian rushed to the examination room in the carriage provided by his uncle.

Huang Tingjian is a little nervous and doesn't eat much for breakfast.But Ye Nan, two bowls of buns and a bowl of chaos, he ate the rest of Huang Tingjian's cakes by the way, feeling seventy full.

When they arrived near the door, Ye Nan and Huang Tingjian got off.

At this time, all the students in front of the square came to take the exam.

Some people are holding oil cakes and eating breakfast, the aroma is compelling; some people check the packages and organize things; others hold poem rolls and grind their guns.

Outside the examination room, there were two rows of sergeants and two mirror-type treasures standing by the guards.

This treasure has an appointment with a heart mirror and an appointment with an empty mirror.

The former checks the heart.The mirror will light up whenever the examinee with the heart of fraud takes a photo.

The latter checked objects.The mirror is also shiny with the mustard Nasumi treasure.

These two things are placed at the entrance of the examination room, and every examinee who enters must check it out to prevent fraud.

In the examination room, there are more portraits of ancient and modern saints.If someone cheats, the portrait will show it on the spot.

Cheating under the eyes of All Saints?Now that you have this ability, are you afraid that you won't be able to pass the exam!


Outside the courtyard, Ye Nan and the students were waiting.

In the courtyard, headed by the chief inspector for the examination, the eunuch, and the prefect of Hongfu stood behind him.

The invigilator held a long incense, recited a long fu, and worshiped the portraits of all the saints three times.

Then he lit the long incense and placed it in the incense burner.Behind him, the invigilators and reviewers are the same.

On the incense burner, the green smoke gradually glowed, like a bridge, taking the projections of some saints over.

At the same time, the invigilator nodded.

"All the saints have arrived, the candidates come in!"

Soon, the door of the examination institute was opened, and candidates entered in an orderly manner.


The solution test is different from the provincial test, but similar to the rural test, which only takes one day.

The content of the examination is also very similar to that of the township examination, that is, Mo Tie, Scripture, Poetry, Ci, and Fu.

With Ye Nan's unforgettable skills and the amount of reading that filled the twelve-zhang literary palace, in just one hour, he finished the ink post and the scriptures with a powerful Feibai body.

Then he looked at the titles of poems, verses, and verses.

There are many eloquent topics, with only one topic: farming.

Looking at this topic, and then at the portraits of the saints around, Ye Nan smiled.

The guards on duty around are very strange: other older candidates are thinking hard, racking their brains, why is such a young candidate laughing?

The guards are not stupid.There are not many such young talents.In addition, Ye Nan's name as the'No. 1 Child Prodigy of the Song Dynasty' was quite famous, and he immediately realized his identity.

If you are smart, you will report immediately.

And Ye Nan smiled and added water, rubbed ink, and lightened a pen.

When the invigilator got the news and couldn't help but "patrol the test" here with other people, Ye Nan swiped his pen and finished a five-character quatrain in one go.

Pity farmers

At noon on the day of hoeing, sweat dripped into the soil.

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.

In an instant, talent rose to the sky, and the entire examination hall was shaken.

According to the different sizes of talents, poems are divided into six realms.

In the first border out of the county, the talent is between one foot and one to two feet; the second border is between two feet and two to three feet; the third border is between three feet and three to four feet. ; Four realms town, talent four feet and between four and five feet; five realms spread to the world, talent between five feet and five feet to six feet; six realms shocking sage, talent six feet and above.

But Ye Nan's pity for the peasants, his talent almost rolled upwards, and soon exceeded four feet.

Four feet two, four feet four, four feet six, four feet eight!

The invigilator watched the talent step by step, and he didn't stop, taking a breath.

"Shicheng Zhenguo is worthy of being the first prodigy of my Song Dynasty. This son is terrifying!"

This talent rushed to a halt.Although there is no Shocking Saint, because there are many Saints here, they quickly attracted their attention.

A series of imaginary saints separated from the portrait and floated in front of Ye Nan. They clicked at this poem that directly crushed the wooden table case, and Ye Nan, who wrote the poem, discussed it.

There was an invisible holy shadow exclaimed.

"Is it possible to write a poem of the town at such a young age? It's incredible, it's incredible!"

"Pity the peasants? Although it is not a war poem but a poem to persuade the peasants, once used, it is enough to increase the yield of crops by at least half! If things go on like this, it will be promoted to the world!"


There were also sages who made a sound of surprise when they looked at Ye Nan carefully.

The other saints asked, but he smiled and shook his head, which attracted the attention of many saints.

Then, they immediately discovered Ye Nan's'secret'.


"This talent?"

"I heard that this son was named the first child prodigy of the Song Dynasty when he was five years old? Now when I see it, it is true!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible!"

Although it was the same sentence, what the saint phantom said now is completely different from what he just lamented.

But when the saints said so, the invigilator was on the wax.

This is an examinee whom the saints must praise. Is there any other candidate for the position of Xie Yuan?

But he admits that Ye Nan's poems are quite beautiful, even he might not be as good.But if the ink post and the scriptures are not good, the position of the solution is not easy to fix!

He stepped forward quickly, first moved the poem of the town country to the sages, and then picked up the paper that Ye Nan had fallen on the ground.

Ink posts... all right.

Jingyi...all right.

The font...the upper armour.

After reading it, the invigilator was relieved.

There is a solution element for this test!

But then, there is another question.

As a poem of the town and country, it may be promoted to the world in the future, and it should have been collected by the author.

But Ye Nan's poem is an answer sheet, so it's not easy for him to take it away!

However, a saint also discovered this and said.

"Send this poem to the holy court for enshrinement. Through the holy court, let this poem spread throughout the Song, Tang, and Mengyuan Dynasties as soon as possible. When it is promoted to the world, it will be returned to you, maybe?"

Upon hearing this poem and sending it to Meng Yuan, some saints frowned, but did not speak.

Ye Nan bowed to the saint.


Chapter 484 VIP Treatment (Revision)

Seeing that Ye Nan agreed to his request without hesitation, this saint felt very face.

If an ordinary person follows the instructions as soon as he opens his mouth, that is normal and he has no sense of accomplishment.

However, this fifteen-year-old saint advancer is 30% likely to become an existence like him.Such a character, without the arrogance of a young man at all, also agreed to him, which made him quite happy.

Therefore, he simply invited all colleagues.

"Since he is destined to pass the test, this is the case again. Then we will mobilize Wen Quxing and give him a vigour in advance."

The state of Ye Nan, a saint advance scholar, would definitely cause a different phase if he and other newly promoted scholars were infused together.

The literary spirit that a Jinshi needs is far from that of Juren.If Ye Nan were tossed into it, the 90% of the literary spirit that attracted him would have to be swallowed, and the remaining 10% would be distributed to others.

In this way, it is easy for Yaoman to guess the identity of his saint advance through historical records.

But if all the saints were to quote him alone, this would have been a different phase, and it would not be surprising what happened again.

Moreover, the word'alone' is always a bit derogatory, and the saint's use of'in advance' is good.

Some saints agreed to this, but some hesitated.

"This matter is not in compliance with the rules and needs to be reported to the Spring and Autumn Ancient Sage."

The saint who proposed laughed.

"I have already reported to Meng Shengtong, and Meng Sheng also agreed to fill his body with literary energy in advance. Otherwise, I will suffer the people of this Jiangnanxi Road who are the same year as this son."

Upon hearing that Mencius agreed, the saint who raised the objection immediately said.

"That's fine!"


The saints concluded that the invigilator did not dare to neglect, and quickly invited Ye Nan to the back hall, where they rested.

"Then start!"

That saint is also a resolute temperament.As soon as Ye Nan stood firm, the phantoms of the Eight Dao saints stood still, forming a gossip shape.

From the head of the sage's phantom, orange, cyan, purple, or red, and so on, bloomed out of different colors, such as eight dragons rising up through the blue sky.

This strange scene can be seen throughout Hong Mansion.

Many people, especially the demon-man's spies, are staring at the direction where Wenqi Longyan rises.

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